The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-06, Page 21YatIOVEMBeit 1914 THE t ltt[Qi1W SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW @WAR 000. IOWER INTEREST RATES How Avaaaitilk IST AND MO IIIIORTOAGES AAVIIMS• in Ontario On opitITIAL, COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL and FARM. PROPERTIES ion Flittaticiog For Noe Construction & Land Foe atives k You Area Pty $AFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED $ A S Collect Mod mf - 5G Weber SI. E Kilter., Ont. Stortgagai tor Instant E n-- osh Native At Toronto WI}Att"l l,' NON all a tbriner Weq ea. Ws. fles **nom tabu i Ri in Noce nr-Iti ir ;,;:.tiontom.DAY¢f� .t�11 tIF a Smyth and N el�.i�•. •:::i t� 'i 'es Nat: l- ibn m reee .;ved her 1-U16 at St. tlatInS an4 Mak 0i4.. tem ins ,rorlpjtil Uri t � oivi trh, tttm fannlYi =Ned lana, vitinealittatett whoa fiat yr Vis., ft was here that she met her hit L rrai+d Atkin- ; ' r`m; 4;1141 o i?t At r Mr_ ck n- mote's deathism t a, 0 Mrs.; tc+dlatul „ mut returned to teat -habit near- , Alberta- For the past years tis. MI' i i tit had resid.ing, wide her doughterr it Yearronatol.. Site 4 survived by three daught- ers wi onf(jpSsA�m, Georgec ,. gc2t or, tot an Kingston,. JJarrmaiicaMargaret (04lts, + _ Schutz)) Sts- bates.. . in 41( I- and. nU,.wad Of Beaver- ton- A4St40,n , , deere aa. tiers tit to siSINTS•atial tett botitten Annie (t . Robert Agarl S. tirrtI : Geer - , gin Hunt. Regina,. Sa tithe w at balNadi Smyth_.Victorin,, .a�� �.: . Af t " s ie Way, ll .fd'at .titer' :fila all chapel] of A_ 1.4C, f ey„ 30) Stt, C1 it AQve.. IN_ Toronto ort SitaoUy.. November Entertneur was, in Queertsawa Cemetery', Ceintliby, • WEAK CLOSIM our THE ENTIRE WEAR DEPT; — SA M:O T THE M DRESSES ' lega. SLACKS INF SUITS... SWEATERS '110ATS . BLOUSES TOES 7 � his 1/01100 11N ITEMS ARE NOW P CE! OR ILESS Fur Tear Gas he Saline Ilia Week IIMAa.USOFFER! hetient itai exed Get An S Meats* Fi mislysftto vote ii emotes.MIE s t MAYS PAG ' *TY E Married At Ashfield Church COLLAR`- MateLEN AN • Lighted candelabra and yellow' axtd \rake chrysanthemums, turned the setting fOrr a quiet wending in Aiastr teld Presbyterian 'Much on Wither 5,. when Fancy •".}lean Naaennan.. and ` • "fi rrtic/ - Joseph o , ec hangedt vows in a dlauble-ring ceremony so '44t hi nioi. ynlltlL V.' 0' The bride is the est daughter of tI& and Mrs -Stuart MacLennan_ Et Lt.. 3 Gon` .ti' r, Midi the are otnn rs the sura Of .. and Lis- ' col at crfiGravetiltursi. • Tr?"Ginn +tuklw- a 000e, 'fl USrt: was; prayed by Cts,_ John J) n : e n^+ a in'of A m:a teff_ aim of the brrid'e. • Giverriii.marriage b ; rr rather. rite bridle wore afoes-[engtia gown of white polyester knit with #Twwipig c�a tthrJl train. gather;ed bocdi e and tong sleeves tri rned with embroitteed Mcete�ttes. atm seed f?eltl'1's. lifer beaddiess. of trratch i rg eat; o' o' 'held . her cathedral: length veil arta • she carried a bouquet of; virtue roses and steph, arsons, • The bride's only attendant ivy LIer sister mts. Christine • aid of Ripky, as: Marlon on. of honour. She wore ai: floor-Te'rrgtt gown of bine organza with deep gathered ttraum t` around the bottom: •Idle ..square -bib, bodice and long sleeves: were trimmed with white d'rFisv •etithrtiic ry. She ,i:arrietd a bouquet • of white carnations artd vellbw cornflower. The gcoonr's attendant was (Charles. 'fat/over. of Tomato, They - wore brown tucnral suits trimmed with brown i&eluet and beige rrted shirts. • Esher was, R di tick, its tietrrran..brothei- of the bride. Following the- ceremony a chnner and r`eeteptiun was held at Sutton Park, i'nrr. ljntardirte. The bride's: mother wore a floor -length gown of royal blue velvet with Matching 1Loweretd bivttse.• .accented with a corsage of white and. pink roses, "The groernt's- smother chose a printed sheer floor-tengttt gown • arrcd, ttratchin t att of rose tones, Honoured guest t- the wedding was the grourtte,s grandmother. Mfrs. " t iitdso, try Sudbury. The bride's, grandfatftetr W tn. Sohnston of Kinrati yoas unable to attend because of Illness,., 4 social evening For family and ends was trek at the bride's t home following the ouon;nes_, This was a gathering for two happy oct:asions, as rhe parents of the bride were cel g their 2Sth .wedding amrniversary.. They were en'a; ai at AshfiteId €hurl 1F Qa October 11. Il(149) by Rear. W- O_. Rhos •/ The trier} and groom will reside in Owen Sound_ • Dior to; lei marriage the • bride was, emelt an - of it a cri union shower at .edd Sx hour, and in Owdate a shower was '[tela at the home of •tier friend . _ Susan Cfrkttiawatt when femur' ui rses. of;. North York Hospital gathered- nt. honour ker_ ' • Family Honour John Swan A Very pleasant dinner party was held arra Saturday, November 2nd at the Ripley Legion to honour John Swan of Gateway Haven. Wiarton who will be eighty on February d9, 1975. A 'lovely dinner was served by the Legion Ladies after which Lan, Middleton, the oldest grandson, spoke a few words and Harry Swan, oldest son„ - presented Mr_ Swan with a gift. Dancing was later enjoyed_ Those present were Harry It d- dtetom of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Lim Middleton; . and boys of limekiln; Mr. and Mrs. • Harry Swan. George. Ray and Nancy and , Tom Willisof Goderich Mr. 'and Mrs_ Willis Craig.. Paull and Shelley of Norwood:. Mr_ and Mrs. Rill Swan and fantRy of Tiverton; Mr. and Mrs_ Bob Swam andfamily of Kifl arroomn e; Mr.. and ' Mrs.. bran Cook and Camay. of Ripley; Mr.. aid 'Mrs. Murray McLeaa n and Marcia of Guelph: 1. and Mrs. F u o ul„, and Jayne of W`cnigham_ Mr." and Mrs.John Wain, nee Dianne Swan. and ' Tiraceyr' of Albert. Wayne Swan of Goderichi . . and Mr... . and Mrs- John Phillips of. Monlrton. " New Brunswick were unable to .attend, Mr.. Swan has 24 gr-andrt'rildren - and tie great grandchildren.. 9 n'. A MERRY CHRISTMAS IS AT NE LUCKNOW SENTO GOtiD sfiEcriON OF BOXED CRRISTMAS CARDS INCLUDED IN CUR DISPLAY ARE CHILDREN'S CARDS -- SCRIPTURE CARDS CARDS FOR PHOTOS -- WRAPPING PAPER WH TE ME PAPER IN ROL.L. AND PACKAGE SEALS GIFT CARDS CNEISTAtAS NOTES