The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-13, Page 54 not NOVEMBER 13, 197 EVENTS THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WANTED 1010111.1.1.1111151111.11"..1111 ®'WANTED -- pool' table, suitable for rec room. Phone 528,2440 after oVRR HOLIDAY six. Wad TED - companion - house- keeper keeper to live in. Starting Nov- ember 15 to March 1st. Phone 5283001 or 528-21145. ORIDA TOURS AIR t ent Beach, 4t. Twin to January 1a. Beach; 9 days, t ss to March 23rd. pit COACH TOURS iess Gardens, St. Petes, spinia1e, Daytona Beach, IDetember 21 to January «4 Fes Gardens, St. Petes, Wage, Daytona Beach, OA 15 days, February brit Twin 9559• Oa Beach, long stay 34 trasture January 12. and O1 Twin $495.; 29 days, l4arch 7. Twin $495. Washington, Myr- ,l qH Island, Daytona 4 Pates, Fort Lauder Departure March ltrellst. Twin $. Ira Beach, 9 days, March. Nal) to March 23rd. 01. "MACH AND AIR TOUR ("LII • Washington,. Myr•: Jekyll island, Daytona 'St. fetes, Fort Lauder departure March ins by air, Twin itOt Caribbean vacations. and international air - ons, C.N. and C.P. bons. departures direct from lariptive brochures and ib'ave1 assistance contact LINOVER bil, SERVICE Hanover, Ont. MVO htstl'osn Clients RILS5-3807 Toll tree NOTICE w FARMS LTD. IR, HOtYROOD u Home Grown, Dry Pree Beef, Tri our tog, leMade Sausage. Cus- appointment. ;hone 528.2I32 • �b�tCt: Itsdate an, I will not be tattle for any debts my 44'Glat %wild incum. ,,��iam Howard. • 4011 CLINIC Cfmic will be ' November 19th in !b 'otos from 10:00 - a""`�for infants 1114 HE twirixigSLIDES 2" ' x x2" at the 1974 Fj. in connection 7 et rt aphis .eompb O.A.A.S. and E e wed to forward ! ono 3 5slides or more in addiitiob to 11 Rot$ Errington BoltE skating.DO wi71 . Regis.. WANTED -- brass bed in good condition. Phone 357-2744 in the evenings, WANTED - used maple sugar- ing equipment. Tony McQuail, phone 528-6542. WANTED =- power hacksaw. Phone 529-7320. WANTED - pasture for 1f0© beef cows on corn stover. Phone Bert. Elliott 395-5056. WORK WANTED - reasonable rates for siding and interior work, kitchen cupboards, etc. Phone 357-2117. HELP ! ! The Lucknow and District Kins- men are asking for floats • from. any organizations or . individuals in the area for the Santa Claus Parade to be held Saturday, Dec- ember erember lith. Your support would be very much appreciated. Con- tact p j iated.Con- tGact chairman WaSde Jerome 529- 7605 or 'Tony. Johnstone 528-3811. THE TIME IS NOW! Well, another growing season has slipped by and perhaps you are considering the sale of your farm. There are a lot of things to consider before snaking a move, but if you are sincere about mak- ing aking a good sale we have two inter- ested parties who will look at your farm. And if your farm qual- ifies ualKies - . that is to say large enough, good buildings, fences, water, heat units, etc., you will make the best move of your life. Do yourself a favour, drop us a line with what you have, we'll do the rest. Wehave twenty years of farm • sales behind us. Our branch office is located at Kin - lough and our address is REG.. A. POWELL REAL ESTATE R.R. 2 Holyrood Ph. 395-5594 FOR RENT FOR RENT - 3 bedroom house on outskirts of Lucknow, mod- ern conveniences, available. Dec- ember lst. Phone 528-2542. FOR RENT - small dowttairs heated apartment, lady or couple preferred: Glenn's Apartments, phone 528-3723 Lucknow. FOR . RENT - one bed sitting room, heated, frig and stove sup- plied. Glenn's Apartmrnents, :phone 5284723 LUC1TIOW. VOR RENT -- heated apartment newly decorated. Available this month. Anderson Apartments 528- 30+45: FOR RENT - heatedapartment in Lucknow, close to Main St„ private entrance. Call 52897. APARTMENT FOR RENT - Main Street, 2 bedroom apart- ment, modern with carpet, elec- tric heat Available immediately, Phone ' Mayfair Apartments, 528- 3932. FOR RENT - apartment) - 2 kms, kitchen, dining and liv- ing room, 3 pc. bathroom and laundry room. Available January 1` P� APARTMENT FOR RENT -- on Main Street, available December 1st. 4 large roams, 3 pieee bath. Heat, hydro and water supplied. Phone 528-2236. FARM HOUSE FOR RENT - Whitechurch Belgrave area, .$40 a rmonth, available immediately. For information, phone 529440. CARD OF THANK I would like to thank everyone for cards and visits while 1 was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and McKim and the nurses on the 2nd floor for their kind and special attention. Mrs. L. Darby I would like to sincerelythank all • those who sent ,cards, treats and those who visited me while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Tota Hackett . Paul . Maclntyre wishes to say thank you for the cards, letters and treats he received while in hospital. Mrs. Charles Fowler wishes ,to thank Dr& Corrin and McKim, nurses and staff at Wingham and District Hospital during her tine as . a patient' there. ,Also nieny thanks to neighbours and friends for the many kindnesses shwa her during her illness. The husband and family of the late Mrs. William Irvin wash to extend their 'sincere thanks to their relatives, neighbours and friends for the many expressions of sympathy, acts of kindness and help at the time of their bereave - merit. 'Thanks, to those sending floral tributes, .cards and dona- tions, Special thanks to " the ladies who helped, Rev, A, Coot and Robert MacKenzie of the MacKenzie Memorial Chapel We . would like to .thank .our friends, neighbours and rela- tives for the lovely ' gifts and cards we received on'our 25th An- niversary and those, who came out in the evening to help cele- brate the occasion, . . Chester and Ruby Finnigan 1would like to thank everyone who remembered ane wrath cards, visits and gaits while a patient in University Hospital All was situ rerel'y appreciated. Alvin Ir win Many thanks to friends, neigh- bours and stall of Wirghtina Dis- trict Hospital, tor flowers, cards and kindnesses while,.1 was a pat- ient and while at home. Dorothy MacLeod PAGE FIVE GAMBLE - We would like to take this way of expressing our sincere thanks and gratitude to. our family, relatives, friends and neighbours for the lovely gifts and 1 cards and''ieiping to make our 40th wedding anniversary a truly memorable occasion. Ambrose and Marion Gamble We would like to- express our sincere thanks to our tamfly for arranging our Anniversary Party, to all our relatives,' friends and neighboursfor coming and mak- ing aking our evening a very memor- able one., for ail the lovely gifts and cards and for the fine music supplied. Mac and Edna Boyd 1968. Memories live not for a slay, Nor as a dream to pass away, The sweetest memory holds silent tears, And lingers on enough passing years. Lovingly remembered and. sad- ly missed by/ sister Valetta and brother Fred and inlays Victor .and Elizabeth. IN MEMORIAM SMIm -- in loving memory of a dear father and *grandfather James Smith, who passed away one year ago, November 16, 1974. Ever remembered by Donald; Marline, Brenda and Brian. Tl IN - in lo''varngmemory of ourdna' r brother Charles Tiffin, who passed away 'November 18, • CARTER -- an lovingCartear, mho a dear "wife, P`hy passed away two years ago. -Nt v- ernber 19. Fondly remembered and sadly missed by her husband George. 125 acre farm in Huron Town- ship, ship, Good 3 bedroom frame house, electric heat. Large barn, 105 acres of well drained work- able land. • 193 acre farm in Ashfield Twp,, with 6 year old brick house, beef and hog barns, largeimplement shed plus two grain storage bins, bunker and upright silo, good crop land, 3' bedroom frame house in Rip- ley, on good lot,, with front sun - porch, close to main street, Pric- ed to sell, don't miss it, Good lot in good dry area, clue to school in Lucknow. House and one acre - 2 storey 4 bedroom solid brick house situ- ated on edge of Lucknow with small barn, priced to sell. Ira- meehate possession. 100 acres in Huron Township, choice ' crop land, partially drained. Robert Campbell 529.74117 Office 3213O31 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Loan Rec Rooms and Raars Home RenavatiOn of any *eclat Winter Rales VERNON' GLENN PHONE sets= AUBURN - AUBURN COLLECT 140LST; MEIN h Ar REAL ESTATE IF YOUR FAMILY COMES FIRST Yen gnat see this ender 1'V2 storey 'home in :keellen1 Bond t ion, situated on a lot 122' x 148' and °firing 4 iii o.c yam' , 3 pc. bath, large *riving moors, cluing roam and kitchen with plenty et cupboards, attabbed garage with concrete floor, also ,"an extra barn IS' x 30'. SStuated on Gough Street, Village of Luelknow. MAIN STREET .LOCATION" Commerrhal building 1900 square fleet of sales area. Ter- rine e - r e location,, parte.. 04e anxious to sell, let ms prem your offer, $12tcht PER MONTH Two storey, 3 bedroom home large men, two comply was of %cards, extra lie ling nom with fireplace, family rte. gurgle ear garage. OFFICE 3S7-340 w. ADA-MSON/ 328.2113 C. SUTCLIFFE 34969 •l CULBERT'S CABINET SHOP AMBERLEY STYLES DISPLAYED Pioneer, tennpra, previ cal, wince°, carriage house FINISHES teak, walnut, terry and white PHONE 345-S2IS AND 335,SSIS LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS • Novi low c•„ ratio IV* nt 4.Ilei1, ;1rax Debezflitile • 1PAaitemiret assistta rite tiumwmotar ♦ Vimitkitrit Irratariire also arvaclacdie'! amtwitiOARfri. 4041 iirtiibr•vftccir„ wmif e : t ittheZ-4towttisn irratildtt tin t r trar "fitilyiler Trravrrri' Lhti R tween's Oo %W. it r+ta Ann.: Oritar is IOr *ilii VW/WPM q rn►emihy fimaais ea'Aatl• lrfra'ix nit mrainirs:A I•44♦ -ii♦• -,•ii 48.44444- -8 FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM HOME situated on a choice corner hot ora Revi le& St in Liz ,w, snag daaaaaag aim, kitchen and *nae . am down. House has oil furnace and 3 pier* Itath. Ideal Mil merit home. 1rnoaa ate pos- session. CLOSE TO *DOWNTOWN, in ussionaos 3 v:'e& u urn borne tab large, ' Wing MOM `r l inn Whims raew s» euro ai ; oil heat. Separate u`ni r,`, a=al 2 apartment with every o ven- tenrte. &Waled on 211ots, t is lnm excellent , home with -an b- . + ' n by awn itaa of M6 ACRE FARM East Wawanosh Traap., effoie 4 home; large barn and silo s - ffor bed and hogs, Dwell Oro wl'1. ' 9,.1`�:��?b rr WV1 be + t"ai ed, 't4 rU r''f{ QUIET RETREAT it the You oin Minn ow, Wines= area), tom syrising, 1.7.atres,eft a room frame home r /114410r *- pain. -pains. New hydro line installed, dried. well on p andsep- tic tom. • 16ACRES ahush, Wing week, well 1 on ssss road hydro avail . WE MAYR several excellent but - 'Messes for sale on the general area. Lure for farther tzars . 11 you beet algricsiftural large or small . am . are ting 0 salting, vweemeld bo pleastal to teat to yen. AN *tries ♦ iaL WARREN MI PIS *Mee Cat" UMW WALKERTON Member liteattol% they ana Ustings Service Lit MILS. --- Over 480 Salesznen Working For Y K* •