The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-10-02, Page 9o§pAY.00TOBER 2,. 1974 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE 7,41140 i • 00043 DAILY AT 7:00 and 9:00p.m. • lMNtI . • •• • nmas • 00000000.▪ 000 SUN.640N.7-TUES..8 • ACADEMY AWARD. WINNER, • °r FEST PICTURE -BEST ACTOR • 8acck by , (popular Demand! S� OWING t;o0 P.M. ONLY! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 00.60N.00•0•0• The Gather • • • Rev. Glen Wright Was Guest Speaker DUNGANNON NEWS Dungannon United Church held anniversary services morning and evening on,Sunday with Rev. Glen Wright of Exeter as guest speaker. The choir provided special music in the morning with Donna and Nancy Errington taking solo parts. The "Harboraires" from Goderich were present at the evening service t� share their message in song. Next Sunday the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be ,celebrated. Miss Beatrice McClenaghan spent the week end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. C. McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irvin enjoyed a motor trip to Northern Ontario which included going on the ferry and driving on Manitoulin Island. Mrs. Zetta Henderson and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett were dinner 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED WED,; THURS., FRI., SAT. Vigilante, city style - judge, fury, Ind executioner. A Paramount Release %' DIN ODELAURENTiIS Presents BRONSO ha MICHAEL WINNER film OCT.2,3,4,5 "DEATH WISH" I enctel•DEATII WISH" by BRIAN GARFIELD Screenplay by WENDEIL MAYES Produced by HAL LANDERS arld HOBBY ROBERTS Directed and Co Produced by MICHAEL WINNER � �; ► Inc • TECHNICOLOR A Paramount Release . Omtttot o►ova NCE RtSTRICTID SUN., MON., TUES. OCT. 6,7,8, TO BE ANNOUNCED LISTING NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESS TIME MEED., THURS., FRIT, SAT. OCT. 9,10,11,12 N libo eSssterthanO ZyIalry except ' " ty~ bN\ \N‘\ PREMV/V44 and ii/SAN gr. "mac• ".48 M Ea„r I AW/WOW/12 &inkwr Adult Etterloiament e,'P $yotlUlt[W guests with Mr. and Mrs. Dynes Campbell on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Ben Mol have moved into the village, into the house formerly owned by her mother, the late Mrs. Andrews, and, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillips • and family. Mrs. Mole is presently in Univer- sity ' Hospital in London. Her friends hope she will soon .be home and in good health again. •Mrs. Mary Bere had a family gathering of fourteen on Sunday to celebrate three birthdays, Ruth and Gerry Bere and grandson Johnny Aldham. Mrs: Maurice Woodford. nee Wilma Treleaven, and Mrs. Ted Woodford from Toronto visited briefly with friends and relativeson Sunday, including Mrs.'. Heber Eedy and Mrs. Cecil Blake. Miriam .Wright of Exeter and Jennifer Drennan visited with, Mrs. Cecil . Blake and Barbara on Sun- day. Barbara returned to Toronto Sunday 'afternoon after .spending the week end with her mother. • Larry Pentland • returned home Saturday from St. Joseph's, Hospit- al, London, where he had received, treatment for several days. Mrs. Roderick •McDonald was: a' guest on Saturday for a dinner and social evening :. in' Luc.know in honour of Mr. and Mrs. John Robb's 60th wedding anniversary. Mr. Robb is a 'brother of.Mrs. McDonald. • On Sunday . Missy Mae Davies from Huronvicw, Clinton accom- panied' Mrs, Barbara Wendt from. Chicago to visit: Mrs. Minnie Jones and Melvin. Barbara is a great great niece of Miss Davies and of Mrs. Jones. The .116th , Dungannon Fall' Fair attracted about 4,000 persons, to the village on Friday. Children from Brookside Public , School in Ashfield Township 'and St. Jos- eph's Separate School at Kings- bridge took 'part in the. parade. Tanya Hodges, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Terry • Hodges, Dungan- non, won the prize, in the over six months class ,of the baby. contest. Top winner in the baking competi- tion was Mrs.' Frank Thompson, Dungannon. Mrs. Russell Brind- ley, R.R. 3 Auburn won the flower contest. The splendid showing of livestock and the horse • races attracted much interest. ST. HELENS Mrs. Gordon MacPherson spent a week at Caledon with her grandsons, Bunny and Bill Thomp- son, while their parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson,,,spent a wreck in British Columbia. While there, • Fred landed a.,23 Ib. salmon on the. west coast of Vancouver Island., Mrs. Parr of Kitchener is making her hone with her daughter. Mrs. Gerald Dirrscht, Mr. Dorscht, and family. Mt. and Mrs. Joni Shetler visited 'at University Hospital. London this week with their . six month old daughter, Elizabeth, who was seriously injured in a buggy -car accident two weeks ago: Her condition shows signs of inaprovc- mc1 t. On Saturday. Mrs. Shctler Sr. was able to leave Wingham and District Hospital and is now at her home .a( Norwich. Several from the community attended the Ploughing' Match near Georgetown this week. On Thursday. October 3rd the W.I. meeting will be held in the hall at 8.30 p.m. Anyone in the community interested in learning about the metric system is invited to this meeting when Terry Wilson. who teaches at the F. E. Madill School. Wingham will explain it. William Webster is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. BROWNIE'S iii.„141,,,n,,„ CLINTON ONTARIO • f Open Weekends Only after Sept. 1 FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY • October 4-5-6 • 20th CENTURY -FOX PRESENTS Adult ALES Entertainment , A :1.I AKIN`. NM Al iI MONO`, RN04110( N II Nik RIy I'Al t,%%IL IIAAr!. Adult Entertainment, —� "EMPEROR OF THE. NORTH POLE" •,% I d .'h t 1Di I LIM This Week BY AB WYLDS • Sonic of those ' back for the annual .home -coming week end at fall • fair time and 'noticed by the writer were Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacDonald, daughters Bonnie and Cheryl of Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene; Martyn of .Kincardine who are leaving shortly for Western Canada and then California; Miss Margaret Machan c►f Kincardine. and formerly: of the Ripley High School staff; Mrs. Jean Sturgeon.o.f Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moirier of Hamilton, Mrs. Donna Stilwell and Shelley of Barrie,, Mrs. Grace Keane of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cameron, of• Weston, Mrs. Brenda Hutton of London, Danny MacDonald of Toronto,' . George. Tranter of Grand Rapids Michigan. • Miss Vera Aitken' and her • friend Miss Linda Doyle, both of, Toronto, and both exhibitors at the fair; Miss Kathy Farrell (concession 10) and • Carmon Courtney; both from McMaster University in Hamilton; William Robertson of Toronto,; Mr. and Mrs. Paul .Harris .and Mr. and Mrs. Courtney MacDonald, all four being lab technicians in St. Joe's in London; Johnny Walden. Gerry Brooks of Tiverton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl •Morrison and Kevin of Mel- bourne, Mr. and Mrs. • Allan Tranter of Kincardine. Mrs. Wan- da (Bill) Harris Of London. and dozens more. In Ripley Added 'to those in -.hospital • already are Mrs. Hazel MacDon .ald. Miss Eva Culbert, Elliott Carruthers along with Mrs. Gordon (Sadie) Stanley and Miss Theresa Weber. t 4 4 4 t t Mr. and Mrs. Wray Osborne returned On Thursday from a motor trip across Canada to Victoria, ,and back. In Princeton, British Columbia they visited with former neighbours on the 12th of Huron. Mr. -and Mrs. Clarence Nicholson, Sherry, Jill and Danny. They also visited Nanaimo and the Okonagan Valley - noted for its fruit orchards and vegetable farms. In -Alberta they saw Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ruttic in Edmonton. Also in Edmonton, Dr. Donald MacDonald - brother of Doug's, and in Calgary, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wells, a niece of the late- Wes Macintosh. t"t t t t"t Mrs. Oliver McCharles • donated.. three hand painted cup and saucer sets last Saturday. Tickets were sold -on these and Marion donated the proceeds .to. the fair. in the draw a cup and saucer was won by each of the following, Mrs. Cather- ine Davey of .Armow•, Miss Janis Davey of At -mow and Rhoda • Barclay of Tara. REGISTRATION FOR Ripley -Huron Minor Hockey WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE Ripley Legion Hall Saturday, October 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, October 9 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. All players must be registered before taking to the ice. A parent or guardian is asked to register minor players. FEES WOO for one $9.00 for two -- $12.00 for family Age limit -- Grade 1 to Juvenile age inclusive.