Wingham Times, 1890-08-15, Page 4tiVIII ft cOmisT k pry BJGGI t mybinder whim'& you expert, James Uckhnrl>., started in Mr. Kelly's done, first•cl:ass heavy wheat to-ela l draws light, well h tl �'4' J W, Mackay,. the - t d It I,Y e tui e , valleys theta oil the high , fan to Mining king, }lase bees app �,. 11Ij se had a falu• ass a luttiiiertllati'e camp, where they the a Teettlr, i! • die last week, from p taritn'� colt are butltfttag; w dem to rinse the lvxtier iows of ate the vacancies en fan I'aetlio�' Llaihiay, chit ylogs and r at y i eta. ,.,,i i U since. the last the effects of a hook received 1:rotlt a ti that a lot of :ted log, wi lea caw some time ago.—Mr. WD.id City. unwell to .til:.,, of these• r , d n£ this ties caa be llu befit clo� nR,t,�� lie new i. uln ,. ertitnl edn �' sabov ill just quantity Jeee )h R. D a p Above that there is a largo q y 1 ' 'ry of the • 'ti;r the river, and Cllit•..:; r 'fine a, who wee avl,tonterricd last of :ick, little firJlt p (aces week to ?re. Storey, the li rolongistream, i• i:► mealy p Nanette editor, is an old, Stratfordite, nioat pen is got y erroolted, is going rot in life invitees, and tvssabout twentyth Stratford flayingeat than Ideeco ter crotr this Year -warts ill every tray ,nit with. esaso, ileutlty left on 's a i et two tltturniu g a wet hair ori,therfa. week for Grand Forks, Northern It wetland t.tlrniui, a It nod tight, i Dakota. • lais tetany fends h y e ieh o toes flesh and, inreetwid(ar I have .a 1 hili a safe and pleasant J.. harvest• ltd sheaf and ] •. e�; rutg grain is being quieltly harvest. he round first c!as�s bindel•,secnau to ttntiiao p 11 be ttbeu,it with tills: testituoll ed in this v.teiniwil and the 3. . iln Canada. I g;tva au C. Pa Co ,TI K T� , rT. ACT. C» V�. *s. TELEGRAPH GO, ®'�y; f3rltrISV4I01( House) 'i1�iughams - - Oiit.. FRIDAY, , GTJ T 15, 1890. EDITORIAL NOTES. Tni report that therm had been a -vere frost ill Manitoba, on 'Friday ee ening last, turns out to be untrue. p gums ` o£ tit° Iarrnet s w} trndict sonic re mets t, ` �+harvestnese have last, f r frequent 1rt cul er°r11) sulnnf#er their lay the end of next wee t. and Ls tt 1e R ial to con round in regard to my Wahine ite a siI have a binder that just. n every particular, and 1 eau recommend it to anyone wanting a binder as tt first clews machine. Yours truly, E G Eo. WADE. Tile hailstorm in Manitoba, at 'Wingham, Aug. 6, 1896. \VA.Tsoe 'biro. Co, Ayr. GENTLEMEN,—This is to t if t that I had one of your six foot steel started on my farm to -day, and must say it did first-class work. Irw light, two horses drawing it,cutting heavy wheat, and . some of it badly 1 down and tangled; but the two horses handled it with ease, it tits a god tight round sheaf, and in every par- ticular it does first-class work, and consider it a ftrst•olass machine adla machine which T can highly , mend. 'Yours truly, ,5..'A\DY KELLY. (CaOWDF.n OUT OF LAST Issr .l A. prayer meeting under the leader• ship of Mr. Appleby, was held at Mr, Edward Armstrong's on Friday even- ing last. The house was filled etuieits utmost capacity.—Seeing many special mentioninga of candi- dates who have succeeded ill passing the entrance examination, We wish to give one which we think ib well worthy of being mentioned. Master John Gilmour, after an irregular attendanste at school, suceeeded id passingg the akin a higher `out g 'alt , m in • era. n,.e 'tea I en mark than any in the county of Bruce, second highest in Wingham and fifth in the county of Huron. Great credit is due his teacher, :lir. John. Hartley, of Belmore, who is one of the youngest teachers in the county and tille. is also his first term as a teacher.—Farmers Ilsaacyain and vicinity, a couple of N.: l,M ago, did a great deal of damage. '1',:,= whole crop inyv�s coma letely dos. l ci by the storm, p t1:.t•e-d.� Cauadia(n Press Association. TtItBTY-SECOND ANI�UAI:, ldEETINC. The thirty second meeting of the tOtuadian Press A.ssociatioU was held in one of the parlors of 'the Rossin House, Torouto, on Tdesday, and the sessions of the day `were' full of in- terest. The address'of the President, Mr. Roy V. Sonler`vilie, was consider. *able of adepartue-frotn'the usual lines the tenor tllroug;hout being calculated to establish the Aesoeiation upon a entire practical basis. tie stated that tirftrdt good had been accomplished in 'the past, but it is time that a more 'fe eeeessive and business like policy be ad7pted, The various discussions which followed during the day were certainly aggressive and several sug- cgo,tions contained in :the address were 'adopted. The secretary is now locat- ed in Toronto, and the time for the anent meeting is changed to February. :The auditors submitted their report for the year; showing a balance to the eveong side of the books of $ 68. The receipts were 8524.41 and the exp: aditure, $488,14. H. 1.2'. Moore gave notice that at the next annual meeting lie will move,tbat' from January 1st; 1892, the fee for membership bo increased to $6.00 and the annual clues to $2.L0. The following officers were elected: Paitamexm--Andeew Patullo, Senti- t fill-it(,vieve Woodstock. FIRST Vios-1i. P, Moore, Free Press, Acton. Tic»» VICE—J. 0. Jamieson, In- telli enter, Be.lteville.. ,t'I,'ECRETARY-taBASUEER—J. B. Mc - Leen, Empire, Toronto. Ass1sTsaer-SECEETARY—Jas. S'.I3rier- 1 y , ournat St Thomas. _...Messrs 13Lenutng and Henning so far, but the thitsty earth taktou it sold in the neighborhood of thirty self 1 the order iu the wee . binders this :season. Geo. D. illi iu, and ;cava+s X10 of any fields of makes a good. ager d 1 We Shertroed spent a few days with friends 1 ripe • the wheat begins in this place. on tt t 11t Teewater. n thepeople Last Wednesday evettin„ lying on both of t'eeswater were 1Pi;hlyMissoreFri h, doeagcotnee present view 1 g Indian t tie . to sparse a the barley nearly low cats and the tiohaveuY. kernel is generally fully formed. Hope and fear reigns in the land, but every- 11 ver e- a visit and address _ of Canladlali returned lvlissionary Baptist, Society) from India. The meeting was held in the Baptist Chapel and was attended by ohris- tians of alt denominations, who listen• ed with breathless attentios thrn for illring an hour to Miss F sketches of heathen character and customs and appeals for aid in sending I1 and sustaining Missionaries• It' wee pronounced by all to be one of the most interesting, instructive, and innpressive in missionary addresses c;ve�olyvsan will this place. -111.1r. R. F. locate in Tara. -'-The new hoolsefor d has arrived, been tested Stephensou d satisfactory.—Mie. J. 3. Gillies' is holidaying at Oriilia.—Pr Gillies' and Mr Fowler's brick block t ons being pushed rapidly to cotxtl et Born of News says ; A good stiff potent spirits can not be had in the village for less than ton cents, accord- ing to au agreement entered into .by the hotel koepere. The price went up last Monday morning • Glenann l • batiks and in the v t y camps and lied River carte are passed and we are at bjinuedosa. It is a fine title town with much stir and busi- tress. ttere we change ears and wait forty -live tuinates or so for the train from the Weds, lu walking about 1 J. see twu Wee hotels and churches. The town is meetly oft the right of the railway going east, but the weather being very warn,, 1 return to the waiting room. We leave the 011` again at, 12.35, river and vallty at Mitlnedosa. and soon get out to tuore open and. better farming country, but there is still a good deal of poplar and wino*. The crops look m• re matured., Tlie•portago plains are thea mort st celebrated for crops of any l Manitoba, bat «o are no yet there. It is sixty mors Iron Minnedosa to the Portag"• 4 a lily Neepawa—The train stop. minutes. This is a growing town of considerable size, with a poptlltttion 01 perhaps 1,000. The country is gond ' Is to ' hills n of n e c] a range and well settled, b the northwest protects this region from the frost. Tho wheat looks remark- ably well. It is :ear here where its 1'ibiley, of Wafeauosh, spring. One mall paid $8,000 for half a 'section. The wheat is more natured than any I have seen elsewhere. Gladstone -20 'Minutes for dinner. A small town. Land considerably wooded and level. Crops still 8180 we reach Portage La • Prairie, The crops about here are not as , long and rank as further N. W. They did not have much rain in June 'and so are 'sl1ort in the straw,. ,lint wilt likely yield well. The.town is on a fine site for a, large place. The streets are wide and the buildings are goodl.;ood sidewallrs and fine giardens,wlth evbry- thing browing in them that you would: find in Wingham, large fruit...trees always excepted. �4 per week ie. the standard price for board ti recount. the accommodation not taken in That depends on location and circum- stances. If you sleep in your own blankets out on the prairie, it is all the same. There Were two picnics to day and that was enough to set 'the 'ele- inents in motion, and about 4 p to. there dime a .tremendous thunder- storm that continued till very late in the night, and, it is likely, the pie. 1 slicers got all they wanted, 1'Jr. Mex.. Ferg:Uson lately found re 2` Curiosity about a anile up the river from Bayfield. It wits e large mutt turtle, and on its back the date 1872. The seven and two were reversed._..Ly. made those lige is that �•ay•ltnrposeiy On Tuesday mornh,g last, fire rtra:i • discovered in the startle of chg r.l;L Well.. and Pickard, building merwas eltotatly destroyed. The building • Loss small and partially= envoy -d by insurance. The origin of the tire hi unknown, but it is thought it was set fir• on fire. Iron is being, diseovered'in .various parts of the country between Lake Scperior and Lake of the Woods.. ttSr Paul., Duluth and Milwaukee Capital- ists are buying property in the locality of Fast Fort William, a uew town on Mae 'Canadian River started by the Canadian Pacific hallway had Mrs. Wad., of Listowel; who been acting in such a manner lately as to indicate that she was not of sound mind, has been removed to the Insane Asyliive London, Her case is one to partite sympathy, she being; the mother of a largo family of young children: It is hoped that ber derangement will only a temporary. • Gavin R. Ross, youngest son ' of Janes R. Boas. of Elena, is dead, aged w little over `2,5 years, He was a, :cost worthy young marc. Ile was • toe last of a family of five, two of -his haying died of sisters end 'himself laatnt� consuteption. Mrs. Ross hav=ing died some years ago. i1•ir. Ross is now entirely bereft of his faiuily, and death of his only son is a severe affiie- tion to. him. The election expense, as given to F Il.eturnill.g Officer Gibbons, of Thomas Gibson ,its East Huron were $148.06 ,. of A. Id. Musgrove $889•26. Mr.. Gibson's pf-rsot:al expenses axe pat at $16.50 ; r1r. 11lusernve's tit'$181 00. Mr. Gibson paid for halls,. livery and. organizing $913 25,r printing $24.25, postage, etc., ;g+8 (•6• 5.1r. sMU,g,rove paid for rent, livery, organizing and , expenees of committee rooms $166.68, printing $41.65. Jodie, miles O'Reilly, of H inilton, are busy harvesting their fall 'wheat and barley. . Both - appear to be very fair crops in this .locality.—The, Mc- Michael Brothers have donned their threshing armor aid are ,doing their good work on the sixth line of. Tu`'in- berry this week. They have bought a new horse -power for their machine.-- ttir. G. M, Robertson, teaeher. in S.S. No. 3, is visiting in the, township of Hibbert. Belmore• - Farmers in this. vicinity are busy Harvesting ; crops• are goodin this his locality, the best for some y Harry Day shipped a carload of fine horses to the North West last week: liiessrs.Conrad Baker and John Peter• man intend taking advantage of the cheap excursion to the North West this week.—Vace,tion is drawing to a close, and the pedagogues, witil the exeeption of our esteemed townsman, Mr. 13arton, have arrived ready to re- sume work Monday next.—Mr.. Bar - ten is daily' expected. During his long absence, his many friends havetl 'missed his ensiling 'countenance, s genial manner and the warm clasp of his hand Ele will likely go to Tees• water and 'then try Belmore--W. E. Graham, the popular teacher of S. S. No. 9, Harriet, is back again. Win• is an energetia teacher,. an enthusias- tie Forester and altogether one of the tnostltopular of our young men.— Some of our Hardy young men have taken a great notion to driving; of late, Where do they go 2 ah l the Cars.— Miss Scolex, of Se.aforth, is at present visiting at Mr. Bamtin's.•—Miss Dewar paid i1:.r. Flemings ehort visite --bliss Tiatlantyue, of Stratford, has been visiting for some bine at Mr. McKee's,--Mr. D, N. McDonald, treasurer of LBoleaore Cheese and Butter Co paid the patrons last Week rlcover e of two thousand dollars as the p the sale of part of June and Jnly eheese.•--Mr. P. II. Baker has been Fixing up his house, From the way 21111 is handling rhinos this summer, he evidently means that the house shalt be oecupied to its full extent Ile will likely camp there this wintete f: leaf erroser. Prof. •Morgan and his daughter Fairy gave a service of song in E Eadit. e's on Monday event goes without saying; that all were more than pleased. The turnout was re- ectable and young 'readers in War- wick expect a treat wick school' distract may p on Monday evening neat.—Mrs Them, from Credit Forks, who has been visit: ing at Mr D Deakins, blacksmith,• returned home on Wednesday last, accompanied by"Miss Dunkin, who intends rusticating theme for learna few weeks.—We are, glad tit at ;Miss A Weir, formerly teacher in No .3 school, who has been attendingn ecen- ton Oollegiate Institute, Junior Matriculation examination has been successful in ,taking first in mathematics, English and German and second in French and Latin. She sal ie now free to enter University at Toronto. yt e ,, G. Jack• LxEt;uTIVE Ciolii3iiTTEE—L. son, Era, Newmarket r 3. B. '2rayes, 'Times, Wort Hope ; 'L'. 11. Preston, 1 posi! er, Brantford ; W. 13,. Olimie, Sun, l3owanville; A. F. Pirie, Banner, .Dundas. �j AIIDITotta—A.. I• Fawcett, Revipw, Streetsville, and , 0. B. Robinson; .I-?re•sbyterian, Toronto. A vote of thanks was unanimously paaseed expressive of the long, faithful and efficient services of 11 Ir. Clinnie, the retiring secretary treasurer. • A. vote of thanks was passed to the retiring president, who responded briefly, thanking, the members for the c;,iUrtesy extended to him, and hoping that ehoulil he again return to the prose he would not he denied meniber- .11ile in, the association. • BlueVale• Mr. E. W. Bruce, formerly of this 1 place, but now of Toronto, has been promoted by the Public School Board of Toronto from the principalship of the Clinton street school to a new and commodious building in the Queen street park, near the New Parliament buildings. .He will have 18 assistants. Mr. Bruce is steadly rising, and will have the pleasure of writing B. A. after his name in the course of a year. ---Mr. Fenton Hartley, who has. been engaged on the Clinton Neu: Era for a short time, is now in Detroit. -_-The July cheese has not yet been, sold, • HoWicle. • Angus McConachie, of this. town ship, met with a heavy loss, last ween. 1t' appears that he turned his horses out to pasture, one mare atad colt, the ether a horse. While playing in the field the horse kicked the mare in the 'foreleg, breaking it and shattering the bone so badly that she i oadto red he shot• Tei. days before he wa for the mare. The colt is, being }fed on cow's milk and is doing well. TuxxLroerrer• The'ornps in this township are ex- eel-tont x e el -tont this year, and most of our far- mers lime been comp Med to purchase ;telt binders tt soeure theirerops.There l::ts' been a good deal of competition hetwe;'ii the agents of the different firms wit tee implements are being sold its this sestictl, and it was reported tee ttiutsen binder paralleled )ty Mr.u Work. nxl not r w0 ,. Wade r r t.eep tecteute of :mrrespand•�•itt 13lt'�hd the p n'etiut; 1\ir. J. =rmstrong;, the •�.,eral ea, tit of the Watson farm, the ether day, and pernstttg the +.(t110µ g r , troths:one:ls, wit_c)i spesttlt i o: then, • piece at the Methodist ptaraun,tg,c, on . t. k trepting'spote by the wayside, but it tel resttae • Cixlross• misses Lottie and Eliza Bentley were visiting friends lu Blyth last Week,»-ear, and Mrs, 3. Ultima, of Winghatn, spent Stind•ey with friends here.—Mr. and Mrs, John Powell, of . ivisiting friends in tilt :rt are r , Detroit, , Ltt r ;vicinity.•-•-•'�ir3• Sriaglc'y, of l�.tra , gent ►L few der with fi'i"nd , hero !ass week --A quiet Weediest died on. Monday, aged .84 years. They deceased .was Ontario's,„ oldest barris- ter, He itis the oltltest Queen's Coun- sel, with exception eif Sir John A. Macdonald, and was the oldest judge in the bominioq. He was elevated to the Beach in 1837 as judge of Gore ;District. He held' a commission as colcnel,,axmilitia, and had banMase s' ter in Chancery for 19 years. e was born in Stamford. in 1806, and was Hamilton's oldest inhabitant,hav- ing lived. there for the past 60 years. He was confined to his bed three weeks ago, and succumbed to old age, had no specific disease. The following were the prize win- ners at the Triennial Cantonmentof Patriarchs Militant, 'I.O.6. F., Chi- cago :—Class A, Marion *(Indiana) Canton,, let' prize, $1,500 ; Canton Frank, No. 55, of Ohio, eeame in sec- ond, capturing $800, and the Occiden- tals, tais, No. 1, of Illinois, Indianapolis, No. 2, fourth, $300. la 2(1, :lass B, Canton Amsterdam, No. 2 of New York, got first prize, London, No. 1, of London, Ont,seeond prize, $900; Earl, No. 16, of Ohio, . third prize, $800. In class 0, Can- ton Elwood, No. 83, of Indiana. was awarded $900; 'class D, Canton Van Wert,No, 52, of Ohio, .$800; Kizer, No. 4, of,Indiana, $500 ; Thompson, , No. 28, of Indiana, $400 ; Ann Arbor, No. 80, of Michigan, $400. The $500 prfee for Hussars fell to the Junlas, o'f lu mb es 0. LO , The Dominion Government. intends to connect the north shore of Anticosti with the mainland by'a. cable to cost $15,000. • judge McMahon has delivered judgment in the Victoria University ease, dissolving; the injunction against removing from Oubourg• •. 14 Ir. D. IS, Wilson and the Misses Wilson, of Seaforth, who have been,. spending the aunt,., in the old. On Friday last, Mr. Charles Steele, of the 8th concession, cut six acres of whoa: in five Boars with a pair of three year old eolts and a 111asacy hind et. 4 'real Manitoba. Extracts trom a letter by an old Wingheenite, now in Manitoba tr,a]n a country, are expecte,: to eeil for honTr about the 20th of this mouth. 0.lblacrlonell. & '�„u's flour and cornmeal mill, one of the oldest find best industries of Owen Sound„ was totally destroyed by fire Sunday. Dose $35;000 ; insurance $22,000. The reports of • the Dominion.' Conti - oilier of the Royal Templars of.Teru- perance, in session at Montreal; 'shows. good progress. The net gain of, mem- bership for the year reaches 9,000. Canada is The present membership in Clan a 20,000. The Templariv went into camp on Thursday and will remain d. week. t11Sg, 1st, 16.10 a. to , Meeting MorMaif Walt', Froin Rapid Oity to ;,iinnccloda. It is She If we are goingto get married a flne', Krug ntorntul. � sha railway1you must give np,smoltiug, tuns along; the Little 5a.,1 �Ltc,t lie• --•,Yes• valley, keerinr the main windings of She—And drinking and your clttb� the stream. On each side are low IIe...._.'�`es. r else Now,thing aces n 1 a t r esu tux: do y in o w y P undulating, hills,Sh covered, or partially covered(: with. setgg:;esb .itself.: to you that you will small poplar, and the love: la give up of year own aecorci',h, aitlnws. Tho landscape is pretty tt. IT+n-,Yes; look upon. There are some C,tltii aterl She--,Wll+att Teo• A11 idea of marrying you —. hi t ssltera. •t+ irtg;lloio, A`.tg,6tlr,".':e'iJt. 'rh,,r�,d.lye?Inn li.18811, -�llyitvllen arid' adapted for g3ra2lllf than crop, iillttYlsey'sWeeklyr f'., y parties beim, tMatlr of li�s' feast i9 trilike €af7t to nip thitl! _xt3 Cliff. ,i r+ y fee ,el.ciclib, t> allatth 'r'., 1 �;+,..;r s.,.,�a.�::11,1�L't#s i�•rrrtif,�t,b a Marriage With Drunrcaz(11. The efforts to taise the poor and degen- erate inebriate and his faintly are practi- cally et no value as long as nettiriage with inebriates ie permitted, Ieeceutly the legislature of the state et Victoria, in Ate tralia, has passed alae 'rhiotn gives a wife the right of divorce if the husband is found to be &habitual drunkard. If after near• riage she disoovers'tliat ire is an inebriate. she can also get a divorce.,' The husband eau do the came with a wife if she is proved to be an inebriate. This is a nlear anticipatiolx ofthe higher sentiment wbioh domande relief from the bereerons lawn which wool& lista marriage with au ine- oriate ea fined,; and permenent, -.J 1(,•:o .o 1,as Jule, Jae. Iintehie zn, al t ae agetl; Felne frnrttford firre, : si to The '•ing;ey, of Ise an, a tee "to be delivered on or about the 21 'o'f April at Mitulte:ll, On the d mentioned Mr. Vungey came in take the seeder llor,ae, but it did orders for a couple of days e.fter. l I lagey being in fa hurry to get crop Ln, purclia.,ed a sredc r froga , Jones, and when the Bradford ohi'no cadre he refused to take it, Hutchison left the seeder on premises of air• •Dnngey and the • entered .suit for the price they The cease was tried at Brantford Wednesday of hist week, end 'Went ngaiust sir, Dungey was obt ed by the firmfirmfor the full amount `costs, to be paid in 80 days. lfY Dank Txsitas,--As you are. awe number of new books of :Imre than ' age merit, have beeu added to the Lil Among them is 'Hugh Miller's "Cid Pblk $anastoue," a work that brcugh ,tL , author fame and renown and °coach . 1 remark made by Buckland, a v 'English geologist, that lib would gi 'right hand, had he 80 English styli as Hugh Miller's, the Scotch stone, This work of his and many others r ed from week to week iu the newspaper, of which he wee the and some years afterwards a Int prietor. Well do I remember th of the first number. The price nig • and"xedoleut of a smell so pleasing olfactory organ of the reading Dr John Bruce, my minister, use' that Hugh Miller had the tread elephant when dealing with a opponent. Such a gush of happy ix weigh me down when 1 tbiuk of 1. itis life work, that I roust pull remarking that the book known "Vestiges of Creation;” called 1 noble rejoipder he "footprints of • tor," Some years before I had sure of perusing the book, I hal off a serio•cotnio review of the with the title, "The Natural HI( Thesongof ti ,. de ut 14fedical6tu which aplieared in the TIMES UM ago, was be first of a set,'aud I with the "'tong of the Butterfly meat of which I subjoin : A butterfly,sat on a cabbage leaf ;its heart quite bursting with grief, &That ere naany hours its elegant Should rot like the leaf and be 1 worms. insensty Who fluttethoughtr throuf the gh life with nc view Who toil not, nor spin, till nip frost, They balance their ledger, iv lost.. W Very Desirable Prc 1 story Fraute Dwelling, containle parlor, dining room, kitchen and wo cellar, soft water tank, with grounds - and beautified with evergreens and eh excellent condition ; together with land, through which runs a never creek, well stocked with brook trout teen minutes walk from Wingham pc and on easy terms. Apply at $AI,UEL YOUAILL'S REAL eats 1 Property for ,Safe in The undersigned oilers for sale petty in the village of Delmore, con: .dwelling house, Wilco, stable and d one acre and ft -halt of land in conn; garden, with all sorts of fruit tree at a bargain. For particulars, appl F11E0E' Diseases, of the Lung: Are cured. Th meth( and certain, is aided b;, and most effective After four weeks' use relief will be felt, Sot counts of symptoms ar .'enclosing postage stem ever• „HYGIEA ,mice,' loiotice of Voter Voters' List, 1800.4itfunicipallty Turnberry, County of Huron. Vette() is hereby given that I ' delivered to the persons mention e of the Ontafio Voters' List Ac required by said sections to be delivered of the list made pursoe persons appearing •by the last Roll of the said DIunicipality at Elections; aned`that said he listenid w' n en' Wilco at atuovale p.e on the 1890, and remains there for insp Electors ere called upon to c and if any omissions or other err in, to take immediate Dreeoedir err �d tr3q rIcorrected according to lav ts filth day of August, Dat ad � ISeMar1 10s8 0 t PIATES Maness ( Vet' particulars eegarding'te, Itty hem, corner ltraneisand BARK Ws) T`ho Wing Komi ri elutes: $ . P tot this summer's peolin,r «�e:iroradettbatr'rannsrv, WI