The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-13, Page 7THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL MIMI/. ONTARIO has more vitamins ty Wad Woods Vitalnin tablets are very day in the belief ei produce pep and vitality provide the finial:vs missing tegThiti diet' Iginiti°11iSIS wilethis y mat a, 'bac the of vitamin rolls, it bold= much to enrich the sums of the people uho use .11A t.g VTMOS1Ci, SCniesT Comr itrzasetki Ohm oga that we dont get Tr411:6414 de - &oasts seal as Seamy: '•ie do sailer front &et -and - problems such as Aeity, dental caries and qtrrsease •-•-7, and *a- dorer have any inteenm &eases anrstay. she says, the belief 41,51 of *ark foods Ow a paS nal some - up to wed natation is Fee one thing the pals don't contain inottin -- essential to any balanced die — and many of them °Set no iron. Poen if they . did Csentain 'Ulan, says Miss %war - Ski, it ftvould take a. rannber of days ins:WFWaft it nna the bliOald Stneant. Even so, nutritionists aren't so much against vitamin ii1tsas they are or the 'idea of getting VilandintS from natural food SOIXFOesS C‘Coatain- ling (nutrients in a natural balance. And they believe that if people wre going to turn to pills, it should be on the advice of a physician, rathez than 46n whim or al The mercy of food faddists. Nutritionists also stress that vita- min sapplements should nal be up like candies — and over advertised. They're medicines, and shoi,Ild be treated as such- Too many of some vitamins, they, uarn, cap build top to dangerous levels in the body - Teases am -gel- ,43.4et problems are TOO MX/2 fat and Segar —jest plain Telia many caloties, generally, without the et,sential nutrients: and 1,01 te140Vgb of the Miltdiate fibre found in Imre* vegetables, and • 4e,TeailS. And viramin pills solve neither fd'altse Pro& I There are those who predict Ma, eventually, we'll abandael real hied. and get all our dietary needs from eve Etat bottle of ulata *at day tthe eihet beaGORPS 41:3 eVeina liS the 7-•,,P4ISIeritil C*201, Nilge CaTI still get all the vitamins we need — with a km:1e and fork_ 1 b I Children s Aid Soda Of Tbe County Of Bruce Inc. • • ;01i.c7i;:glitti • • PAGE SEVEN NOMINATIONS CONTINUED ROM PAGE1 RINLOSS TOWNStilP REEVE LEO MURRAY COUNCIL • 4 • DON BELL,— GRANT ECEENSWILLER BARRY JORNMN DUN CAN CAMPB/ML BRUCE comma, BOARD OF EDUCATION To serve Imeknow„ Teeswater and Coss 1 ximis t;oa tt31 LLAYD 1CURT WALE R BRECKLES ALAN WE INSTEIN BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION To Sem -4-tft and Rama Teems* 1 Rergeired CAMERON MatAULEY HURON PERTH SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD / T4r.) Serve Atistifiekt West W A,ciAZ,4 and atiaottit manietenties WILLIAM EINATIAN HURON COUNTY BOARD ' OF EDUCATION . To SerVe Agirgia3 arid West Wa .114 41 b IMARILAN beaky, the lith day of r 1974 THE RED CROSS SERVES FOR YOU TWO Gay A I hiewore System= • Huey Wepai Shiny Storey! Eithor ol lane Cia# J1U•MartortHbftg %stews can mure . rrilfse ThEstiore tU sff� & Eijr*Ed UMW* thitte Wits or urincontreMad tir.001 ilitin0•Wag= ltvZS OiSfat 10* %Wit, kIn =Pa UMP Skin' Sttravy innwillor hot system Ataltshle n g sitzs, man orm Vilittft mot intlartatitina f .1 LOWRY •al FARM SYSTEMS i R -R,. KINCARDINE PHONE 31,SSWA 111 %OREM ON MI In gm nem am am am an ea TYPEWRITERS fl YOU ARE COUNTING ON A TYPEWRITER FO CHRISTMAS SUEGEST YOU BUY NOR at8: p.m. WALKIERIDN DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL •Di THE TOWN OF WALKERTON {4Th tie Pithrpose of considering the following ,items of business z. _Ealeyagamt excise 4 et the prrb ssto GeoeTal Ey-law beiag Gesferal Bv-law et the Sze- peatt foe weseeree of 25 ,;ACtO .4:I tbe Society at •guez2 •or eolgstrlicite. Pm* Or littahM '.12r pzipeS of tttot Meteltrg- 11614Pth&The OWE, ell%* Alla' &Oats ttbe : Ikaim be." to 'Faaaaly amid Qk&zas &Dities 5201E34 tif Ikuoe operated by The Claldrees Aid Sot- teCe 120-tmaid elaist 1 et the paragrapb atS MIMiber411243 15° azetabergap et pastes over tbi age et *tea 3taxs iistftmi et the age et toesitrooe yews. tttzurszet av tither items at beesims as eav be Ulla& az& meet*. zelauxt guit seaky be made to Gamma Byalarie No. !'‘Ii8 remits at Ile ktpront et the 'try Cota- q•a, Said* kt 'tam,* Oils Slii clay at No, IcS24. 1.11 "1.111111111milliamismanra . tatihisOna •sriluna • Trititturiloss Mont tattrizis •tifr %%mon "511101110 -- Or 0 • Lucknow Sentinel • 4