The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-18, Page 22d-• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; ILIICKNOWANITARID • Rev J:t9 Was. WI *firer. The Lucknow Wrnzfs firt:inn& held ii;1.‘i's CiatMaS Meeting ,CT Tutesdav afternoon, December JD in the institute Rooms in the Town Ball ivitla a good attendance. The gathered at 3230 and after Singing tire 4 .141-1043 Grace .a b pot In& i14444 ai was enjoyed-Mr5.... Armstrong, WAson. " president. then opened the meet - 91,144:1141 Make money work for you in 1975 .C11121 —1161 just roorta•w loans. But bwestment Certificates, wend retirernetrt sags pliTts, estate. Ida 4 A al "i0 a '.,41111A4314/t...7111 R. COY n 671r, •and 2gency servkes, safety deposit' boxes _ _ these and many Other .n0 414'•. services are at yew firmer lips nen you deal with Victoria 2nd Grey_ fintriber Canada Deposit- bisaiavace Corponition VG TifirvaSr Icznarinkwv SII' =ONAGER 41,11. IDAVE) s247-73in an luilIGSI ST. 6•14 ing with the Ode and Mary Ste -wan C_oBect. The c owlerwe and treasurer's report were given by secretary Mis. Grace and business was dealt with. The roll call "say. sing_ play or., pay;" pr. - . very interesting_ Mrs_ Omar Brodks as app as Titre Oh for family and consmner affairs to 1s- Mrs.. Barkwell as be wished to be replaced_ Mrs. Earl McD ' gave the , attai011- swimmummum"mmosomm 014111114:411 01dIrf. Whs. • convener of the prgram_ - 6 With a Shig song (cif Christmas carols led by MTS- WesPiano- , We Were very pleased to have Rev_ Doulas.acfinan with mis: Be Spoke on Ids :impressions of .Chiisatnas" on .a fanulv. farm- 35 inAes 994,29 west of Kitchener.. through his school Wears at the red brick school.. practising for the Christmas concert at school. mid Sunday 04 41 Und 10/fing Marly wm�mustlrigs that Rev_ Kaithrran said that CtLIT impressions cif .6 4 ihr011 .U4 out on lives should remind its that this is a very hurnan time' O wear as well as a most aftvine, Mrs_ "Raymond Leclav gave a reading -A •Christmas Awaken- . Mrs. Sam Gihscm gave a very good report of the area convention winch she bad attended' as -delegate held in Kim:arch= on November 38 and lg. Langside 1oncert Heid On Saturday • LANGSIDE NEWS • The Langside Cominttnity cam-, cerit rotasiieIdSOltardalv evening al the Langside Hall. A large crowd was .in attendance. Atudld Scan Was and de Program opened by -;TheQueen_ Group TOritatiOnS., ifs. tnas", -Our Song"- and "In Many Ways" were give p by Fre-school- eri. Gracile 11 and Grade Ts. Three plays Were Perf u by the' cilder children, "God's Trees". ""A Little CirEcl Shall Lead Them" and "lbe, Foster iormily's OverSeaS Piano solos Wert' giveeti by 43=ra Lee Bridle, Hilda lieB0)er, Karen Y u004,: and Beveniev Bell. A piano duet as •played by Karen Young ai?.d '0 .4 a Lee Bridle 'Were given by Wayne Bell andMurravlieitl. and bY Donaida Scott and Jean Co' - Duets were sung by Karen Young and Judy Ward, and Lynn Itibeholson and Lois ; • trio by Judy Ward- Karen Toeing and Carol linclainier_ ibe .seitiOT ciarkehS 4±.catneLwo "iliteres a Songin the Aar-, and -Birthday of a IF:rirke" Clara 4411.... 0 a •iiamg, Two in to..., e-.1 - srin e cif a Pr,ofes-sor Sn Five ladies. Mrs. Ruth tielm, Mrs. Ea d McDonald. Mrs_ Howaid Barer. Mm Jack With andMrs. Stewart MacGiTiniray sanE accompanist Mrs. Wes 4rItr4ii'- orrita BeflsRudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and white Christmaswhich was enjoyed_ Mrs. Brooks, limmt-1-z1 tile ladies who bad helped with the" 'meeting and via the dinner and Mrs. Alex • McNay thanked Rev. Kaufman and presented flint with a small gift ,as a token of appreciation_ The meeting closed with The Queen and we exclarnged Sunshine Sister gifts and drew names for . another year. 019 Itintli 0 id WEDNESDAY., frein POUT ihtiversity" Was given FOX KILLED fby Dave Bridle- Ike Laagside chard Young Peoples gav•e SatThe Caulk' ComitnercW". Alice VanderKlippe gave a re.cita- don_ 'Throughout the program carol singing 4.743S enjoyed by e3leryone. The illalcy tirkel draws Were irmtle with Robert Stewart miming the turkey and Velma McAllister winning die rake. The pr • " closed with "V CaTiiada" Philip Steer. &airman of the al Boar& thanked all who helped with the program and those who attend- ed. Mr_ Kay gave a prayer, farl°wed.tangsieleb:Y chohamztlir is oining with -- to, auldi prj,byten-tan United Church- choirs .for the can 01 service nett 1 .t. de • evening to ke 10 .90 . °War CKNX. Mn-. and Mrs_ Clark JoiarnsTon wii on the week eind at the home of their daughter Mr, Mad ;Mrs. George Young and M. Genie liffnmsoi at the ,same borne. - Mr. and • Mrs.. BA) Bregman day at Staymer and attended the auction 'sale of die, implements of the late Mr. CATinnea- ITIS Nell. • 4999 - OP 4.9 • We .1.1.1 s- It" =7011 litina MTh. "Mina Scott is much ,impr,oved iin Wi-m Hospital 'anal extreiitc to be home early in the week. .4 A tell, , on/1g ha io bi tested lor lak wg.randall Twice. Oi1u. Mr woud&hed. door bi '46311=41 Tilt imder • krbseriatici were. Wed earliti Moitin and. (aren tram Grant When six celein .amin ,grs. Vied at pareati... Mr. ag. Y. "ling. crrCSI atthSievers gen--n spelt,/ wood. We are plea ltoer i uchrnps treamnearts in ton -14 - * .... . .. . • • Greer. Electri PHONE SU -3M