The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-09-11, Page 8• + i t + THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO TIRES Tire -d Out? We Can Help You! Whether it's just a flat or a complete disaster, we can meet your retire-ment needs. WE HAVE Atlas And. Remington Tires l.E. ATLAS STEEL BELTED RADIAL TIRES AVAILABLE MacDONALD LUCKNOW St. Helens 4-H Elect Officers The,first meeting of the St. Helens Happy Hostesses was held at the St. Helens Hall with 16 members and 4'leaders present. . The election of officers took Fisherman's Cove TENT AND TRAILER PARK on beautiful Clam Lake is now booking for seasonal camping CALL FOR INFORMATION 395.2757 i place Secretary, Marybelle.Cran- ston;.'President for Club 1, Janet MacPherson; Club 2, Barbara Aitchison; Treasurer , Brenda • • Arnold; Press Reporter ,.Mary Nich- olson. The meetings.will be Tuesdays at 7 o'clock. Fee for this project is 23e each, We decided to invite the Horne Econorllist•to:the eighth meeting' on October 272 \Its. 1lumplrrey read the require. Inerts of each club member. Each girl is required -to Ina kc 'a 1 lostc ss Reference File besides her record book. Mrs, Humphrey and Mrs. Aitchi• son read about Hospitality at Houle. Mrs. •Cranston demonstrat- ed the correct way to measure differentingredients. T.he Meeting closed by repeating the 4-H pledge: DAZZLE HER, WITH A by omance Give Your Loved One A Diamond Engagement Ring FOR PRIVATE EVENING APPOINTMENTS • CALL 528-3532 OR RESIDENCE 528-3940 OPEN MONDAY CLOSED THURSDAY SCHMID'S .JEW CH NA AND Owners — W. Jos. and Dean E. Agnew PHONE 528-3532 LUCKNOW Grant $7500 For Floodplain Mapping The Honourable L.eo Bernier , Minister of Natural Resources, announces the approval of a prov- incial grant in the amount of $7 ,500 to the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority to com- plete floodplain mapping for sel- ected areas of the Maitland Val- ley Conservation Authority. This floodplain mapping is int= ended for planning and control- ling "the ontrol-ling"the use of lands adjacent to water courses. All member municipalities are designated as benefiting and will bear the Authority's share of the' cost. a Nancy Ritchie Is 4-HPresident The first meeting of the Luck- now No. 1 4-1-1 Club took place at 7.00 p.ni. on Monday, Sept- ember 2 at the home of Mrs. Leon- ard Ritchie.. The leaders of,this , club "The Club Girl Entertains" are .Miss Elizabeth Ritchie and Mrs. I3ernadean Ritchie. Eight girls were present and all repeat- ed the 4-H Pledge, The election of officers was as follows: President, Nancy Ritchie; Vice President Nancy Alton; Secretary , Joanne Ritchie Treas- urer , Ruth Alton; Press Reporter, Marion Johnstone. • Elizabeth Ritchie,gave" a brief .. outline of the club's requirements , gave out pamphlets and demon • strated working methods in'the kitchen. Mrs.• Ritchie discussed hospitality at home, A guest for the evening , Mrs. Fran Elphick , displayed to us her talent of flower arranging with the aid of her daughter, Donna El- pltick. `I'lte members, in groups of two, made flower arrangements. • Refreshments were then enjoyed by everyone. Karen Elliott is 441 President The first meeting of the Luck - now 4-H Club # 2 took place in the Home Economies Room of Lucknow . School on Monday, September 9. ,The. meeting open- ed with the 4-H Pledge, Nine 'girls and two leaders, Mrs. Jim Boyle and Mrs. Bill Bolt were Resent. Election of officers was held, the results being as follows: Pres- ident, Karen Elliott; Vice Presid- ent, resid- ent, Susan Kreutzweiser; Secretary, Elaine Whitby; Treasur- er, Sandra. Henderson; Press Re- porter , Susan. Thompson. .Mrs. Boyle told what a record book should be like and the work- ing procedure in the kitchen. The girls- answered questions about dishwashing and measuring dry and liquid ingredients. Each girl brought flowers and a vase and made a flower arrange- ment for the home. They chose a different arrangement and told where they thought it should be placed in the home and what might be done to better the arrangement., At the next meeting everyone— is to suggest a name for the club, also they were to make notes about Hospitality at Borrie. The next meeting will be Wed- nesday , September 18 at the school., The meeting; closed with the 4-11 Creed, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER. r, VENDOME HOTE _Dining Lounge ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING IN. THE LOUNGE APPEARING THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPT.13 AND Hummingbirds from Elmira RIPLEY DISTRI.CT:$CHO. EDITOR, JANICE REEVES ASSISTANT EDITOR, HEATHER BOYLE B.I.A. MEETING Students gathered Thursday at • noon to jclin the basketball, vol- leyball:and curling teams for B.I. A. Mr. Brown and Mr. Coultes looked after the meetingand made sure again this year that Ripley entered teams into the. B.I.A. competition. Heads Kairshea 4-H Club Giris The first meeting of the Kair - shea "Club Girl Entertains" was held at the home of the assistant leader Mrs: Donald. Maclntyre •on Thursday , September 5 at 7 p.m. There were sixteen men) - hers present. They nominated the officers.., Tlre. results were: President, Mari- lyn Martin; Vice President, Mari- lyn Murray; Secretary, Karen Doellrian; Press Reporter, Margar- et Ivlaclntyre . The next meeting will be a supper -meeting at Maclntyre's bn Friday, September 13 at 5.30. The requirements of the club were discussed. Mrs. Bill Halden• by , leader , discussed "Hospitality at Home" and "Flower Arranging". They discussed Hostess Reference Files. Mary Mac Kinnon and Cheryl Haldenby gave a silent demonstra- tion on how to meaure liquids and solids. • The girls were to correct the mistakes that they made. Dianne McBride demonstrated the correct way to measure shortening. Lunch was served. DRAMA Mr. Armstrong and Miss 1' this week called togetherthe` members of the drama.clubto CONTINUED ON PAGE Lyit.ElphitIcit 4-H President The Cloverr\,alley 4.11c„ held their first meetingon.W nesday ; September 4th at the. home of Donna Efphick. The meeting was opened wit1he pledge. The election of officers isa follows: President, Lynn Elphi Vice President, Kendra Elphic Treasurer , Joyce Osborne and Reporter, Donna Elphick; Th second iIleeting is being held Septc•tuber 12th at the homeo 1lanlilton at ;,15,. x: • k. Ilarnilton distribut ti : • c• hers pamphlets and out 111 tile requirements for c 11; h called "Club Girl Enter Not h `.'xs , 1 lanlilton and :.hs,, Elphick'discussed working methods for cleanliness, dish ing procedure, etc„ enterta' at home and hostess reference files. \lrs. Bert Alton did a mock demonstration whichturned successfully. Mrs. Elphickd strated the use of measuring and later demonstrated flower arrangements. She thenhel the members with their arran ments. . The meeting was closed wi the 4-1-1 creed.. A .tasty lunch served by the hostess. - the Georgian Bay Community Orchestra IN A NEW AND EXCITING CONCERT SERI SAS; S Ott $4 on' a pair of season's passes which admit to 4 symphony performances AND. your chg free to the family special. IYOUCHOOSE THE LOCALITY FOR EACH CON Concert No. 1— featuring violinist Margaret Dilmore; Wi • District High School, Sunday, October 20, 1974; Owen WHSS, Wednesday, October 23, 1974. Concert No. 2 - Handel's `Messiah' with G.B.C. Chorus; P Elgin, Saugeen Central P:S., Sunday, December 8, 1974; Sound, OSCVI, Wednesday, December 11, 1974. MConcert No. 3 . — for the whole Family, the Hat*Sada el Mime Troup; Markdale, Beavercrest Elementary P.S., February 8, 1975; Owen Sound, WHSS, Sunday February 9,197 Concert No, 4 — the musical OLIVER with the, Owen Sola Little Theatre; Kincardine District High School, Sunday, May 1975; , Owen Sound, OSCVI, dates to, be announced. ALL THIS FOR THE LOW PRICE OF $6.00 PER ADULT AND $2.00 PER STUDENT For Tickets write now to: G.B.C.O., P.0• Box 133, Oven Soua For further information phone 376-9554.