The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-06, Page 23:.v NoVEM9ER 6. 1974 ittWinners Of orical Society. lf,Contest AC only Historical Society annual dinner meeting at "r,ptesbyterian Church on :,;October 29. V5, :McKinnon, of Teeswater toted as president; Vice isereJohn Sims, Tara and fey, Amberley; Sec- ts. George. Downey, .,purer; Miss Margar- THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO � PAGE TWENTY•TNREE ............... et MacKenzie, Inverhuron, The winners of the essay contest were announced with Reginald A. Powell of Kinlough, real estate agent, putting up the prize money. First prize went to Craig Green of Walkerton, $25; Lynda Weather - head, Wiarton, $15; Dave Trem- aine, Walkerton, $10. There were 56 entries 'submitted. The contest was open to Grades 6 to 8 pupils in Bruce County schools and`the essays dealt. with historical landmarks in the county. Dr. Thomas Mcllwraith, assist- ant professor of Geography at the University of Toronto, was the guest speaker. His topic, Signs of History in the rural .Ontario land- = scape, was illustrated with colour- ed slides. Included in the showing were scenes of Bruce, Sim:coe County and others. Mrs. George Downey, secretary, told the meeting that the society now has 470 paid up members from all provinces except Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Mrs. Earl. Ferris presented Mrs. Fraser Farrell with a gift for the twelve years she had served as social convener, provides . 10,000 ft. 40 lbs. gross per BALE • 100% PURE SiSAL•ANA FIBRE • 4,300 lbs. AVERAGE TENSILE STRENGTH *AVERAGE KNOT STRENGTH 135 lbs. $30.95 on charge account 1. Be assured of having top quality twine when you need it. 2. Take advantage of an opportunity to invest some of this year's profits in next year's inputs. 3. Be guaranteed price savings by buying now. • UCO guarantees the above price to be at least $2.00/bate below our published Spring 1975 Cash and°Carry price .forthe same twine or you will be refunded the difference requiredto provide you this minimum saving,of $2.00/bale. Waste of . the expected demand, we must reserve the right ti limit the quantity sold to any one customer. ORDERS ACCEPTED FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! NOVEMBER 4 THROUGH NOVEMBER 9, 1974 FOR DELIVERY IN ABOUT 2 WEEKS! CALL YOUR CO.OP NOW! We like to know our customers Lucknow Dhtrict Co-op Phone 528-3074' ARNOLD'S GENERAL R.R. 7' LucknowLanes — Phone 529-7248 LI.BBY'.S SPAGHETTI WITH TOMATO SAUCE, 19 oz. 37c MOTHER PARKERS INSTANT COFFEE 10 oz: ---- - - $2.94 ROBIN HOOD MINUTE OATS, 32 oz. ` 67c "PUBLIC MEETING CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 completely agree with them, that. taxpayers should have the right, at least every . two years, to . meet together to discuss the affairs of the municipality. Lucknow is one of the few municipalities to extend this privil- ege to its ratepayers, a fact which should have been more appreciated by a larger attendance at the meeting. There are always those who rumble and grumble about the affairs of the village, taxes, work projects, etc., but where were they. on Monday night? . Only one man made it a point to present a problem to council and he is to be commended for this. While council may not agree with every suggestion or complaint -that comes before them, we have 'always, in our regular attendance at council meetings, found them to give fair hearings to all delegations and to attempt to solve all problems presented to them. So with nomination time here, and the absence of any discussion I of any hype at Monday's meeting. it The only questions posed at the could 'be assumed that the work of meeting were by Jim McNaughton the. present ' council has been who repeated a complaint he. endorsed almost 100%. expressed to council at an earlier meeting. He feels that the bylaw Available time was announced at governing the riding of bicycles on Monday's meeting for anyone who the sidewalk is not being enforced . might be interested in running for mended the works department for their efficient handling of this work. He also referred to the new lighting in the arena. Mr. Whitby said he had not decided whether to run again for council. Councillor Gordon Maize gave a 'breakdown of the sanitation costs in the, village over the past two years. He indicated that he would stand again. 'for council. • Reeve. George .oynt expressed his .regret at not being able to . address the meetingin the ,usual manner but said he would. answer all questions. Mr. Joynt expressed 'thanks to the council and clerk for their work this Vast term, to the press for their roll in reporting the council meetings, to Bill. Hunter and his recreation committee. to the Kinsmen, Lions, Legidn and all village organizations for their inter est in the village welfare and to Cliff Crawford and Doug.Haldenby for their' efficient work with the Lucknow Works Department. Mr. Joynt said that increased capital costs : would mean the . necessity of hydro and water increases in January.' office to say a few words and felt council should give d'irec- • tion to the bylaw officer to do this. . Clerk A. E. Herbert chaired i Mr. McNaughton said that the Monday's meeting which started 1 bylaw has been in effect for 18 sharpy at 8 p.m. He explained . years and he asked council if them that the Reeve • would not be ; had ever been, a prosecution , in those 18 nears. addressing the meeting because of his facial muscle problems. but that, he would be available to answer any. questions from. the floor. he had a specific complaint in the Councillor Murvin Solomon. sen- f future. it should be directed to' the , for councillor. was called on and • bylaw office giving details of the gave a report on the Hydro system. offence and the name of the party his division of council work. He ' involved. explained the sharp increase in the cost of providing power in the past ; Mr. McNaughton also was criti- two. year council term as stemming ! cal of the weed cutting program in from increased capital costs and = the village. Reeve Joynt stated the cost of the power from Ontario P that the village works department Hydro. He stated that the cost of I had cut most of the weeds. to his' power purchased from Ontario knowledge. Hydro would advance another ; 11.7% in 1975. Mr. Solomon Reeve Joynt stated that the indicated that he would stand again senior citizens apartment building for office. E would be built on property recently purchased by Ontario Housing from Mrs. Sid Whitby of Lucknow. The property is on Walter' Street. running north off Highway' 86 in the east end of town. The Reeve said that the medical centre would go ahead as soon as approval is received from the municipal board.. Councillor Murvin Solomon sug- t gested to Mr. McNaughton that, if Councillor. Oliver Glenn mention- ed several projects which had been completed and w ere in the process of being done. Land has been purchased for the senior citiiefis project and the medical. centre has been approved. He mentioned the new seating at the arena and street signs. village entrance signs -and • the new sign • at the front of the municipal office. Councillor . Russell %hitby re- ported on his work with the water system in the village and com- Other discussion centred on the public transportation. or lack of it. in this area, ' The meeting adjourned at 8.30 p.rn.