The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-11, Page 21IMER11, I I ESDAT, DECEMBER 11, 1974 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Couple Married At Westfield Church *son for 1 • ;5. GO i5. 40 ;.7.30 SRERWOOD - BONNET October 26th, Ernest A. • and Linda Caroline Bon - were united in marriage at United Church by Rev. J. of Leamington, a former ofWestfield. The altar was with candelabra ana and gold mums. bride isthe .daughter Of Mr. ars: Norman Bonnet of eld and the groom's parents Mr. and Mrs. • Earl Sherwood, I 5 Goderich., Hand of Gospel singers from ton area provided the music the wedding service. ' bride's gown was made of polyester crepe with lace. and A Ime skirt and a trait high neckline and a long • train. She carried a of yellow. roses and button with baby's • breath and of honour was the bride's MissCatherine Bonnet who thessed in along floral gown of and mauve with a purple sleeveless jacket. Brides - were Miss Barbara Rodger Miss Mary Snell.. both girl from Kitchener. and wore identical to the maid of. . The flower girt was little -old Davina Dawson of Cor - who wore a long white dress mauve lace trim and a white with mauve velvet rib - All attendants carried of yellow and mauve mums with mauve ribbons. an was B,yran Humph - Hamilton. Ushers were Coteral of Hamilton and• Dawson of Corunna, in-law of the groom. bride's mother chose.a gown k blue polyester crepe full sleeves with a long jacket and wore an corsage. The mother of the wore a rose • gown of crepe with a whit as a corsage. n followed for the ISO uSnell's Restaurant, West - the wedding gifts were isplayek The Hamilton pided music after the dinner. bride was honoured with a grower at Kitchener Hosp- she was employed. A us shower was given by ds and a relative shower Gordon Dawson, Corunna itv shower was held Id Church. imam also was surprised by Prties given by the X-ray liamiltou General Hospital k- is employed. A rehearsal party was given by the groom's mother. After a honeymoon to Israel for eight days, the couple are living at Stoney Creek, Ontario. New Lucknoir Branch Recognized A new Lucknow branch of the Canadian Arthritis and Rheuma- tism Society was recently formed and their first campaign for funds netted about $532. Mrs. Alex Andrew, campaign chairman, has received the following letter from the president of the Ontario Branch. • Dec. 3, 1974. Mrs. Alex Andrew, Lucknow, Ont. Dear Mrs. Andrew.: I have jut heard of the excellent results of the first campaign conducted by the Society's newest branch, and I just want to take this opportunity to express to you and your fellow canvassers our warmest thanks for. an outstanding job. Thousands of volunteers like you, working together, have made it possible for the Society to provide substantial sums for arthritis re- search, and we are confident that these expenditures will in time lead to the conquest of this disease. At a meeting of the Division's Executive Committee last week, a PAGE TWENTY,ONE -resolution was adopted formally establishing the Lucknow Branch and I will be" writing each of the directors of that branch shortly to express a welcome. In the interim I would be grateful if you would express our appreciation to all those who did so much to ensure the success of your. campaign. Sincerely, Robert Goudreati„ President; Portable 8 -Track Player. A blast of a stockintstuffer. Give someone a real charge with this new Panasonic portable 8 -Track player. Push the plunger and the programme changes. Runs off household current, car with optional adaptor, or its own Panasonic batteries. RQ -830S. Panasonic Digital Clock Radio With new print-out face. Wake up to weather reports or pleasant "chirp" alarm and alarm flasher. Drift off to FM dr AM music with 60 -minute sleep switch. And get 10 minutes extra shut- eye with doze control. RC -6304C. Take 'n Tape go -anywhere • Cassette Recorder. Take 'n Tape cassette recorder with built-in condenser microphone. Comes in four Crazy Colors. Goes everywhere because it's got an AC cord and its own set of Panatonic batteries. RQ -711S.