The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-09-18, Page 111 RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering — Curing and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping -- Sausage Making -- Fast Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks -- Whatever Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS. BOOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2961 BRUCELEA HAVEN NEWS By Anita Schilroth August was filled with many activities for the residents of Brucelea Haven at Walkerton. On. August 7th, the Brucelea Haven Auxiliary held theirannual barb- becue ' on the spacious grounds. The draw for the chair and mixette. took place. Mrs. Betty Burke, one of the office staff, was the. lucky winner of the chair and Mrs. Thompson of Paisley won the mixette. On August 8th the Playground children of Walkerton put on a Variety Show for the residents,who enjoyed their pro- gram immensely. On August 9th a Wheelchair Johnston and Mr. Grigg to visit Mr. and Mrs. Carman Hayden, •Sunday visitors with Mrs. John- ston were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood and Sylvia of Egmondville, Mrs, Ted Robinson and Mrs. Gershom' Johnston were ,in Kitch- ener on Wednesday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson. Paul Laidlaw last week resumed hiscourse at Guelph College for a second year. Miss Joann Laidlaw R-.1\1';' of Goderich is spending a few days off with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy. Laidlaw. Visitors on.Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin were Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons of Lon- don. They also visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons of Wingham and his brother, Kenneth Simmons and Mrs. Simmons. Parade was held. The wheelchairs were decorated and the residents were pushed down to the lights at the corner and back to the Home. Upon :their return, a refreshing treat of ice-cream sundaes was served to the wheelchair residents. The August Birthday Party was held on the 13th with seventeen residents 'having birthdays during .. the month of August. On August 21st the Gateway Residents came.: down 'by bus to visit Brucelea residents. Lunch was served in the main dining -room and I ter enter- tainment was providedby, Mrs. Mary Cassidy on the piano and Jim Fleming on the violin. Mrs.. McWatters, accompanied by Mrs. Keith Waldie, on the piano. sang several solos, with the residents joining in the chorus. On Friday. August 23rd movie slides of recent years a Brucelea Haven, residents, and staff were shown in the auditorium. On Tuesday, August 27th there was Anglican Communion Service at 7 p.m. in the chapel, celebrated by Father Palmer of Toronto assisted by Rev. Neil Carver of Walkerton. Father McTzaras said his last.. Mass in the chapel on Thursday. August 29th. He is going to Drayton to be pastor there. At the close of mass, two residents., Mr. Tchirhart. assisted by Mr. Lamb- ertus, presented Father Meszaras with a purse of money in apprecia- tion of his past 'services. With the close of summer. many of the partime summer help will be leaving to achieve their own goals. We would like to wish them all the best in their endeavours 1 NOWAY, SEPTEMBER l8, 1974 ."°u-Gr-A.RDO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS See Our Display At lutknow, Ripley and Teeswate'r Fall- Fairs FOGGERS — RID -O -RAY ELECTRONIC BUG KILLERS DRUGS. — FLY SPRAYS — SYNOVEX --' LICE POWDER MINERALS -- MILK HOUSE PRODUCTS FREE CATALOGUE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST P.O. BOX BP 156, ALLAN R. MILLER INGERSOLL R. 5 LUCKNOW hnne 519485-1239 PHONE 528.2299 WHITECHURCH and Mrs. Wallace Millig- Mary Lou and Clara spent the end in Sueetsville with their er, Mrs.. Pat Donnelly, Mr. illy and Angela and their daughter, Mrs. Craig, Mr. and David. On Friday ev- they attended the wedding nephew at Toronto. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw ndon visited Friday with his. er Elroy Laidlaw and Mrs. w. , and .Mrs. Jim Taylor and !Rots visited on Sunday with Russel Ross, a patient at St. 's Hospital, Kitchener. Sunday afternoon White - Junior ball team played Stanley team at Lucknow for .S.A. Port Stanley were the rs. Each team has one, • Another game will be d to declare a winner. alter Moore, as a member of y's slow pitch team wasat ell for, a game. eek end visitors with Mr. and R. M. Des Roches and fam - eie Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norris, and Bradley, Mr: and Mrs. Lattimer, all of Woodstock, Brothers Cleo and Rend Des of Penetang. Sunday Mrs. Ben McClen= aghan attended a relative shower held at the home of Mrs. Angus MacDonald of St. Helens for Kathy Barbour , bride =-to -be , daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Kenneth Barbour. Mr. and Mrs. Ben 'McClenaghan is expecting their daughter Doris (Mrs. Leeson) to arrive by plane on Monday evening, from Nanaimo, British Columbia. • Congrathlations to Mrs. Don Ross, whom the week end was a dinner winner on the CKNX con- test at Twin Gables Hotel, Listow - el. On Wednesday. last .Mrs., Russel Ross was admitted to St. Marys Hospital at Kitchener. The com= munity wishes her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Jane Laidlaw of London spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul on Sunday were assisting at the Open House at Styles. Funeral Home., Goderich and little Steven visited with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rinioul. RECEPTION On Saturday evening a recep- tion was held in Whitechurch Com- munity MemorialHall for newly weds Mr. and Mrs. David Sleight- holm. leight-holm. A large crowd gathered to enjoy music for dancing supplied DOLLAR # DOLLAR ::•':.n:1c-..rat,, 973 DODGE, 4 door hardtop 972 CHRYSLER, 4 door sedan, air conditioned• ,972 PONTIAC, 2 door hardtop 1972 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4 door hardtop 972 t1AURENTIAN 4 door sedan 2.1972 PONTIAC BROUGHAM, 4 door hardtops 1972 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door 1972 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, .2 door hardtop 1972 METEOR MONTECALM, 4 ' door 1970 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 4 door hardtop 1969 CHEVY VAN, V8 automatic HAMM'S CAR SALES LTD. tYTH PHONE 523L4342 erPasses In Detroit EV N1 ... PAGE ELEM. HUGH J. MacMILLAN J . L . Mac Millan , Lucknow last week received word of the death of his brother Hugh J. Mac- Millan, ac-Millan, Detroit. Mr. MacMillan had been ail- ing far some time and' was unable to attend the Clan 'MacMillan Reunion in Lucknow this summer.. He is survived by his wife Agnes and two daughters Dolores and Marilyn of Detroit. Hugh was predeceased by four brothers James, Alexander, John and Miles.' Also surviving are fig a sisters Mayme Menefee of Oklahoma City, Margaret Griffin, and Helen Griffin, both of Detroit , Veronica MacDermott of Denver , Annie Wocks of Teeswater and three brothers Duncan of Detroit Patrick and Joseph of Lucknow. Mr. MacMillan was the son of the late Miles and Mrs. Mac Mil lan of Culross, by Tiffin's Orchestra. Just before lunch Mr. and Mrs. David Sleight- holm leightholm were called to the platform. and given seats of honor while Bruce Pewtress ,gave an address and on behalf of the gathering presented therm with a gift of mon ey. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sleight - holm replied thanking the sponsors Mr. and 'Mrs. Gibbons., Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pewtress , Mr.. and Mrs. Hatold Quipp and Mr: and -Mrs. Dan Tiffin for their kindness in remembering them in this way to the gathering for their gift of money, and to all for attending their party. All then sang For They Are Jolly Good Fellows. Lunch was then served. Mr. and Mrs. Mack 'Cardiff of Brussels were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul. Mr. and.. Mrs. Tom Miller of Goderich were week end visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. 'Ron ald Coultes. We are . pleased to report that Miss Mildred McCienaghan R.N. was able to resume her duties. at Goderich Hospital last week. Miss Joan Tiffin visited on Wed- nesday last with .Mrs. Mary Web-'' er of Mildmay, Joe Tiffin and Joan accompan- ied his mother Mrs. Elizabeth Tif- fin on Tuesday to London for a check up. Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and Gayle, on Sunday afternoon visited with Mrs. Jim Curran of St. Helens. Athol Purdon Visited a couple days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray: He returned home on Thursday to Sarnia ac- companied by Mr'. and Mrs. Wes- ley Tiffin', Mrs. George Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowb- ray . "" Mrs. George Tiffin returned to Watford to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan and family. Paul' McMillan had just returned. home from hospital after having check up on broken4eg. 'Athol Purdon, Mr. and Firs. Wes Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray visited with his aunt Mrs. Linton at Standish, where they met other cousins. All returned home on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer, who visited with Mrs. Stacey 'of Wing - ham. • Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer moved into their new house last week. Rirs.. Gershom Johnston and George Grigg were Saturday visit-. ors with Miss Iva Carr and' brothers Edgar and Harvey of Dungannon. Miss Carr accompanied Nirs. • For Farm, Town and Country Horne Owners! Can You Use $1,600 to $20,004 ? . . If you can afford monthly payments of .. . $21.66 you may borrow ..... $1,680., $40.60 you may borrow ° 33,000.00 $67.67 you may. borrow .. ..:......... $5,000.00 $94.73 you may . borrow : ,. $7,000. The above loans based on 16% per annum 5 Yr. Term — 20 Yr. Amortlztion• Borrow for any worthwhile purpose: To consolidate your debts, fix the ear, buy rattle; ora cottage! Fast -- Courteous Service— Please Call Gerald H. Wolfe PALMERSTON 3434632 Representing Arnold Highman Realty Ltd. Kitchener, 1-519-744-6251 plenib,i of tlntarim Mortgage Brokers Association