The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-23, Page 22•fi 4.r - IIICKNOW SENTOrgL tEUCKHOW, ONTAVO CON rill I HM0 FROM PAGE 19 in -a secluded place and If there to hat, in the eggs_ Then site was taken out to the backyard and put in a coop with her chickens_ The: chicks were Stee to wander afeETad. otniside the couP and we had to watch for hawks and scare them away. After the he.n got 10 kiow .her home , she •was let out eac.h .day and she and the chickens for- prety w 'ell for :themselves Reeding and watering hen and -thiCkeEES was another routine Job, but it was a p - 44 , enJnyable Lone. NOW , you young 'farmers Jar 's sous, if you think we llivivg in the ,dark Ages., -and Now Available On. 1ST MID 2ND MORTGAGES - Animism* in °Matta On' • RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL 1HDUS and FARM PROPERTIES kd Naancing ;Far Roar Canstnattian& Lnyid Far 1;14pierwits t Ives in 'Your ittala SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND • CONSULTANTS LIMITED gi) 7411453S CaNacit Hand Office - SS Waiber SL E Kitchener, OWL —Wit Duly Existing 'Iltattgagai tor Attitant _ _ • Mh— RIPLEY A Custom Butchering — tering and Smoking Cottileg and Wropicping — Sausage Mk kig — Vast Virosting' HOGS AND CATTLE ONIfillitHDAYS • CALTTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Ua,eOEt&inon. , It for Witkty'.'s Walt Two Sig Cooliers, We Are Able To Nang *our Sear *vent 'I To 3 'Weeks•Whatever your Requirements Am Bur Howe Freezers We Sell *4. thanq,,ll kid 'Beef. }kirk and Lamb In Any Quaultil, At Lowest 'Maketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED 'FOR YOUR foROTECtION FM BNITSILA PROP. ALRATTUIR. MOOS wy Oki -fashioned and prim- itive ,in Jour farminsniettiods lugt on't be -too supeaior. Two aener-: ations from Atow,, your grain:11ns will probahlyhltte sitting in an air- nditioned room 'before -a ',closed • nit:television, guiding all er machinery by 1nO!e canna That is iflite•enerbr y caught up with yen yon Mking,ordets limn .a soulless wt, lthe heads 1eadsofstae have not pushed Ate Avatteg :71)ntitinn and •blown.up be whole Vara -1 Thatikstorm3rnatural %verbosity ,I was mot -able !to 'lel 'nu 411 but 'Tann idle in one iinstanment. -so 'tterevcretoegain_ AVoiit'Intd to '-done,outdoors but tithe mien !had M le:d and ikesit 'happy and conifortable- Ana ,tif‘course, that was the ,iluty, and -pleasure Air tthe ,tfartn wivesand -dauthters_ Altera graduatedirpmthetoMboysitige; 3 was introduced ;to :the indoonwork, and ngthldstdfafamily -tif 8 1Ioundrthat 'there was iitenty :to Itt-Certainitintesweltailaiiired girl and 3 renreniber-many -Of ;their names tOne .,very 'kind One \was Maggie Matthew& ',One of rtny brothers was feeling quite "tweed- whena aew -baby artired azurite announced -one -day inIttisitabyttak "MegotionteMatAtladiMattlittaft -see ileo4fer'. That became a classic in our lataty. As'l have said before, our 'farm and house were average in the counnunity. did not leave 'running Amer. electricity or 4 furnace. so •vve had none Of the labour saving .appliances that they bring.. rts. outdoors. almest every- thing wasdottebyliand. 1 suppose •cooking was one cif the most important tasks in the house. Things -Cozad be untidy orevena bit dirty burfood was a necesity. out cooking was dntte on a wood stove. I •can't renter -even having a coal oil surve. :but I could be wrong there. iliefore 'breakfast could beserved that monster in the kitchen had to be fed and got going. Unless there was The kindling. that was Often a -difficult job. In winter. Dad always put a• "bhick. in The stove last thing at night and the were usuattystanze coals left in the morning. The blocks were the very tough. 'knotty ones that were almost imposstlitle to split. Fortunately, oar range had a Large 'firebox which alai •autortz- maxlate them. The uptight -Stove in the parlour could take large blocks too. so the was usually a vestige Of heat in the house in the nimning In those days. cooking ...really meant cooking - noconvenience foods or prepared foods. •Meat. egetables.. stewed fruit. bread. cakes_ and an other baking was done right there in the house. its I have totd befffre there was canned -4 f tithe atiotnent "our Zoom -run says we lcOme , you AsaInjor-theltudtintcoes-c.onvivialitY and vwatnith . . ,in ihSinry 310x lounge, with its colourful annostatere Atlittittostroad.s.-a -self -se tVice :restaurant • Admire Teople -meet 'for -Conte -nation, -Snacks or a ftill-couse natal . _itheli,aultiiaSii,artintimategathering place for JutA..or*,:for -"AfterfiveThzfitshntents . . . the famotis ‘with its nautica 1 ste tting and 'a menu #,Ibtinuningwith htw7tastt .ativentutOS. ut%..all Itht iLtirtiSitncot..clote tOeverything In'the heart • tititowritingn.Woillhenjoy IOTOrito more and have MOM •teitt -.1o....vtral -on -other things. --ittAr.wetnight...parkirw f:3O p.m. to8 3Qarn.1 Se travelent or :con tac t us --at -: :r51:01artgStrett Vest, 'Tomo t o Irilephont : 36.IL1'8748. lIpeiateetwiterketey trtterrtMtonal t-kgets-Ltd. tfoodandalltthetraw v*etablesand it ihat wou1dikeep in :the for winter use.. Iftut it had 30 Ile Mrepared tfor -every Antal.lf you wanted pudding -or -cake, Toll did not open .a packalte ,anil -stir mid *have lamsty -confection. 'No. 'You *mixed ;the ingredients .and lben,cotiked 'them_ 'And often you tad to -depend -on your own ,cointnon •gellSeltriuttge the lemp-, erature -Of -the oven. 'licit all wood -stoveshad thermometers. Non Lost NEW. There -were at least 2 mal cooldng‘days in :the year - 'Zinist- ArtaS -and Threthin.g Day And in many Ways they were •sintilar. I won't tell -about ,-CitristrnaS -as it is mach as in thestatays. threshing day is another-litiag; suppose the closest ttingtoir is !Silo -Filling Day .• ,and I 4rno.. sure there are -SU& turflgry -around-even. then. As 1 threSting Alay, there•were -men voiced and they wereli "r6allyttattgry! There „always :bea threshing roast. a -huge ofireel, I 'have no idea What 'was but it was very large. 4. lasiu wives dicl:Tiot feherwit ;traditional rOast .and there mutterings among the 'Men •• that, There were -/-tizige in PAGE 27 1111.11/IMMIES Priftt zndSertaillAtnotgages •11114M14101.1-Sitillial Avalkible *Jr: MOM imisesma. 11111111. financial ,CansuitantsLimitetI, wpalsillestrevetoorritust,,,ard