The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-20, Page 20• , z • PAGE TWENTY THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH ELECTORS POLLING for the election of a Reeve and Four Councillors for the Township of West Wawanosh will take place on Monday, December 2, 1974 between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the six polling subdivisions in the Township, Poll 1 - Dungannon — Home of Mrs. Annie Dere Poll 2 — Auburn -- Huron County Library Building Poll 3 — Township Hall Poll 4 — SE Helens W.I. Hall Poll 5 — Home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacPherson Poll 6 — St. Augustine Church Hall AN ADVANCE POLL will be held on Saturday, November 23, 1974, between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., at the Clerk's home, R.R. 2 Lucknow. PROXY 'APPLICATION A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, November 26 to receive a certificate to vote by proxy. JOAN C. ARMSTRONG, Returning Officer Mrs. Bert Alton Is W.I. Spanker Luckily)* Womena's Institute held their regular meeting featuring Educational and Cultural activities on Tuesday afternoon, November the 12th at .1.15 with a good attendance. The committee in Charge had a nice dessert and cup of tea prepared, after which Mrs. Arnastn ng Wilson opened the meting in the usual manner with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. The minutes, treasurer's report and correspondence were read and dealt with. The roll call was answered by telling our favourite hobby. Catering to a banquet on December 7.and to a wedding were discussed and arrangements were made for these events.. The Christmas puddings are to be made on Monday, November the 25th,. It was decided to have the December Meeting a pot luck dinner at .1130 on lite usual day. ..Mrs, Phillip Stewart and Mrs. Jack Wraith showed two real nice quilt blocks that they had made to be sent to the Erland Lee Horne and the Science Centre at Toronto and Miss Elizabeth Robinson, a hand craft article she had made to be donated • to the convention at Kincardine on November 18 and 19. Mrs: Stewart was chairman for the program and to open this part of the meeting they sang 0 Canada and Mrs: Stewart had ' a poem, ,.Those who sleep in Flanders" Mrs. Stewart MacGillivray very capably took the motto, "All our children need today is L,S.D., Love, security and discipline,". She said children need to be respected so they in turn learn respect for others. Security comes from being wanted and being loved and usually when these ingredients are lacking„they go astray. She closed with a poem ,"If i hada boy". Mrs. Ross Shielis, delegate, gave the report of the morning session of the county rallyheld. at Wiarton and Mrs. Marshall Gibson gave the afternoon session. Mrs. Bert Alton was special speaker and spoke on Education and Cultural Activities. Culture differs greatly in many parts of the world, Culture can be the sum total of a group of people. Different countries' have different foods that they are especially • known. for. Cultural • traditions vary greatly from one country to another. As in our own pioneers' Circe, although people had to get along with much less than we have to day, they never hissed whatthey never had and were happy. Our culture is upgraded by `education. Mts. Phillip Stewart presented Mrs., Alton with a gift. Mrs. Ted Rice played several numbers on the piano which was enjoyed by all,• The meeting was closed 'by singing The Queen. RATEPAYERS MEETING TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD Wedn�sday, Novefliber 271h AT keg P.M. Brookside ScOol Ratemers .from the To ` of West Wawanosh, Separate School supporters from the Tb. of West and East Wow- s** Tuernbenry and Ro ck and the Town of wino= are invited to attend this meeting. 1 LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON 10 YEARS AGO NOVEMBER 1�1 George McLean was returned for his fourth term as Reeve of the Village of Ripley. The four councillors were also returned by acclamation, John Dodds, Robert Love, George Tranter and Peter Bissonnette. The week end. of November 21st was reported as a wild week . end, weatherwise, in Lucknow . and surrounding. area. Nine inches of snow fell and was 'whipped into drifts, that along with poor visibil- ity, made driving hazardous. Many motorists were stranded on the roads, the worst of which was about forty overnight guests at the farm hone of Ray Walden on Highway 21 near Kincardine. 30 Years Ago NOVEMBER 1944 In the Lochalsh-Amberley dist- rict and along the Lakeshore they hada snowfall of about 8 inches but which soon disappeared, . In town there was a couple or three inches and farther east a complete absen- ce of "The Beautiful". It was the first snow of the season. Kinloss. Township Council rec- eived ereived an acclamation. The Board was comprised of Reeve Richard Elliott and councillors J. W. Colwell, P. A. Murray, Alex E MacKenzie and Dan T. MacKin- non. An acclamation was also given the West Wawanosh municipal council, Reeve Brown Smyth and Councillors Everett Finnigan. Dav- id McAllister, Gordon MacPherson and Wallace Miller. Ashfield Council, which included Reeve Gilbert Fravne and council- lors Fred Anderson, Cecil Johnston and two new members Mel Dickson and Frank Hamilton, was also given an acclamation. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER resident of the 4th concession Kinloss, passed away in her 102nd year. For the last few years, after losing her eyesight, she had made her home in Lucknow, being .cared for by Mrs: Angus MacDougall. ISOLDIT THROIJGH 11* WANtADS 50 YEARS AGO NOVEMBER -1924 Negotiations regarding the own ership of Bruce Beach summer resort were being carried on between Huron Township Council° and the Department of Lands and Forests. A deputation was going to Toronto to lay their ease before the provincial government officials. Mts. Alex MacLeod. a pioneer NEED. PAPER For Your Duplicator? STEN ? MASTERS? THE SENTING Has Them Ali PHONE SIO411111 NOTICE OF POLL Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Elco o' the TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS IN THE COUNTY OF BRUCE That whereas more Candidates have been ,. each of the following offices than the number requiral.� such offices, therefore polls Will be held at the times and stated in this notice for the purpose of electing the such offices. OFFICES FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD One Representative on the Bruce County Board of Edoutis h represent the Townships of Kinloss, Culrossand fie Vi ses Lucknow and Teeswater. ADVANCE POLL SATURDAY. NOVEMBER. 23, 1174 At the Clerk's Office at R.R. S Luchnov REGULAR POLLS MONDAY, DECEMBER .2, 11314 Poll No. 1 Ford Cunninghain Residence Poll No. 2 — Whitechurch Community Hall Poll No. 3 — Anglican Church, Kinlough All polls will be open from 11 o'clock ant. until pooh. and leo longer. PROXY APPLICATIONS A person who has been appointed a voting poly apply to the clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the ' M Thesda y, November 26 to receive a certificate to vote by life I Given under my hand this 154th day of November, 1 111 FRASER MacKINNOI Retuniing Offke 1 NOTICE OF POLL Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of de VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW IN THE COUNTY OF BRUCE That whereas more Candidates havee been each of the following offices than the num ber such offices, therefore polls will be held at the time stated in this notice for the purpose of electing tl such offices. OFFICES FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD One Representative on the Bruce County Board of Ede' represent the Townships of Kinloss, Culross and the ViallEr ,Lucknow and Teeswater. Imm +In t to rita ADVANCE POLL SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 23.1914 IN THE LUCKNOW TOWN HALL REGULAR POLLS MONDAY, DECEMBER L 1ti4 POLLS NO. 1. 2 AND 3 IN LUCKNOW TOWN 14101 All polls will be open from 11 o'clock sal pan. and nolonger. PROXY APPLICATIONS A person who has been appointed a •` apply iA the clerk not later than 5 o'clock Tuesday, November 26 to receive a certificate Given under my hand this 18th dav of November. ALFA E. Ret