The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-10-16, Page 17OCTOBER 16, 074 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON ••/•N••N••N•••N4MN•••••NN YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1954 Bruce County Plowing ass held at the farm of ftulayson• Lochalsh. w's 89th fall Fair was L5 rain. An afternoon turned the grounds into of mud and kept the . crowd to the shelter of the arena. tcloision reception im- isthis area, TV aerials ung into prominence. el undetermined origin destroyed the large the farm of Maurice concession 10, Kinloss YEARS AGO OCTOBER 1934 of Lucknow Lodge No. Q.O.F. were installed into were as follows: George Noble Grand Charles Vim Grand; Kenneth Recording and Financial Cam Thompson, Treas- t61 Loithart, Chaplain; n, R.S.N.G.; Will LS.N.G.; Harry Nixon, Reg Lavis, Conductor; R.S.V.G.; Wallace R.S.S.; Austin Solomon, FNixon," I.G.; Dean O.G.; Wm. Youn. L.S. motion in the village by "s roll, was 1055 suincrease of 91 over the. of 964. foment was taking ti ,r at least a part of immense apple crop of barrels (1914 Mage in supplying the ail British troups with a item of fruit diet 11;1 during the coming winter camp- aign. The Fruit Branch of the Agriculture Department was in- vestigating ways and means of securing a large supply of evapor- ated apples for the troops and also for stimulating the fruit evapor- ating industry in Canada on a permanent basis. The Joynt evaporator was .comp- leted and put into operation. The building, which was concrete throughout, was two stories high and equipped with every modern appliance for the handling of apples. News And. Views From Huronview The congregation of the Clinton Christian Reformed Church formed a choir to lead the Sunday evening Song Service in the auditorium. Thirty-five residents of Brucelea Haven at Walkerton accepted an invitation to visit Huronview .on Monday afterndon. The guests. arrived at tw.o-thirty and joined in the activities of old tytne music, dancing and a sing song. Marie Flynn, Lorne Lawson, Norman' Speir and Jerry Collins provided the music : with vocal solos by Morgan Dalton and readings by Mrs. McGratton. Administrator, Ches Archibald, welcomed the visitors to the Home and following the program lunch was served in the main dining room by a resident committee; Betty Scratch. Marg- aret Kehn, Gladys Stanlake,' Miss O'Connor, • Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. Hussey, Recrea- tion Supervisor at Brucelea Haven, expressed the appreciation of their residents for the invitation and the visitors were taken on a tour of the Home. Mrs. Marjorie Hays of Goderich provided a musical program for "Family Night" accompanied at the piano by Mr, Herdman, organist of St. Georges Anglican Church, Goderich. Mrs. Hays sang many of the residents" . favourite songs and Mrs. Sparling thanked the entertainers on behalf of the residents. 4 s*G' SE EP1TE in Over 704 Pair Pants ON SALE at Hayes Family Cl�thhig G.W.G. SCRUBBIES ® REG. $16.95 G.W.G. DENIM FLARES - REG. $16.95 G.W.G. DENIM ROLL -UPS m- REG. $16.95 G.W.G. COWBOY KINGS — REG. $16.95 SALE $14.95 ALL FIRSTS AND GUARANTEED Penmans 71 ! Penmans 71 Drawers and Shirts (seconds) Combinations (seconds) SALE $4.00 Each SALE $6.00 Each Penmans Thermal Drawers and Tops (Firsts) SALE $6.00 Set Penmans No. 27 Fleece Drawers and Tops (Seconds) SALE $6.00 Set McGregor Socks (irregulars) SALE $1.00 Pair WATCH THIS PAPER FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR COMPLETE CLOSING OUT SALE OF OUR LADIES' WEAR DEPARTMENT Hayes Phone 357-1700 Family Clothing Wingham Home Economist Is W.I. Speaker The Holyrood Women `s" Institute met at the home of Mrs. Jack Scott with the president, Mrs. P. A. Murray in the chair. The meeting opened with the ode and the Mark Stewart Collect. Mrs. Lorne Eadie read the minutes of the previous meeting and gave the financial statement. The roll call was "an When Choosing.. livestock Minerals Let Your Forage Be Your Guidees. auction of hats" which each member brought for sale and the buyers wore the hats throughout the evening. • Mrs. Gerald Rhody was appoint- ed delegate to attend the Rally at Wiarton on October. 1 7th and Mrs. P. A. Murray was chosen delegate to the Convention at Kincardine on November 18 and 19. Mrs. receive custom William MacPherson will a donation which is the of the Holyrood Institute to because the roughage portion of the ration dictates the combination of essential minerals needed. All SHUR•GAIN MINERALS are now formulated. accordingly. It's' nutritionally right, it's easy. it's economical, to select the best SHUR- GAIN min- eral mixture for your livestock .. SHUR‘GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS =1—FOR NON -LEGUME FEEDING ... feed where roughage is grass. hay or corn SHUR•GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS =2—FOR LEGUME FEEDING hrgtl legume forage, to balance the high calcium. low phosphorus. SHUR.GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS -3—SALT FREE ... feed where salt is avail- able in the water or other source. SHUR•GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS =4—HIGH PHOSPHORUS _ . . for dry cows just prior to freshening. SHUR-GAIN RANGE MINERALS . . . for Western feeding conditions, where stock is on a high hay or pasture ration with salt provided separately. unci erson Flax Pr�cuctsi Lirnited silage. . . feed with SHURGAIN LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2026 anyone having a fire loss. .• Plans are underway for a Rem- embrance Day Service m the hall on November 1Ith. Mrs. Gerald Rhode reported that 14 girls are in the 4-1-1 , class "The Club Girl Entertains''. Mitis Edna Boyle showed' the two quilt blocks which the Institute were asked to make and Mr,: Jack Scott brought the articles .which made up the displa. • for Lucknow and Ripley fairs which won 2nd and 3rd prize. A vote of thanks was tendered to all who .assisted with this display. Mrs. Alex PJ'rcv reported on Agriculture 'and Canadian Indus- tries. New extra card tables are • being purchased to add to the number in the hall. The November meeting will be in the hall with Mrs. Donald Blue of Ripley guest speaker. The Tweedsmuir Book will be on display and this will be a tea. Two resolutions were voted on. Mrs, Alex Percy presided for the program and introduced the guest speaker Miss Barbara De Vischer. Home . Economist who gave a very interesting talk on New Products. mentioning milk supple- ments. margarine and meat substi- tutes and soya bean products. Mrs, Frank Maulden thanked Miss De Vischer. Mrs. Ravnard Ackert and Mrs. Morgan Johnston favour- ed with a lovely duct. "Mansion on the Hilltop... Mrs. Alex Perry conducted two. contests. ..Proverbs" and "For- estry". A well prepared motto by Mrs. Fred Page. "The happiest wife. is not the one who, marries the best man but the one who makes the best of the one she marries.. was read by Mrs. Jack Scutt. Directors were Mrs. Alex Perey and Mrs. Fred Page. The meeting closed with "O Canada" and Grace after which a delicious lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Gerald Rhody and Miss May Boyle. c