The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-10-16, Page 8.d• IL • • PAOR HIOWt- • • 'THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WE HAVE SNOW TIRES BY REMINGTON AND ATLAS I.E. MacDonald LUCKNOW ttr: '4111" Men's 7 p.m. Kevin Ackert took high single of the evening with a 255 score. Ron Stanley had high triple with a score of 639. Games over 225, Kevin Ackert 255. Greg Hamilton 241. Addin Dawson 238. Ron Stanley 233, 229; Graham Hamilton 225. - Team points: Owls 0. Cardinals 2, Vultures 5. Hawks 5. Sparrows 2, Crows 7. Team standings: Bob Cranston's CEOWS 12. Pete Chisholm's Hawks 9, Bill MacKenzie's Vultures 8. Wayne Cranston's Owls 5. Wayne Carter's Sparrows 4. John Hogan's Cardinals 4. Ladies 9 p.m. High single: Barb Sanderson 257; high triple: Merle Rhody 593. Games over 200: Barb Sanderson 257. Grace Hopf 240. Merle Rhody 204. 206. Anne Anderson 205. Irene t•felson 204. 212. Team points: Lynn Wall's Tulips 7. Anna Johnstone's Narcissus 0; Anne Wisser's Lilacs 2. Merle Rhody's Daffodils 5; Zena Rieg- lingss Hyacinths 5. Irene Nelson's Crocus 2. ' Team standings: Lilacs 29. Hya- cinths 23. Crocus 21. Daffodils 20. Narcissus 17. Tulips 16. Men's 9 P.m. .Ron Stanley had high single with a score of 280. High triple went to Ray Cardy with:a score of 749. Games over 225: Ron Stanley 280. 270: Fr. Dentinger 261. Ray Cardy 258.251,240: Bob Finlay 256. Gerald Rhody 252. 240; George Stanley 244.,Walter Arnold 241. Jack Caesar 238. Bill Button 235. Ted Cooper 234. Bob Greer 234,, Jamie Elliott 227. Wilbur Brown 226. Team points. Oldsmobiles Fords 2. Mustangs 3Dodges 0, Pontius 5,, Buicks 7.. Team standings: Oldsmobiles 16. Mustangs 12„ Pontiacs 12, Dodges '10% I3ukks 9. Fords 4. Town & Country High single for the ladies went to Ann Johnston with 210. She also had high double of 345. Top bowler for the men was Les Purvis with a single of 157 and double of 300. Games over 200. Ann Johnston 210. Team points. Reds 0. Oranges 0. Yellows 5. Greens T 2. Blues 5. Violets 3. 0 Team standings.. Reds 8, Oran- ges 5, Blues 10. Yellows 7, Greens 7. Violets 8. Lucknow Dungannon Bowling Due to the .fact that two teams were unable to bowl during the week of October 3rd. we were unable to complete the standings and so no report was published. We extend a hearty welcome to the new group who are replacing the Chipmunks. but Will still be known by that title. High singles for the week of October 3rd went to Mary Fisher with 0253 and Harold Maize with 229. High triples were Mary Fisher with 600 and. Bill Searle with 692. Lady over 225 was Mary Fisher witil 253 and men over 250 were Harold Maize 299. Jack Caesar 269 and Mel Dickson with 251. Team points: Lions 4. Cubs 3; Foxes 2. Tigers 5; Coons 4. Wolverines 3; Kangaroos 7, Chip- munks 0: Squirrels 2. Polecats 5; Gophers 0. Zebras 7. Team standings: Chipmunks 0. Foxes 9. Tigers 12. Gophers 0. Zebras 12, Polecats 7. Squirrels 4, Cubs 8. Lions 9. Coons 6. Wolver- ines 8. Kangaroos 9. OCTOBER.9 AND 10 ,For this week the high singles were Marina Park 226. and Ron Durnin 281. High triples went to Joanne Searle lath 589 and Wayne .Todd with 689. Lady over 225 was Marina Park and men over 250 were Ron Durnin MI. Wayne Todd 278 and Jack McDonagh 262. Team points: Cubs O. Coons 7; Foxes 3. Kangaroos 4; Tigers 0„ Zebras 7; Squirrels 2. Lions 5: Wolverines 3. Chipmunks 4; Pole- cats O. Gophers 7. Team standings: Zebras 19. Lions 14. Coons 13. Kangaroos 13. Foxes 12. Tigers 12. Wolverines 11. Cubs 8. Polecats 7. Gophers 7. Squirrels 6. Chipmunks 4. I t amity Mark 45th Anniversary SOUTH KINLOSS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilchrist were honoured by their family on their 45th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilchrist and Brian from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDonald and family of Kinlough, Mr. 0 and Mrs. Bob Gilchrist and family of Kinloss. Mrs. Bob Gilchrist had prepared a turkey dinner which was enjoyed by all. Miss Catherine MacKenzie of Toronto and Miss Heather Mac- Kenzie of Hamilton were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie for the holiday week end. Mr. and ,Mrs. Ross Hamilton, Karen and David of Shilo, Mani- toba visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton last week. Donald Hamilton of Goga- ma,'Ontario was home for the week end. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Buckton of Kitchener, Mrs. Janet McConnell of Mildmay visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Buckton for the holiday week end. Mrs. Fred Gilchrist held a party at her home for the retired members off the nursing staff of WEDNESDAY LUCKNOW SKATIN REGISTRATION DAYS Saturday, October 19 AND Saturday, October 26 2 to 4 p.m. BASEMENT OF TOWN IIALL, LUCKNo O FEES: JUNIORS WOO - SENIORS $1L11 FAMILY RATES AVAILABLE Pinecrest Manor. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton and family of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr, Susan and Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton, Karen and David were dinner guests last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. Miss Christine Thorn Oshawa spent the weekend farm on the 4th coneessiod. O Mr. and Mrs. George Caroline and Stephen of T visited at the home of Mr.and Bill Haldenby last week come celebrate our DE goitE r October 21 thru ALr • STAINLESS ME FLATWARE O BLUE MOUNTAIN POTTERY DIAMOND RING SETS COSTUME JEWELLRY BELLEEK SILVER FLAN AND HOLLOWARE BONE CHINA DINNERWARE CRYSTAL O RADNOR CHINA FL • IRONSTONE TABLE SETS O BONE CHINA O TABLE SETS WATCHES TOP 0' THE HILL ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES SILVER