The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-09-04, Page 11MAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1974 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO s Week In Ripley BY AB Wl'LDS week end was the Labour eek end with many friends iatives returning to,the area isit. Mr, and Mrs. Glen D and daughter Dianne of town were with his father erson in Ripley. awson Pollock and family hener Waterloo visited ith family. members. Mr. s, Ron Nicholson and of Kitchener were visiting ' eeve.and Mrs. Clayton on. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wil- Sueetsville were 'at their. e at Lurgan. •Mr, and Mrs: tin of waterloo spent the nd with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and family at their new in Ripley., lservice was, held on Sun - ernoon for Lennie Harrison McLennan McCreath Home' ey, Lennie, who farmed tenth concession west in years, passed away at the mpton Nursing Home, on Ile was in his 85th year, Interment was in Kincardine Cemetery. Sympathy is extended to his daughter , Marjorie , Mrs, Kenny MacDonald of Ripley and her family on this occasion. • 4 • • • Syrnpathy of Ripley -Huron folks is extended to Mrs. Lois (Clarence; Pollock on the passing of her mother,. Mrs. Howell Fraser, The Fraser family lived on the fourth concession west - east of Reid's Corners in. Huron Township. Also surviving are her.son Glen and daughter Fern, Mrs. Harold Pol- lock. • • * • Bees seem to be marking the end of August and summer this past week by swarming. Swarms were reported from Bervie through to Lucknow. Some of those report• ing were Mrs.. Lyon on the south line , Mrs. Wes Smith, Mrs. Bette MacLeod and Mrs. Gordon. Brooks, • * • * • Many from the Ripley -Huron Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 1h, Ministry of Natural Resources, Wingham District has the wing parcels of land available for Nate by' tender for 1975. Staniy Township Lot ° Con. 1 Lake Range West HuHstt Townshp Lot Conc. 7 12 13 111 P219 111 PI.20 111 VII 18 and 17 111 Area .and Designated Use 40 acres cropland Area and Designated Use 78 acres cropland 70 acres. cropland,. 35 acres cropland 8 acres pasture 40 acres cropland 25 acres cropland • 25 acres cropland • .82 acres cropland lend 7 1V 24 acres pasture 10 1V 25 sores cropland 1 V 50 acres cropland V 3S, acres pasture S5 acres cropland 35 acres pasture t V 25 acres cropland 11 V 90 acres pasture 11 V1 15 V1 V1 17 V1 15 V11 80 acres cropland 90 acres cropland 60 acres cropland 25 acres cropland 30 acres cropland item nota that successful tenderers for properties denoted wIS bi requested to "seed down" the, property with a ars seed mixture specified by the Ministry of Natural Newels. The cost of the pasture mixture will constitute part of iM payment for rental of !hi land. Ssxeutut tenderers will pay municipal taxes on the land Witte balance to the Ministry in grain at market price at time ds4v ry. Grain to be delivered to the Maintenance Building tN'at Lot 8 Conc. 111, Hunan Township, by December 1, %Nat or any tender may not be accepted. 'India permits will expire upon harvesting of crop; type of IV w!9 determine date of expiry. Land presently used as Num mum remain so. Factorsother than rental fee per acre Oh considered in the awarding of tenders. Renewal options dl not be considered in this tender.' *maximum of five parcels can be allowed during any fiscal airs No thrs•ysar options will be considered on this tender. tabloasines is not psrmheabte. %mint to the above land will be received at the: iNinialry of Natural Resources Sox 490 Wingharn, Ontarlo NOG 2W0 MI t4 3e9tsmber 6,.1974: !1 1* held at the Mullett Wildlife Management maktenance headquarters, Lot 8, Conc. 3 of 71uNett ' S$pf«nber 3, 19/4 between 7 and 9 p.m. for those Interested in further details regarding properties for PAGE ELEVEN BACK TO SCHOOL MEAT SPECIALS Hinds of Beef fronts of Beef Sides of Beef Heavy Sides of Beef. 3z5.3soLB. Pork :whole or Halves 99CLB. 69cAL 82CL8. 75c LB. 69CLB. cut, wrapped and quick frozen at no extra charge. SMALL FREEZER SPECIALS 50 16. lots Hamburg 75c LB' 25-30 1b. Iots of Fresh Ham `;,';n:,," 79c Round Steak or Roasts $1.49. T -Bone or Sirloin Steaks 5l.89L8. RIPLEY MEAT MARKET 395_296h1 LB. area attended ,the Kincardine Fall Fair last Saturday. This was the first of the local fall fairs. Be- cause many were in attendance at the fair and the races, the mainstreet of Ripley was quieter than usual. On Friday morning at the Kincardine fair grounds there were a number of Ripley and former Ripley area people at the race barn -. first. Tanner Brooks, then Ben Rutile with his horse, Francis Mitchell with his horse getting ready for Saturday afte' - noon. • • • at Well, the Toronto Ex is over for another year. Perhaps few people know that the president of the Can adian National Exhibition was once a commercial traveller though this area, He is also well- known as a horseman. At this year's C. N. E. his Belgian horses won 20 prize ribbons. He is Doug Palmer of Schomberg. He had the grand champion mare at the show. He had 70 horses at the iorse Palacethis year. However Doug also suffered loss, as well - on the opening day 'of this year's exhibition his 'main horse barn on his 200 acre farm at Schomberg, burned. Six horses died and twenty twenty two escaped. Back twenty-five years ago Mr. Palmer was a traveller for a well known feed company... No doubt many from this area have seen Mr. Palmer drive his six horse Belgian span at the the big fairs including the Royal Winter Fair. • * • On Friday August 23 , the final oftball game of the season was. layed in the Ripley Area Girls' House League. This was followed. y a barbecue - hot dogs , ham - urgers , and pop and was enjoyed y all the girls who played on the our teams during the summer. As onvener of the league, John Gamble expresses his thanks firstly to the lady coaches for these teams namely Mrs. Deane Guikema Mrs. Sheila MacDonald, Mrs, Janet Kempton, Mrs. Evylene Mac Tavish, Mrs. Donalda McLean; Mrs, Lois Hackett Mrs. Barbara Gamble , and Mrs. Marilyn Reid and secondly thanks to the lady umpires of games - Mrs. Betty Scott , Mrs. Janet Farrell, Mrs. Donalda Pollard, Mrs. Judy van Kooten , Mrs. Joan Brooks, Mr's. Nancy Dawson, Miss Susan Brooks, Miss Debbie Tranter, Mrs. Dorothy Needham, Mrs. Ruby Walden,' Mrs. Joyce Courtney , Mrs. Marlene Coiling , Mrs.. Ev Coiling , Mrs. Judy Coiling and Mrs. Elaine Pollock. On behalf of the girls John says "Thanks" to all these ladies. • • 0 • Visiting with Mr. 'and Mrs. Don McCosh this past week were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Needham of Vancouver , .Miss Maureen Ker Miss Audrey Schandlen, Miss Kim Cornell and Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnston of Mississauga , Mr. and Mrs. `Robert Forster of Victor- ia , B.C. Miss Betty Orr of CONTINUED -ON PACE 12 You Get More lire! QUAUTY USED CARS! BARGAIN PRICED, 1973 DODGE, 4 door hardtop' 1972 CHRYSLER, 4 door Sedan, air conditioned 1972 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 4 door sedan 2 1972 PONTIAC BROUGHAMS, .4 door hardtop 1972 FORD GALAXIE.500, 2 door hardtop 1972 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door 1972 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 2 door hardtop 1972 LAURENTIAN., 4 door sedan 1970 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 4 door hardtop 1969 CHEVY.VAN, V8 automatic 1968 DODGE, 2.' door ,hardtop • momm in ummimmnulltluommwlmmom mllm mmo mmltllluumltutunm matilltr, HA1.M'S CAR SALES LTD. BLYTH PHONE 523-4342