The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-04, Page 16Ina wasp= sap. momIwo 01011WID " RIPLEY DISTRICT SCIlinni titimg*sitattie items tkir dtse '; 'NUL Sacs,. ama% cane remated wag Oceezio ttoum. WEattEStax tettmeett Tame *est irapokszt 143ir- wad Nam. Nikvtiew Battell .; Mt" to tie Frevata Cor their iLstgeoi,_ Hoes_livat "diem tvet wIls,,,w5tkinamb. visited Si lact llbststay 1741-MitiV *MS tlitng• t "mg em *gam tti*. Taitiect. *sr a. time- kttlz laitit Ws- Mem Sam Sea ete Ktithey, Caere:grim& after 111 wittailtig to &tam - w3s,tNfm..C5stis "zevaatte vat La 114.., Wianitted Ikrey wrd t*L-- - airs of the ,gtfrie ttif ame5 3triinwszestz_ we sit tmegElerc!F voIN Atemenfittaettty4-zzeget4ge taiwt ,IFttzwk Nik"- altd NikS- attarMind ,; slitNttta 41-Pamta 32131' tete% %vet a fau Ennttintairtittin NitZtio tee& WS. Mtn Gartetil-e ig-S4 ILNICiZtta *le Tfir Wad , '111X1 ztellmr3S 1173tr'i Clitzttil"rm Wave' ig vaime tote- iffsigAtuspem szL,tegy, 'Ir'r 46:€1152 tile aalus i;ter- Grace riergt;ie taec vats_ 53itre._ Eltirt•1133411.4i*: ask ts„vretaratmsztit4t sthzir Etwitri amterktrIvieA &et Slate wgit Itit ,: _ .. - croa• - ricitmtEs • Nsk.: mad Nks..- . 'Wave WW1* and li Vie 7gaimoir,- trittorr wale maxim iim , tfim.s ,...k,!5,,zul e yak Nire Mi._ and Nrm. Gtztt/r, eptiter 4' tattokixet come hock ,tritris vi.xctit_ Ike 31.113*samtiew54-vOttlk.Wartet Ntir--. . r%ts, , 'Nsiisiiind re svpnavii, wthirao , ,...vo--texmtnit of tt,._--(1.-ilrg *mutes ., Gzralskitiodlf weee am *ilea- Inn:Omer 1 LL-"' amid ItTlits- 16irt Nr- azt,t , SWIM ekt... urt.ttball :IS Filik 'alike AM..; INA isttiS„- Were etett 06eft Qat 133%tin7 g. geiptit I. disSistmlow. , am,fi 6,tmlnAfy_ 41311.niti anif.D1 .1Y Mt) e -441Flitr ' tit Alt 4, • 34In", artd Setatli '4=5re t1Sto Totoom elm ittomtm wit& Wm_ Balm Madetizraid for weeethwa tdi=itotr, "Erre =miter zwisil title Whom- etes tO) EifirtiVatte *Ai" WTiir VIIIMPABS INEE, &Dee ttdoiLss &it MWM-13X Itns-tritout . . zdinR Ck+i.1111.11” tift , 111.mdirma eigrIE vas; !4.1Touenrier at the Irowna Eten- Salome tete mt.L;-,tirrtaz, tee' iftztir ifLafkitst._- &tisk tig3sadkcs =12, Mame mem Str aa Court of tiomagyroree'engtobylk,tiftaglgidaa tilt the travt fkias Nakea:is...- • aplaMa3dg %tilt& Ma Zirttq STRICOSeal VT6- Latitit Ikea* .EihrtEet0e.- .-'410ttLra tr4312- e4nii We:Mt ESECet,_rttra'd Cipm Suimate Wietritek• SkilL NatithZfflLram Etiarraarlt Camrreserr Clem- 1T633:- Ek=dlis Sirr&i.strr* Wrikrartztit- Pttre-- tielte 30.1Pa . ma:B-30A her tamp ,..Giamrxmazt-,_ an:dealt (ktot- Cook URtre- Era:Herm '1Kagittrae Mariam fi ttez*e2 C3,1rtiin trait Frorht“ 0"-rrm, Ettotziimg Rem: toes.7s VIks,L CazzaiE WV= canae to);: tesciet- wtheigkaretti.,,,14e, Wirtz k ttrle ,-'401.7.- tLe tgttgtfa rEe3= Fte3nt%M wocirszt I:tee:kg-N=1s (*set miff& Ivetts and 04Ratottulgzs_t '14104, 14,40.4 434,13,0 44. tailaZDM eltik tbat tritit *ot.'44a4ro. (at -t-,„,„,,D.s„ Frrtomr thelamithstzsof tlieliamemiesat the &or, s Limiter #teftiz the tzarstazatir siztw eartmese sivverma.tmottitcricttcluzutgs;siamer Ntts....rag*Norturtr— eztaitaurzwaz theE., lax- the Tw=riaks. adrowarm. Satorgx .acid Catrtathwe EDa!iizIE %axe the fio-are, -tOr the ttefiz' eit<tvonieS.- NM= SgariM' ELlyg tCP trte %Lit- 1; 3s1=442 -11:e ,ntiELVIE trie etta5V- stai—Itzt. ott, - It Staril= qtg'ig ozougautewtiireraignns was, it, the lasewi, *it& Iiirtetiq camtimarATNititanos triev. atettaaed, tem wad %Mgt M:t1 smve the gatts, Wad— kadetts. -Mel; atonow)es' weteiturititat tie= valmktikela wailed areett Rizettest Ntaitor to, -sitcqg (r,aottitt,, ateetialg was litooRftt att, waft the; S4w=tt and raqmj ....14110TICt ar mot tieitg preseas far• nateir- ttigete is at is: "WeIM sent titoaetts".. nrettelr eNterl&ome Ite Itimrsdiks tsommgo- the 112)kraty is th.Witog am:tit/EL_ and X /Emil O's memos • kaAte tceem powdi jilt the Eta& 1tgames oif 4411 and eiftwakte ate tieing total at Ensam aftet sdikoolL Chttdtms., zad 4 xemit clevite tibe tvagatiim a it te..sittg zwa wed, is- mitie eking wadi! as Go pax% ticaue rreV4W4 111) th I I. ttl tit4tive,.- gt.,mt",e,tittlietatmilrlatte parlatQe1IJ. ltula tiay, ,szt:03;:stia: Calli-. came tuitikatiatt. gli ti..egiw :::,,,,,,, .N4'r`ittiC3'stzlifirtlitallik" 'auyi tilag 11) thit gkitulp ' 1/40,Nursits jda. rcit.iima. Ott Vollky, El* ,:;amtwatfivoitk4bastatlett4 die ciump_c, aifikrad,ziaitho •Ekeliiiities dm. Ripley Huron district recreation vs complex ISU tour weals Ina the Dissocold Maim Ansa. which was aria eif die extfest 13:2 sortraces the prove.. It ias served the Ripley MIMI &strict for mosny TegaS, beeM gptItt atalea to the commaitsr.. The RIESPONSIBILITY now Ses with los to do the sum for ami fare geseratioustl Sow yew support for 01111B project... A the Ontario Municipal Board Ilea ease* December 10 at 10 ILILbi Norm Tows*M,tpky ,:_i; -,11t • • • . • • Canittufians and Fund to ts'.f "." 4111144‘ Goal to go la the war futore our corrossers wit Ise co.g. ia tosilmots who ham sat yet beer prootheit Weave vowed:an poor somata wrier that this balky moss became a ref*W ?rw'' so thot woot coo saky io the fotore HELPED MAKE THIS POSSIBLE" 1.4 Matimscat Data tladbas atueiNsait Ifteizenart Bet Matt ALIa. tosim• Xekna 11), 21britv 10,4 Air • 341.,.. t EttWft .144rffixrctM Bannr DititirZ Elva- Outtow int &bat Vigft