The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-20, Page 21Y. NOVEMBER 20, 1,14 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ELECTION WILL BE HELD IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HURON laNDECEMBER 2, 1974 IN THE FOLLOWING PLACES 1 lets to Con. itokeon. 2,3 and 4 lit 2 Ids 1 to 48, Con. Ito Oini. 6,7 and 8 lots 1 to 37 9, 10, 11, and 12 4 end 5 •i.rf. IatS 1 to 10, A Nt6and7 lots 11 10 22; • Bob Rutledge residence 1 Lot 25; Con. 2 4 tilted nsite of Alma Ilagan Bosch, north to X (tilt A iNti. sad 9 Lots 31 to 67, Immo pH will be held on Saturday. November 23, 1974 at tides Office. Lot 33; Concession 8. poRs mil be open fram 11 a.m. to 8 pm. Huron Township Hall in Ripley Gordon Fry residence Lot 22; Con. 12 Lighthouse Variety Store Verner rown Residence Past of Lot 1, Con. A Bruce Beach Store, Part Lot 41, COM A • EARL TOUT, Returning Officer. FORT FROM IN'S PARK f MURRAY GAUNT R. HURON - BRUCE IMES WAS Wee,k at Mt was the announce- eintip was cancelling itita =gm& trains. 111*It &man Govenunent carr corporation Krauss-Nlaffei AG of Munich were both committed to spend large sums of money on research of the train which would then be picked up by Ontario, according to Ontar- io's agteement with the comPany. The Minister of Transportation and Communications.. John Rhod- es, subsequently announced can- cellation of the S2.5 million transit test project started on the Canadian National Exhibition grounds. The Government now has to decide whether to risk Grunions of dollars to build their pet transit NOTICE OF POLL Minis bortby given to the Municipal Electors of the c TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD 1N THE COUNTY OF HURON SMUG more Candidates have been minim' ted to itte klioiting offices than the number rewired Ito fill tos„..itettfore polls will be held at the times and places 1111=iN. Woe far the purpose of electing the holders of tita. 6,11 [ VMS FOR WHICH POLL W BE HELD REEVE • COUNCIL ADVANCE POLL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23. W74 #t de Ate off the Clerk, R.R. 3 Goderich REGULAR POLLS MONDAY, DECEMBER 2. 11974 t:11-Isseard Ms' holm Residence Hail Ranter "be 41 --Nm Petrie Residence 1---Iennis babe Residence •t.--Wiraso Parrish Residence •1/-ittes, Nen MacKenzie Residence ti fl hit 1141'. from 11 o'dock am. until S cede& PROXY APPLICATIONS has been •appointed a voting poasY maY • Wer than 5 (Mock in the afternoon of to receive a certificate to vote by ProxY- 14 band tbis Mb day et November, Mt • DONALD M. SIMPSON Returning Officer 17;issir t Kincardine Man Died Suddenly WILLIAM D.. CAMPBELL William Duncan 'Campbell of 1058 Sutton Street. 'Kincardine passed away suddenly on Novem-, ber 3.. 1974 in Kincardine District General Hospital as the result of a • heart attack. • He was born on January 6. 1911 in Greenock Township and was a member of the Kinloss United Chiirch. He is survived by his wife, the former Mary G. Bannerman, and 'two daughters Mrs. Ross (Helen) Forster. R. R. 1 Lucknow. and Mrs. Jim (Linda) Collison. Cambridge (Preston). Two grandchildren. Bradley and Jason Collison also survive along with. one brother Dougald. R. R. 4 ;Mitchell. and two sisters. Mrs. Ben (Margaret) Rut - fie; Kincardine and Mrs. Ab (Katharine) Fritz. R. R. 1 .Atwood. Funeral services were held on Tuesday. November 5 from the Linklater Funeral Home, KinCard- ine, with Rev.. Robert Clyde Officiating. Burial was in Greenock Township • Baptist Cemetery.: Pallbearers were Duncan Camp- bell, Dougald Campbell. Linos Kraemer.. Glen Haldenby. Albert Colwell. and. Frank Colwell. Flowerbeaters were Ron Stanley., Jim Fritz, Doug Bannerman. Jim McEvratt and Delmar Lindsay. vision. For the 'moment theprojeet is on the shelf. probably for four to ..six months, while. Mr. Davis. and his'colleagues assess the risks and its , of going • ahead with the project alone.. At this point Ontario is left with drawings, test equipment in Mun- ich'. future rights to the systeni, and more than - two miles of concrete footings at the C.N.E. • The Krauss -Maffei conceptsold to Chum:to. and to the Premier personally. in 1971 was to provide a fully automated. driv-erless , transit system controlled, by computers and elevated by magnetic susoen- • Sion to provide a smoother ride '• than wheels. Ontario hs been refunded Sa.5 million by. Krauss -Maffei toward ((Money Ontario has .spent at the C.N.E. test track. . Liberal Leader Robert . Nixon called on the Government to abaanion the whole project • "alad, Save our taxpayers an aura:mark-A amount of money-. • "Look at the waste of funds on. the Spadina Expres-sway that's still • just sitting there / after three years,- he (continued Ontario Housing Minister. Don- ald Irvine, came under strong, and pronged Willa in the Leure (This' week when he said the,Ontario Hmsing Coil:potation' 'did tIktt praise indiaidualty .properties it• , bought in the South Nlitbdin area. The deal ga%e tt,bree related devel- opment companies a 51 million profit ire a matter of ntortths. .41toeether the Government bought 72.300 acres for land bank- ing and future development, and paid up to S-.000 per acre 'for the land. The Oppa_sition dared that 0.H.C. • sis buying land by Tback toota bargaining-. and that the Corporation Turk-ltase-s. land by Chrtstatis Seals heEp sap. - pint p:,sut Ts v.ar Qt.1 artd Ftt,' •' PAGE TWENTY.ONE HIGHWAY 86 — LUCKNOW Tried the Rest? Now Try the Best!!! DAILY SEPOY MONDAY SPECIAL SMALL INDIVIDUAL PIZZA 95c • (WITH ANY 2 GARNISHES) TUESDAY LARGE FISH AND CHIPS WITH SALAD 99c REG. OM • WEDNESDAY CHICKEN DINNER $139 • 3 PIECES CHICKEN, ROLL, FRENCH FRIES AND SALAD REGULAR p.is THURSDAY HAMBURGER DELUXE WITH • FRENCH FRIES 99c FRIDAY CHICKEN FILLET DINNER ____ 99c REG. $1.3.5 SUNDAY GREY CUP SPECIAL BUY A 12 PACK OF DELICIOUS 44, GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN AT $4.80 GET YOUR FRENCH FRIES AND ROLLS FREE PHONE 528-2034 •• OPEN • SUNDAY TO THURSDAY 11 A.M. - MIDNIGHT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 11 AM. - 2 A.M.