The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-20, Page 2PACS ,THE f tUCKKOW SENTINEL.. . LUCKNOW., °WARM The LuCKNOW SENTINEL 1 • •.. • LOCKNOW, ONTARIO 4 • "Ma Slyly Tone, - On the • • •• •. 4 Second Cass Regjstratien Number 8847` -std 11 — Published Wednesday Mornhor aE the C C9N & and . 0.W.Itl.A. Subscription Rate. WO a year In advance $2 extra to USA and Ducted C. Wim, Publisher •. • • 4 • • f • .® • 4 ••e REFRESHING INTEREST IN SCHOOL AFFAIRS It is trelleshing to see hair miens eatestg the one pc.tiisam on the Ince Count,- of Educations a serge aew e Li ges of Liow: anal Teen:r atter and the T of Kittbaass and C ' nth interest in tphe offices on ee'aau nEty sated boar& Ceti l°nino inn mom onunicipaides, it is a pheas- ant nu` - m.„ two see several tattteS circ the lit for. the one position to serve this atatrea$_ The workings gs of county st ooll hoards is big bless,.. Inn it is still public bareness an should inti wart e teca1 peoples more than it does_ Acclamations met appointments 4ionlef not be part of arm- large sehooli sossterxe where !nude is at stake_ The ivory towers of Chester and Clinton seem sat remote ttL the average t-atepaver drat it is nen- east to lose ami contract and interest in school trotters., Ninth a the hm, of the bard a,ears, to be d ane a1 "tubber stamp- method with the atinthaintrators, makinn taloa nod the hoards =trek noddingtheir heads ire the anu+' • rive. We have talked to mend/elm of the press otho attend tr I head meetings and Oleo are dienineed at the exam= = eafr bu ir- aess which is not done in public- Math ubl _h of the tzn ne ns, of educatiom is toodnetied cmc "oaMinitteecif :th.>e whole"_ with troy paddle lar per. aEf u L S+<'aictew here alb ng the lardy etc thoutc8 to rets have lost a of n nye filet that it is pawl Gnat. nntncd:we t t o are d attdn>:ctiinng,. using your women and mine.. and they .ate aentountable to this nacre pablite. Condaclung biline "in camera" ratty raises questions ma the -n c2f ratepayers and gives no indication ho their ted, : s,• not — thie std on 'Market - hand ar - i darts or one kite reports- Finan the edam meet- ings. t way to nmehrefe pub& aina: iii i .eer6 t the days of the t`aVir ipv school areas,. when trus- tees were invoked with "bo feet- at the t ill tenet. .Parents, were too._ atetrayenrs gat entited about ednnea n those days. thanks, ,, the Ontario GeV- eminent.. V- e arm ntte.. we have lost that per- sona involvement in the afhtirsoaf ai adorn The hoards. are mer: They might Emelt-ink' beth rat a dem this is dettateattle. depending lulu lbw it at dr, Itdatti pets -mak.. k • but there is Dais thing that has been testL tE a persotrall innotnement leaf elm& parent in the eeehid::attx eTria; of likelyVie. roiin DISCUSSION ON ADDICTION PROBLEMS 'The Busty Buddies, a local young wl»anen's grotup_ sponsored a panel on the use of drugs in the Enamor Presbyterian Church can Inenday evening of last week - I env fon` the evening were a member of area people_ w Atthe problems, of drugs as related to their professions: Mrs_ button cif the Drag air Minndt Res-earth Foundation in Owen Sound:. Coable G-:telern cornu r is is at inns officer with Ontario ProvincialPsalms; Dr. IC. McKim. lane own pllstcsician Shelly Parker. Family Sertnd:es Officer front 'Walk- erton: a - etrto n: Dir. Bruce, of the ads te`t ions centre_ Goderi i Nothistric Hos- pital. Goderich. `le the evening a ryi concen- trate oann -enc-ttrat:e on the abuse of drugs within the area. it clearly indicated at the meeting that the abuse of drugs is not a$s severe as marry per pts believe it to be. Panel Members pat this down to ono factors, Ether drugs, are not being used itch an great extent in the armor ; i+ ere is as more common use Of tire "soft- :dtrugs which aesera.have learned how ,to control_ The latter is begeved to be the case by some panel tanenrnbets.. It was generally arggee, . that use of the "hard- kgs, in this immediate area is mom. Some of the panel members felt that the egg problem in tete Harm -Bruce r `a craw .peaked a couple of years argue Wit started out to he a thse ssiatt dart dugs' soitched over to alcohol adtEctiont' and by the comments, of pained members and those present. it appears to be a much more serious,problem in the coranninity than that of drugs. A large crowd! Eons a wide axe& atte the meeting and ed the Sunday &UUNA Loom of the church— Ries - Glenn Notate armed as a , mon, for the dols n si nn which' branannary questions and com- cnnentS f QM& the ate_ The 'drag provided art eseet hint ' .forte for the diSatssion of addiction problems. gi c iaarg those is attendance- aced ata insight into some the pte'abt'enann of lacers. nn"y� Kial�ssMan Died in Hospital JOHN A. HEWi`1T WEDNESDAY: John Alexander Hewitt of Kin - lei Township passed away at , University Hospital, London on Wednesday November 13th. He was hl. Jack. as he was more familiarly known, was born in Greenock Township on August 3rd 1913. a son of Alexander . Hewitt . and Catherine McDonald. On May 24 194! he married Laural R. Mason of Waterford. Mr. Hewitt is survived by his wife_ one seam Rev. Alex Hewitt of Scarborough. three " daughters. Mrs. Kerry Diane) Hogan of Glencoe_ Mrs. Torn (Brenda) Fla- con laceitt off . Toronto and Mrs_ Reload pp (Heather) Duncan of Kitchener, and two grandsons. Todd and Chad Hogan: also one si-ten- ice- George (Belle) Graham of Kinlough and three brothers Wallace Hewitt of Waterford. Lenwood Hewitt of .Saskatoon. Saskatchewan and Dean Hewitt of Kinloss. He was predeceased by one sister .an+ni two brat - The funeral service was held at MacKenzie Me t oriafl Chapel,. Lacknow on Friday_ November 15 . Rev. J. . R.. King of ISL e was minister. Pallbearers were Albert ewrtt, Chaarles McQaadlirs, D Lindsay,. Eaton Heights,. Ken Johnstone, Charles Raehler- Interment was in Kincardine Cemetery. Bid Nan Combirte atiticklaill„1111:4 evti7 441 \\\. ani 4 Ina 6n' 4uinerrp at azon fps ttaat g y�tu ttre rnd > dnl ac. ;^„n dstaibute testi quick y acid err y atatrag a Otte is certain to to lust right far your mit dr tante teedirg aperatiara. RATEPAYERS MEETING t CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 trying for the highway oommittee. and would bewogfor rad work in this area if appointed. Duncan Campbe l spoke on meetings that were held on restrac- itwr ng of municipalities which have been; held and when public meet- ings will be helld in the future. dor people to get out and voice their. opinion He also outlined Work • OLDEST RESIDENT done by the •nugeen Valley Conservation Authority a whith lite CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 is a member and mentioned weir,_ Andrew'_ Miss MacGregor. who was 1C1 _years of age. on March 5th of this year. was the villages , older resident_ She born in Cape Breton, Nova Soothe. on March S. 1S73. a daughter of Daactaeld N. MacGregor and Jessie Ma cKettie_ At the age of eighteen she d:-,ame to Ashfield with her parents but for the past, seventy years has been a resident daf [arcE-kne w; w aete far many years her seaside as a seamstress were math in demand. Catherine was the eldest a a fly of sixan her sister Mae., Mrs- merge Steuart of Lac dews is the ucanaragest_ The two sisters resided together sure 1961 when M.. Stuart and her tate 1. d George Stuart moved to Int:knew front the St- Helens area and until Catherine a meted to abet two years a There were four btothers.1l deceased. r - George and Dr_ Wilt. both dhf Cberag Areae and Ken- neth, h, b otth of Granum. Alberta_ Miss MacGregorwas as member sof Luc$tntow Uinnitted Church. - a nttenanher of the United Churl Women and a$ former member of the Inckatdaw Women's t'nnstitute_ 41) Nit Craft, Music And Dance Day . Girl des . and Brownies from Tee waw. Wnnglea rn and In ow gathered at the Lare.kne@w Central Phut Hite:: School ooi Saturday for a , Cram. Marsh- and ice Day_ Twenty-seven Guides,. this -sin Brownies and mime headers attend- ed. The girls were welcomed 'by OrstriCt Commissioner Mrs. Jack ;McKim wf Lwcknow. Rangers frent defich taught crafts and Can_ David Robertson of lactam gest taught mesh:- and dance in two i ses itanns. morning and at odzm.. anew office bedding at Hannover. RarrrY Johnston spoke one retnea- tion and their thoughts on fbrnninng a nateure trail_ He also stated the disdattatages of not having this part of the Township in a Conserva- tion Authority. Grant cap,, rations of team and hieing of an atm Rena Houston INOtddn t:lte puss& to the arena an am cadet Donald Bei ate arena ops a[al of a new ice inatitine am imprivement Donald.Bushell tion d%f not it earlier. The gad ben pant on but donne to late delated_ The new aspirants siti4T:nn of Brace Beard t epre sent ti &redden @.loud A eats and Alam Loon ?d adddrentes. 'Alta from the de* the with the Queer.. o Iiia 009 di (i,h A MERRY CHRISTMAS IS IN THE AT NE LUCKNOW SEPTI A GOOD SELECTION OF BOXED CHRISTMAS CARP INCLUDED IN CUR DISPLAY ARE CHILDREN'S CARDS -- SCRIPTURE CAS' FOR PHOTOS ti RAPPING PAPER WHITE TISSUE. PAPER 1R ROLL AND PACKAGE GIFT CARDS --- CHRISTMAS K