The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-08-28, Page 3DAY,AU THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • 'new isGves Oa • • fornaraMMIM/.... PAGE THREE 4W-1/1441/f&leir- FEATURE! — RED & WHITE BUNS OR WIENER ROLLS 8 t° PIM- 33g ROBIAI /100D PUDDING & FEATURE! -- FRUIT DRINK CAKE Mixes FRESHIE.Powders 101498-0z. Pkgs. 3g$1 BEST BUY! -- SWEET MIXED OR BABY DILLS 15 FL Oz. Jar it C. GOOD Vii" CkESE IN TONIAVO. SAUCE, ' 14 FL Css* LEAYER NOISSI° ?IMES and. STEMS 10 FL Os' • 'fount FEATURE! — TWIN PLY • BATHROOM • ROYALE TISSUE2149c FEATURE! — EVAPORATED 1 -Lb. Tin CARNATION Milk 28c BILLY BEE - NO. 1 WHITE LIQUID HONEY • Wm. jar 89c 4 BEST BUY! — 200 x 2 -PLY FACIAL •KLEENEX TISS.UE 49( BEST BUY! 48 FI. Oz. Tin •SAKO RECONSTITUTED ORANGE Juice BEST BUY! 19 FI. Oz. Tin' VAN CAMP Is Tomato Uwe BEANS with' 'twig 1' RED WHITE STOREPHONE Alex MacKenzie of Luck - d Mr, and Mrs. Farish of Wingham spent a week , and Mrs. .Gordon Moffat ily of Oakville at the at Minden. Ed Thom of Lucknow is a in Wingham and District 1, She was admitted? on y of this week. MacMillan of Watford ly of Lucknow and Kinloss, gin Wingham with his Mr, and Mrs. Bob Camp - family, and Mrs. H. Aiken Greer) of Odessa visited Mrs, Clarence Greer, II, for a couple of weeks, Ann Hackett and her friend Greaves of London spent a vacation at Tobermory and lin, Ann remained with ts Mr. and Mrs. Eric, for the second part of the n, Ann has been employ- stliner with Etudson's Salon in London and will 6Fanshawe College later tocomplete her course in ling • Mrs. Earl Wightman spent last week in Niagara Falis with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wightman and attended the graduation of her granddaughter Miss Sheila Wight - man at Seneca College. Willow - dale. Mrs. William Irvin of Ashfield Township suffered a heart attack at her home on August 15th and is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fear and family of Brussels and Mr./and Mrs. Bill Andrews of Auburn visit- ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. R. Leddy, Lucknow. after returning home from a trip to the Western Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hunter of Lucknow visited last week end in Trenton with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hunter and family and in Lindsay with Mr. and Mrs.. Donald Tre- leaven. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Linley (Grace Cameron) of Oak Park, Michigan, attended the wedding Sunday evening, August 18th of Susan Alice. Hersen and Barry Howard Gross at the B'nai Moshe Temple, Oak Park ,' Michigan. Maple Leaf WIENERS 89C lb. •Maple Leaf Hint ofMaple BACON 528-3001 DINNER HAM $1.59.Ili.$1.39 Maple Leaf Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Leddy of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs: Bruce Thomson and family of White- church, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Leddy and family of St. Augustine, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andrews and family of Auburn visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leddy of Goderich. During the afternoon they visited the "Old jail" and "The Museum". Edward Helwig and /family of California were callers in Lucknow one day last week. Ed- ward's mother, the late Mrs. Wm. Helwig of Winnipeg was the former Etta Thompson of Lucknow. John Nixon and family of !3e1 - grave, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Nixon and family of London, Wayne Nixon of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Nixon and family of Stratford, visited on the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon of Belfast. Debbie Bolt, Nancy Thompson, Lorna Boyle, Ettabelle MacDon- ald and Susan Thompson spent the past two weeks at Doe Lake, Prov- incial Girl Guide Camp. Lori McKim, Lisa Peterson, Faye Ann Forster and Marian Raynard each spent one week in August at the same camp. Kathryn McKim, Cathy Brooks and Edith Greer . spent a week this summer at Girl Guide Camp at Keewaydin (the 12th of Ashfield. • • Family Reunion At ling was held, a new slate of offic-' Brookside School About 105, people gathered at Brookside Public School on Sunda August llth, to attend the Alton - Errington Reunion. During the afternoon both children and adult ers installed for 1975; President , Ivan and Jean Henderson; 1st Vice, Jim and Margaret Errington; Sec- Treas'. , Harold and Isabel Adamsi, Sports, Neil and Audrey Dale, y, Rick and Diane Park, Terry and Penny Hodges; Kitchen Committee, 13ill and Cora Caesar,, Wilfred and Annabelle Black. enjoyed races, games and base- ball. President Harold Adams wel- comed everyone and led the group in thesinging of Grace. Every- one then enjoyed a delicious pic- nic supper. A short business meet- Donalda Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson, Lucknow, visited the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron and family in Lucknow. Chief Petty Officer R.C.N. George Nebster and his wife and 3 sons John, Matthew and Mark of Halifax, Nova Scotia ,,have been visiting With his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webster in Luck - now, for the past two weeks'. While here they enjoyed a family dinner at the Mayfair Restaurant with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunt and Richard,.Randy and Dale of Ford - wich, and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Pym , Jason and Jennifer, of St. Catharines. Three wedding anni- versaries and five birthdays were celebrated. CROCKETT - PENTLAND Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pentland of Dungannon announce the Aug- ust 16th marriage of their daugh- ter Norma Jean to Mr. Hugh J. Crockett of Sudbury, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crockett of London. The couple will be residing in Sud bury on their return from a honey - Moon in the French Caribbean. .1111•••• Mc.IENZIE - CUDMORE Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cudmore, Clinton are pleased to'announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Helen Louise to John Edward McKenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie, R. R. 1 Dungannon. The marriage will take place Saturday, September 28th, 1974 at the Clinton Ontario Street United Church at 4.00 p.m. 1. • w