The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-09-11, Page 7pNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1974 INTERMEDIATE PLAYOFF BALL WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11 SU IN5 LUCKNOW THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LES ,. PETTER 'SHOES Lucknow Phone 528-2011 LORNE REID ® SHOE REPAIR CRAVFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER DODGE PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 1.973 PONTIAC CATALINA 1972 MONTE CARLO 1971 CHEVELLE, 2 door hardtop 1971 PONTIAC, 2 doorhardtop, V8 automatic, powersteering, power brakes and radio E1971 CONET, 0 2 door, V8 automatic, with radio 1971 FORD, 2 door hardtop 1970 VOLKSWAGON, wagon, automatic '1970 DODGE DART, 4 door Sedan .1970 HORNET, 4 door, 6 automatic with radio 1969 CHEV, 4 door sedan. 2968 . DATSUN 1968 DODGE, 2 door hardtop, automatic, with radio R.IPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering — Curing and Smoking Cuffing and Wrapping -- Sausage Making Fast Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have, cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks Whatever Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2961 Patrick O'Neill RR 3 GOOERICH $29.1672 5294595 eTrec h iq •eackhee *Post Hole Avger *Landscaping *Excavating LOWER INTEREST RATES Now Available On IST AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere in Ontario On 'RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Welly Financing For New Construction & Land Development For Representatives In Your Area Phone SAFEWAY.INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED Heed (519) 744-6535. Collect Office - 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, Ont. –We Buy Existing Mortgages for Instant Gash— DUNGANNON Miss Patricia Anderson, who has been nursing at Salmon Arm, B.C. is•, enjoying the month of Septem- ber with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Anderson and family. Visiting with her for part of the month is her friend, Miss Sheila Lynn Bartman, Salmon Arm, B.C. Mrs, Symon de Boer, Lucknow, visited with her daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Logtenberg and family on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Pentland are happy to have as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kersten, of Phil- lips , Wisconsin, with whom they spent several winters iri Texas. They are going to travel to Toron- to and Niagara Falls together later in the week. Mr. and "'Mrs: Fred Young, Sharon Young and Kathy Bere re- turned on Sunday from a two week motor trip to Vancouver.' In Cal- gary on the way home some dam- age was done to their car when the motorist behind them could not stop due to brake failure. Sharon received a`bump on her head but was released from hos- pital after examination. After a two day delay in Calgary to get car in roadworthy shape they were able to proceed home averaging about 500 miles a day. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bamford, Craig and Ruth of Catnbridge, spent the week end with Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Stothers in Dungannon and at their cottage at Cedar Grove Beach. Mr.. and Mrs. George Whitlam and Lisa of Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. 'Peter Armstrong,. Oakville , Mrs. Mary McLeod Kincardine visited with Mr. an/ .Mrs.. Robt. Stothers on the week end and attended the, Jervis-Stothers wed- ding. Mr. Tom Fowler , Darrel and Karen, of Parkhill, visited his parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Chas.. Fow- ler on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petrie , God erich visited last Monday with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Park and family. Rev. and Mrs. R.. C. McClen- aghan and Mrs. Cecil Blake were guests with.,Rev. and Mrs. Ure Stewart of Seaforth on Sunday. Mrs. K. K. Dawson, accom- panied by her granddaughter Kim Dawson of Goderich flew home after having 'visited for a week with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Linton and Lisa at Edmonton. Mrs. Mary Bere had a few neighbours in for tea on Monday afternoon to welcome• a new neighbour, Mrs. Sharon Carmich- ael and children. Tuesday meant back to school for children and teachers, back to the familiar routine. The first morning at Brookside proved to be hectic as around 20 new pupils showed up, bringing attendance over 400. There are five new faces on the staff, bringing the benefit of their varied, experience. The average class enrolment is about 32 with the largest being Grade 2 with 38 pupils. Best wises to those who are going on to High School. Among those starting Grade 9 this year are Wayne Park, Tom Park, Mich- ael Jones , Annette Hodges, Janet Brink , Marsha Alton., E velyn Schmid , Dorothy Culbert , Lynn Anderson, bene Logtenbetg , Ray Robson , Greg Gunby , Sharon Blake, Doug Blake, Paul Zinn, JUNIOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING TUESDAY, SEPT. 17 NEW MEMBERS NEEDED 1 Jim Wilkins and Larry Brindley. Eldon McClenaghan has regist- ered at Queen's University in. King - stop, Nancy Errington at Fanshawe College , London, Bar- bara Blake, 2nd year at Ryerson, Toronto in Fashion Arts; and Gerry Bere 2nd year at Fanshawe in Construction Technology,. Jim Stothers has started his first year in an engineering course at Waterloo University. Congratulations to the newly- weds, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney. Jervis (nee Jean Stothers) who were married Friday- evening , Septem - ber 6, in United Church,. Dungan- non. Rev. R. C. McClenaghan performed the ceremony. The happy couple will be residing in Goderich. Born to. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blake., R. R. # 1 Alliston, a baby boy, on Sunday, September 8, 1974; first grandson for Mrs. Cecil Blake, and first grandchild for Mr. and PAGE SEVEN I�fsa. Gorge Germano, Niagara - Falls. Congratulations! .*:w Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Rus- sell Johnston on Sunday to cele`- brate the former's 79th birthday were his sister , Mrs. Eva McQuaig from Lucknow a son Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnston and two grand- children, a daughter, Mrs. Marj- orie McKenzie , from London; grandsons Wayne and Paul Johnston and their mother Retia from God- erich. Congratulations, Mr. John- ston. Recent visitors with Mrs. Lillian McDonald and Mr. Frank . Moulton were the latter's grandson, Bob Howell, of Kurtis ,' Ontario , a driv- er for McConnell Nursery from Port Burwell; also Jim Peterson from Lucknow. CABINET MAKER For all your fine woodwork needs in furniture or built-ins CALL OR WRITE PETER MARTINI! R.R. 5 KINCARDINE 39 and stacks manure until you're ready to spread it! Special features make Clay barn cleaners one of the most rugged available. Extra heavy chain and gear drive add years of service. No open seams in elevator to reduce manure corro- sion. Elevator extends up to 40 feet, and swings, to allow stacking' of bigpiles for later spreading. r HOCKEY! -TEAM SWEATERS.) -TEAM JACKETS - AND EQUIPMENT CUSTOM CRESTING (IN STORE) CUSTOM SKATE FITTING for Teams and Individuals REPRESENTATIVE WILL ATTEND GROUP SESSION FOR TEAM JACKETS AND \� JERSEY ORDERS BURROWS SPORTS 8 2 9 QUEEN ST. KINCARDINE 396-3 1 7 8 1!