The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-08-28, Page 11SOO, :AUGUST 28, 1974 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN FRUEDENIAN OPTICAL g Freudeman is pleased to acknowledge the • opening of his office at WINGHAM MEDICAL CENTRE 753 JOSEPHINE ST. E. Wednesday, September 4 1:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Will look after any of your optical needs •Open — Wednesdays Only 1:30 5:30 p.m. ed In le Grove Area RALPH HILL Hill, a retired farmer of le Grove area , passed 'Wingham and District on Monday, August 12th d year. born on concession 12, wnship on April 16, 1892, William Hill. and Mary b he married Maria Long lid Township. llretired from farming It years ago.. Mr. and resided in Lucknow for tpe butior the past few e been residents at Bruce Walkerton. this wife, he is survived other Cecil Hill of "predeceased by three two brothers, • Pear I , y,'Oleve and NelsOn. .eralservice was held at le Memorial Chapel on Thursday , August 15th: ige Garratt of Lucknow Church was minister. :nt was at Greenhill Cem• ZION Thomas Hackett Sr. is a patient in Wingham General Hospital. Miss Ruby Clark of Acton visit- ed the week end of last week at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Frank • Ritchie. • Carol Ritchie spent a week's holidays with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogie of Goderich. • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Helm and Janine spent Sunday afternoon with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. • Elmer Pollard of Ripley. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and Nancy had her nephew, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Andrew of Edmon- ton, Alberta and Mrs. Stan Ward and Laura of Clarkson last week end. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkins had supper with Barbara Wilkins and the staff of Five Oaks in Paris on Friday of last week. , Barbara. spent the week end at home. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkins took Barbara back to Paris and also called on their former minister, Rev. James Hummel and Mrs. Hummel at, Hickson, moved from Lucknow during July. Their son Jim's wedding takes .place Saturday of this week, August 31st. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter and family had her sisters, Mrs. Jim Spilsbury, Mrs. Max Hanna and Susan., Mrs. Donna GAunt'lett and Barbara , all of London, Sunday afternoon. Donna Ritchie of Owen Sound and two girl'friends motored by car , sightseeing and camping the past week. They travelled as far as Winnipeg, returning on Fri- day and dropping in at her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie and Mel. Barbara Wilkins visited Saturday with a girl friend , Barbara Eagles of Southampton. Jeffrey Hunter is having holidays with his grandmother , Mrs. Jake Hunter in Lucknow. Wayne Phillips of Lucknow and Michele Cook of Zion are spend - ing this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter. jets were Burton Collins, . on, Victor Gauley,. ),Sh, Roy. Collins, 'Waiter • bearers were Don Robert - pins and George. Ern - • • hernian's Cove Mr AND UR PARK OA, aor n Lake is mpg for seasonal tapping OR INFORMATION 1114757 lismeavommenimarea DUNGANNON Misses Angela and Arletta Glenn spent a few days in Wingham with their uncle Mr. and Mrs. Ron Thompson and•family. Mr. and Mrs: Bill Blake and family came to spend some holi- days at their parental homes in Goderich and Pungannon. Unfor- tunately Mrs. Blake took suddenly ill while in Dungannon and is pres- ently in Goderich hospital follow- ing an appendectomy. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Treleaven spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran. During their visit Ron and Jack enjoyed. playing cribbage and Ron dealt Jack a perfect hand, the first he had in 40 years of playing crib- bage. Mr. and Mrs. John. Bissett and family of Goderich are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caesar and Jan, Mary and Lynne Anderson took in the sights at Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto for a couple of days. • Mr. Donald'Caesar of White- church visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Anderson and family: Mx. and Mrs. Frank Coates of Listowel called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGee on Saturday. Mr. Robert Smyth was taken to Wingham Hospital early in the week. Mrs. Graham McNee, Mrs. Jim Hayden, Laurie and Linda visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNee at Hui- onview on Thursday. Master Tirnrny McNee , son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken McNee is in Goderich Hospital for a few days with a skin infection. VENDOME HOTEL Dining Lounge ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING IN THE LOUNGE APPEARING THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 and 31 Cliff Emmerton On Thursday Mrs. Mary Here and Jamie called bn.Mr. and, Mrs. Jas. Schultz and family of Missis- sauga who are holidaying at their cottage at Kintail Beach. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gra- ham MesNee on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ribey, Ronnie, Paul and Maryanne of Underwood ' and Mr. and Mrs. Jas: 'Hayden, Laurie and Linda , Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Don Nicholson, Greg, Brian and Wayne motored to Niagara Falls on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Murch and Vincent of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chambers and Tracy of Goderich visited the ladies' parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Whinney on Sunday. • Mrs. Hugh McWhinney was pleased to receive a phone call from her son Lee Barrick from Tampa , Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Gunby and family visited the Science Centre in Toronto and saw a special dis- play of crafts around the world en- titled "In Praise of Hands". Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Fowler , Darrel and Karen visited his par- ents, Mr. and 4Mrs. Chas. Fowler last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fowler 1.L.1(1 as Sunday visitors her sister-in- law, 'Mrs. Margaret Ball and daughter Mrs. -Jai. Sheridan and Jimmy of Barrie, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mole arc moving into the village into th( house just vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillips and family \\•t. are settling into their new holik across the street. • Jack Phillips went to Toronto Compensation Hospital to start extended treatment for his injut, hand. He will be home Weil; ( during treatment. Mr. and ,Mrs. Jerry Wilbur, Willowdale and Mrs. D. S. I it,. Toronto came to their summ( home here for the week end. and Mrs. Ennis Comfort of Si. Catharines visited with them 1 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sower!) Holliston, near Boston, are ing a few days at their parent homes here and in Goderich. • Good tasting, high quapty, • economical nutrition for • your dog In pellets In bite size (11 dog food pellet tire 'with BEEF 18 SHUR.GAIN DIVISION tAI*IlPt1(flS , • VIA, I • It 044, .( SHUR GAIN dog food SNUFGAIN DIVISION CANADA e Pews .Try oelore YHJ liu7! Get tri rine fifrWiti SiiMples.from your Shur -Gain Dealer. And thinl, of ilw,--your dog voll 111(e Shur -Gain for its taste, hut you'lf ie Shur:Gmhlor many rwdsons inclutfing our ‘/Inbo.1 of quallty or) every bag. . You can depend—on Shur -Gain "A product. of Canada Packers Limited". Anderson Flax Products, Limited LUCKNOW • PHONE 528-2020 '14 •