The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-13, Page 11NOVEMBER 13, ! 74 SORT FROM FEN'S PARK �pMURRAY GAUNT .p. HURON -BRUCE Grossman, provincial Sec - or Resources Development, that the Ontario Gov- will ov- lfeestrr creational lh an e nsive n trails gut the Province. trails will benlable to outdoor 1x110 enjoy such and recreational activities as fling, cross-country ski- ack riding, hiking, and riding. German said that in some these els will be restricted specific . use .-- to separate Ring from. cross-cg$tntry fat example, or hiking from In other cases, trails identified for multiple use THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,.ONTARIO where the enjoyment of these lands by different groups is compatible. "The Government will also establish a Trails Council to 'assist in the development of a complete trails system," Mr. Grossman told the Legislature. "This Council will consist of representatives from various recreational organizations.. outdoor sports , groups..conserva- tionists..farmers_.and interested bodies.'" The Trails Council will report to the Minister of Natural Resources. Its initial task will be an inventory of existing trails and recommenda- tions on the development of a broader trail network: -The Council will also be asked to make proposals on how it believes our trails ptolicy should be embodied in appropriate legislation," Mr. Gros- sman commented. "The proposed Trails Council will not, unfortunately, be in a position to make recommendations on the establishment of . snowmo- bile trails for this winter," he went on. The Government will, therefore, start work immediately on this urgent aspect of the trails program- me. The Ministry of Natural Resour- ces, through its 48 district offices. is now drawing up a complete inventory of existing snowmobile trails throughout Ontario. The Ministry will map trail routes and, during the winter. will identify and help maintain such routes by packing the snow with grooming machines. Mr. Grossman said he hopes snowmobile clubs will 'be able to assist .the Ministry in this work• • '"Wee . actively seek their co-operation and 1 invite interested groups. to contact the nearest district office of the Ministry." he commented. During this session of . the Legislature, the Government will introduce amendments to the Mot- orized Snow Vehicles Act dealing THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE OLYMPIC LOTTERY •TICKETS Someone on your Christmas List is sure to appreciate an Ohmic Lottery Ticket for the February 16 draw. You rolireceive a special Christmas gift card at no extra charge TICKETS $10 EACH THE LUCKNOW SENTINE PAGE ELEVEN RIPLEY ABATTOIR• Custom Butchering -- Curing and Smoking, Cutting and Wrapping - Sausage Making Fast Freezing HOGS. AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ,ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks — Whatever Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2961 • with trespass and liability to protect the rights .of ' farmers and other property owners, A snowmobiler will be required to obtain written permission from the owner or occupier of private property before he enters that property. Failure to obtain written permission will represent a. provin- cial offenceof trespass in' the absence of any lawful. excuse. Upon the request of the property owner or occupier the snowmobile operator will be required to stop, identify himself, and produce his licence, as well as written permis- sion to cross that property. Where a complaint of trespass is made, . the .Crown will assume responsibility for investigation and prosecution. Mr. Grossman said that new legislation will also ensure that the property owner or tenant is not liable for injury to a snowmobiler who is a trespasser or who does have written permission to be on the property. • "However, the property owner or occupier would be liable if wilfully or maliciously intended harm ` can be establish ed, "" he noted. Mr. Grossman added that the trails programme . 'represents a major Government initiative that will bring considerable benefits to the thousands of Ontarians .who enjoy outdoor activities in all seasons. "Once the Trails Council has been appointed and has had an opportunity to make further recom- mendations. appropriate onmibus legislation will be brought before this House to refine and expand the coniplete trails programme." he said. Honourable John White. Provin- cial Treasurer announced this week that the province is soon going to introduce . a bill to establish the Ontario Land Corporation. The Ontario Land Corporation will have three principal functions. It will finance the assembiy of land for new towns and industrial parks. h will finance certain forams of government accommodation invol- ving leasebacks. The O.L.C. will not develop or hold in perpetuity the land . it assembles. instead. it will turn the assenibled land over to a special project corporation which in each case will report to the appropriate Ministrt . Each project corporation will be set up to manage the development of a specific project and the private sector will participate fully in every phase including the planning. development. and construction as well as in the ownership rental and leasing of 'the developed proper- ties, The O.L.C. will iinitiate new towns and industrial parks in parts of the province where the private sector is unlikely to venture on its ow n . FurtherO.L.C. will lend money to municipalities or their agencies to oingl+ develop peg*v'oc'al ntnanic ipal industrial parks to help attract inrdus,trv. in parts of Ontario where additional economic growth is desired. At the same time. the . Govern- ment is going to ensure that the Corporation takes special measures to keep all useable farmland, which it holds, in, continuous food production as. long as possible. Directors for the corporation will be drawn from the private sector as will the management -antrst ff. $18,500 Grant For Morris Project The Honourable Leo Bernier, Minister of Natural Resources, announces :the approval of a provincial grant of. $16;500 to the Maitland • Valley Conservation Authority for the proposed Morris Conservation Area. The Authority is proposing to acquire some. -210 acres of land in Morris Township for the establish- ment of this Conservation Area. The property is. located about 25 miles east of Lake Huron and about 2 miles north-west of the Town of Brussels. The land is slightly rolling with 60 acres in heavy bush. , 60 acres of bush and scrub, and 35 acres clear with old farm buildings. It - is the source area for two intermittent streams which drain into the Little Maitland River. The Area will be managed for the purposes ofsdurce area protection. . forestry. wildlife management and conservation education. - All member municipalities will bear the Authority's share of the cost. • NEED PAPER For Your Duplicator? STENCILS? MASTERS? THE SENTINEL Has Them All PHONE