The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-08-28, Page 8• 1' r • : 4. • 'If' 1 • 4 4 • 4.4 14 PAGE EIGHT Dungannon Hold Picnic E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, -LUCKNOW„ ONTARIO' On July 24, 1974 a very enjoy- able picnic was held in a lovely location -on the lawn of Mrs. Gordon' Finnigan in Goderich. Mrs. Harry Girvin, secretary - treasurer , conducted a short busi- ness period following the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. •Th& quilt block for the Erland Lee Home is being made by Mrs. Wilbur Brown and Mrs. L. Ivers. 4-H leaders are being chosen for Fall Training school in Wingham August 12 and 13. 'Fourteen members and two guests were present and participat- ed in contests and games conven- ed by Mrs. Lorne Ivers. Miss Beth McConnell gave a reading, "Riders of the Plain", on one of Pauline Johnston's poems; and Mrs. L. Ivers later read one of Ethel Chapman's "Humanities in Homespun" stories entitled, 'Magic in a Pension Cheque'. , A "nation" contest prepared by Mrs. Wm. Stewart and conducted by Mrs. Fred Young was won by Miss Iva Carr and Mrs. Clarence Mcclenaghan. The best news- paper apron prize went to Mrs: Wilmer Rutledge and Mrs. C". Me- Clenaghan. Guessing the number of popping corn kernels in a jar was won by Mrs. W. Rutledge and Mrs. H. Girvin; and the "What Am I"? envelope winner was Mrs. Elmer Black. These two contests were prepared b Mrs. Harvey Alton .who. was Unable to be pres- ent. A Spelling Match proved it is not easy to spell orally. A door prize, pillow case edging, croch- eted and donated by Mrs. Lorne Ivers, was won by Mrs. W. Brown, on the lucky ticket drawn by littIc Darlene Stirling, who also receiv- ed a little prize. Tallestlady was Mrs. Clifford Purdon and shortest lady, (tied) Mrs. F. Young and Mrs. C. Blake. Wearing no ring - Misses Beth McConnell and Iva Carr. Most 1974 coins in her purse - Mrs. C. Purdon. Most clothes pins dropped intoa jar - Mrs. W. Brown. Elimination prize went to Mrs. G. Finnigan for having washed her kitchen floor that morning. For anyone not having received a •prize there was a 'Touch and Take' table. Prizes Tor contests, although small, added pleasure. A bountiful picnic lunch was en- joyed and courtesieseXpressed. Mrs.Gordon Finnigan extended an invitation to return for.the 1975 picnic! •• • • WED. 28, THURS. 29, FPI. 30, SAT. 31st.. 111, • 2 SHOWINGS AT 7:00 and 9:00 P.M. 'fb N. • EXTRA 111/ SATURDAY MATINEE . AT • • 2:00 P.M. • • • • • • •• • Ad_ _ IN TH•E • • •\_ SAlosi, MIRACLE OF • • • tlyjngeark.al: • •.••••••••••••••••• SU 1, MON. 2, TUES. 3rd • LETE SHOW AT 7:15 P.M. • MEN. MONEY ",0•714i.:. 411 and MURDER! TARBTRATIERSHEa •• LYCEUM IL" RN 10 JILT Pt Ws WINGHAM riNt APIO PHONI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ONE C • ' • • • ° • -.11&" BOXOta o Z.g BERM, • F SWINGED: ViMMOAtES•11311011111111 _ ••1111•••••••••••••••W • • • MacDonald 'eunion Held In Ashfield With the skirl of the pipes in the'air, the 150 who gathered at the Cedar Grove in Ashfield on, Saturday, August 3, knew their 45th annual re -union was off to a grand start. • The sports program bean with Dave Agnew and Jirn Robson pres- iding. Patrick MacKinnon, Jean Smeltzer, ; Eric Birkhaug, Margie Johnson, Don Meldrum, Helen Simpson, Laurie West, Doug Agnew, Scott Agnew ,'Mark Dem- eritt , 'Lori Agnew and Pidge Mac- Kinnon -were the winners for the day; The yoUngest baby was Ryan MacDonald Robson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Robson (nee, Kathy Coburn) of Detroit.. Other, new additions were: Raymond - Dalton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clete Dalton (nee Mary Louise Simpson); Michael Davey , son of Mr. and Mrs. Robin:Davey (nee Betty Ann Simpson); Heather Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Colin MacDon- ald; Maretta Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDougall (nee Sharon West); James Lewis, son.of Mr. and Mrs. James Halsey (nee Ann Drennan); Julie Lynn, .daugh- ter of Mr.. and Mrs. George Mac- Donald (nee Andrea Culbert); Katherine Allison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKinnon , (nee Jane Drennan); Jennifer, daughter of Mr,• and Mrs. Donald Andrew of Alberta (nee Susan Cleland).,, Married in the past year was Glen Ferguson to Margie Simpson. Welcome one and all to the MacDonaild Clan. • . The prize for coming the far- thest went to Bob Birkhaug, who because of airplane difficulties came from South Carolina to North Carolina, back 'to ,South Carolina, back/to North Carolina, then to New Jersey , on to Detroit, then to Lochalsh. , i• Since not one MacDonald would own up to being the .oldest, this honour was not claimed. Presid- ent of the, MacDonald Clan, John Agnew , called the meeting to order. A moment of silence was obseryed for those who had pas- sed on during the year, Donald Matheson and Sadie Harris. , Elec- tion of officers for next year are Pres. , George MacDonald; Vice - Pres.., John Cowie; Secretary, Andrea MacDonald; Treaurer, Dave MacDonald; Entertainment , D. A. MacLennan and Finlay MacDonald; Sports, Dave Agnew, Jini Robson, and Jim Coburn; Lunch, Jean West, Mabel MacDon- ald , Sally and Louise NlacDonald. We were well entertained by the bagpipers D. A. MacLennan,. Wilfred. McQuillan, and Dave MacDona•ld. The drums were play- ed by Finlay NlacLennan of Kitch- ener. The Clan dancers Flora Helen, Mary Lillian and Kathy Simpson provided -us with many delightful series of Scotch dances. Johnny Smith.was our caller for the square dancing. Bob Birkhaug sang Country ,Roads with several words changed to fit the reunion. Nlab- el MacDonald and Lillian Simpson gave us many fine tunes with sev- eral men leading a sing -along. The fiddlers were George McDon- ald, Murray McDonald and .1:inlay .MacDonald. • ', A special thanks to the clean-up crew - Ronald, Donald, and Kim Meldrum and Bethany Birkhaug,. who picked up all papers the next morning.. According to all the Reunion was a great Sutcess. Hope to see more members of the clan to arrive next year. • WEDNESDAY THUR., FRI, SAT., - AUGUST 29, 30, 31 U u FROM THE SNOWY Ebit'1*: TO THE JUNGLE GYMS! He's a doWnhill racer ...for heads -up fun! 44P • DEAN NANCY HARRY KEENAN GEORGE • JONES • OLSON • MORGAN • WYNN • LINDSEY TECHNICOLOR' Re relee.ed by BUENA 44)4A D,STRIBUTION CO INC °wait D,sney Producbons, • DOUBLE DISNEY COMEDY He's a winner he's a swinger • he's DYNAMITE' TIM JAN -MICHAEL JOHN ROSCOE LEE CONWAY • 'VINCENT. • AMOS ' BROWNE TECHNICOLOR' • Re reVseo 84 BUENA 4t41A 0,51P,BLIION CO INC C Halt 0,Snfr. PNOutl:Ons • CHILDREN 6 to 14•50c UNDER 5 YEARS — FREE •ER Those prices for this DISNEY ATTRACTION only SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1 DUSK TO DAWN 4. 5 FEATURE LL NIGHT ALL FRIGHT 40 ARAT1101 44) ,e• •.? %moo" CAN YOU SURVIVE. THIS ORGY OF THE LIVING 1)EA AN AVALANCHE OF HORROR! WILT ENTERTAINMENT es;tite Living CwtRCVe a the tivingocatt cage of the LiVilig E A511°E: CASItt:11:11111)1- OPENS 'AT 8:00 i SHOWS START AT DUSK • 4 Great .Mov ie SUMMER 74) THEATRE WILL GO TO WEEKEND OPERATION 4) DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 PHONE 524 9981 BEGINNING SEPT. 6th COMING: MACON COUNTY LINE