The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-11, Page 18... A.. P a EIGHTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO A MERRY CHRISTMAS IS IN THE AT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL A GOOD SELECTION OF BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS INCLUDED IN OUR DISPLAY ARE CHILOREN'S.CARDS -- SCRIPTURE CARDS - CARDS FOR PHOTOS — WRAPPING PAPER WHITE TISSUE PAPER, IN ROLL AND. PACKAGE — - GIFT CARDS CHRISTMAS NOTES KINGSBRIDGE Congratulations to the new Ash= field Council who were successful 1 itheir elections last Monday_ John O'Connor moved last week to .Lockriow to spend the winter months with his sister. Mrs.. 'Raymond LeddY and Mr. Leddy. Clem Sterner returned • home , from Victoria Hospital. London last Wednesday where he had tinder - crone surgery on his back_ 1. Brent Van Osch. son of Mr. and Mrs_ Antone Van Osch was admit- ted to the • Wingham and District Hospital on Sunday where he will remain for a few days to undergo tests. The C.W.L. Christmas bang -tier vs, is held Monday. December 9th at 730 p,m. at the M & R Restaurant„ Ludknow. when fortyeight C.W.L. members. Rey. Fr_ Ed Dentinger and Brother Carl Voll enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner_ A short meeting followed_ Christmas gifts were presented to Father Denting- er and Brother Carl by Mrs_ Cyril Austin on behalf of the C.W.L. Mrs. Antone Van Osch won the door prize. Anita Hogan of Guelph is visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs John Howard. Bridal Shower Held At Kinlough KINLOUGH NEWS • The Kinlough Anglican Church basement was nicely decorated with streamers and wedding bells for a bridal shower for Miss Jean Harris on Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. Morley Wall welcomed everyone and Lois Hanna and Lynne Nicolson favoured with two songs. Mrs_ Bob Wall conducted a con- test. Miss Edna Boyle played the Wedding March and the bride and her assistants took their places. Mrs. Morley Wall read a nice address of good wishes to Jean. Miss Helen Weirsma assisted with opening the gifts and Mrs, Connie Harris read the attached verses. Lois Hanna, Lynn Nicolson and Debbie Haldenby arranged the gifts and made the bows into a lovely heart arrangement. Jean made a fitting reply and all joined in singing For she's a jolly good fellow- followed by lunch and a. social time. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guest of Teeswater visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald. Wayne Percy. who has spent the past few weeks in Western Canada, returned home during the week. OLIVET This community was sorry to hear of the deaths of two of Ripley's citizens_ Mr_ Neil Mac- Lennan and Mr. Donald Blue both passed away last, week. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the families and relatives.' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Taylor (nee Bonnie Nicholson) who were married on Friday evening in the Si. Andrew's United Church. Ripley_ Mrs_ Gerald Coiling is sister of Bonnie's_ . Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs_ Stan Blackwell and family in the passing of Mrs_ Blackwell's sister_ Mr_ and Mrs. Robert Osborne and family and Mrs. Elmer Os- borne are pleased to have staving twith them for a few days Miss Elin Oddgeiesdottir of Reykjavik, Ice- land. Mrs. Doug Moore and children of Riple and Mrs. Warren Rich and Paul of Wingham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar When Choosing Livestock Minerals Let Your Forage Be Your Guide... WEDNESDAY, DE 1974 MATADOR, 4 door 1974 LaMANS, 4 door 1974 BUICK CENTURY LUXUS, 4 door 1974 PONTIAC BROUGHAM 3-1974 PONTIAC ASTRAS 2-1974 BUICK CENTURY, 4 door 1974 CHEVELLE, 2 door hardtop 2-1974 CHEVY NOVAS, 4 door sedan 1974 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door hardtop 1973 DART SPORT COUPE 1972 FORD GALAXIE 500, 2 door hare 1972 PONTIAC BROUGHAM, 4 door hard 1972 METEOR MONTECALM; 4 dor .1971 FORD WINDOW VAN 1971 TORINO, 2 door hardtop 1969 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door sedan 1969 FORD VAN, 6 cylinder 1968 PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER, 2 door hi 1974-75 /POLARIS SNOWMOBILES IN ALSO SEVERAL USED MACHIN Ir I I I 4IP AP I CAR SALES Li BLYTH PHONE Si White. Mr. and Mrs.. Ted White. Alan and Eric visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin McNeil and Bob of Williarnsford. because the roughage portion of the ration dictates the combination of essential minerals needed_ All SHUR -GAIN MINERALS are now formulated accordingly.. Its nutritionally right, it's easy, it's economical. to select the best SHUR-GAIN min- eral mixture for your livestock . SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS r1FOR NON -LEGUME FEEDING . feed where roughage is grass. hay or corn silage_ SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS =2—FOR LEGUME FEEDING . . . feed with high legume forage, to balance the,,high calcium. low phosphorus. SHUR -GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS .3:—SALT FREE. . . feed where salt is avail- able in the water or Other source. . SHUR-GA1N ESSENTIAL MINERALS -4-1HIGH PHOSPHORUS . for dry cows just prior to freshening_ SHUR - GAIN RANGE MINERALS . for Western feeding conditions. where stock is on a high hay or pasture ration with SHUR•GA1N salt provided separately_ Anderson Flax Products, Limited PHONE 528-2126 LIICKNO REPORTERS: Sfi Debbie Lowr,.. N1J GRADE 3 Orn of knir has moved io PeN she will ets4o. her NEW STUDENTS fori3edt:el :rut era ebbie an( T GRADE Man' of al.: couolis than •ceer Winger ma:k h Chrisimr; qnk CKNX till1 be 1.1F mas sone-, on eiti if ,,,oto firsten Ine tions bear n, SPORTS The: feeith-alr, ove are Ivo(' raj:"'fili Dillavory.al: Dodger. b Elloodhairk=. in the The RAI* game. Kirk ic kr' The.T into The El4a,(11".5.