The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-11, Page 11 11 sta it Year be Advance — $2-46 Extra To tILSJL. it WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 11.WM Singte Capy 1O 24 Pesos ito ClausPc:trade, Free Films,1 Funeral Saturday Yvvvvvvvrtr For Donald Blue Sentinel Froie Treats, Fieee Skating,. Di'anaAki& Mite RiPte'y Cfid Ott W - kiki• y of bist .weift at St. Publishing For Sattirday Schedule Ali Monne ,41tb1111;411 to have a f id a ambler o minther of Dielr are stiff cephirg afpg • k Well- -oaks. svilmwr,ti ride oni kiiiiself and wall he tile ,troAnthr The Wade the knekniant will leave the (41u II liehont OAF= v.1) tro PineinTest Manioc reirePTalk ‘vrielle Hue 4tall the Falk there - 4):71 1,1NC IL Ve,lilliiteittlentesS"7., witi 411!.13:.11 • tioneer for many years. and a form.er Federal inetiiiber of parlia- • Arain Grt 1110% raettem:thl wMasdiellnawide4Lkmwa throughout Me area. The fimeral service was ameitect- ' Funeral Home in Ripley en Satur- . da,„. WaS 11191 Cemetery. The Farm Tax Rethaction Pro, 1 gran, which allowed the owners, of farm land at RI pertom rebate on efieeten tkeitrieeuga I LIM a.me and 2.30 hist year'S municipal •raxis., is, gam at landiaiew Lea lihdE.. be contimated for the E9/74 tax Town &Wren are urged no attend year. The Pintgram for 11974 was, the rmarding strew evenly divide amumneed Oita* by the Honour - the attendance: able Wallimit A., Stewart.. Nrinisttr hike Saran i1fAegrietilture and Filoci and the Thule will be a neat in- the likneurable lobar White Treasurer° children Miming the mointirm ' . An investigative study has and Minister of Fonnonnes, and show and flair anise the shown there is no, liltelihood of Entergoveramental Affairs aftertmutt shetw„ a treat %snit Follow heavy water leakage in press this u, afro it First intritdneed in Ontario in tith"ILt tt)ardi."' it!‘dtv's &lice Tice atremMI as Greeting issue of the Lueltnow Sentinel will be dated M y. ber 23 in order that all subsoribers, wgi receive delivery before Christma.s Day. , This means that next week will see two; issues of the paper pubhshede the regular issue on Wednesday, December NI tUd the issue schedided for the following week wilt be printed by the week end. There will beno issue. aS is the custom intriediately following the ; Christmas paper.1 The nest issue of The Sentattel will be on Wednes, ; day_ Jantrary. & t al 1. •Copy e for the Christmas Geeting issue is, Wednesda.y. December , . 'Pes welL at the Eateknow inseam,: te4rVis. the- yam Redaction proaranki , NV-dlear. ;gin statin rmw. Etct *a41i*ma,ffm ain be desiened to .temove so of the nude r construction near Kincardine by the husiness association• for tanmicipal tat pressures !nought•m' 4111Ii• iilivieirdirk". A.. sothni. .. w4no,ss, niece president Engineering, said that ••only minor modibeatiOns are re - cement dewtir(4.es, in; the 149731 1 freed ft elianitrate the poSsaiility program wilt be continued for r474... of Probikrins, at the'• Eltia-'e nnics The toty.,-ere teed wile be.ii 1# ,, ' ' similar to) those which home shown 1.1.,# at al percent end04,5 glove ceudere 1 up in Ifly. ihti'S Pring 3 reactor. who, igin ear as apoitcarina ticoria wilt ! . The Pickering unit has been shut reeeive the ilebate.... To) qualify by. 1 dknert sirnze August because of. oeussutyteampurite •the haat at the, 11974 Farm Tam Rebate, the 1 ora06• in Inessare tabeS- ., thewriste hier- Sernarnaither is ini his h appricant must , ' that at kast .). 1 ' ' • #.1 Ur ,. mit $41irs, is married mad the Elder ray pintetnt of the E4744 numicipal i Ittr' Saluith.""ted•tbw 1614Y sh"ws' of sr tt Nita v,i., c„,,,t i taxes have been pant and that , . inaterials used in, the Pickering unit rauc current farin operatiim pp:Alums, 1 ud" ''''e ctmliirktel-P reiki.bk" . arty Mbindny morning.. about Elam prodtirm vained at not fitss, , • -Cracking was-, die te• instalfa- 316 aum-'- 111-411ffln Scha d Clalimss than Vel/00) in a normal, proem:rime ' • , rim problems.- he ,i, • 6. -and was returain home from work vear, Apoications, for ..raint orav• advatiCed etplippICIII is now being to enable Hydro to those vale may want in spend the bewl• on farms, aftesneall • ophoed By Mithrtae WW1, biwy ad Property %a* agnimies tre *hunt hikarre death to) itetsimall Minty to Emmy kik& hue alt struck in i*s tto die Schunitadier 'id the immediate area. ittatag*. to strike was, •lit' :nil off los* ilita,3keff who 'iramitlentt at the int *slit Mums Mien he eiHEIII kw dedempe pit "tsarkeif into the atm •Miirliagehirkern Offal &TM iS missal* and 6idiggn of last week off die Stir of his 1 hand at the pith* aioi 3:11 taltother off leseph . Xenia was workin&thaiullwasg geeing taillike and go ffor his !rand bemire Ike tn) Suitt to keep Oka into the maelt-, manot0,.. tte Ettldt% Dal the hist veva Iktie was removed to where it was 'league lincheu Attire Ilast Saturek; v arenai spimaing %team. mar- tiv the Earchrtow *wt la sweaters was tie lEtrstuern w$ numbers ,,Irratt a considerable rh,.„ • "i'Yweaters, were naliallik without the is order that as earht POSsiiii, al* offilliaseill "Wen etdiattr„ )1.1, udiebe m.vreniLtext the 41zge, barn) d he made on or before De-Centher 3t. d/evek•T • mei21*.d improve thiS,*-* Anstin schumaimer on fire. rqrs.. • fhe Hydro official' said plans call Carrick. Fre Department but the, bara was., lost • • llOr pressur*ed tubes in all four ituthurtng the ha: and gain.. three •Bruce. units to be stress, relieved bead off =Ilk and a mixer milk as, •and predicted initial work sliduld well other ariouitems. begin ear1y in the new year.'" Tool l as vs, cli"r would be about -57114.000, •Mr. Smith noted Hydro' has found cracks in only I'S; of the ,39. C*1 t 11 If the asisenent stuns tit the propem should change from at hintb reasUn of its eleyellipment for re L imiustrial or com- mercial purposes in or bane 1148*. the tat rebates are considered repayable with interest at percent per %tear. About SI head of cattle were lhe Petr balm) IS on the Sth oirCarriek, 11 v,.4, miles east of die • Imam line- M1r..Settumacher was in hos -pitall at the time- off the fire. iihatlin Joseph and Austin . Schuh timber are brotirem4, to Mrs. Edwin, llennineer- oil Calitoiss:and Mts. Ate Middle off Teeswarer. won . ats, ow, tardget,t, add misfortune which has come upon Miss. Buckle's, brothers,. she anti Toe Ebrekleal have' experienced another sad occurrence; this past w. week- ott virednesdki of west— week Metvin Anthonsv off geitibert. SmitarianzagED Oi PAGE 24 • Plans are, being ciampicted tier the mutual Christmas (Greeting issue to he published: by the Sentinel on Decentber lir this issue, business people of the areal take the own -mum t; • eyteridi Christmas areetings: and goo pi wishes to. customers .11111 Ii4bst business places in the are -a: • have been tieTitagtett tlIW date. If yott halve been missed. ptae contact the Sentinell atonce. 5r4. ,ztiaz and orserite space in, this gnat issue (af I PM. , . 'Pt CONTINUED) O? PAGE It • Two In Bruce MI Seek • The %%miens* There will be at least two ctutdittoes in January for the Bruce • Count y ‘Nrardenship. • Southampton MaYin Sydney • Dunning. 57. tontested the Reeve- • ship and ousted the incumbent. Mts. Cora Blackloci, littr. Dunning who spent hair earlier years cm Bruce bout:mil.. said he will contest the Wardenship. • A month ago, Teeswater Reeve •Albert Worrall also annotinced he would go after the top county office. Mr. Worn'', was returned bv ax.:-clamation as Reeve in Tees - water. • In Brace, : the Wardenship is alternated between rural and urban reeves and this year there is a township reeve. J. P. Johnstone of St Edmunds, in 'the Wardens rttE opiTAsio FEDER:ATKA 4.C,RICUCTURE held Its annttal eotiYention .in• Holida‘ hut, Ratiniton on • Ni" nher 25tit. 20di and Z`th. Four, area men Were anicHmt the more thatie7011 del.egareS and visitors free alt over the province m attendance: left. to rit.-tht. E.\ Keith Kinloss, .Brib 3teginan of Cairocs, Brian Wei - num and Sarre Johnston. both of Xittiossatr is 1st vice president llrtice Cunt Federation , of Auricultute. Gordtn fliIL Varna. was return- ed tbr his nth term as CLF.A- COMINUED ON PAGE •