The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-10-02, Page 13NESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1914 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO VENDOME HOTEL Dining Lounge` ENTERTAINMENT 8 DANCING IN THE LOUNGE APPEARING THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. 4 AND 5 he les.pera,nce Trio from Zurich htSchool rses.Planned rent -one courses are slated. at the F. E. Madill School Night . School g Tuesday. October 15th ednesday. October 16th at IPS. Several 'new courses !been added to this 'Fall's uatne. which should attract :merest. kasire driving. is a new short t.arhieh will give the average Itsaellas the novice, a new fling in Todays traffic. kr, is a 'Creative Cooking with the emphasis on 'budget meals' without sacrificing • appeal to the palate. Interior decorating and design is back after a three-year absence, and for those interested in the coming switch to 'Metrics' in Canada. a short course is offered to help the 'Layman' overcome the initial impact expect- ed in the immediate future. Household appliance, and repair is another short course designed to ;help the housewife and homeowner cut repair 'costs. by concentrating Onthe simple problems which anyone can correct. using only tools found in the average home. For Snowmobile buffs and potential owners, a • short familiarization course will begin on Mondays in mid-November. which will empha- size the safe •operation.. mainten- .IPL EY ABATTO1R i Custom Butchering —. Curing and Smoking Wrapping Sausage Making -- Fast Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY 014 FRIDAYS Rave Cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill 1 To 3 Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Reef From Weeks — Whatever Your Requirements Are hi ers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, 'Pork 111 Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices 'SATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS. ROOISMA, PROP. `905 STORE 395-2961 ance and care of such vehicles. Popular courses ,again retained for another session include Wood- working, Sewing, Upholstery and Women's, fitness and recreation. Golf will again be offered next April. Full details regarding fees, starting dates and registratipn will appear in the October issues of several Huron County weekly newspapers. ZION Mr. and 'Mrs. • Lorne Cook left Friday;evening of last week by bus from Clinton for Tennessee to the Grand Old Opera, returning home early Monday morning. Tom..Heim and Stewart Reavie of Lucknow attended. on Thursday of last week, the International Plow ing Match, the tented city in Halton County near Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Swan. Linda, • Keen and Margaret spent Sunday with his father, .Earl Swan at Gateway Haven in Wiarton. Mr..and Mrs. Frank Ritchie were Sunday dinner guests at the, home of her cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron 'McAuley, of Ripley. Two bus loads from, Wingham High School attended the Plowing Match 'near Georgetown on Wed- nesday of last week. Among them were Larry Wilkins and Bryce Ritchie.' Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Raynard, Matte. Debbie and Donna were supper guests on Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ravnard of Lucknow. Mrs. Charles Wilkins and her mother, Mrs. William Irwin and Lloyd of Kinloss visited Sunday in Toronto with Mrs.. Wilkins' aunt, Mrs. Bili . Clark. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Elliott and family of Ripley visited Sunday afternoon at the home of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter arid family. Bill, Jack, Kenny. Janet and Elizabeth Wilkins attended the Plowing Match during last week. Mrs. Allan Gibson was a supply teacher at Brookside public school. two days last week. PAGE _THIRTEEN • , A FAMILY AFFAIR- . Showing horses at area Fall Fairs has for several years been a familyaffair with the Ronald. Alton family of Lucknow. On Saturday, at . the Ripley. Fall Fair, Edna Alton, riding Ronda's Golden Princess, took top position in the Parade Class. Not t� be outdone, her son Kent, age 9, won first prize in the very next class, the Parade Class for ponies. Kent is pictured riding Fury while. brother Blair, age 11,. who was assisting him, looks on. rT coRRE Is your phone book correct? Please tell us now, before we print your new direc- tory. Look up your listing in the current directory and, if you wish to have it /changed, dial "0" (zero) and ask for Business Office OCTOBER 28th Bell Canada