Wingham Times, 1890-08-15, Page 61,14.4
i:"rr rT fa see Ba to r,p> lag, P. I Peg
111103111.4,3131Z5 ; that the brood i.e well dared for in
every hive.; and. t. vso- that .are not
real strong must be crowded up-oI1 Aa.
few , Oaths by using division boftrils•
''.Che young bee destroyed by fott:t brood
first turns yellow ; asit .decays fur
titer it becomes brown, rotten, ropy.
matter, and many of the capped cells
will be sunken a little in the capping,
with a small. hole 'in each, The
disease is spread by the bees robbing
fout brood colonies,. and they carry the
;disease justproptart.i.on to the amount
of 'diseased honey they., convey to their
owe hives.
In the honey, season, when the bees
-KUBAN% AUGUST 15 1890
h1R. ,A.le:;auder Beggs, Colonization
Qolamissloner, Of &lLisb Columbia, is
CU route tar ug1'and to [amts arrange-.
matte for seeuiing the settlement of,
between two sad three thousand
families lof Scotch fishermen, crotfters.
and mechanics, the Imperial Gov-
ernment is expected to advance "e150,1-
e150y000 to assist hi their emigraation,
British Columbia agreeing toga' aratttee
31 .11
to repayment of the advance.
xeoneS from Ontario -t0 [lie, n CNPrl
l"itate4 aninnnted in the fiscal year
f 8S9 to no less than ' $2$,449,000.
f this, however, `$838,704 worth wits
1 tot tproduce rodu.ce of Canada. The
a gregate value et, (Janad1 ' products
seat to the Stated was $1)•5—quit,
the value of her Ontario e1: ofi, srthen
yyas'only, 11,39?*_6 l a,:shine oft
equal 4 ? 195,1291 • �' t ,, principal
, decrt are alipearE to agq es, barley,
cattle and eggs. the decrease in
bI'arley alone amounts to $78,000.
The principal it?u:s are; Barley, $602,-
296 99 ; egtgs, $158,160.25.1 horses,
54,588.50 ; household goods, 1112,'
5'63.51; sheep and lambs, 851,231.15;
Wool, S130,095 48. There 'is ht in•.
crease of $49,272 86 in Svoo'l. `here
will be a decrease in • the 'agricult'iiral
products sent to the States when the
'•I1 eKinlev Till c•nmes in force. The
daty on burley will be increased from
'10 to 20 cents per bushel. It Will
atfeet'eggs, which are how free, as
;;'Under the bill the duty 'will he 5
<cents. Der dozen. It 'will 'affect hive
took and horses, the duty 'beiilxe,, lin.
creased from 20 to 30 per eeut.
'Where Canada ttda'as.
(are gathering honey freely, remove the
vomits slid sbake.tbe bees into their
°,vn bines in tll,e evening, givethea'
comb foundation starters 'and jet thein
build comb for four days. In the
evening of the fourth day remove the
comb and give then. foundation to
work out, and tiers the cure will be
complete. fill an empty two-story
hive with combs of' foul' br.lod. that
have been removed from two or more
fou,detion of the cheese, The greatest!,
diiterenee its retia is in the amount of the
butter fat, sod thieis the cicutsut or con
wtitueut which is the :eeeiest to determine,
Orrtca-„ Mg" Bookstore,
From these comeluslens it appears to me 1 ltlonoy to Twat on harm Scourtty at Low Rates of
that we must enter upon a new system for i interest. bo coa,1,',I iuu ebarged.
determining the values of milk for cheese �Q 16 to Loan on 1VQtt'S,
making as well as tor butter, :and give milk 1,
nsa1 e or standing for cheese by the
diseased colonies ; close them up for
two days; • after that open the entrance:
and when:most of the soiiud brood is
hatched remove those combs and give
the beei starters of foundation in
single hive and let them build combs
for four days, Then in the evening of
the fourth cls . take out those now
combs and give them foundations to
work oat.
Let it be remembered that all of
those operations sliould be performed
in the honey season end done in the
evenings, so that been will become
settled down nicely before morning.
Before extracting from the diseased
combs, all the combs thllt. were not
sealed must be cut out of the frames or
some of the decayed brood will be
thrown out with the honey. Then
after cutting out the unsealed comb,
uncap the sealed honey, extract it, and
brine• it to a boil. fill the fail combs
mount of its butter fat. The milk ca
n b Ates Discounted
MoMowadvanced on Mortgages at 6 per
ant. with
privilege •ofpaying' at the and of y` year,
and acounts coll4'etcd,
weighed as it ie now, and a careful record
kept of its weight and the perrenta&e of
butter fat as to weight per pound, and the
value of the milk for cheese -making be
rated acoordiugly. The queetiod then he
how to get at uhe actual amoufl no
butter fat in each lot of milk.
If ,better way were possible, a portion of the
;milk could be churned once a month, or
once in two weeks. I'ruf. Ladd informed
me uot lour ago that at the Geneva station
experiments were being made to determine
the amount of batter fat in milk, which
would, if necessary, simplify' the process. , GURNEY, Guo ROACH, A. T
very muell„ and make it easy for any one Tons Morono, O,nAas B LEA (Toronto).
o find ou `E1lia important fact. Cashier --J. TU114,11...
PiIt is to be hoped that this new process . Savings Bank hours, 10 it? s'; Saturdays, le to
i 1. Delroaite of 31 and upwards s<doeived and interest;
will meet the reguiromeutra of our great allowed. a oeits also rocnived at current,
dairy interests and equalize the value of ra Special
p of ia,ld
cooperative work„ so that every man shall , Draftson llrcatBritain and the United states.
get his own. At present there is no method boughtqudseld B.vpI]1LSON, AGENT.
'which is simple enough to be of general METEIj. de DICKINSON,
Ilse . The churn is the best, so far, in the Idouotamits,
°Frier:0 130,3, or Block. want ham, Ott.— .. t'
is evaustlArt—
l;+l qt is le hili.,': 510Itiovq;
--ATT tor: —
tTIME`:Cr'G0:111,JOSEPHINgXrr t_1
WI.etfu 1. .112, - 0N'TA
Subserfgttouprice, griper your, lz;.advfauco,
�t AP\•I r'r1SIl0 RATES: _
Wee _y 1 S mu I ii 1110. I x
1 , _
ODD Co' D tui ip_ $ o ou 1X11 co, 76- t i ee 8 ,
Hula ., so OG 1. co 7 UU 4 00:
Quarter 1
2 I
GJO 13oU
Olo innh I
st7 ♦TAM
Capital, $11,000,000. Rest, S450,000. -
President -3011X STUART.
V1cs•President—A. G. Hangar,
•', •
glands of the unscientific, A small cen-
trifuge in each cheese factory could be
utilized to give the butter value of milk,
but if the Geneva system is simple, plain
and acourate, the expense of a centrifuge
would not be necessary, The coming—and
in fact the present—problem in cheese••
making, is stow, is.the best way, to deter-
mine the percentage of butter fat as a just
and praeticul basil tor co-operation.
F. D. C�uasls.
Kirby Romes'lead, N. Y.
44-A6i./1 PROPMRT' '
We made one mistake in setting out oPPa�1 re
Too Near the Nouse.
bur grounds, said a friend who owned ,
IVLNGHA,1 Utrrnnsa 4Tn. 1888a beautiful house with wide piazzas I -
We set flthe trees too : HAL `e1 1J SCOTT
near the house. When they were
small it seerued incredible that 33
they could ever shut us in and darken 1 esephine Street
our rooms as they do..- Yet, now each
tree is like an old friend, and we eau- J. A. H
t bearthe thought of cutting one
on it and Iu vn all about. of
Ar sTFn,-
Mount.Foreat. 1
Local and Other andsrii .advertisements, r rebeimucUUt
for nest fain'[ on,•
insertion. 100. kik first 10,
Loonl notices, in nonpareil type,
motion, and 60. per lino for' ouch subsequontrfnac tiN t:
No local notice will he charged less than 26e
Advertisements of Lout, J'ont.d, strayed, Situatlpus
and Business Chances lVent.d, obs exceeding 8 liter;,'
nonpareil, $1 per month
Houses tend Fauns for Salo, not uexneeding 8' Hass, ,
$1 for first month, Goo. per sabsequcnt month
'Those terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rates for longer 'advertisements, or tor,
longer periods.
A.dvorttsetnent^ without speelilo directions, will be,
ingested till [Orbit' and charged accordingly, %rat' •"
sitory advertisements mast he lurid in advance
Changes for contract amt ertisements neuth'Se tai•,
the office l,y Wednesday noon, in order to app'
that week R ELLIOTT
Wingliarn, Ont.
n0 a
down. And yet we must, for the Deposits Received and
"Oatilfdii'is first in canal department. jand elle new combs that were built good of the hou�ehcld. Besides, It is . Alla
} iirri3tl'in [tic" rudueticu of copper• s must 11e made into have sundown come, . Money Advanced to Farmers and,
be P the four day t pleasant to
1 Third 1 d d � from the wax es an hour before it
t;NT B TOW LER. lq:C.C.M.,
INT �..-.
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
—1 pronor for County of Huron—
Olficestr"Tar: PtlAnrtAC0 " • Winghau, Ont,
TR. J.. A. lktELDIUT1i1
V Rotor Graduate of Toronto IInivoroity, and:,
Member abbe College of Physicians Surd Surgeons of-
Ofceend Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick'
streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune.
in no p
-n area.does Business Niers,
mercantile marine. %wax, and the" rens • ' in effect, to ns o.
Fifth in ileac o whatbeautiful widow . On long or abort time, on endorsed notes
Nintt11 111 railway: mfiisage, tractor must be buried, I,ecaus our neighbors. Thct pr collateral security. Sale notes bought
Ninth among filo coal "producing }alas out with the wax would not be must be the first to gp. It strikes its 1 at a fair valuation. stoney remitted to all
ations. "heated enough to trill the e,ilores and roots down, under, or around the parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
And tenth in. the producing of iron.,
if it was thrown out where the bees whole bonze, and hunts out the • we:i : Special Attention Given to Col-
iltns Is all in ''mien producing. ,
014,'1 'wealth [tie Dominion could get at it, it would start the
d el 1
l ev
kes a still higher posic1un all cam• disease again. When the diseased
tired with other enuntr`iee. brood that was placed in the two story
;,The largest deposits of coal in the hien is }latched and the bees are given
1jr1d are a the Nortti-west. .full, of foundatl;on,' then they
1'he richest petroleum keds are fj
ting the Mackenzie and Athabasca. shouldat'once be given a queen Bell
}dbury.Then everything will be all right.—
iChe best iron ore is in Canada, and - Mayor, of Woodburn.
:vs Scotia, as a whole, possesses a
,pIy for the whole world,
*The greatest copper :nines are in ready-to'hatch out, or a young ,queen.
Testing Milk at Cheese Faetoi es.
Foul Brood Among Bees. Eds. Country Geutiemeil :—Do you knout
of a cheese ' factory making cheese and
1T3 Oe1TJSE AND CURE. aividends to pet:roes' according to the
-- quantity and quality? Please give full
y the ronin; of uiicaxf'd for brood. D. E. S.
brood is a drsease that id a+sus particulars in regard to the matter.
4sually originates iii spring in weak • .•Herkimer County, N. Y.
o ,
'pies that, have .springsdwindled so . ;. The system is geueral .nra is tb' credit
y that they bavettiot bens enough the
m1 k furnished. ch patron; rTeatsoaree weight f
made of • the
Ito cover or care•' for all the brood,
comparative quality of the milk in so-called
f the spring ,keep,[ raw and baclt• teat tubes, which indicate'the oomparatiiie
i;l; the bees Will crowd, .together to richness of the milk•as tci, its cream. `.C1ie
each other warm, leaving the.un- department of the dairy commissioner
for brood to die and rot in the also rake tests when called upon, and in
The broad. covered b .the lteea general iuspootion, of the specific gravities
y of milk and its compar8tive mud special
Ince hatches, Which so increases the livalf ty 130 far as this system of testing will
. of the colony that a wider circle serve the purpose. Nona of theso`methods
Mb is covered by the bees taking determina'the amount of the casein, and
er space[ ocC.t pied by9t►le, dectaying• are not eznct ea to butter fat. There is
a growing dissatisfantioui'n regard: to od-
back of the kitchen. This spring I
to- k out a barrelful Of „white sprouts
it had sent into it, to get a drink. It
will spoil the well if I leave it.
This is a mistake very, often made
by house builders, and the mischief, is
perceived too late to remedy and save
a fine growing tree. No house is
healthy so shut out from, air and sun-
shine, however beautiful it may look
in the hot days of sumlier.
The roots of growing trees, too,' are
very injurious to foundation walls.
Some •One has said that' if New 'York
was depopulated for ten years it would
become a thicket in the midst of ruins
because of_, the encroachrniints of the
ailanthus and silver p),plar trees.
They.woit�ld increase so feet if left to
themselves at home in alk, the lower
stories of the streets where th4:y now
so abound.
Most people in travelling over reeky
regions., have met with • Instances
where agrowing tree, which had db•
tained a: •foothold in some cr@vioe of a
rock, has plainly' kept on Nth its
sapping and mining until „it has- cleft
off a large fragment, 'of mangy, • tons
sitnply'by the force of the growing
roots. So do ;tot ''plant your :young
trees too near your cellar walls,zthough
the shr}de might setelil so pleasant fir
the •ai;Tndramie. ode. ' $e sure it, will
send out an enoroaching finger„or toe,
which in time may criitnble your, well`
'laid stone and mortar. But by all
Means plant the trees, and ter�ld them
Wisely and well, Lind it you owe} your
home yatlr children and clt'iildrr'n's
"children may rejoice 'in t he sbtauow of
,. Thep the brood that ie fid, itx,. operative butter and cheeseemaking ora ad.
cells afiterc brood Iattlly rot[@d daunt of the different values in milk..
will have to . eel:mute tlieir Where the Cotes were mostly natives and
1Xed with the remains of decay. fed on hay and grass, the difference did not
od; and that is Ilio real 'atkd only exist to the extent they do ng}it, with im•
proved breeds of cows and bettor food.
foul brood. The moat accurate tort, itis evident,
o will Oxy that eiany a titan they would be an settled tinily' s df eaoh pat.
t coins with decayed brood in ron's milk, but this would y.s too costly, as
>lind never slaw any goad results. would be any system whtuli oetermines the
tur',1Alt they du' such, things i0 'different constituefzte each in their aotual
nay 'season and plat tliern it: the proportion. There are more 'variations
1l 11 in the butter fats in milk than in any
f1 t ninnies, whew tits bees will ,ether rlonstituent, and butter hht is also an
hem oat•at onee. It We want ;fmpertantfactor in the makire'of cheese.
t34116 to heap ill a healthy state A good cheese tiltuuld coutaiu as much
lecting Accounts• and Notes.
Agents in Canada—The Mero,'tants?'Sauk
of Canada.
Officee Flours—From 9 a, m. to 6 p. m.
Last year the United States govern•
ment paid $109,359,564 to pensioners
or$18,000,000 more than the entire
eost'cif maintaining the German army.
And, rnrionely enough, the Arnerioart
eitp'nditure for pen:.lons is on tfio
[ Y
keep alt decd ,'rl brood out e„f`• butter a tis ca I sonA f t casein, marl in fact iklore The rtsrti 'Pity Poison leads.
Carpenter and Builder,
(OppositeiLi0yd's Factory.)
Private and at lowest rates
interest. No carnmidyloUnchards ged pTMo •tgag0- town
and farm proper. bought and sold.
OFFICE-13oaver Block, W tNGTIAat, UNT,
•W1n i!am : •bntario
,:jt�EYER & DIC1f.TNSON,
H. W. C. Mens v,Q. C. 1 E • L. DIOKINSob, B. A.
lieltors for Bank of Hamilton, Comtuissionbra for
' taking affidavits for Manitoba Farm, Tait o and
Village property bon'ht and sold, Honey (pt cent.
'hfunds) loaned on mortgage security at 61 p'
oney Wrested• for private persons, upon the befit
mortgage securities without any expense to the
lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the'Sortb•
)vest. •
Orifice—I ent'e Block, %Ingham.
,INDS, &c., &c.
®' & Skop opt ing
A"JPrompt1 attended to.
=Manufacturers of and Dealers in.
Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates
Vulcanite plates of the bestnlateria
as cheap as they can be got in the
Dominion. All work warranted,
Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless
extraction of tooth, tin) only safe anesthetic known.
TAKE Norton —1 ,villi extract teeth for 26 cents
OFFICE : In the -Seaver Block, opposite, the
Brunswick Hotel.
Makor•ot Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy,
Silva Gold, etc., etc., Plates, ranging. ,
In prices from $600 upwards per sot
orgwi,ng and bridgework. Teeth ox
traded without theleast pain by the use of Vital,'
Ysed Air. Head Office, %Ingham side entrance op. '
posite the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except•
ed) from 9 a m to 5 p m. P 111 be at Blyth even
2nd and 4th Saturday of eachmonth—Orfleeat Milne u..
hotel; Gorrle: lst and 8rd Mondays of each .month—, .7.
Office at 'Albion hotel. , extracting 26 cents.
Pine and Cedar
SEEING +"moi
„E Ir,!
more butter fat clieo:::e contains, t11e more of thsso ails wilt kill more Bios• Lath, Staves, Heading, Barrels,
eYue p
. thin
fnaytaasutrro ♦'0111
every day for tt month than' eau bo otivat t+,' Wood, Cedar Posts, e•
et of sticky palter, A 10*. t
]dilissdjoidingG.'P.11. tation. WIN GUAM. , • (Mr ,
roki itift1140llf t, boli s Veli we are skuare that the ceettein iw t1,A 1,r.+ti to, ,.y "�.
will these prolulses is i , t, ,y t
at wbnu, every, bee lrca fiat most importmntpartof the oheese.altltough a Le t t of *Nile Wilson's
n d blt'te�tPoilit, tvir
digestible' it will be. We
Una almost be a t ting that the butter fa, Is he u+i u a tutee Tlho
W'NenAh`, OliTAn1O
p DEAN, aa., W1$eIA13,
'it OF HURON. ” v
Sales attended in any part Of the Co..,, Charge+.
Alt orders left at the TIMES office eiceeptiy at end
cd to. Terinbreasonable. ,
All salesattsnded to promptly and on the Shorter
Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All necessary arrangements eon bet:Made at th
Touts' aflloe
1y nouAM. Ost
P. L. & b. I Sunvmens Aso Om Estosous
All orders Ictt at the Office of the Ttsas will rue
y !eine prompt ettontlen •
1 0 .I l': DteteioN COU$T Isiah[[ Ole Alt
tlAn.rrf! r 1: oT. f ,
hiieft Lici*Ns.•s. e
feta„ beet, llrif7
T*ttiu OFFI ER.S' ("AU,.
Astie.I or ran UTFS Wan, 1879.
UI1UTea 3). QILROri.
Itiley may talk of the tremulous music tl
steals o'er tiro ivator at night,
How'the waltz thrills the frame of
dancers who float through a downp,
of light,
'Or the'4bagical stir of the drug,. beat t
1( pulses the echoing feet,
¥ore yet of the voice of a mother wl
erooniug luln,by sweet,
'44.1) i sweeter by far Was the mole bear
the loue;trutnpet aai;ud,
Sharply pieraing the dawn of the cher;
white redelsiue were prewling aroiit
,p, eutruotion awaiting, we lap there, ooc
up io that horrible plane,
'Undaunted and waiting whatever fiato
tune 'night give us to face,
-Marrow there was the borend of'obr
tress, uur rifepit'hastily made,
`Nighhaopales* seemed ptuck and ender
yet never a mau was afraid,
ti"f `e L''tven though in a twenty -fold number
' host dared not to vesture too near
"'s" [Nor charge in darkness or sunlight
boldness :night cost them too dear
`Grew gloomy et momenta the oul
though uot from the force of th
Less Mir rations were growing and hi
might force to a desperate blow,
If Merritt carne not with his forces 1
[Mitre boniue beguu,
Starvation [night weaken our bodies
thtfs should their triumph be woi
Hasten off to Fort Trumbull for suoc
days had our zAosaeugers gone,
Out food.abrinkinl: srualler and snot
and so it wore steadily ou.
Thus wearily watching and waiting;
we lay there in a ring,
•Tha'Utes swarming around us like 1
and now and then allowing a esti
°Once they fired the dead grass t
wiudwara and ohiurgod under of
• -the smoke,
'Bub they itilrriedly sourried to d
when our rifle mouth angrily si
Ant.tjtey,ilaviug strength in their n
in groups past our bullets they
Asa panther to wait iu the forest,
in the end of his prey.
y. tea 'rbongh keenly they watched our e
•meat, they dared not risk lit
Made feints now and then of ase
but kept from our sure rifles b
But they held not their leagues it
harassing by day and by night
Aud waylaid us whdngoing for wi
won every drink through a fig
[There thought was fo worry and
our strength and gur courage
Our thought was our messenger al
if he were captive or slain.
e -posted, the last d'y we lay
trumpeter early'at dawn,
To answer the signal of Merritt, i
should ever come on.
When sweetly we heard in the di:
musical cadence and full,
';'Dike the voice of the Comforting
notes of the officers' all,
Telling truly relief was `approa
ready with bullet aud'131ade,
'Aud our trumtset's reply [Gid aur
a rare flood of harmony mad
We rose to our feet and we sho
, louder and louder in camp
The cheers that we gave as tf
DEMO on with a dull, steady
But the Utas did not linger to he
mounted and galloped away
)" At the very first blast of that tri
did we implore them to staff
Aud nothing we asked of our col
there in the hearing of all,
To sound once again on the ti
dotes•lif the officers' oa11.
What the jack-knife is ti
age schodt .boy, the hairpin
'school girl, says good hot
She does not use it to wb
'sincegirls usually have 11
'that boyish accomplishme
41as duties which are just
Live, and the.hairpinis het
She htts no pocket suitab
ling a jack-knife, but !ler
'4wisty; furnish abundant rot
ing away a 'few extra flail
is the handiest thing in t
take them out, use them
'What does she do v
)itayhap our bachelor
Buttons her shoes and
uses them for ,hooks, sal
ordinary pins if the ori,
'are not,at hand; fastens
to the walls, secures hei
adjusts her curtains, fasi
dovv in .whatever positiot
[venders the look of hot
proof by thrusting a ht
for if she has lost her k
Picks loots, mends b1
repairs belt parasol, so
ward bittldle, and by
.twisting them makes
thing* than a carpenter
tool chest its the ortdil
'rise l4liTtioter of lylarl
a despatch ♦coni Bri
stating thfwe" Vrilt io8
#1►1d li�'f1111+ etltirl ti3 Ifs