The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-09-25, Page 19PAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1974 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE. SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON 0 Years Ago SEPTEMBER 1954 "bread war" which had flourishing in Lucknow for 1months , received new im- lben sliced .bread was offer - two loaves for. 250. At the time the single loaf price d to a new low' of 130. The er, at least, was enjoying gain festival. and Mrs. Clark Needham eir Kinlough store to John er of Mildmay , who obtain - session September 1st: secondstorey veranda on out of.McKim's Drug Store was removed due to the toll of time. This familiar "landmark" was always gaily decorated on special occasions, and many re- called the 24th of May fire crack- er scrambles that originated from this spot. The veranda was not the only attention catcher - many also recalled the big black letters that spread across the top of the build- ing and read "Apothecary Hall" and which had long before been paihted out.. 40 YEARS AGO 'SEPTEMBER 1934 • Sixty-nine modern two -key safety deposit boxes, which had been purchased by the Village Council, were installed in the. fire -proof vault in the new village office. This vault was the one used by the Bank of Cotnrnerce un- til the closing of their branch in Lucknow. The boxes were being offered for rental to the public of the district. The Lucknow Citizen's Band presented its annual tattoo; with six bands taking part , Walkerton, Teeswater , Wingham , Harriston, Lucknow and the Kincardine Pipe Band.. The et'ening concluded with a• dance in the Town Hall with music by the Lucknow Night Owls Orchestra: 133 exhibits were entered in the Lucknow Flower' Show , and was reported as making "a bril- liant display , with the outstanding exhibits decorative dahlias grown' by Robert Fisher. The Monster blooms measured eight to eleven inches across and for beauty and perfect maturity were equal to any such floral exhibit at the. Tor- onto Ex CORATING All 1974 Coronet Sunworthy Stock Walipapers Ready Pasted & Washable $AVE 30% Sale priced $120 per single roll WHILE THEY LAST ING and - EtANESE w.,..� CARPETS PAGE NINETEEN, ARNOLD'S R.R. 7 Lucknow —,Lanes — Phone 529-7248 TIDE, .GIANT 42 OZ. t $1.32 LIPTON'S SPRING . VEGETABLE. CUP -A -SOUP 39c MAXWELL HOUSECO!FEE 1 lb. bag $1.52 60 . YEARS AGO SEPTEMBER 1914 On the opening of school the Lucknow School Board found 'it- self in the awkward position of having to refuse accommodation to some thirteen students who had ' applied for tuition in the High School department•. This had been the first time that the capac- ity of the school had been over- taxed. , �1, �,IE_YOU-CAN *411 t�. 414 .suthvomw VERI$G • ,��,�..�I V r.'k3- 4att i�.wiit ii1 -,NNZ%-st. ONLY 90 DAYS AWAY. DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED, ORDER EARLY r Our Prices ...adds$AVE $2 and $3persq.y.d ON STOCK CARPETS ARMSTRONG VINYL CUSHIONFLOR PRICES STEADY GllPETING BUT NOT FOR LONG -- CUSHIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING CENTRE DRAPERIES FINLAY NCORANRS 146var, Ontario WALLPAPER AND C -I -L PAINTS 'Phone 528-3434 WHITE — WHITE Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White announce the marriage of their daughter May Alice, to Mr. Ronald Anthony White of Wawa, Ontario. The ceremony took place on Saturday, September 14, at 7 p.m. in' St. Andrew's United Church Ripley, with Rev. Cecil Carnachan officiating. Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Jurgens of Port Albert. A reception was held at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Doug Moore attended .by members of the families and a few close friends. Mr. and Mrs. White will reside in Wawa. ARMSTRONG — McCREATH Mr. and Mrs. William 'P. Mc- Creath of Ripley are pleased to announce the forthcoming . mar- riage of their daughter Mary Elizabeth McCreath, R.N., to Mr. Lynn Aurel Armstrong, son of Mr. Frank MacKenzie Speaks At W.I. On Sheep Industry • The September meeting ;of the Kairshea Women's Institute. was held at the home Of` Mrs. 'Cliff Roulston. The president Mrs. Clarence Ritchie opened.the meet- ing with . the poem 'A : Smile' followed by the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. The scripture .was read •by Mrs. Evan. Keith. The. course 'Sewing with: Knits' was discussed, and it,was decided that those interested contact either Hotyrood or Lucknow. The Rally is to be held in Wiarton. October 17. Delegates are Mrs. Harvey Hous ton and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie with alternates, Mrs. Leonard Clark and Mrs. Bob Gilchrist. Standing committee reports were given. The • roll call 'was well answered .- Name a new variety of flowers, fruit or. vegetable. This meeting was under Agriculture and an informative and most interest., ing talk was given by Frank MacKenzie on the Sheep industry. Frank told something of the industry in Scotland. having just returned from a trip overseas. Mrs. 'Evan Keith thanked the speaker •and presented him with a gift. Mrs. Evan Keith conducted an amusing contest. followed by the motto - Every life we touch is 'a 1 field. -,'everything we say• or do is a 1 seed. given by Mrs. Gordon Wall. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Evan Keith and the meeting closed by singing O Canada and the Grace. • Lunch was served by the hostess and Directors Mrs. V.irdin Mowbray and 'Mrs. Evan Keith: , The October meeting will be held at 1 Mrs.. Frank MacKenzie's, a week later, October 24th. and Mrs. Aurel Armstrong of R. R. .i 4 Kincardine. The wedding will ; take place on Saturday, October 12th at 4 o'clock in Knox Presby- terian Church, Ripley. C-OLLART -= MacLENNAN Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MacLen- nan. R. R. 3 Godcrich, are pleased to announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter Nancy Jean. to Mr. Barry Joseph Collart. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Collart of Graven - burst. Ontario. The wedding will take place on Saturday. October 5th at 4 p.m. in Ashfield Presbyterian Church. Presentation Made At Family Picnic The Wilkins -Friar picnic was held on Sunday afternoon. Sept - ,ember 22nd at Brookside school. 50 members of the family sat down to a lovely lunch at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Frances Wilkins asked the bless- ing. I Mrs. ken Weaver as president i conducted the business meeting, with Mrs. Bert Alton as secretary . and Harry Wilkins as treasurer. Charles Wilkins will be president for 1975. Judy Smyth and Frances Elphick were in charge of games. Some of the winners were Doug Carlaw, Jim Wilkins, Donna Eiph- ick, Janette Wilkins and. Cathy Carlaw, We were pleased to have John and Margaret Friar and Fred and Dorothy Friar with us to represent their family. Since it was close to Harry and Grace"Wi(kins' 25th wedding anni- versary of their wedding in Hack ett's church, the family presented them with a space saver. Herb Wilkins made the presentation. • Visiting was important and family, pictures were on display. As they parted the promises were made to visit more often.