The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-10-23, Page 9ESDAY OCTOBER 23, 1974 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO DQME ' HOTEL ening Lounge ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING IN THE LOUNGE pppEARING THIS DAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. 25 AND 26 Moran Brothers UNGANNON and Mrs. B. F. Comfort of alines are spending a week Cecil Blake. Harold 'Johnston', her two rs and their husbands, oriel Welsh and son, all of visited with Mr. and Mrs. Johnston on the week end. Mary Bere, Kathy and Jamie, Earl McNee, • Belmore and Mrs. Graham McNee had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Aldham on Sunday to celebrate Gregory Aldham's birthday. Mrs. Chas. Fowler has been in hospital in Wingham for the past week with infection in her leg and hopes to get home within a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fowler and family of Parkhill visited Mr. Fowler in Dungannon and Mrs. THUR;, ,FRI., SAT. --. OCTOBER 23, 24, 25, 26 ./ JON VOIGHT \_,*# -? One beautiful man. His story is true.. PANAVISION • COLOR 'DY DE LUXE' Adult Entertainment PLUS 0 UAL"' '.SUN., MON., TUES. OCTOBER 27, 28, 29 SIAMESE TWINS AT BIRTH-- .. Now,cut asunder! onewill be during :`SHOCK- VERY PERIOD! iiuiiiin111 IIKINIONIFER SALT Ankneriun lntanst oa,l Release Cold by MOVIEIAB 4"<> r'1• . ty I973 Ame.,cantnlM.+atwnat P.ctures, Inc. Etat En i +il 009 When Man and Wife Love the Same Woman.. to Aw.d Cwr....w.. t.l.... Mei NUR., FRI., SAT. — OCT. 30, 31, ; NOV. 1, 2 Robert Redionl leiemiah sow_ some say he's dead..: some say he never will be. .• • Sit Ptirkinment ARK GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED F AOK HIKE 0 0 WED. 23, THURS. 24, FRI. $'5, SAT. 26 2 Showings Doily at • 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. • ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST FiLMS! �7117Qlt.IX plL I1 t\t xY•n • t,•ll n;ruo. 111../?1 ban refit t• a ttlini.U•r. • t clrSsic..,•h. dart ;Old ;, bwtttilur,lun•n 11'sl'1)11.11 • not l'orrncR. but it �,xt H,tnt • d,t'ullMt' (hat .�va, V11. • I'm lxvinningti • lik,•the .uundotit7 • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • JON VOIGHT x `' •• • • i" C N�le. • .• • • • iln.lt,uotul man t.true • ••••••••••••••••• • SUN. 27, MON.28, TUES.29' • QNE COMPLETE, SHOW • Doily of 7:15 p.m. LVIS' is SACK • • IN TWO OF HIS BEST!• • "lAiLHOUSE • ROCK" • • • • • •• • Itti N'GOUSiNS Pe.", ilt�)I i Z:...•.••••••••.••1 Fowler in hospital on the week end. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs: Don Ceaser (nee Kathy Culbert) who were married on ,Saturday in Dungannon United Church with the reception being held in Lucknow Legion Hall. A.community shower was held for Kathy in the church basement • at which she received many lovely gifts from friends and relatives. Don's mother and sister from Lion's Head were presentat the shower. • Thanksgivingweek end visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ander- son . were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Grewar, Nancy and Bradley of Mississauga, Mrs. Margaret Mc- Leod of Chathamand daughters, Catharine. of Montreal and Sylvia from St. Catharines. Several from Dungannon attend- ed anniversary service at Nile on Sunday morning. Rev.. H. Snell of Exeter preached an inspiring ser- mon based on , a verse from Revelations: "The dwelling of God is with men". All wtto were present thrilled to the beautiful. music provided by the McMillan , Family. Churchservice and Sunday School as usual will be held in Dungannon United Church on Sunday. The members of L.O. Lodge will attend worship. Mrs. D. S. Fines, Mr: and Mrs.• G. G. Wilbur of Toronto spent the Thanksgiving week end at their, summer home here. Mr. Wilbur's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wilbur of Delhi visited with them on the Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Stewart is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Durnin at Dunlop. t • • • • • • • • •• • • • .• • • • • • WHITECHURCH -Crommun on services ivil be held at Chalmers Presbyterian. church October 27 at 11.15 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes visited Thursday and Friday with .Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwichten- berg and family of Port Elgin. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Carman Whytock was permit- ted to return home on Friday from Wingham and District Hospital. On Monday last Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes of East Wawanosh and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Olson .and family of Edmonton, Alberta were visitors•with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes. • Mt. and Mrs. George Webster i and his father Bill Webster were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale of Seaforth. Mr. and ,Mrs. Walter Moore,'! Now at anew low Price Limited Quantity 1975 "off" 17" CHROMACOLOR 11 MODEL F3721L $339�0 1975 20' CHROMACOLOR 11 MODEL F4001W s469.00 . Authorized Zenith dealer for Goderich, Clinton, Lucknow, and surrounding area. Convenient Bank Terms Arranged. CHISHOLM TV 29 .Kingston St. Goderich , 524-9576 Linda. Cindy and • Richard visited with •Mr. and Mrs. Gary Johnston and family of Mildmay and cele$ brated their son Phillip's birthday. Miss Valerie Scott of Listowel spent the week end with her cousins Glenna and Kay Wilkens. The Langside Whitechurch Y.P. S. group, was the second largest group attending the Y.P.S. Con- vention held last week end at Dresden.