The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-09-11, Page 11AY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1974 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Township Of Ashfield Auditor's Report and Financial Statements Statement of Capital Fund Operations YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31st, 1973 Auditor's Report fibers of Council, and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the of Agilel& ve examined the 1973 financial statements of the Corporation hip of Ashfield and its. local boards, which are listed'on index, My examination included 'a general review of the procedures and such tests of accounting records and other evidence as I considered necessary in the circumstances. y opinion these financial statements present fairly the fin - lion of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield and its as at December 31st, 1973, and the results of their op - the year then ended, in accordance with accounting prin- ally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis with that of the preceding year. . (Signed) A. M. Harper erich, Ontario •• 14,1974 ber 146 ent of Revenue and Expenditure, for the year ended December 31, 1973 1973 1972 net revenue (deficit) at of the year $ 6,918 vernment .. ,. 13,838 to persons and property 4,554 tion services "' 198,219 services 6,741 n of health 735 and community services 7,129 planning and development 378 nses 8,503 county -- share of expenditure 77,165 141,314 143 '$ 379 13,544 8,190 182,482 2,411. 5,156 2,482 4,509 79,281 132,320 168 ($458,719) ($430,543) $301,436 $335,880 from other governments 96,625, 87,031 49,997 14,171' net revenue (deficit) at the Year follows: enue $448,058. $437,082 5 U.C.W. meeting of the Fall nit 5, United Church las held at the summer is:George Newbold at 'o'clock they had a pot - with fifteen members tots present., the supper the Presid - lathe Anderson open - ting by reading a poem. ites of the last meet - ad and adopted. The s answered by telling ning place visited Mrs, Robert ave the treasurer'srs, • Russell Button re - icial Functions. tension period follow - some coming events. to Ritchie took charge tonal period WAS sung followed by reading by Mrs. Al - Par. Mrs. Ritchie topic the Parable • ee taken from Mies and Legends. aedbY Mrs. Morning- . lack Ackert. Hymn and Mrs. Ackert teting with a prayer. Whom followed. (3,743) 6,918 (3,746) 6,919 • 3 (1) ($3,743) $ 6,918 Whitechurch UCW On Tuesday, September 3 Whitechurch United Church Wom- en held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Albert Coultes. All join- ed in singing Go Labour On. Mrs. Russel Chapman read the scripture Luke 16: 1 to 13 and Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm led in prayer. Mrs. Russel Chapman followed with a poem, The Gospel According to You. Mrs. Fred Tiffin read an article , One or Two Gathered Together. Mrs. Muriel Thompson, convener of Stewardship and Re - cruiting, gave an interesting talk on Haiti, where' there is' one doc- tor to 15,000 people. She also read a letter from a little boy in Angola. Mrs. Russel Chapman conducted an Apple Contest., Mrs. Millan Moore president , presided for the business. The roll call was answered by twelve, giving a proverb. The offering Was dedicated by Mrs. Milian Moore, Mrs. Albert Coultes gave the treasurer's report. for the year ended. December Capital Outlay Transportation services Community Planning and Development Transfers to others 31, 1973 1973 40,170 48,000 Capital financing Long term, liabilities incurred Contributions from the revenue fund Other 1972 2,482 22,406 ,170 $ 24,888 $ 48,000 $ 19,900 40,170 2,482 2,506 ($ ,170) .. ($ 24,888) Consolidated Balance Sheet, es at Deceniber 31, 1973 ASSETS Current Assets Cash. Accounts receivable Taxes receivable Other current assets •CapitaVoutlay to be recovered in 1973 1972 $ 6,683 $ 6,735 96,303 100,748 57,461/ 80,307 433 $160,447 $188,223 future years 215,392 200,651 $375,839 $388,874 LIABILITIES Current liabilities Temporary loans $ 85,000 $111,000 19,180 13,143 2,784 $106,964 $124,143 $215,392 $200,651 57,226 57,162 (3,743) 6,918 $375,839 $388,874 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other current liabilities Net long term liabilities Reserves and reserve funds Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts 1. PAGE ELEVEN - • Notes to Financial Statement CHARGES FOR NET LONG TERM LIABILITIES. Total charges for the year for net long term liabilities were as follows: Principal payments ' Interest $ 33,260 8,291 $ 41,551 The total charges shown above were paid from the revenue of the municipality and are included in expenditure,. classified under the appropriate functional heading& 2. BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION The Consolidated Balance Sheet reflects the assets and liabilities of the revenue fund, the capital fund and all reserve funds of the municipality. 3. NET LONGTERM LIABILITIES Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality and outstanding at the end of the year amount to $596,392 Of the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges haS been assumed by the Huron County Board of Education for a principal amount of $381,000 Net long term liabilities at the end of the year $215,392 4. CAPITAL OUTLAY TO BE RECOVERED IN FUTURE YEARS Some capital outlay does not represent a burden on general municipal revenues, as it is to be recovered in future years from other sources: Special charges on benefiting landowners $211,683 Mrs. Moore read a letter from Goderich Psychiatric Hospital thanking the U .C. W. society for their picnic and visit with the patients in August. The society received an invitation from Luck - now U.C. W. inviting them to their Thankoffering September 8 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Moore thanked Mrs. Coul- tes for the use of her home, all those taking part and closed the meeting with prayer. A delicious Birthday Tea was then served and a social time enjoyed by all. St. Marys C.W.L. The September meeting of St. Mary's C.. W.L. was held at the home of Mrs. peter MacDonald on Wednesday, September 4th. The meeting opened with the League Prayer, followed by a busi- ness discussion. Three members were appointed to attend the Deanery meeting at St. Columban on September 18th. It was suggested that we visit Pine-. crest and also some new families who have moved into the Parish. The next meeting will be held, at the home of Mrs,. J. L. Mac- Millan in October. Unit 2 U.C.W. Unit 2 of LucknOw United Church Women met at the home of Miss Helen Thompson. Mrs. Vernon Hunterwas in charge and opened the meeting with hymn 502. She then read a p4ern on Autumn and a prayer from Emily Carr's "Plum Jelly and Stained Glass'. The roll call was answered by 16 members with an article from the Qbserver. Miss Lorna Campbell gave the treasurer's report. The Friendship report was given by Mrs. Garfield MacDonald. Mrs. Spence Irwin volunteered to visit the shut-ins for September. Mrs. Eldon Henderson gave a , report on the visiting done by the committee for July and August. Social Function report was given ' by Jessie Kirkland. , Mrs. Houston and Mrs. Magoffin took 'charge of the program. Mrs. Cay Iey presented the Study book "Flight '103 t� New Delhi in -India". After the singing of "Pass it on" 'Mrs. Houstongave a reading and Mrs. Magoffin led in prayer. Mrs. Ackert and Mrs. Houston sang a duet. The nieeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. We were very, pleased to have the Rev. Doug Kaufnian as guest at our Meeting. Lunch was served by the hostess Miss Helen Thompson and the COMillitteC in charge. South Kinloss W.M.S. The South Kinloss W. M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Donald C. MacIntyre September 4, .8 p.m. with 24 ladies present. The president,. Mrs. Bruce,Ham• ilton opeped the meeting reading Psalm 19: 1-3 followed by the singing of a Hymn and repeating "The Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Ira Dickie conducted a Bible Study (Philemon 1), this was most interesting by reading the chapter verse by verse and dis- cussion. A. reading was given by Mrs: Evan Keith entitled "Some- time". The word for the roll call was "Harvest". Mrs. Lloyd Mac- Dougall gave the Offertory Prayer. The hymn "We plough the fields and scatter" was sung. A Bible Quizz contest was conducted by Mrs. Allan MacIntyre followed by the Prayer Circle , Mrs. Harold Austin, Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Mrs. Wm. Maclntyre taking part. Mrs. Willard Downey extended a vote of thanks to the hostess and 'those taking part in the meeting. The closing hymn "Blest be the tie that binds" was sung, and Mrs. •Ted Collyer closed the meeting with prayer. Grace was sung and. refreshments were served by the hostess and directors Mrs. Allan Maclntyre and Mrs. Willard Down- ey. Presbyterian W.M.S. The 'Presbyterian afternoon group of the W. M.S. met September 4 with Mrs. Morgan Henderson presiding. She opened the meeting with a poem on Harv- est followed by Hymn 691 and the Lord' -sprayer in unison. Psalm 98 was read in unison by the group. 'Mrs. Ornar Brooks had the devotional part of the program. The scripture was Hebrews, medi- tation on faith and prayer. Mrs. Philip Stewart led in prayer and Hymn 399, Wonderful Love, was CONTINUED ON PAGE 12