The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-20, Page 1F. • L CKNOW SENTINEL saill A Year In Advance — COPExtra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. ive 441 Previnciarnonours Pw "4. ,4"0"°*" igirls received Provni- its at the 4-11 Club fialtDay held Saturday at ibtit. 116S:tool. Provinc- * is in recdgnition of 112411 dubs, ail& is Kerry Boyle, kW. and Mts. Francis KtronTownship, a grade * at Ripley District *is a member of the Purple Grove 4-H Club. On the right is Unda Coven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Green of R. R. 5 Kincatdine., a •member of the Beanie Club, tinda is a grade 12 student at Kincatdine District ittga School, The presentations were made by Bruce County HeThe ECOn'OnaiSt, Miss Batbara DeVisscher. bless Township Hold • !Ira lionshiopn rat to tie e;entiej; PA. iiittpitiated chairman.. jlta Malay spoke on itAtistin. • OA Local *1114 National Farm- , liela their Annual tooltside School on November 13th. iftesident, brought to order. iewed The prey - in Toronto, *Pict of over SOO a ether concerned vollgInfred the NFU ! Pleftt the NR) brief. • county affairs over the past 2 years,. He stated he hoped Mare wark would be done On County Road 4# L He, explained the gain on cattle taken into .the A,R,D.A. as on which he *as a reptesentative.. The old high school "in Southarnp- ton is tabe turned into a trituseutrn. • He also stated his intention ! CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Single Copy 20e 21 Pages Dusseldorf Mayor Goes Western The mayor .of Dusseldorf, Ger- many visited The Sepoy Town last week and purchased a new Stetson Hat at the Tack Shack tto rake home to his native land. It seems that the mayor was in London opening a beer festival, in that city and, in company with a friend, drove TO the BriniCe Nuclear Generating Station in Bruce County to inspect that facility, En route, they drove through lacknow and noticed the Stetson in the ‘Andow of The Tack Shack, He purchased the hat from the propri- etor, Carolyn Taylor, and made himself acquainted at that time, So "a little bit of the west" will make its way to Dusseldorf, via The Sepov Town,. AWOMIIIIMAININANO,AralWINIti • $301.73 Raised For UNICEF Ltacknow and Kinloss Central Public School children collected 301,73 for the United Nations International Children's Fund while oin calling on Hallovveen. This money helps darken in 112 I 031.1inttlies over the world to have food, medicine and education, The WeicirlaW Canadian Girls In Training oivnizes and promotes the eollection. Having et;tildren from two schools coetiting helped to increase •the 'givtings from S172,6 in 14973, Funeral Tuesday Mrs, John Top of R. Ft, 3 Teeswatez,a native of Holland, passed 41xray at Heianstra Nursing Home, tistowel on Friday.. NOVeXn- ber ISIta, in her .75th year. The funeral service was held at the Lacknow Christian Reformed Church on Tuesday, November 14th. with ititterralen1 tin - Sallth Kinloss Cemeter. • Call Tenders On Phase 1 Of Ripley -Huron Complex Due to the rising cost of construction,t has been necessary . for Ripley Huron District Recrea- tion Complex to phase its' building' program. Phase 1 consistsef an mem and auditorium. Phase 2 is the swimming pool The complex will be located ton 5 acres of land purchased last year Rona Mr, and Mrs, John C. MacDonald for this purpose. The land is itminediatey west of the Fair grounds and athletic field. Tenders have been called for Phase 1, to be in by December 2, „lack Pierson of , Pierson Building stated that the building should start immediately upon approval of the Ontario Municipal Board hear- ing and be completed in 6 to 8 months. The 0.14..B.. healing is on Tuesday. December 10 at 10 amt. in Maori Township Hall, Ripley. $50,000 Damage In Accident, Driver Escapes Damage was estimated at MAYO to a track owned by George 'Irwin if; Goderioli in an accident near Wawa on NA/ember Ost, George.. the son of Mr. and Mrs.. Spence lawM of Lucknow, and who was raised in Ashfield Townsteo for a number of years operated his ou trucking business* Sauk Ste; Marie, •About a year ago, he sold his Sault Ste. Marie buskieSs and kept Child Passes At Age Three hoot -rucks from his fleet which he leased to Kingsway Transport of Toronto, He moved to Goderich to. reside and he and his brother-inlaw CM White have continued to drive the tracks for the .kingsway Carl was travelling alone from Thunder Bay to Toronto .and Highway 17, at a point about 15 . miles south of Wawa, his ttruck left the road and in a few seconds was a CONIINUED ON'PAGE 24 • Robert Ronald Foram, three year 010 Van of Ronald Foram of Myth, foramerly of West Wawarrosh, pas- • sed away on lliturisday. November 114.th at War Metitoriar Sick Child- ren's Hospital. London. 'The funeral service was held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Luckwow on Sunday,. Novemlyer 17th, Rev. Cecil Whyte& was minister. Interment was in Greenhill Ceiv- eters. Reunion 75 Plans For Ripley - Huron Members of the Ripley-14nm Catherine MacGregor Diedfiiday At Reunion 75 committee lintA Sunday night to hear Barry MeDatakgh. and Gerry Ptiestap front Lucknow ,Ite- Pineavest Manor Nursing Heine At Age 101, Was Villages Oldest Resident '414.4eY-Hurem .7'.(113 'Tr! Aug17 union conianitiet give some Timm - kal advise On Ithe talVainiN canvas for teateariva.S291,SO. isIttba for fihnS 44 )(al SellaalS for &Meet. It isalso hespitalizet , "IVO too out font o .;! •MiSs. Catherine MacGregor. 1.111anrm.'•c aldts1 diekei or, Fridai November 1Sth Pinc,cnc-s1 Manor Nrirsing Hamaith t0-aaoxik . The funeral was held from .thr Mac-Re:wit' Nternoria1 Chapel tin Lucknow on Moncla. November • with m Greenhill Cearteter . Re‘ . Douglas Kaufman . f lielnow United (ch oou. • "ducted the se' - P41111X.44RXTS. ieGM4011 Mk' GM:ZIT Of LOT1:40.1), GeetTge 74a4 - Gregor of Hamilton. Donald Mac- Gregor '44 Dundas, BobMatcGt' egor of As,hfield • ' Townshp, Orland Richards and W. Ross bolt of Ulan" . Honotirart pallbearers 7,4e -re Wil- fred Anderson. Wm. Poilteou.s., A. TstoKira., Hare WebSW.,Wts laynt. .• 1Yurnin and • Alex three members of the Craft Festival were in attendance as well to discuss joint advertising. as it will he heild al the SAM tielrtn-s TO farnItr treSitleras and, friends 'will be sem om shot* air anyone ;has =Vies and addres. pleasc give them to Chairman Don Ntrretavish or Mrs. Wallace Pol- , 'I'm Award Glen Walder f Incirinou was presented with a co/ter-Cate of servIce at the 4-H Club Achieve: :MeV N111.0 klinron 7iNoveuttett. S1t1 The certifteate was for 15 'ears leadership and free sewice proinoring work and agricul- ture ir the area. • Glen has been a 44-F1 lea 'let beef and dair Subs for the past! 15 ea, Church Moderator To Speak ilere „HUK.;14 F. DVI ADSON Dr." iflugh F. Davidson, Alteactoevr of •the left General Assembly. cdf the Presby- terian Church In Canada, will be speaking at the Lacionow 'Presby- terian Church on Siznalt, Novem- ber 24 m Dr. Davidson was elected Morili- erator Stti*Lev.. UM* SI. Andrew Presbyterian Chinch, Kitchener. where ministers and eiders had gathera for the 1100th iGeneral Assembly, For a number •of wan he has treaded die churlolfs •4 off Steovardship and • 11nBudget. ..latataty of this ;at, tbat Sall*aas 4111.14=3,41W1 imo the , Board of Congreguriorral Lift said Dr. Davidson emanates to serve under this neYx Board. Members of other churches and ef this communal( are invited toe service On Santry night CONTIrs NUED ON P.kGE 2 .