The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-11, Page 123 4 . that St31 was ,Collected canvas- sers, Mrs. rflugh 'Simpson, 'Mrs. '11 Dawson Craig, Mrs. Elmer Sleight - Mrs. Dalton Sdhtiltz, Mrs. Ardhie Mrs- Wallace Conn, Mrs. Jcittri de and 'Mrs. \Garnet Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison cif Little 'Current spent the week end with their son Jim Morrison and Mrs. Morrison cif Lucknow. Mr. ,and 'Mrs. Dalton Sehtiltz apcompanied by Mr. /and liars. 'WSpity WAS we' sOMY toiti.Waaitibe \weekend end Peter 131te Boer Of Lima* Will [be a Matient at Netoititi 1Bosit1, Um- ; aon. this weeltatolittlat Mrs. Elmer Scott also 411fititgiside vicinity is a patient at *Ingham HosPittil. Mr. and Mrs. Tem Miller \df ligtovvel were Sunday visitots With her patents Mr. and Mrs. tintild Cotiltes: Mrs. (Graineit [Rartierwas(iomatiist for the Furnessaarrts \wedding ; theld in the Ignited Churdh at -4.311 WI th Rev.. ILeDrew and Student preadher Mr.. tam King effidiat- Week end Nvigitors \With Mr. and Mrs. [Ivan Laidlaw and Iznik were ther brother (Clarence (Crowston, Mrs. Crowstim and Ilkbbie of Chatham. n Sunday Mr. and. Mrs. On Chetyll and nnie (of Milton also \ViSited \with Mr. and Nhs. Laidlaw and family. Mr. and Mrs. (Carl NIOClenaghan attended the wedding en Friday ,evening at the United (Churdh, [Exeter, ' \cif Murray GrenVille • Kittto-n and Beverly 'Parker ei Exeter. 'Mrs. Beverley Kay and Mrs. Vietbr Emorscirn attended 4-113 Adhievement Illay at Walkertcin on Saturday afternoon. Mrs: Citiland Irvin, !Mrs. Jcihn Crowston and Mrs. 'Irwin Ludknow aliSO attend- ed.• MI \were interested ;in -4-43 merribers in attendance. • Miss Norma (Coutts idf\Wingham 'was .a Sunday afternoon \visitor with Mrs. Jean Ross. Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex Craig and Lana and Albert Ccniltes were at' Owen Sound Hospital en Sunday, Where they visited \with Mrs. Marjorie Sdhwiclhtertbetig \Who is mow \out \df intensive rare 'and :IS imudh improved. little Jason Conley et Wingrham •\was la week end visitor with this grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Val - !lace (Cann. , Mr, and Mrs: Jim Taylor df East Wawanogh were Sunday ratters Mrs. Earl Cagliek, Mrs. ,Jean Ross • and her iparents Mr. and Mrs: 'Russell Ross. 'Mr. and Mrs. [Billie Casliak (Of •Ctilross were Friday evening visit- ors with Mr': and 'Mrs. \Wallace Conn.- ' The \Young 'Peoples Society [held a [limiting mart Friday might at Wingham. After the marty they Tenoned to The dhurdh Where they 'had tlundh. 3 13 THE INICIONIN SIBNIVINka UMW% MOM* Victor Emerson were Wednesday visitors With Mr. and 1441S. t.dinter Kitts nif Brusstils. en St. mtiay„ Deteniber as ant 12 theehoir wilI mrattice iinhedhurh tor the (candlelight seritice, iors, intermediates and seniors are invited. (Congrattdations to [Mr. and Mrs. Herman De dihttwn non tthe arrival (cif two grAttligattititem, ton Decentber Stib„ a baby giifl tto Mr. and Mrs. Adrian De Bruyn in \Winghtim and District HosMittil, and en Deceniber (61111 by girl tto Mr.; and Mrs. (Gerard De '113intyn (Of (Clifford. Mr. and [Mrs. Adrian De' 1:; ruyns daughter is the [first grandtlittghter [for Mr. and Mrs. 1R. Wierers, kcit Winghant. Sunday event -iv guests with Mr. and Mrs. 1:111 Rintotil were Mr. and !Mrs. Neil tRititotil and Steven, Mr. and Mrs. Dave (ilibeihtiltraer and Jeffery Of Wingham: Mr.,and Mrs. lecinard Retbirtsonef Belgrave, Mr. ,and Mrs. Matik Cardiff (cif [Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore, [Linda, Richard and Cindy visited en Sunday \with ber sister Mrs. Gary Jcihnston and Mr.. licihnSton f Mildmay and \with titer brother Vaal Moore and Mrs. Moore \of \Walkerton R.* a. aluoknow wee \Wee thodkey main, df Whirh IRirhard Moore is a trnember, 'played [Friday tight at • Blyth \With a score 4)1(6-3iti tfavcir df turknow and en Monday !night At Teeswater \with a 2-2 itic. Visitors on the \week end With Mr. and !Mrs. [Ken Ottpress were Mts. (Greg (Gregory et tjakVille :and their daughter ,ffedy attpress and [friend \cif Milton. Visitors 'last week with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Whytotik were Ther sisters Mrs. "Larry Stark df United States and Mrs. [Bonnie Cameron,' Jane ,and &IOU df liendon. en Monday tlast Mrs. Joy Maier, Kathy 411i1Chailesketf ANntoweterwas a isiwrat tile 'home ef Mr.' and Mrs. Carman Whytork. Miss 'Mary thou Adams .df [Myth and David Adams \cif•Windsor Spent the week end \With ;their 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bell 'Ilktlarits. The `I'Voung Pecifile's,Society met Sunday (evening at langsitle • Churrh. Thr president (Cecil de [Boer [presided. The scripture \was tread by Barry Ellicitt 'Who also gave Ithe ;topic (Christian [Love. discussion tfdllovved on the topic. • Arrangements were made as tto Who wotild thelp At. tthe Langside Community 'Content. There \were 1t4 in attendance. ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison df thitfleCurr\ent \were 34.4ontlay rafters ,on Albert Cotiltes and Mr. and 'Mrs. Victor [Emerson. This \community tis sorry tto [learn that Miss 'Marjorie [Purvis \di NI Wilted , tformettly tif luriknow, had the rtniftfortune tto fall on Tuesday ;last While \opening the garage door id t.brrike Cher Tight \wrist tin two :places. - 'Miss !Purvis had \come 'home from 'her \work at Westmin- ster [Hospital :10 Assist bet two siste rs and tbrothrer \cif itrihell \with their work as Ittst \year the three 'had all received airciken [bones. At the Unhet1 Churrh en Sunday the \White kOift Service was \held. Jaz* Whytodk gave ;the Story Once Upon A \White -Christmas. • Allan 'Baries ,and [Kenneth ,cif Mississauga were Saturday visions with Mr. ,and Mrs. Ivan Laitilaw. Mr. and Mrs. 'Irwin MdClett- aghan ;df St. Thomas were \week end visitors 'with his [parents Mr. and Mrs. 1:en McClenaghan. 'Miss Ruth Elliott Of Kittihenor -spent "the \week end 'with her w.utents Mr. •• and Mrs. Walter [Elliott. "Rirhard 'Moore spent the week end -with his 'friend Faul Finlay Of larknow. 141r. and Mrs. \Walter Moore and 'Linda •attended The \wedding ,rif James Shaw and Lorraine Mociredf Wrirketer. The 'wedding was *eta in INT6Xeter 1011tt.:,1 Church on Saturday it 71) An. ,cottf :the 'bride, was ;maid, tifhonour The 'reception was 'held in the 'hall with ACHIEVEMENT 'ID -A1( . Adhievement Day tfor the CIA irI Entertains 'was theld Saturday. 'December 7 at WAficeltteli1 Where 114‘eltibs tea mart 'putting (or skits, illemtinstrations \and L..)ehibits. The Bruce County Home Econom- ist Barbara De Vivi& was ;masteref reremonies, .Attending *Om the. Whitedhurdh club \were Lori .1amie- son. Kathy Purdon. Lori Pur,don, Janene "Purdon, Karen [Porton, Faye Irwin. Janet Adams, (Colleen Adams, Rhonda (ibstin , \Wendy Kay., Donna Whytddk and Anne De Bruyn. Wh iteehurdh had . an ekhibit, a ;table .set tfor two. The .romtnentator was Wendy Kay. Janene Pur4on and "Lori Furtien received ',County Honours. MI 'the, ;twelve girls and their leaders Mrs. Kathleen Elliott and Mrs. !Mildred Purdon all received 'silver spoons. IV FOR BIMIE sonEry The 'Bible Society ..df which 'Mrs. Earl Caslielt is president and Mrs. Garnet" Farer treasurer, •Teports (01111MNET. FIVE The Teeswiter Bremen were walled mut tto a dlihrotey Ore at the ihome Lt Wier Scott Whieh QIIASOS tEle AiMtlef Smite smdke damage irestilted. lthe diiintney Ihas tbeem ttemoved .and mow one [Wilk, Mis. Inter Scott is a 'patient in Wingham and 11EiiStritit SlosPital, . • . Visitors an (the week end \With Mr. anil Mts. IDave. "idle Were M. and Mrs. TIini Hartien Toronto and Mr, and [Mrs. Dave . Ride Of (Galt. • !Mrs. 113ttgene (Gardner, Sandra., (Greg and Shelley, Mr., zand Mrs. Wegley oung and Mrs. &wit 'Young motored [to (Owen Sound on Saturday. , • Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Young, Kevin and [Brian \were \week tend visitors With this 'parents Mr. and Mrs. Clifford %%tow and fantity. Mr. and [Mrs. aim out, Marty„ ,Dantie, Karen, and lime Visited at the same !home en Sunday.. The ILauggitle and Whitedhurdh Vining Pectiiles 'went Aboviliug in Wingham 'last Cridayeverting zither Whidh llundh 'was served in [the Wittitorhurdh \dhurdh basement. • The langSide 'program momniit- me are intaking [final 'preparations ; [fer their amnia] Christmas (tencert. •6 • Mrs. Jim Mint \Visited Jim lin [Oniw3rgity, 1111osiiital Where Ihe 'has lbeena patient for (6 weeks. -aim is tto,tundelgo [urher [tests. [Mrs. Seib Buditton vigited iree- toady WitrhetterWith her son Dr., Butikton. Urs. • [Budlimin and bab,y son. •. • The (congregational dinner and Sunday Sdhocil (Concert tdf South Witiloss (Churdh vt/..as; \well attended. and a good time \was [had* :all. dance ;music [being given tby Bien Or�he raff1Iiismwd1 ‘Vittittity. [Linda !Women Sunday 411011631i 4 -glutting marty in 'Brussels With 'her thientl Sharon [Brophy. S it) 1;,11:1 ovretii Mr. Man Wylltis [has moved Ito FRitiley„ ihere be Will -spend the • Winter With Ur. and N. WsPag- . • hytr. I1sb.ifle Maityn is \visiting \with DonMartYm Ihavitg trammed [from St. Josepili's IHopittft. lontiop Where he bail smgery. Mrs. Frattic Niatilsettnn [returned thome [from ItIttiw3rgity Hospital. 'London, Where She bad been a 'patient &Wowing stnery. Mrs. Doug rMartyn is tin [London With daughter Aingley, Who 'patient in War Memorial Child- Teti's Respite 1 , !having [had -surgery . Ewan Matlisean Was in 'London. \Where [he attended tthe Sudbury - &imam lhorkey game kin SinglaY David antigh'ciplays for the Sad - 'bury (Main. *lbs. Daisy l'ffitCharles 'has [been Ainder. the 11;tottriftsamitito time and :is rant' as Arellus' tfrie nes \ .Mrs.[EvelyprEgersiviuth • speaker at Int tFriday, What At *atom •Cliristmastablt\tentmaticWo atioths: 7' •