The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-10-02, Page 16INTERMEDIATE BALL GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP IN MOOREFIELD OCTOBER 5 AND 6 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBE MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT RIPLEY HURON .CENTRAL SCHOOL TUESDAY, OCTOBER Q • *AGE SIXTEEN I LES PETTER SHOES Lucknow Phone 528-2011 LORNE REID - SHOE REPAIR CLUB NEWS Kairshea Eager Entertainers The fourth meeting was held at 2the Kairshea Institute Hall on :Thursday, September 26 after school. We opened with .the motto. The secretary called the roll and read ;the minutes. The next meeting is Thursday, October 3 after school at the Hall. Mrs. Maclntyre discussed .`Ent- ertaining at Tea'. She demonstrat- ed sandwich making. Wehad `tea and sandwiches after the demonstration. Dungannon4-H The second meeting of Dungan- non 1 4-H club was held at the home of Mrs. Dan Maclnnes, at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 25. The meeting was opened with • the 4-H pledge, followed by the .rol call. _Six members were present at this meeting. The secretary's reportwas read, followed by the election•of the new secretary -press reporter, . who is Annabel. Stewart. A new vice- president will have to be elected. The main business was choosing a club nickname. Skits for Achieve- ment Day were discussed. Leaders and members' read paragraphs, from the Leader's Pamphlet and booklet entitled "Fancily Meals, ,Table Setting and Service and Table Manners". - For group work, and demonstra- tion the members arranged a table setting for both informal and format occasions. The next meet- ing will be held on Wednesday, October 2, at 7 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Young; Call. today! Let us tell you about our factory built Self Help Homes The attractive .prices. The styles and designs How you can help build your home and Save Money TRU-CRAFT HOMES Waterloo, Ontario FOR FURTHER INFORMATiON tt n CLIFF EMMERTON Sales Representative POINT CLARK R.R. 1, Kincardine Office 395-5020 Home 395-5544 The Entertainers On. September 26 at 7.00 p.m., the Lucknow #1 4-H club held their fourth meeting in the Lucknow Central Public School. The meeting was opened by the vice-president Nancy Alton. The 4-H pledge was then repeated. The secretary's minutes of the previous meeting were given, followed by the treasurer's report. Roll call was answered by nine members. The meeting was then turned over to -the leaders. Mrs. Berna- dean Ritchie led in the meetings, • discussion on the making of tea and entertaining with tea. The members then made sand- wiches suitable for a tea. Everyone enjoyedsampling the sandwiches and tea, which were served in the style of an afternoon tea. The meeting was closed with the 4-H Creed. Whitechurch 4-H Club WHITECHURCH NEWS The second meeting of White- church 4-H club was held on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Walter Elliott. The president Lori Purdon opened the meeting with all repeating the 4-H pledge in unison. Eleven members answered the roll call - Why .1 like to entertain. The name .chosen for the club is Whitechurch Servettes. Janine Purdon read the minutes. A new member Anne De Bruyn was introducted. The next meeting will be held October . 1st Tuesday evening at the home of Wendy Kay. Mrs. Archie Purdon discussed table setting and service. Mrs. Walter Elliott discussed , table. manners. They . also discussed things to accompany the lessons such as flower arrangement, as members brought flowers and arranged them to be judged. Group Work - the table was set for a formal meal and the girls pretendedto eat so they could learn proper table manners. They all received their pamphlets. The repeating of the 4-H pledge closed the meeting. Eager Entertainers The third meeting of the Luck - now #2 Club was held in • the Lucknow School on Wednesday, September 25. The meeting was. opened with the 4-H pledge. The roll call,'the type of reference file.l have chosen', was answered by 7 girls and 2 leaders. The secretary's 'report was read by Elaine Whitby. The name Eager Entertainers and a design for the cover of the record books was decided on. Mrs. Bill Bolt demonstrated how topack an overnight or. week •end bag. Mrs. Jim Boyle led a discussion on having and being an overnight guest in someone's home, also about making introductions. Karen Elliott demonstrated how to make pizza. Everyone made an invitation inviting someone for the night and a reply to their invitation. Making introductions were practised. Pizza and punch which had been made by Mrs. Boyle was enjoyed by everyone. The next meeting is to be held October 2 at the school. Happy Hostesses The fourth meeting of the St. Helens Happy Hostesses was held at the St. Helens Hall, September 24 at 7.15 p.m. There were 16 members and 3 leaders present at the meeting. The meeting opened by repeat- ing the 4-H pledge. Marybelle Cranston then read the minutes of the last meeting. All of the club members answered the roll call which was 'One thing I would like ina guest room'. The next meeting will be held October 1 at the St. •Helens Hall at 7.15 p.m. Mrs. Errington read about formal and informal teas. Mrs. Aitchison also read about serving tea. Marybelle Cranston read about making sandwiches while Mrs. Errington and Genevieve Kinahan made individual rolled sandwiches. Annette Kirkland, Lynda Lyons and Verna Brown also made mini pizzas and Gail MacPherson and Bonnie Humphrey made the checkerboard sandwiches: Debbie Errington and Janet MacPherson and Mary Nicholson made and served the tea. ' The home assignment for meet- ing three was discussed while the girls ate the sanwiches and tea. The meeting closed with the 4-H Creed. Party Pals The fourth meeting of the Clover Valley Party Pals was held at the home of Annette Elphick on Tuesday, September 24th at. 7.15. The president, Lynn Elphick, opened the meeting with the 4=H pledge followed by the roll call which was 'One• thing I would like in a guest room' and was answered. by all the *Members: The minutes ,of the last meeting were read by Wendy Hamilton. The treasurer's report was given. and a , design chosen for the front cover of the record books.'. The club party was discussed and is.being left until•the next meeting which is being held on October 4th at the home of Joan Osborne at 7.15. The meeting was turned over to the leaders wh.o4ed in discussion of entertaining tea, formal tea and informal tea. Plans for Achieve- ment Day were discussed. Serving tea was demonstrated by Mrs. Hamilton and sandwich making for tea was demonstrated by Mrs. Elphick. For group work two girls made a type of sandwich and then divided into groups. One group served tea to the other group and vice versa. The leaders acted as the hostesses. The meeting closed with the 4-H. creed and the <girls sampled the sandwiches they made as 'well as what the other members made and. were served tea, too. Lori Purdue Is 4-H Preside W HITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch 4-1.1 club met all) home of Mrs. Archie Pardon's Tuesday, September 17, The .1, pledge was repeated. The rolio was answered by the introducli of club members. The election of officers we President, Lori Purdon; Vice Pr/ ident, Janet Adams; PressRepp er Rhonda Gibson; Secreta anyone called on. Name of the club was undecid and will be roll call for At meeting, Thursday, September at Mrs. Walter Elliott's. Discussion centred on pit ways of cooking by leader Archie . Pur.don; hostess files.vi given by Mrs. Elliott aid. demonstration by Kathy pue doing wrong ways of .cooking vP the girls picking.. out the ens Different members did measup technique. • A lady from the florist sh Wingham, demonstrated flu arranging. The meeting closed repeati the 4-H Creed. . The ha assignment was 'to begin ren book's_ and make a flower man ment to bring to the next meet Club members are Lori Purd Janine Purdon, Glenna Wilke Wendy Kay, Rhonda Gibson;l leen Adams, Karen Purdon, 1 Jamieson, Faye Irwin, Do Whytock, Kathy Purdon andia Adams. , • re THIS CPG CONTAMS MONO KERNELS 50 .LOS NET OTHER PROVEN' VARIETIES Heat Units Big Bonus Areas Varieties 3500 3300 3100 2900 2700 2500 2300 S345 S345. S327, 5326, S300 S326; S327, S300 S280, 277, S300 277. 266. 267, S265 S260, 264. 266. S255, S259 S255. S260. 264 CO.O•P This is country Big bonus seed corn ■ vigorous ■easy.. picking um fast drying • high yielding We like to know our customers by name! Lucknow District Co-op PHONE 528-3024