The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-06, Page 19ispitY, NOVEMBER 6,, 1974 HILL TALK itAWFORD DOUGLAS V. BRUCE MOWN% ,tne first of the monthly , *twill be making to the iSin the Riding, 1 want *bow what different 401 le hoping to cover in, ithiAat lie ahead. eare : many issues mane areYvital to all ii&;tthwerefore, some of the ithatifeel should be talked tette Canada Pension Plan, i;.Tensions, Unemployment Veterans Pensions, 4:,:iVidow's, etc.), Citiz- tiimigration, Welfare 01.,.Compensation, even 1ie2 a provincial matter, :,:es Program, Winter oiks Projects Fund, , Transportation and Kin the reports to come, iiitoimh just some of these r, as 1 know that the Softhe people of the Riding eatevaried and cover many the structure of our Rent. eteo, that in these report. I ejou, the people who make Ofmg of Bruce an insight !may problems that both ill Members of Parliament, the Government of the mmter in trying to bring ththons, and I want you to Kvour Member feels and [these problems too. with, in this particular .1pethaps 1 could let you idle bit about what 1, as of Parliament have since 1 have arrived 'Ottawa to represent the -Bruce:" all, the opening provided members with the oppor- g into the swing of a must spectacular way. Hawed with the Speech • THE LIAKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO When Choosing Livestock Minerals Let Your Forage Be Your Guide... because the roughage portion of the ration dictates the combination of essential minerals needed. All SHUR •GAIN MINERALS are now formulated accordingly. It's nutritionally right, it's easy, it's economical, to select the best SHUR. GAIN min-' - eral mixture \for your livestock. . . SHUR, GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS ;,1—FOR NON -LEGUME FEEDING . . . feed where roughage is grass, hay or corn silage. SHUR. GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS 2—FOR LEGUME FEEDING . . . feed high legume forage, to balance the high calcium, low phosphorus. SHUR • GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS 1!3—SALT FREE . . . feed where salt is avail- able in the water or other source. SHUR• GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS 7.,4—HIGH PHOSPHORUS . . for dry cows just prior to freshening. SHUR •GAIN RANGE MINERALS . . . for Western feeding conditions, where stock is on a high hay or pasture ration with salt provided separately. PAGE NINETEEN with SHUR•GAIN from the Throne, which gave many of us the opportunity to spread our oratorical wings before .some of the countries best.. In regard to this, I found that by actually taking part at the first opportunity on. September 16th, I was given the chance to feel that I had become part of this House Of Commons, part of the Debate and part of the Government of this fine country of ours. I must say too, that I was pleased to see many of the papers throughout the Bruce area reprint some of the things, at least in part that I had to say in my maiden speech of September 16th.. Also, the formation and the early meetings of all the committees have taken up a nurnyer of hours of our time, particularly when we had only three days to deal with the estimates of the various Depart- ments of Government. I am pleased to report to Bruce Riding that the Riding will be represented on the House Standing Committees on Agriculture and on Broadcast- ing. It was also, with a great deal of honciur that I was named Vice Chairman of the Broadcasting Committee and also to the Steering Anderson Flax Products, Limited LUCKNO'W PHONE 528-2026 Sub -committee for. Agricalture, a Committee which is of the utmost importance to the Riding of Bruce. In this first report, 1 would also like to touch briefly on the problem being faced by the cow -calf and stocker operators at the present time, a problem that I feel must receive attention from the Federal Government at the earliest possible time; and on which I, have held several.meetings with the Minister of Agriculture,the. Honourable Eugene Whelan.., I might point out here, that the Minister informed me. on . October 23rd, that an announcement of a Federal pro - grain to assist in the beef industry would be made in the immediate future. 1 also would like to report that the Program had been organ- ized some time earlier and had been prepared, but was up -ended when threeor four Provincial Governments came in with pro- grams on their own, which would cm'mpietely upset the Federal approach -- the Provinces being namely Manitoba. Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec. • Ontario meanwhile has taken the stand, and I believe rightly so that the program should be Federal in nature and have .a _nation wide approach, and I have great hopes that before my next report, such a policy will have been announced and put into effect for the benefit of the ismall cow -calf operators and the small beef farmer in Canada. Needless to say, 1, as well .as most Members were very glad to see the end of the West Coast .Grain Handlers strike. However, I wotild have been much happier had Federal intervention not been necessary. Also at this time. I would like to thank all of the people connected with the Gaylea Com- pany fromTara, who were in the House on the 16th. the day that 1 delivered my first speech in the House of Commons, and who visited with us for sometime on that occasion. 1 was very pleased to have them in the House and also very pleased to have them visit Ottawa and see, at first hand the 'Government of Canada at work. These then arc just some of the happenings on the Hill in the past month, but sonic 1 believe to be of special interest and importance to residents of Bruce Riding. Once \ %A.\ • --- - • s • • • • • • \ \\'s \s‘r'sn;>" \--•••• - • ..ss'..-ts•-.*:• • •This Week's Special. EE uick Hamilton St. Goderich Brand New 1975 Pontiac Ventura Two door coupe, equipped with 250 cu. In. 6 cylinder, standard transmission, steel belted radial whitewalls, chrome wheel covers, finished In smart sandstone with, brown cloth Interior. 3785 4-:•\''. - •cs+,: % 4 -.` '' , \'`.\\\*s..:,..*,,,,,ii;ix::: ;:iiAtz,c..,....:0:i;ig'. l.:;:',:::"...- ::':::::$:•:::it,s,• •'! .-.. . • , ‘,....,,,, \\ , . • s .... ,,,,, , .....:.. • •,;:,::::...:'''':&:.0i::.::::$‘.:;i:;,:';',:',.,:.:0':.7..7.:::::. 'i: • ... -...: ,.. . . . ...sN\ \ \ N \\ at.Z.:,.VI.ki*,;..,N,N,): •,:,•••'•:'.' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' 0 again, I would encourage von • to make known vour ideas and desires for the Riding. Simply write to me at any time at Room 420-423 West Block, House of Cornthons, Ottawa. Ontario. . • . 1 want to hear from. you. Until next -month, that's Hill Talk. OLIVET Mr. and: Mrs. Jack McGuire. Ronald and Brian visited on Sunday evening ),,rith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engel and family of Dublin.. Miss Joyce Black along with 89 'other students of the F. E. Madill Secondary School ElistorY daSses enjoyed a few days at Ottawa last week. , Among other places. they visited the Parliament Buildings and had the opportunity of seeing Parliament in session. Mr. Stan.; field spoke to the grimp. as well. as other members. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Hamilton and Joanne visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamilton and Jennifer of Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Sickle and Trevor visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Van Sickle and family of Cambridge. Mr, and Mrs. Doug Moore and family of Ripley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White and Mr. and Mrs. Ted White and family. 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