The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-06, Page 24• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ,12.201151161.116=110:1051.6 ASHTON'S. ARE NOW FEATURING A ,3 EBRISTMA SPEE141b. • THIS WEEK AND EVERY WEEK UNTIL CHRISTMAS WATCH THE SENTINEL FOR A NEW SPECIAL EACH WEEK • THIS WEEK Wednesday, November 6 to Tuesday, November 12, SHOP OR GIFTS FOR HER AND GIFTS. FOR HIM Slacks Blazers Skirts Sweaters • Sweater Vests DressPants Shirt' s Sport Coats Sweaters Sweater Vests Use Our Lay -Away Plan -•••.dm,Y-A"sot-zoiviet41014:Priv.- ASHTON'S Ladies' and Men's Wear •Jim and Syke Sutherland LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2126 •LETTER TO THE EDITOR November 1 1 th, A Time To Remember ,Alvin Lane Gardner, gave so that we might live to enjoy the common better things still found in our Canadian way of life to day. If our departed Comrades could be with us, would they not see more beauty at the dawn of day and R.. R. 3 Lucknow, Ont. for them would there not be more Mr. Don Thompson. • Editor Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ont. "REMEMBRANCE DAY" Dear Sir. Since November 1 1th is only a few days away. I take pleasure to pen a few thoughts to you. "REMEMBER THEM" We remember the men of couragel.vho in past world conflicts sacrificed to keep our country free. The Y deserve to be remembered and they also deserve all the honours which our country can bestow upon them. All that they had or even hoped to own. they glory when the sun had set. Day by day.. down through the years, it is our duty to remember them and it is also our duty to teach present and future generations to remem- ber and to know the sacrifices which had been made on their behalf. There is no time and there is no place that we need be ashamed to remember our Fallen Comrades . and the torch they gave to us. we must hold high.. If we remember them perhaps their dying wishes will be fulfilled at least in part. Yours sincerely. Lane Gardner, Lucknow Branch 309 Royal Canadian Legion. 1 SEE . . . By The Sentinel WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER LUCKNOW• FRUIT MARK YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOOD smrses,44P.N.ssN(P4..fvs,,(Po4(404P4*,resosIPiPAPo:os'..# THAT Bill Taylor of Ashfield Township • has been engaged as Lucknow arena manager for • the coming season. He formerly was a resident of Lucknow living in •the Albert Gammie home on Ross Street THAT The Lyceum Theatre, Wingham is staging another. special showing for senior, citizens of the area on Wednesday, November 13th. The movie will be "Three Muska- teers''. THAT • Mrs. Wayne (Margaret) Stan- ley of Lucknow has commenced • work for the Bruce County Health • Unit in their Lucknow • office succeeding Mrs. J. C. (Rena) McNab, who has retired after many years service. Mrs. Stanley works afternoons. THAT ' The Lucknow Branch 309 of the Canadian Legion will conduct their annual Poppy Day canvass of the village on Friday of this week. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw, who • recently sold their London home, are now residing in Lucknow in the Shepherd home on Ross Street. Mrs. Laidlaw is the former Elleda Hunter whose home was just .south of Town on the 12th concession, Ashfield. Ken was formerly from the 12th concession West Wawa - nosh. They have bought a lot in Lucknow on Canning Street from Mrs. Worden Howald, known to. many as the former Douglas property and their plans are to build in the spring. FORM COMMITTEE CONTINUED FROM PAGE .1 discussed' the .society's work and showed a film of their work. aiding arthritic cripples, . Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Alex AndreWit was decided to hold a canvass of the Lucknow area and doorbells will be ringing the week of November 11 - 16 when • volunteers will call at homes in all sections of the community to raise money for the society's fund raising campaign. , The aim of this neighbour -to• neighbour appeal is to give every citizen of Lucknow an (opportunity to join the attack on this 'baffling group of diseases. It is no • respecter of persons: anyone . is susceptible. even .children, Arthri- tis is a crowd of symptoms: a, collection of aches and pains affecting muscles. bones and joints. _ \ Everyone knows someone with arthritis and by contributing to this campaign they will be doing something to help a friend, neigh- bour. or perhaps. someone in the family. More than one in every twenty .Canadians suffers from some form of rheumatic disease. The following are members of the new formed committee. : Chair- man. Mrs, Alex Andrew. Mrs. Raynard Ackert, Mary Mackay -re.. Mrs.. Bruce Hamilton, Mrs. Ernest Ackert. Mrs. Don/Cameron, Mrs. Doug Kaufman. Mrs. Jim O'Don- nell and Mrs. Morgan Henderson,. FOR.A TREAT TRY: 3 VARI Pfeiffer's New Salad Dressing KNECHTEL'S 16 OZ.• •• COMPARE AND SAVE Cheese Snack Spread Only NABOB Fresh Coffee Sale • SAVE To Pound $1 HEINZ 14 OZ.• SAVE II Beans In Tomato • 2 Tins • LIBBY'S 1! OZ. • Spaghetti In Tomato PURITAN 24 OZ. Stews On Sale REAL GOOD V •2 Tins REPEAT OF S Only IMIMUNNIMMINIMINIUMMENNOWNUIIIIIMIMIIIIIIMM111116111 VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SAW NOVEMBER 7, L PHONE LUCKNOW THAT . Lucknow Fire Department re- sponded to a call about 11 a.m. Sunday morning to the _Kintail area. An all -terrain vehicle, owned by Reinhardt Schaefer of Kitchen- er, took fire on Highwway 21, north of Kintail, and was completely destroyed. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Tony Johnstone. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Johnston of. Lucknow represented the Lucknow Kinsmen and Kinettes at the Fall Council District 1 meeting held from Friday to Sunday at Stratford. About 1000 attended. THAT Mts. Margaret Black and fam- ily have moved from St. Helens to Lucknow to their home recently purchased from Ray Nelson and previously owned by Mac Conley. • Mrs. °Black has lived in the Si. Helens manse for a number of years. • She is employed at the office of Drs. Corrin and McKim. Elect Liberal Assoc. Execul John Broadfoot of &will elected president of the Middlesex Liberal Asci the annual meeting in Zni Charles Thomas of *mat elected executive vice -0 Other vice-presidents: DO, (lure. Crediton: Paul 51 Zurich: Wilson 'Hokai1i.1 John Rutherford. Cachet Kay. Clinton: Graham Oail ton: Bill Keel. Wmghni Howard. Aitken. Craderidt.i Speaker was Iona, CAM L-Skeena), parliamenta ant to Indian and Notthentl, Minister Judd Buchanan. "We went 17 yearS liberal member in eur Skeena)." she said. "attO'l won it with a woman. impossible. NitS. Caai dartiefes.,i,tthsdo NDP ruseeilmtedberittefil I' years. in the July CANADIAN • LEGION Lucknow Branch 309 Buy thiP1.• Weir • hig Proud of Otit Grateful to livse died fof Show rut glutIllide CANVASS OF ME VILLAGE WILL BE IELD FRIDAY, SOMMER 8