Wingham Times, 1890-09-26, Page 3*am 1 RLISIIED=••• ,DAY n1OR ING, AT T1UE--- ;, JOSEPHINE STREE1 T,, r ONTARIO. ---- 0, 10, per yenr, f3i424brallco f SINt)RA"T+ * 1 6 mo.._i , nuh,LI 16 $8 (tit 1 i',20 00 t0 00 � 30 IMI k J 00 5 to u, to 14' i 00 400 }it ,i Ong 00 I. (A1 nal advertisements, Pe, per line 11,1 ,per line for cacti subsequent nn) i ,+ll typo, 100. for first in eat 11 ..eh ettlesequent mettle le t leaped less then 26o .08 , kunh,d,1'+tiaye(1,yntunt10t ', s VVOIIt0d, tett exceeding b /rocs nt} fin Salo, not exeeedintr 8 liner, t 4 er snbsutlaent month , at icily adhtreu to +�► ton ;er advertisements, or for . the It specific directions, will ho ya• - i t ,11010ed accoruu,gly. Tran- I . 8.1,-11.4. 110 rat. 111 8(1,01.X6 1.n, t mitert,sements must he in 18184 seen, in order tO AppeiU R ELLIOTT t',tll81111:?ult AND Prnmattne CI n), MINE: MEET, . r ,1..n raft., vic}ans and Snrgenns, Ontario. for t'tnutty- of Huron-. s vtAcv" Wingham, Ont. Tile"M tate al Toronto University, -nod ego of i'hy Vital l ant burs t•otls of nee—Corner of ('entre owl Patrick x+u de') by Dr, Bethune. I f, SOLICITOR% Etc., V. 414` any funds to loan '1t lowest rates mission eitureed1 AIottestate, town open, bought acct sold.. 'flock, 'Wesert,tm, lttr. I. A. Id N I'•ARfISTER $ e., ham - N0utarin Q. C. i E. L. DICKINSON, S. A. 4d) SOLICITORS, Etc., 1:.tc•, So or fiannttl�,pp, commissioners ter for 8t,u,ituii+t A'urns, been and bought tont sold. 3roiney (private mortgage s4*8.1t1t' at til DUomit. tut prlrte 1 Arsons, upon the beet tits \wh U1. 10u3, extemse to rue ur sale iu 3lauit„ue, am, the North, Biuek, wingham. J S. JERO'M1E, \Vi imam, fa mrniftetnrieg Celhtloid Ple.tae V uie,ulile p141)4.s of the besttnater,a is cheap as tipsy eau be got in the Dominion. 9} work v1. arranted. per adnlima red for the painless th, the only tit ;de anesthetic knam1, =-I will extract teeth or 25 cents the Beaver Block, op•; osite t'te --W. I#, AIACDNALI}, tt'IsanAa1. faker of Vuleanite, Celluloid, Alloy, live. Gold,getc , bte„ Plates, rano•1u R t prices from 000 upwards per set rowing atei bridgework. '.Teeth ex ' the least pain by the use of vital l Office, 'it ingllant, side entrltnee op- n's lintel, open daily (Sundays eXeept- to 5 p in. Will bo at Blyth every urday of-eaehmontll—Office at Milne 8 st and 3rd Mondays of each month - 1 hotel, .txtraotiug 28 cents. FIE, 1W INSURANCE AGENT n . fi oirranto JNNINCUTAM, INSURANCE FIRE An l) MARINE, OUELI'I1. JIC„ WlxoluAtl, tt0TIOlviEEI1. FOIE TITS COUNTY OF HURON. , led in any part of. the Co. Charge, Jit 81]i , WxNonA)li, UST., 8Uer10NI3011 TOR T811 C0VNT2 OF 111.111011. :1.t at the Touts (Ate promptly' at ora a reasonable. EVERSON, • rcrIOIRbIt Yon COI0ATtZs 81041101'1. MID BauCx. tended to promptly and on the Sharpe Aerate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. ry 4'lOitgem,'Dte eau be made at $l, AM, ftp FMINOS $6 IIAWKINS t Suavinrost AND 0v11,. Eseti,Ei1 18 OWEL Ain WINGIiAllt. tett at the office of the T11,17" gill n1. attention .. - itfUN, tlonnt DiVtntmr Corny, bonnet or lttatlt Amos Lloseirs. 611101 -0101. iattin of 'nought. �:.i've principle, CHANGE Life is Ifire* ana in InOw the child is often expressed in wrong I doing for want of right direction and (1111 1 p� 1 training; it seeks sowethiug to 4(1,,and ' lr A i 1: 1 G left untrained wanders into ltyways of wrong. This activity roust never be suppressed. From the very first dawn *consciousness this active life force Must be re¢peoted and directed into 1 surrounding country that he hOe purchased , 0..,••••••••4 011AS. E.1 BIGHT Lo Wishes to intimate, to the people Wilighanr 0,04 the path of a loving obedience too law and harmony. • From self-respect a thousand other things are derived—such as the care of a rnan's person, of his language, of his manners ; watchfuln ess over his body and over hio soul; dominion over leis instincts and his passions ; the #lair to be self-sufficient; the pride which will accept no favor; careful- ness not to expose himself to any 11Ul'11i1iatioll or n]ortiteation and to maintain himself independent of any human caprice ; the constant protection golfs honor and of his own good fame. ' The study of the lives of great men and most especially of those of great in- ventore will show that patieltt,persisteift labor in the working out of a plan of life or of an idea was one of the thief and most potent elements of their success. 'Whether it was Watt's steam-engine, Arkwright's spinning -jenny, Jacquard's Loom, horse's telegraph, Pttlissp•s pottery, Edisou's electric light, or any other of the great inventions of the last hundred years or so, it will be found that the perfection of each WOS accum- Tlyiplislled unlyby the most laborious and the harness business lately carried on by Moors. .8, J. Hounith $c Son, and will conduct it in the building 000 door south of ,Bir T A Mille' Stora. Vint liun V?ocn Mil, DOUBLE. AND SINoTI ki ARNEsy heavy or light, made to order, A Lull line of Flores Blankets, Sleigh 130118, Currye0n)bs, Brushes, etc., always on ljand. t o wish to inform the public that wo bans these Woolen Mills in A 1 rnnnfeg order, and will this 008011 hive 411ec1411 attention 00 Whips Repairing ao promptly do Tho patronage of tho public solicited, and Tonin work and material guaranteed, C. KNFl CHTEtL Wlugham, March 4.1800. CUSTOM WORK IA all its.branehes,and willkeep in steek as glass of Arst.0lass .goods, 00011 ay Tweeds, Flannels, Etof s1, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, &c., &c., :Fail M.iHhiiery.:- 1VIRS , HERDSMAN MAN Hap her stock of Fall .Goods toband and opened out, It is roost coni,, plete and has been purchased in the best Foreign and. Horne Markets, for cash, and will be sold at lowest possible profits, - Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, 'Silks, Satins, Brocades, Plush and Velvet lVIantle Cloths. (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex- change for wool. Customers from a distance can have their roils home with diene the sable day. !t'dTHighest market price in cash for Merohenteble Wool. INGLIS CO'Y., tYtngham THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. $20 will buv the 0®ELL TYPE WRI- WL Ili R with 78 ahar4etars, and.$ 15 10r the SINGLE CASE OpELL. warranted to do better work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with durability; speed, casts of operation, wears longer without cost of repairs than any other. machine. Rae no hilt ribbon to bother the operator.' It is neat, substantial, nickel plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of type writing, Like a printing press, it produces sharp, Olean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten copies can bo made at one writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. We otler$1 ,000 to any operator who can e,,ual the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. MATTHEW MLER, persistent application to the develop Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special I>teft of each. All occupation liavit g nducemeutstoDealers. Fpr Pamphlet giving Indorsements, &o., address ODELL TY)?E WRITER Co., 88 and 87 5118 Av o. CRIOAGO, ILL. been well chosen, success should wait upon i telligellt application to it. , 1170 V strive for the prizes of life ; some g1L1n. them, and sone. 4108" 0.6111 ; burwe.i}ttnnutrightly di*eaver by this wl o have really suiueeded and . who have failed:, Tao man of binall abili- ties and slender advantages may have used'botli in tins best possible wiry ; he may be 6rdwi:it in power, in character, and 111 value) and yet he may nave fall- Qn short of {lis nim aid done uothillt attract tlle•liutice .4fany one. Yet his life is a success, and he sl;onld be con• scions of it,pre.asiug forward-w;tbOUt a shadow of discouragement. And per. e'lance another,'with far greater pow. era and n101t3 fortutiate Burro mid iugs, irkaving acquired n}uch fur which lie 11x8 striven, And by being deemed by all a successful iman,.11lay be making a failure of his life. by doing less than- his hanleis best, alit being tatistied to remain where: he is Without further progress. I'tt,Iataia;;o Y3re Irt'ast. Breakfast is perhaps the most ditheult of meals for which to provide. One's appetite being less keen, 'the dishes must necessarily be more appetizing and .more daintily served. Tile dishes should also be simple, the preparation of which re- quires but little time and much think- ing. Good housekeepers will frequent ly arrange four or five dinners or lunches with greater ease than one breakfast, Itis necisssary for health's sake to havo a palatable breakfast, as it is the mast important of the three meals and should never be hurriedly or carelessly prepared. here we break our fast ;; after our night's rest, the stomach, being empty, needs good, wholesome and nutlitlous food. Upon this meal utmost every man does his heaviest work. .A. cup of coffee and a roll is not sufficient for the American public, esspeciatly for those who use 1,tllW8uiar exertion or are really active. Colyte is a very gay deceiver. It allays the appetite and stinnilates the person without giving the stomach or body strength to last to dinner, comscp1otttly en naive n1a11 soon Suff,:rs. Tile outlay becomes greater than the income and he fails or becomes dyspeptic. Of course for the time being he feels cor1l- fortable, bat hi a little while he coin-. plants of being tired, worts out and heeding a rest from business, Ovet- wok carries the burden frequently of bad food. ---''aide Talk, LATEST NEWS. WE MAY HAVE TO PAY Two Poz:, Duty on HARNESS 1V[AKER, has on band a large stock of MORSE BLANKETS, OLTHRVCOMBS, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES etc. Whish will be sold at bottom prices. IIARNNE$S, double or single, made to order short notice, and satisfecition guaranteed. /4•A call solicited. OP—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton, MATTHEW AMBLE,,. ngham, Feb. 5011, 1800. `../ o Lshortly - when sending to the United Status. Had you not bettor bring` it to the WINV AM TANNERY ;at once, and get the highest price IN CASH or trade for it? Treat your HIDES, SHEEPSKIN'S, OALFSKINS, TALLOW, &c., the same way. If you require anything speef al in HEAVY 'ra GLOVES$ and See. Harness, Sole, Upper and French LEATHER AND FINDINGS airways kept in stock for Shoemakers'. W. J. CHAPMAly , Wingham. Epilepsy. Sufferers from cramps and nee - vans debility are surely Cured by 1 au improved and. absolutely un- equaled method. Treatment by letter. Send full ,tOcoUtit 01 Syn4P 001818 and address,Aticlosing post- age stumps for answer. '•HYCIBA TICE)'MeaYork. "SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MANTLE MAKING AS USUAL, EATS AND BONNETS TEIMMED IN LATEST STYLE. GOODS IMPORTED DIRECT, EGGS TAKEN AS CASH, WINGHANT, Aug. 28011, 1890. Mrs. • T erdamau* Geat Ole ;,r on --UF- -AT— T. LESLIE'S Having bougbt toolargely, in order to reduce and matte room for fall importatiells, pearly 200 pieces of goods, especially TWEEDS, will be sold at cost of handling; some lines less. Strictly for casts. 1.l Goods out any length to suit purchasers.lia, As the goods are of a superior quality, bought for cash, there is extra value. --CAME Como early early as we expect a rush. Can have them well and fashionably made by best mechanics, or sold by piece. This is agenuino Sale, commencing on Saturday, 28th Junes ErQT \U$RlMiES is the tint, to paint your houses, and UBEfl 'r PMT —is the BEST in the WORLD None genuine unless stantu00 " Rubber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," We alsohavo the best MISS NELL() M 1.1A,RD'`. , !y1.rJ. iADIA a You can get any shade you desire, in quantities costing from 10 cents up, and WIVI. DORE (of the late firm of Nickel & Dore), —IsasurAart1REA. 08.- Top and Open Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, Cutters, Phaetons, Road Carts, &c. Special Bargains will be given in Top and Open Boggles for the next two month8. All kinds of work made to order by first.c.1as workmen, under the super- _ vision 0t 1.h proprietor. �p 1 e. 11 R.epatrhsr, Paintiut , Top Buiidiuq, &e., done on short notice. eU . ' Those ine need of anything in our IinP wltl save money by coil}ng betore War. DORE, Winghan1, Ont. purchasing. WING -HAM F U Y. 0 41MURRAY ,: Co., Successors to R 61 Robinson, mauufacturevers of— BICULTURA.L, IMPLEMENTS ti We have the patterns of R. 3I. Robinson and can supply repairs for all kinds of Implements. ----- o— "0PA-2 LNG' OF Li, patronage 7.puhNlic sDSd.A ST'- CI.A.LT-Y,„ The For Whitewashing and Iialsominilg, ask for 111.3Y RAY & Co. In connection with the above, I wish to say that have eal #lest. y :s foundry n ry to thelia' above film for Hair c and don't aka anything else. of pecten They conic to repairs highly If M ROBINSON, I experience in mill work and repairs. 11,1?' id ask for thein a continuance of the patrons a t•xtes.dcd to me ,, , during the past eiehte n n years. Cline) ct.I Iv iughant, June 83111, 14,84 A. jl iTAt�rJ 'APSE iY1E1�(; Wing 1. m NISLITZ itlll � NTS, WYNGHAIVI ADU'ATE mid Gold Medallist of tChitbv College, �fa , GPupil of Mr, Edward Fisher and Mr. J. >v . 1. Harrison. Piano, Organ, Voice Culture and Ilex. I moray. Rooms in. Beaver Moak, i,Yiugliaafl*.�� ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE IHOMSON, Proprietor • Lumber o Ali kinds, Etas a most complete assol'tinl•.11t of theL T38S , CHOICEST, anti MOST CIIALUIINU AI8TICLES in ' Watches, Clocks, aewelry and Silver 'co. s Taking n retrospect of my tl,irten or tone ern years business in It Ingham, desalx111the public. to tender my thanks to my early for tea liberal patronage extended to ore in the past. 1 may 080 state that lent in a position to offer batter lnduetml;nts thou over to those requiring anything in the lino of Granite or Stone Monuments, .. ;ilii"ADS'.IUNI';S, "ir''stwclass Shingles, WI W0W BILLS, liTOtiI: TitTIMAINGS, and Cedar Posts. 1FOR la1;NCI"ra, t �, Cat Load Orders Specialty. 1 1wouldbopleasedtoha ethoseI at pen aurin}, ituy articles in my lieu to el' 't, Manilla nin0 }root, mous the };oa,s may be secure � and itlhe 'preparedearly de«ignls mad • ' h'1CCS t.Ylri lLava thcnF A t (that Lll. Mvww -- , f - 1 parole h neiat delivered to any part 01 season. Laid tisni est wo lunafSSldp at tho most favorable o ,olton T t11p1(ha,n, Orta 1. W41 tb41U i'.Q' i W inl�1fa111, Nees, Rest respectfully, yours, et a' Ord rby"hall prompt y attended to. WIVI. SM'it'' 'H', TOTS § > § err s T A iGAINS. '� § § ''"Z C1,os11 'AT'Tklb1'CION GIVEN To 1Rinib:I&U1ING, AND Woiit Ai.l. �'t A11ItAN TM, GO I11(l1-1P TO (Xt0EN'S ttI,OCii 1�'O1i YOUR iTUI�.LL �.,. VTHOUSANDS OF Bonus SVEN AVAY YEARLY. 'When 1 say curt» 1 de not thea. tncrelq to step thenl for It time, and a ha have them return l MEAN N A RADICAL OURE. hvemdr edisease eaof pat or F ahtealwitn0eresrorrtvmy in r worst cases. Because Others have failed it fntnow tilting I'c , nae r a treatise any a BitchBottleof my Infallible Stormed'+Gire eO(10c°Ryou ngoeIt eta it will TO19„pw@Ma Wa r it.014"A1 % $THEFT *N1Qt