The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-10-16, Page 16.3 4 ' PAG1E SIXTEEN 4HCLUBl Happy Hostesses _ The sixth meeting of St. Helens Happy Hostesses was held October 8 at 7.15 in the St. Helens Hall. We opened themeeting with the 4-11 Pledge. Marybelle Cranston read the minutes of the last meeting. The roll call, which was "An idea for an original party game" was answered ' by the 13 members present. Next meeting will be held October 15 at 7.15 at the Hall. Mrs. Errington read about menu suggestions and Mrs. Humphrey read about party foods and how to serve the food. Mrs. Humphrey also read about buffet meals. They discussed each of these after the leaders read about them: They also discussed the subject matter which was suggested menus suitable for different occasions. The club started making plans for the tea which is to be held at the last meeting. The meeting was closed with the 4-H Creed. Eager Entertainers The sixth meeting of the Kair- shea Eager Entertainers was held at Mrs. Maelntyres home on. Monday, October 7 after school. We opened with the pledge. The secretary called the roll and read the minutes_ Norma . Maclntyre and Anne Colwell were appointed as the book cover committee: The next meeting is to be held at Mrs. Haldenby's home on Tues- day, October 15 after school. Mrs.. Maclntyre discussed "Party Foods". The girls were then divided into groups to decorate cupcakes. We enjoyed a delicious pizza that Mrs_ Haldenby made and we sampled the cupcakes that we, had decorated: Happy Hostesses DUNGANNON NEWS The fourth meeting of Dungan- non 14-H Happy Hostesses opened with the 4-H pledge followed by the minutes of the last meeting read by Betty Errington. Letters were read from members to their friends thanking them for a wonderful week. end. For eliscussion the members read from the leader's 3 pamphlet, "Entertaining at Tea". For demonstration and group work, Elaine and Annabel Stewart arranged sandwiches such as toll- ed, open, closed, pinwheel rolled and ribbon sandwiches . on four plates for members to make first, second, third and fourth choice. Kathy Pentland served chocolate milk and members sampled the sandwiches. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 16 at 7 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Young. LiiCKNOW SENTINEL, LIICKNOW. ONTARIO Party Pals The sixth meeting of the Clover Valley Party Pals took place at the home of Pamela McIntosh on Tuesday, October 8th at 7.15. The meeting was opened by the Presid- ent with the 4-1 pledge followed by the roll call which was answered by all 8 members. The minutes of the previous meeting were read :by Donna Elphick. The next meeting is being held on Tuesday, October 15th at the home of Joyce Osborne at 7.15. The meeting was then turned over to the leaders who led in discussion of party food. The leaders demonstrated how to make cup cakes and showed us how to ice and decorate_ them. For group work each girl planned a menu for a Buffet Supper and setting up Buffet suitable for a party. We closed our meeting with the 4-H Creed. For lunch 'we tested our cup cakes that we iced and decorated and the hostess served us juices. Zippy Trinettes The sixth meeting of the Zippy Trinettes was held 'October 7 at 7.00p.m. at the home of Mrs. Cameron. Karen Campbell called the meeting to order and all the members stood and repeated the 4-H Pledge. 14 girls answered the roll call. Mary Anne Alton read the minutes of the last,meeting. Susan • • • Irvin read the secretary's minutes. Home assignments were taken up. The next meeting will be held in the basement of Trinity Church, Tuesday, October 15 at 7.00 p.m. Mrs. D. A. Hackett discussed Party Food and the Service and Mrs. Cameron discussed Suggest- ed Menus. Members participated in making cup cakes. All the members participatedin planning a menu for the, buffet supper. To close this meeting all the members stood and repeated the 4-H Motto, "Learn to Do by Doing". Janet Wilkins thanked Mrs. Cameron for having this meeting and taking time to prepare her house for a club of 4-H girls. Handy Hostesses The 4th meeting of the Holyrood club was held on Wednesday, October 9 at Lynne Nicholson's house. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge and the roll call. Wilma Duiker read the minutes of meeting 3. We discussed entertain- ing at teas, covering types of teas and the food served at them. The leaders then assisted us in the making of fancy sandwiches. We judged plates of sandwiches and then each girl practised serving them. The next meeting will be held. on Wednesday, October 16 at Tam- mara and Michelle Hodgins' house. 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