The Huron Expositor, 1970-01-15, Page 1WhiA0 1,1P; PI • Mgt ltWt A brief "devotional period con- ducted by Rev. Derwin Docken of Duff's Church, Walton, • featured McKillop councils first meeting in 1970. The council is beginning it's _seeend year of a two year -term; Reeve Allan Campbell Presided. Colincii agreed to enter a ,fire area .program with Seaforth and 'surrounding municipalities. • The agreement covers fire pro- tection in Seaforth and townships of McKiliop, Hullett, Hibbert and TuCkersmith. Appointments of Membejl,s_te--"'" represent the township tif area boards together with other de-- tails involved in setting rates • for the year occupied .much of the meeting, Councillor :Ralph McNichol.. Was appointed a member of the Seaforth Community hospital Hoard to represent McKilrop Township for 1970. James Mc- Quaid was appointed McKillop's • representative on the board of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. The road accounts for $4187.75 were approved for payment. Monteith, Monteith and Com- pany will be the auditors for • 1970. Salaries for Council were set as follows: Reeve Allah Camp- bell, $525. a year; Councillors Arthur Anderson,. Harvey Craig, William J. LeertiLng and Ralph McNichol, $400, each year. The. salary for clerk- treasurer Wilson Little will re- main as it was for last year - $4,000 plus $200 'car allowance, plus one convention. Welfare Officer Kenneth SteWart will receive $2.50 an hour for his work in that capac- ity. Trench, drain, jind tile in- , McKill~p Wakes 170 Appointments spector Clarence Regele will be paid at the rate of $1.75 an hour plus 10 cents a rnlle for travel- ling expenses. Fence Viewers will receive $10, a' trip and 10 cents a mile for car; J. F. Ryan, Jack Hor- am Joe McLaughlin, Ross Gor- dan, J. B. Hogg, Boyd Driscoll, " Robert McMillan and Robert , McC lure. Poultry valuators, Clem .Krauskoph, A. Siemon, Stewart . 'McCall and Sam McClure will. be paid 13. a trip plus 10 cents a mile. A 'borrowing bylaw for $140,- 000 for current expenditures was approved. The Toronto Dominion Bank is to' be receiver of taxes for 1970 at 15 cents a notice per times collected, „Council is to charge a mini- mum of $8. an hour for the use of • a maintainer (grader) for summer and $12. an hour for snow plowing. • Councillors and clerk. are to be paid $12. for meetingS on each drain fon reading or report and letting. Any member of a town- ship board attending meetings outside the, township on board business to be paid $8. a meeting plus mileage. Drainage commissioners: for polling. division 1, William Craig; Division 2, Ralph McNichol; Division 3, William J. Leeming; Division 4, Arthur Anderson. Council approved pap-mint of . fees of $15. each 'to Good Roads Association and OntarioAssocia- tion of Rural Municipalities. Here's the Winning, Ticket 'Little Elizabeth Scott (6) surrounded by the 468,000 tickets turned, in during the Seaforth Merchants Winra-prize 1 6sp contest offers the winning ticket which she se- lected at Noon Tueiday. It- was Number 26159E and represented a trip to Bermuda for two. At press time the prize had not been claimed. Additional tickets will be drawn for prizes Vincent. , the rear partially hidden are Walter Westerhof, Larry Gowan and Ed.Taylor. (left)', check tickets as they are drawn. Next are Clair Campbell, Ken Lingelbach and Marlen which have not been claimed by next Tuesday. In' the lower picture committee members, aided by Seaforth Constable Keith Ruston (Staff PhOtO5 Curtail... As:Fiu-., Auxiliary Clears Program pital in, 1970 - Benjam'n Barry- more Hoegy, son of Mr. and. Mts.' Barry Hoegy of Walton. Ars. Arthur Devereaux, membership chairman', reported the Auxiliary now •has 83 active members and 165 associate members. Four new bassinets are to, 'be ordered for the nursery, The 'mystery prize was won Plan Party for Moggachs Friends of,Bert Moggach, for • seven years agricultural engi- fareWell party for him on Fri- neer in Huron, have arranged a day evening in the Seaforth Dis-' trict High School auditorium-,.. Mr. Moggach recently has been promoted to Farm Manage-. ment Extension Specialist and • Program Leader for Bruce, Grey, Dufferin, North and South Simcoe counties. He was the first full-tim.9 Agriculatural Engineer for Hu- .ron. Until last, May he was also in charge of Agricultural En- gineering work in Perth County. Immediately prior to coming to • Heron in May, 1963, he Worked out of the Ridgetown college of Agricultural Technology Engineering Extension 'and tea- ching., In announcing the farewell event, Bob Broadfoot, president • of the Huron County CO-op and Improvement Association, said it Was hoped' all frienda of the Moggachs Would attend the party and presentation. He, said that Dick Heard; Farm Management SP6Oialist, Ontario Department of Agrienre and Food,, Lon- don, ,w 1 present an illustrated commentary on his recent trip to Britain and Europe. He said refreshments are being provi- ded and asked guests to bring*. along either Sandwiches, coo- kies or tarts for the lunch. Guests' of co. E.4,r :liere Members of the Order of Job's Daughters, Hethel Mitchell, were guests of tie Seaforth Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star on Wednesday even- ing. Therconducted a ceremony of initiation at which a new mem- ber, Kathryn Edlghciffer, was in - Mated. 'Miss Ruth Haynes, Honoured, Queen, presided with-a corps of officers. The Order 1st, a charitable• organization of girls between the ages of twelve and .twenty who are Welateirto Master Masons. The Order is International with Bethels all across Canada, United States, Phillipines, Alaska, Hawaii and. Guam. There are four Bornholm will take part in the ceremonies in Vancouver. ' Gordon McKenzie, Business Administrator of Seaforth Corn- In"unity HoSpital, was in the bear pit Tuesday night at a meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxi- liary. Members peppered him with questions dealing with all phases of the Hospital operation and on facilities, costs,,, future needs at the hospital, hospital accredi- tation and expansion plans. Keen interest was shown in the new communications centre and the ambulance service now provided by the hospital. MY. McKenzie was introduced by Mrs. Joseph McConnell arid thanked by Miss Dorothy Parke. ,Plans, were completed for a dance to. be sponsored by the Auxiliary, on February 28th at the Legion Hall. Tickets are available from members for the dance which is open to the public. '. The annual Penny Sale is set for April 22 to May 1, and the Rummage Sale on May 60. The President, Mrs. Gordon BeuttenmIller, announced a sil- ver cup had been presented to the first baj:iy born at the hos- . Concerned with increasing in- dication, that flu is prevalent in the area, Seaforth Commenity Hospital officials have curtailed visiting hours. el Gordon cKerdie , in an- nouncing decision Wednesday, said the move was taken on the advice of the Medical Staff. He hopes'. it would be possible to Winners have appeared for two of tthe ten awards offered in the Seaforth Merchants Wia- aprize '69 Campaign. Shortly after the numbers which had been, ,drawn- 'were announced, Walter Scott. Market ,,,$treet, Seaforth, presented ticket 3520B and claimed the second prize of $100. 'On Wednesday. Mrs. Ron Savauge won $25. 'with tcket 19534H. Nearly half a million stubs repreenting at least that many dollars worth of business done by Seaforth marchants during recent weeks were piled into one of,,the Stedman windows Over the week end ready for the Win-a- prize '69 draw. , The Win-a-prize campign, sponsored by 'the Merchants Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and in, co-operation with ,47 Seaforth merchants, ended kattal4 night.. It began in mid- ovember. The campaign featured a top reward of a trip for two to Ber- mbda, a second. prize of $100. and eight prizes'• of $25. each. Tickets were drawn Tuesday n on by Elizabeth Scdtt, 6, ter/drMrs. Betty-Scott and to Mayor F. C. J. Sills arnpaign s Lagging reatere full priviledges' a week or ten days.. In the meantime Visitors' • are being liznitegl . to. the next of kin of seriously III patients. Absenteeism at Seaforth Dis- trict High School had reached 78 Wednesday morning, school sec- retary Mrs. Jean Hildebrand said. Usually about' 20 are who in turn handed them to the committee in charge. In the event all the prizes art. not claimed by next Tuesday,'cJan- uary 20', additional numbers will be drawn for the prizes not then claimed. (See announcement Tuckersmith Tuckersmith Township Coun- cil at its first meeting in 1970 at Huron Centennial School, Brucefield, approved bylaws,for • the ,Rogerson and Watson Drain and for supplementary bylaws for them for additional. work. A borrowing bylaw for $250,- 000 was approved. Clerk, James McIntosh re- ported 90% of the taxes in the township 'were paid in 1969, as well as 'in 196-861 In 1969, how- ever, the township must colle,:tt $60.000 more than last year, mostly because' of school costs. Tax arrears in 1969,_ameunt_to $25;700, while " .in 1968 ap- proximately $20,000 was' „ in arrears. Total expenditures on town- ship roads in 1969 amounted to $155.900. M. McIntosh was instructed to •apply for a road subsidy of $78,170. Weed spray,, for township roads is .to be'ordered. from - the"' Coiinty as in previous years. Township grader operators are to receive an increase in hourly 'wage rate - $2.10 . per, hour; ,an increase of '20:c' per' hour.' Labour rate„ Was set at. $1.55 per hour. • Gravel' for township roads is to be tendered for this month. Road accounts amounting to' $4,814.81'were approved., Fees tq the Ontario Good Roads Association and the .As- sociation of Ontario Mayors and Reeves are to be paid. . A bill from Williatn Hodgert of Kilbarchan Nursing Home, Seaforth, for residence for the months of NoVember,, and De- ,cern`-ier was refused as council had offered accommodation at Iluronview, Clinton ' '160-e the patient is now a resident. Councillor Cleave Coombs presented a bylaw 'from Sea- forth , Fire Area Board far town- ship to consider and sign. He said a 1,500 gallon water tank truck had been piirMased at a cost of $1.500. It was formerly M Liberals Dance—in BrusSels The first In-a serles.of dan- ces being- planneCi across the "-Tiding of -the Huron Liberal As- fioclatietiWill be held in Brussels Legion Hall, Friday evening. Music for dancing is by the TW1`;; lights of Zurich and the party gets and Tway at nine o'clock. Arrang ents for the event to which e public is invited are ,heing c mpleted by a corn - mince incl ding Cal Krauter, Brussels; Wm, Elston, Morris; Charle ,Thomas, CliffDunbar' and Toil McFarlane of Grey. daagli hande Returns from this year's Christmas Seal- Campaign indicate that contributions are lagging behind .lastyear, accOrd- ing tos,Ralph Goren, Campaign . chairman of the .Huron - Perth Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association. "With the htfndred and ' one other things to badone around Christrhas, people sometimes understandably forget to answer their Christmas Seal letter," said ,Mr. Goren. "Hut without thost'-' contributions we can't go ahead with our planned program - mes 'for -next year. Our fight . against 'TB and respiratory disease musn't lapse at this Vital stage," ' - The goal of the Huron Perth Christmas Seal Campaign this year is $35,000, compared with $33,000. last year. Thu's far returns are $30:218":66 compared with $32,560.57 over the same number of days last year. "The goal was increased this .year -because of educational, re-' habilitation and social service 'programmes- established by the Association," Mr. Goren explained. by MrS. W' C, Bennett. used as a milk truck and is 01 • stainless steel which Mr. Co- ombs reported would give no trouble with rust forming . and affecting pumps on the truck. Mfembers of ;councii wish to study the agreement further as they were not 'satisfied with the boundary line, extending to with- , in 2 1/2 miles of Bnucefield, where Tuckersmith already. has • half ownership in a fire engine and -a water tanker.' Council indicated too,'that the agreement should include the „clause- - "Any non re-occurring ex- penditures over • $150, 'or any change in fire area agreenfq11-1 -- must be approved by 'all' muni- cipal 'councils concerned. Council will consider the agreement again at the next me.: eting, on.Ianuary 22. Gordon Beutenmiller who • last week , was installed ,as Master - of Britannia Lodge, Seaforth. '5teli tsisc:QPIS, SOMPC110:114Ye . School P41 Wednesday :13.tlpipi:., $40-.04045 AVOlfSe0,1604.. piiltilic" end. $tf....TefneS.$epa.04e : pecaped the bug, , While':;; a.,•fe*., students wereebsentti . eAlrs400i,thiswopprnalat : ' time of year they said. Identify Titvo Winners.ii Win-a-Prize Cpnipalgp on page 13 for list of numbers raven) The . The campaign was in charge o a committee whith included Waiter Westerhof, MarlenVin- cent, Ken Lingelbach, Robert — Read and Larry GoWan. Defer Action On Fire Protection ••• .4. 0 The Seaferth Legion thatal- Lefton tealn installed the Legion Auxiliary executive for 1970, at the Januarrineeting Of the Auxi- liary feet .Neek.„The rfieritibert of the EXeCutive are: Past Pre. dant, Lit Brown; P"'-'reSident, POCCOOnib's; ist Vice-preeident Rachel Walters; 2nd Vice-presi- dent, ivre.,rgeret McNairn; Secre- tary, Mary Chapplii; Treasurer, Thelma Coodilis; Sgt. at Arms, Barbara Scat; ExeCutive4aro- line Muir, Charlotte Wood,_Edith Jessome, Jacqueline Reciter s A short business meeting Was heicl 'before the installation with Helen Anne Elliott winning the .8.30 dra*. zone - dommander, - Mrs. EVelyn, Carroll and bus- . band attended the meeting. A pot-luck 'lunch, and social evening followed with Legion 'members ,and ,their Brodhagen Chamber of Com- merce eXecntive began planning for another year of activity at a meeting in thetomMtinity Centre monday evening. Shown here are (front) (leit)Past Pres. - Harry Muegge; Pres. F rank Murray; 1st. Vice Wilfred Ahrens; end. vice - Allan sio- man; 3rd. vice - Harold-Rock; Secretary - Carl Veck; Treas. Harold Mogk.' (Standingy .- nirentors --George Jarrnutii;, Ken Siemon; Plannigan; Eugene ttarinotr 'Reny' 8teiih; mervyn Leaeherdt; Herbert arid-0661%0 itqc1G, (P1t4te•