The Huron Expositor, 1970-03-19, Page 64HE twRoN. ExposnoR. SEAFORTH, ONT.,..MAR. 19, 1970
Plo'Wei of Walton
Plan for Easter Activities
sible to wash glasses following
the next communion.
The next unit meeting will be
held in May with the following
taking part; Scripture, Mrs.
Leonard Leeming, Prayer - Mrs.
Don Achilles; Topic - Mrs. Wm.
Coutts, Lunch - Mrs. E. Mit-
chell, Mrs. F, Dunk and Mrs.
Ron Bennett.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Rae Huether, Mrs. Mac Shol-
dice and Mrs. Art Heard.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Fraser
and family were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mar-
shall and family of Bramlea.
Mrs. Rdy Bennett who has
been a patient in Victoria
Hospital, London, for the 'past
couple of weeks, underwent
surgery Friday. we hope she is
soon much improved in• health.
The next progressive euchre
will be held in the hall Friday
Mrs. Margaret Humphries
has returned home after spending
several weeks with her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Rutledge of London. ,
'Gordon and Ross Mitchell vis-
ited Sunday with Terry McBride WILLIAMSON - BAKER .of Zurich.'
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Steele A quiet wedding was solem-
spent Saturday with Mrs.Leonard sized in Duff's United Church,
Leeming. -'--Walton, Saturday, February.2lst
Miss Glenna Houston of St. at 3:30 p.m. when Doris Lynn,
Clair College, Windsor, is hol- daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Meade
idaying this week at, the hOme of Baker, R.R.#1, Seaforth and Neil
her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Rae Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs,Her-
Houston. bert Williamson,,walton
mr, and Mrs. Earl Steele, were united in marriage with Rev,.
Seaforth, visited with mrs.Leon- D. Docken officiating.
and Leeming last Saturday. The attendants were Mrs. Ed.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Traviss Baker, Seaforth, sister-in-law of
of Londonspent the week end with the bride and -Wayne Williamson
Mr. and` Mrs. Herb Traviss. of Walton, brother of the groom.
Miss Bessie Davidson, Mrs. The wedding 'dinner was held
Margaret Leeming, Mrs. Fern in the crossroads Restaurant in
Patterson and Mr. Ivy Henderson Walton.
of Seaforth, visited -with Mrs. The happy couple will reside
Walter Broadfoot on Sunday. in Seaforth.
Walton 1 Fruit Cups held
their fourth meeting Monday
evening at the home of Marion
McCallum. Questions were given
on Fruits for Breakfast and an-
swers discussed. The leaders
demonstrated how to section
grapefruit and oranges and each
girl made a fruit cup.
Walton 11 Fruit Loops met
at the home of Mrs. Don Mc-
Donald for their fourth meeting
on Saturday with all members
.present and answering the roll
call. "Fruits we freeze, can
or dry at home." June William-
son and Janice Houston demon-
strated on how to section an
orange and grapefruit. This fruit
along with other fruits was made
into a fruit cup by Lynne Mc-
Donald. Beverly McCall exhibit-
ed a fruit cup of dried fruits
combined with fresh fruits. The
leaders gave notes on' Fruits for
breakfast and fruit cup ideas.
ew .for Spring .
Wide variety to choose-from in,
complete ..range of styles-
Koratron, Perma-Press
Only 24.50
matron of honor wearing • a
turquoise blue brocade A-Line
skirt and matching vest with a
blouse in the same shade of blue.
The best man was George
Simmonds'of Matheson. -
The reception was held at
the Senator Motel. .;
The newlyweds 'will reside
at 423 Railway;.Flireet, Matheson,
Mother: 'Son, you've been fight-
ing "again and now you've lost
all your teeth.'
Joe: 'No, I haven't lost them.
They're right here in my pocket.'
ill O'Shea
We wish to announce that we
have the following ,new facilities
to erve. you:
1. A New Bulk Fertilizer Blending Facility at our
Seaforth Location.
2. Bulk Fertilizer Delivery Service to your Farm.
3.. Bulk Fertilizer Spreading on your Fields.
Phone 527-1910 Seaforth
1 - New'4 /6 5 Nuffield Tractor,Diesel,
PS,Live PT0,16.9 x 30"Tires 651-LP
1 - Used 4/65 Nuffield Diesel,PS,Live
PTO,i8 x 4 x 30" TireS,only 8001-1,rst
1 - 4.60 Nuffield Live PTO,Hyd,Die,sel,
' Completely rebtelit: '" • • • -
1 - 460 Nuffield Diesel ,Live PTO ,HydS.,
1 - 990 David prnwn Diesel-Recon.
1 - 950 David Brown Diesel-Ready to go.
1 - 65 Massey. Ferguson,High,,Arch
Diesel,Multi P,wr,PS,Front weights-
• 1 - 65 Massey Ferguson,Std.Diesel,PS,
Rebuilt Motor. ,
1 - 35 Massey Ferguson Diesel,Com-
pletely rebuilt.„,
1 - 800 Ford Gars,.Tractor w/Freemon
Loader,Live PTO & Hyds.
,1 - 8N Ford Tractor, New Rubber-A-1
Condition '
1 - 9N Ford W/Superior Loader. -Good
1 - 9N-Ford W/Superior 'Loader.
I -• 44 Massey Harris Diesel-Engine
completely rebuilt.
. 1 - Super H LH,C.
,1 - W4 I.H.C.
1 - Massey Harris Model 30, Good
1 - Case Model R. Standard.
1 - Allis Chalmers Model '113 Gas
Dozer w/3/4 yard bucket, equip-
ped with live pump, rear scarifier,'
shuttle clutch,4 Spds.,,forward and-
reverse - Like New Cond.
1 - 1060 Nuffield Diesel - Only 900
Hours, P.S.,Independent i'TO,Live
Hyds., New Condition.
I - Cockshutt 540 Tractor with 3 Pt.
c 2" Kongskilde Cultivator -
• 1-John Deere 3 Pt-Flitch 10' Cultivator
with new points
1-George White 10' 3 Pt Hitch Cultiv-
ator with new points. •
1-3 section Fergusoii 3 pt.Hitch Drag
3-Trail Discs.
1-114C 8 1 /2 ' Vibra. Shank Cultivator
i w/depth wheels,3 pt.Hitch,Done 15
1-Massey Ferguson 3 Pt.Hitch
7' Rigid Frame - Like New.
1-Dunham 6', 3 Pt. fliteh Blade, Like
I-New 9' 7" ,3 Pt. Hitch Rigid Frame
Dunhaith Disc.
1-Cockshutt 3, Pt. Hitch Trip Beam
Adjustable Frame and Depth Wheel
1-16 Run IHC Tractor Seed Drill, Fer-
tilizer attach.,2 Grass Seed Boxes,
standing board and ' double lift -
Like New.,
A-4-14" Hy' Drier Trip Bottom Plow
and Rear Depth Wheel - NEW
1-Trail Plow 3 Furrow.
1-Ferguson 2 Furrow, 3 Pt. Hitell.
1-Massey Ferguson 2 Furrow., 3Pt.
1-Allis Chalmers 2 Row HarveSter,
Model 780-Done 1 years crop.
1-New. Holland -Model ,800, 1 Row liar-
vester,Completely rebuilt.
1-New Holliind Model 616 Harvester,
1 Row Condition.
I-IIIC 1 Row 'Harvester and Pickup.
1-C'ockShutt 1 Row Harvester with Pick-
I-New Holland Super 23 Blower-Like
• 11-41:1C;Aly.' Conditioner --:Reconditioned
1-New Idea Hay COnditioner.
1-NEW New Holland 33 - 5'Crop Chop-
1-John Deere 5' Crop Chopper -Like
1-John Deere 5' Crop Chopper-Recon-
Al atoned.
2-NEW Forage Box Roofs for 16',
Adaptable. to any make.
1-Fox Industrial Forage Harvester w/2
row Corn Head.
1.-NEW•„481- New, Holland Hay Bine 8'9"
Clitter Ban& ConditiOner,
1-NEW New Idea 7' Trail Mower w/.
Conditioner attach, , •
1-New Holland 7' Trail Mower-Like
New. • ••-
1-New Idea' Trail Mower-Like, New
1-Case 7' Trail Mower-Good Condition
1-Minneapolis Moline 3 Pt.Hitch 7'
Mower - GOOD.
1-5' Heayy Duty 3Pt. Hitch Rotary
Mower, A-1 Cond. ,
1-Massey Ferguson Side Mount 7'
.Mower. Like NeW..,,
1-NEW New Idea Rola Bar(5 Bar)Rake
LLNEW New Idea.Rola Bar(5 Bar)Rake'
1-Massey Ferguson Rola Bar Rake -
2-New Idea 4 Bar Rakes on Steel -
1-NEW 269 Super Sweep New Holland
Baler - Fully Equipped. . '
1-Massey Ferguson #10 Baler -Fully
. Equipped (Good).-
1-Massey Ferguson #3 Baler,
1-IHC #48 Baler -A-1.
1-New Holland #67 Baler, A-1.
1-New Holland #271 Baler-Like New.
1-Cockshutt 350 Baler -Reconditioned.
1-John Deere 14T Baler -Reconditioned
1-Super 69 New Holland Baler, Equip-
ped with nearly new bale throwerA-1
2-NEW Tipper -Bale Stookers.
2-Bale Forks to attach to,Hyd.Loader.'
1-Massey Ferguson Heavy Duty Wagon,
4 New HD Tires,14'Flat Rack 6
• month's old,
,a 1-Case Trail Combine,Cutter Bar and
picknp,Engine"Mounted,ready top.
• 1-Cockshutt 422 Pull Type 'Combine
with Pickup
1-NEW 3 Pt.Hitch 1,000 lb. Capacity
Fertilizer Spreader.
• 1-Trailer Oliver Sprayer, 21' ' Boom
and Sel'ecto'Valve, A-1.
1-NEW 30' Little Giant Elevator,Under -
carriage, d'orn Screen, V Hopper on
used rubber.
1-Set of 2' Extensions fcir Kongskilde
2-Sets of Extensions for Allied Spring
Tine Cultivators.
HarrOw for 11'2" Kong-
skilde Cultivator. -
d Quality Tractors and- Farm Equipment
Fletcher Farm Equipment
R.R. 4, Guelph, Ont. — Phone 821-2262
Hwy. 6 North from Guelph for 41/2 Miles and
Watch for Signs.
UNRESERVED . . . No Minimum Price or Limit
Financing Arranged on the Spot to Approved Credit
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25-11 a.m., sharp
PRO. LIC. - 010171010411
11445 - 124 STREET — EDMONDTON, 41, ALBERT
PHONE (AREA CODE 403) 4532476
Fred McClymont
The U.C.W. met Thursday
evening with Group Three in
charge of devotions, with Mrs.-
Ron Taylor leading. The ' scrip-
ture lesson was read by Mrs.
Ralph Stephenson, and Easter
poem was given by Mrs. Bev Hill.
The offering was taken by Mrs.
R. Taylor and dedicated by Mrs.
.P. 'Johnston. •A group of seven
ladies •sang - "The Old Rugged
Cross" accompanied by Mrs. Bev
Hill: Mrs. John Ostrom intro-
duced the'filrn "T,he Long Road"
which showed the work •done by
the Board of Home Missions for
the Indians of Northern Manitoba.
A very disturbing true story on •
"Poverty" was read by 'Mrs.
William Dowson.
During the past winter four
quilts have ,been quilted by' the
members. An appreciation night
in-the form of a pot-luck sup-
per will be held in the church,
.d1 -
Ml's. Jack Banks, the former
Lydia Koehler, passed away in
her 71st year at the Nun's Hos-
pital, Regina, Saskatchewan. She
was the daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Koehler. She is
survived ,by her husband, two
daughters, Mrs. (Ruth) Jerry
Krienke, Mrs. (Margaret) Doug
Cunningham; two Bona, Kenneth
and Harold and seventeen grand-
children, all of Regina; two sis-
ters, Mrs. Laura Steinacker,
Stratford, Mrs. Melinda
Koehler, McKillop town-
ship and was predeceased by a
sister, Mrs. (Amanda) Hugh Pur-
vis, Regina., ten years Agee
and Mrs. Lorne Wtilfe; Murray
Rose, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lenard
Rose:. and Carl . Diegel, son' of
Lutheran Church 'Women met Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diegel.
with Mrs. Lloyd Prueter and Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth Gilbert was ac-
Ella Rose -in charge of devotions. repted as a member of St. Peter's
Mrs. Rose read the topic "Were 'Lutheran Church here on SMF::
You There??' day during the service. ,
The business period followed . 'Carol Anne Ludington, infant
with Mrs. Harold Rock presiding. -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric
It was decided to furnish bedding. Ludington. was baptized during
and dontations, Were 'offered and' "'the service on Sunday. Mr. and
will be sent to the Women's , Mrs,. Gebrge Schutz are her•spon-
Auxiliary at Wateri&L Donations sors.
were also accepted for layettes Mr. and Mrs, Henry Kleber
to be sent to Lutheran World have returned horn after vaca-
Action. tioning in Florida.
As a project the women are
buying four stoles-for the pastor - 4-Fl CLUB MEETS ,to be used by him as • long as.
he remains pastor of the congre- The Brodhagen 4413 Club met
gallon. at the home of Mrs. Ross Leon-'
A film on the Betrayal of har,dt when the club members
Jesus was shown by Pastor discussed their record books and
Kappes. Thank-you cards and decided on white covers with. a
donations were received from • design pertaining to vegetables.
Catharine Hillebreeht. Ella Rose The discussion was on planning
and Norman Riehl. vegetables into meals and pre-
Hilda Frenchreported paring menus. Following this the
her: birthday and a hymn was girls divided into their four
sung in her-honour. , groups and made the following
Mr. and Mrs. Carl RoSe ac- dishes: egg plant casserole, cab-
companied Mr. and Mrs. Milton• bage casserole. stuffed baked
Bode to visit with Mr. and Mrs. potatoes and vegetable soup.
Charles Johnson and Tena Kahler The fourth meeting was held
at Pontiac, Michigan. They also at the home of Mrs., Wilfred
attended the 25th anniversary in Wolfe. Wendy Wolfe's design for
the• ministry of Rev. C. Klagesti the book covers of the record
at Grand Haven, Michigan. -It was books was chosen.
also Rev. and Mrs. Klages' 25th The leaders discussed salads
anniversary and Re'v. Klages' of all kinds, salad dressing and
birthday. . accompaniments. Group One
• Those to be confirmed next' girls made a tossed salad.
Sunday at St. Peter's Lutheran
Church here are 'Susan Seller-
barth, daughter of Mr. and Mils.
Edward Scherbarth, Jr.; Sharon
Smith; daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Smith; Kathy Leonhardt,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Leonhardt; Janice Priekap;
daughter of liar. and Mrs. Carl
Prfeatap; Bonnie Siemon, dough-
ter of Mt. and Mrs. ken Siemon;
Mary Schenck, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Schenck; Elaine
Pushelberg, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Pushelberg; Kevin
Serniewlet, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Willard BenneWies. Robert Hen-
derseti, son of M. and Mrs.
John IiendersOb, Warren Mehl,
'Oh of Mkt.: Kenneth Mehl; Wayne
.4- :and , Warren Wolfe SOS. Of 14.
itild Mks.. Wilfred VIrelfet•Mardel
Ontreil Wolfe, Sons of Mr.
' Mrs.Allan McCall
The theme of the Walton
Unit March meeting was emphas,
lzed by an Easter arrangement.
Mrs, Art Heard opened the, de-
votional period with, "Where
seek ye the Christ". A hymn was
sung with Mrs. Ray Huether as
pianist. The scripture from Mark
16, verses 1-8 was read by Mrs.
Howard Hackwell, who followed
with the meditation explaining
resurrection and eternal lite.
An Easter poem entitled " Easter
is' Coming" was read by Mrs.
A. Heard, after which'Mrs. H.
Hackwell gave a reading- on
"Easter Lillies", ,how
they remind us of the life of
Jesus. A hymn was followed
with prayer by Mrs. Heard,
The topic was giveb by Mrs.
James Clark who also read an
"Easter Poem".
The meeting was then turned
over to the president, Mrs.Allan
McCall who expressed thanks to
those who had taken part in the
devotions, she read a poem,
"Sermon in Soap".
The rdll call was answered by
everyone coming forward with a.
gift for the bazaar, which takes
place in the church in mid,
April when Gordon MeGavin will
show pictures on Hawaii,
Mrs. W. C. Hackwell, the
secretary, read the minutes.The
treasurer's report was given by
Mrs. Mac Sholdice.
Mrs. Emmerson Mitchell, the
convenor for the bazaar com-
mittee gave the report on a
meeting held earlier that even-
ing.' Those taking part at the
bazaar are: - Welcome at the
door - Mrs. Allan McCall and
Mrs. Gerald Watson: Program-
Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs.Gerald
Watson, Mrs. Herb Traviss and-
Mrs.Ernmerson 'Mitchell,• Ap-
rons - Mrs. Pete McDonald,mrs.
Fred Dunk'' and Mrs. 'Earl Wat-
son. Fancywork •- Mrs. W.C.
Hackwell, Mrs.Cecil Lyddiatt,
Mrs. Jack McEWing and Miss
Pearl Thamer. Quilts - Mrs.
Nelson Reid, Mrs. Leonard Le-
eming and Mrs.' Ernie Stevens.
Touch a,nd Take - Mrs. Jean
Miller and Mrs. Ethel Hackwell.
Miscellaneous - Mrs. Clarence
Flood, Mrs. William Thamer
and Mrs. Robert Oliver. Candy-
Mrs. James Clark, Mrs.William
Sholdice and Mrs.Walter Broad-
foot. Kitchen Help - Mrs.Allan
Searle, Mrs. Ralph Traviss,Mrs.
Nelson Marks, Mrs. •Torrence
Dundas, Mrs. Howard Hackwell,
and Mrs. Alex Gulutzen Jr. ,
Bake Table No.1: Convenor-
Mrs. Walter Bewley; Cashier -
Mrs. Ron Bennett; Helpers -
Mrs. Rollie Achilles, Mrs. Ian
Wilbee, Mrs. Herb Traviss,Mrs.
Gordon Murray and Mrs. , Ray
Huether. •••
Bake Table No.2: convenor.
Mrs. Mac Sholdice; .Cashier -
Mrs. Doug. Ennis; Helpers - Mrs.
Wm. Coutts, Mrs. Don Achilles,
Mrs. Graham Sholdice, Mrs.Em-
inerson Mitchell, Mrs. Allan Mc-
Call and Mrs. Gerald Watson.
The Walton Unit is respon-
basement on April 8th. There
were sixty-eight call's made to
sick and shut-ins ddring the past
Mrs. John Ostrom closed the
meeting with an Indian prayer
and lunch was served by members
of Group Two. '
Toe Good Friday service
which was to have been held in
Goshen United Church has 'been
withdrawn owing to the ',Faith
and Life" Crusade services in
Zurich Community Centre.
News of
Mrs. Ed Regele
Mrs. Lloyd Regele arid (laugh,-
ter of Princeton visited ori Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Mc-
• On Sunday Paul and Ronald •
McCallum visited Garry Bennett
who is - a patient in Victoria
Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs.GordonMcGavin
who have been holidaying in Flor-
ida. have, returned home.
Mrd. Antone Seimon of R.R.4.
Walton, is a patient in Stratford
General Hospital.
Mr. .and- Mrs. Tom Burns,
Dublin, visited Monday evening
with Mrs. Joe Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Regele
and child, R.R.1., Dublin, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Stoskopf of Fullarton Township.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regele
and Mr. and Mrs. William Man-
ley spent Friday evening With
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele.
Carol Ann visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Ross McGregor of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hart of
Brusselsw, visited on Saturday
evening with Dar. and Mrs.Fred
Buchanan and family.
Mr. and .Mrs. ,lade Crozier,
Brian, Paul, Kevin and Lori of
Listowel were Sunday visitors
with Mr. a,nd Mrs. George Mc-
Ilwain, Mary-and Sandra.
'Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sanders •
and Jennifer of Brussels visit-
ed op Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Wanames and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glew
of Dorchester spent the week
end with, Mrs. Elm& Jewitt,
Bev and Brian and: Mrs. Annie
Misses Marilyn Riley of Don
Doreen Riley of Stratford,
Mr: Ron Goodfellow of Bramp-
ton spent the week end With
Mr. and Mrs. Ben- Riley and
Mrs. Annie Leitch spent a
few days visiting with Mrs. T. ill
J. Flynn of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Riehl
and family of Huron Park visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Riley and family.
Carolyn Elizabeth Griffiths-,
Matheson. Ontario, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chowinski,
75 High Street, Barrie, Ontario
and -Fred 14;Knetsch, Matheson,
Ontario. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Knetsch of 79 Market Street,.
Seaforth, Ontario, were united
in marriage by Rev. F. Jackson.
in the United Church, Matheson,
on February 5th, 1970 at 7:00
p.m. Mrs. Moore was the or-
The bride •wore an A-Line
sleeveless dress of gold light-
weight wool with, wrap-around
coat and tie belt; Her hat was
of the same fabric.. She wore a
corsage of red roses.
Miss Margaret Regan of 46
pine._ South. Timmins was the
Miss Mary Mcilwain
The C.O.F. euchre was held
on Friday evening with eight
tables playing. The winners
were: - Women - Most Games
Mrs. Scott; Lone Hands - Mary
Riley; Low - Marjorie Ander-
son; Men's Most Games: Percy
Gibbings; Lone Hands - Les Dol-
mage; Low - Brandon King.
The next euchre will be held
next Tuesday.
Mrs. Nick Whyte and twins
returned home on Tuesday from
Stratford General Hospital.
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence kill
of Crediton visited on Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Preszcator and girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley
spent Friday in Toronto visit-
ing with his sister Mrs. Cecil
Telly, who is a patient in Doc-
tor's Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Hun-
ter of Colborne Township, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.J
Thompson and family.
Miss Carol Ann Jewitt spent
the week end with tier grand-
mother, Mrs. Ella Jewitt and
MIgs Mary Wammes spent
the week-,end with Mr. and Mrs.
el; e o Sanders and Jennifer of
Miss Kerri IVIedcl spent the
week end with Wendy Tyndall
of Clinton.
Mr. ant, Mrs. Ken Preszcat;
or, Linda, .Dianne and Nancy,
spent the week dad in London
and visited with Mr. and Mrs.
MerVyn Webb and girls and Mr.
and Mrs. Aaron Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miesner
and-family of Scarboro, visited
on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Riley.
Mrs. Fred McClymont of
Varna is visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Nick Whyte, David, Crystal
and Bryan.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs' . Fred Buchanan and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hart and
family, Mr . and Mrs. Alymer
Hart and girls, all of Brirssels
and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ander-
son. and family of Bornholm.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson
of Clinton visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson, John
and Elizabeth.
Mrs. Ella Jewitt. Donny and
Correspondent .
Mrs.,,Ken Elligsen