The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-11, Page 73AWFORD MOTORS LHRYSLER DODGE PLYMOU1H wiNGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 Nu COLT, Demonstrator 214973 CHRYSLERS, 4 door sedans 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY II, 4 door sedan, power steeringand brakes, with radio V) EDRESOA , DECEMBER 111, TM THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. P 1972 COUPE, 2 door. hardtop, TrEi automatic, power brakes and, steering with racrib 1971 COMET", 2 door, V8 automatic, with radio ef " 11 trOLKSIVAGON, wagon, autonratic Na HORNET-, 4 door, 6 automatic with radib I36g PLYMOUTH, 2 door hardtop, 6 automatic, • wi th 1.967 DODGE, 2 door hardtop 13T1IIODGE„ 3/4 ton express • Dry. Cleaning Service n Lucknow Wili Continue Following The Closing by Bill Nekon of Luclmow Dry Cleaners Later Month John McInnes of Wingham Drive -In Cleaners Nun Irifies to announce that pickups in Lucknow will he made three afternoons per. week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at the SEPOY VARIETY STORE 31M1MMIIMIIMIMIl11111111111111WIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIMMIMIIIMMIIIIIM = BSI Pickup Dote Will Be I = December 2Ist giiumm.„„,....,„..n.i.......,..........................i......0..iff. REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK BY MURRAY, GAUNT M.P.P. HURON - BRUCE • Legislation requiring quick registration of snowmobiles, as well as the licencing and testing. of drivers was introduced in the Legislature this week. The bill sets the minimum age for driving snowmobiles on public trails at 12 and would make helmets compulsory. ft would • also ban snowmobiles frotn all serviced roads, except those where drivers are specifically permitted by municipal by-laws. Among new proposals in the bill are those requiring dealers to register snowmobiles within six days of sale and owners to attach registration numbers to both sides of. the machines. The bill would ban snowmobiles from all provincial highways and secondary roads except those ex- empted by regulations and . would require drivers .to cross serviced roads at a right angle. Age restrictions would ban driv- ers • under 16 from all highways. under 14 from crossing highways, and under 12 from. public ,trails. The legislation also offers protec- tion to property owners from trespassers. •• Driving permits may be issued to those over 12 subject to examina- tions. The Ontario Government has disclosed details of its second offer to provincial civil servants. The province has moved away from a two-year agreement. offer- ing instead wage increases of betvideen 5% and 23% for 1975. The Civil Service Association of Ontario has been asking for 611/2'70.. • Tough new regulations proposed by the Ontario Government to eliminate fly-by-night travel agents and tour operators have been introduced in the Ontario Legislat- ure. Under the bill, travellers strand- ed abroad by bankruptcies of travel agencies. tour operators or airlines will get their money, back from a compensation fund amounting to approximately SI million made .up of contributions from the industry. The legislation also calls for licencing about 1.000 Ontario travel agents and four operators. Air- lines, bus companies and other carriers selling package tours which include services they do not own such as hotel rooms and meals will also require licences. The Ministry will appoint a registrar to head the licencing operation. Filing false information would bring fines up to 52.000 and a year in jail for individuals convicted and up to 525,000 in fines for cOmpanies. EAS TE LUCKNOiN sEtiarma • OFFKE • WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 14 & 21 St A.M. TO 5 P.M. FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS ION PAGE SEVEN MORTGAGES • First and Second Mortgages BOUGHT -SOLD -ARRANGED • Available for: FARMS. RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS. FAR -MOR Financial Consultants Limited • 47 Elora' Street Harristen, Ont. 338-3037 e• • NOTICE A Class A Mechanic Albert Glousher Is Now Available To Serve Your Mechanical Needs From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 411P 40. 4111P 4. 4/IP 4. I' 41. 4IP 411P IP KOYLE'S SUPERTEST Lucknow • Phone. 528-3401 1 • 9tEd CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Announces the opening of .an office for the practice of his profession • at 39 West Street Goderich. 'Ontario Telephones: Office (519) 524-2011 - Horne (519) 524-9640 P.O. • Box 305 Goderich, Ontario N7A 4C6 Kinloss Township Council Minutes . Kinloss Township Council held its regular meeting on December 4th. the Reeve and all Council present. After the minutes were read and confirmed. the following business was dealt with. Lorne Eadie was engaged to blow out the lane at the waste site when necessary at 516.00 per hour. The waste site will be kept open every' Saturday until January 4th. then the . last Saturday of each month until the 1st of April. Bv-law 11-1974 was passed im- posing a special drainage rate on. Lot 4. concession 7 in the amount of 51109.70 per year for a period of 10 years. to be collected in the same manner as ordinary taxes. Application will be made to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for a supplemen- tary in the amount. of 53000.00 subsidy payable to cover the balance of. 1-974 road expenditure. A motion was made to return deposit cheque to Joe Kerr Ltd. and Ray Rani -0. held on gravel An Olympic Lottery Ticket AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT $10 includes a gift card and envelope A REAL WINNER.... Lucknow Sentinel contracts. The clerk was instructed to contact the County Clerk and reqdest the Registry Office to continue to make the list of transfers available to all munici- palities. The following accounts were ordered paid: General 3.068.48; Highways 51.587.25: Drains 9.000.00. The meeting adjourned to meet again on December 16th at 7.30 or at the call of the reeve. FRASER MacKINNON, Clerk.