The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-08-28, Page 1e LUCKNOW. sap Year In Advance -- $2.00 Extra. To U.S.A. SENTINEL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1974 Set West Wawanosh Tax Rate, TuxDOHar Lower Than Last Year cial session of West Wawa - wnship Council took place .11 on Tuesday evening , 13, to deal with the 1974 and mill rates. Careful . deliberationand discussion about the bud uncillors Rutherford and moved that: "By -Lai No. Township of West Wawa- finaily passed, levying $ and authorizing their on for the year 1974." 27.06 and 31.31 mills; County - 5.05 mills; Elementary School - ' 14.16 and 15.73 mills; Secondary School - 13.95 and 15.50 .mills; Huron -Perth Separate School - 23.98 mills; Bruce -Grey Separate School - 10.15 mills; Police Vil- lage rate '''• 15 mills and $13.00 per residence or business for gar- bage;. Dungannon Street .Lights - 8.89 mills. Due to the Provincial grants • structuring, the municipal rate' looks extremely high (an increase of approximately 12 mills) , but ()Rowing rates appear there the County rate is extremely low eral Municipal Rate - (a drop of 14.88 mills). The re Single Copy 20c 20 Pages Suiting tax dollar' for 1974 is lower than that of 1973.. The Clerk was instructed to write the Ministry of the Environ- ment, Municipal and Private. Abatement Section, to set up a meeting with representatives from that Office and Council at the Waste Disposal Site. The meeting adjourned on mo- tion of Councillor Hickey until 3 September 1974, at the Hall at 8.30 p.m'. JOAN ARMSTRONG., Clerk. Hiiiinill miiiini IIIIWIiniimlllulllllllllllll111111111111llllllllllllllllullllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQIIIItlrIiIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mou complete August Swimming Classes At Lucknow District Swimming Pool essful Royal Life and. Red' andidates for the August of swimming at the Luck - District Pool have been ed, ZE - Martha Graham,. Rog• on, Ralph Morrison. R - Wayne. Bell, Anne ,David Atkinson, Roddy Arlene Corrin, Norma e, DIATE - Doug ,Treleav- y Cameron, Kathryn Mc- v,Bell, Faye Ann Forster. OR- Donna Whytock, leson's. Store Whi!echurch, sesBusiness NHITECHURCH NEWS turday, under .the super - if Brian Rintoul, auctioneer, )n's Store in Whitechurch fiery successful sale of groc • ardware, dry goods, cloth - tiques, used furniture , and !her articles. Gore is closing. Many of folk will regret to see ;e of pioneer day close. It It around 1874 by the late ienderson who gave up eaching in 1873 to try eping. The store across mill, already dismant- begun April 13., 1876 . does this to many of let buildings which were lin their day. Steve Atkinson, Cheryl Haldenby , Randy Guay , Danny Londry, Jan- ice Londry, Eric Courtney, Jamie Gratton. 'Julie Farrell, Shelly • Farrell, Don Harris, Sandra Gard- ner , Heather. Harris, Ann • Courtney, Peggy Elliott, Janice Needham. ADVANCED BEGINNER - Rob Farrell, Rick Irwin, Kirk Nichol- son, Deb ,Gamble, Mike Gamble, Michelle MacTavish, Jane Farrell, Brent Coiling, Murray Coiling , Lisa Collins, Sandra .Reid, Mary Ann Coiling, Debbie Fair ,. Janice Elliott , Janice Hackett, Joanne VanOsch, Melody. King, Deb Searle, Bradley Devitt, Ed Husk, Tom Wilson, Anne Alton, Darlene; Whytock, Debra .Arnold Doug" Edisbury , Dale Gilchrist , John Hopf , Sandra Smith, Ray Guay Donald Kreutzweiser, , Lea Anne Haldenby, Helen Kernpton , Mary Kempton, Isabelle Black. BEGINNER - Mary Ann Ritchie, Donald Ritchie, Sandra Dawson, Darlene Coiling, Terry Irwin, Cathy Cornish, Lorie Peterbaugh, Susan Cook, Patti 'Elliott, Sherry Lee Bridle, Ken Ritchie, Brenda • McLean, Kaye Walden, Kathy Fuller, Steve MacKenzie, Lori Gratton, Eddie VanOsch, Kevin Alton, David Gamble, Tim Edis- bury, Mark. Gunther, Paul Macln- tyre, Anne Hamilton, Ken Atkin- son, Mark. Haldenby, Nancy Hal- denby, Anita Guay, Dianne Huff- man; Sharon McMurray,Ricky McMurray, Mike Humphrey, Mark Londry, Susan Reeves, Mary Farrell, Pam Elliott, Darrel Cran- ston, .David Emberlin. CONTINUED ON PAGE2 Died Monday Mrs. Isaac. Cranston of Belfast died on Monday at the Wingham. and District Hospital. She was ` 84 years of age. The funeral will be held at the MacKenzie Memorial Chapel -in Lucknow on Thursday, August 29 at .2 p.m. Burial will be in Green- hill Cemetery. Wally Houston In Senegal, West Africa As Part Of Development Agency Project Wallace Houston, son of Mr. and Mrs. HarveyHouston, Luck - now , • left Ottawa on Thursday, August 8th, by way of Montreal, to Paris, France, destination DaKar, Senegal, West Africa. He will be employed by Survair Limited , Ottawa on a Canadian International Developing Agency Project, providing maintenance, and maintenance training on De- Haviland Twin Otter Craft for "Air Senegal", which are used on their domestic runs. Wally will be gone two months to a year and one-half. This is his third trip to Africa on similar field trips. the other two being the Camerouns and. Ghana, West Africa. Ripley Holstein Receives Award Grey Home Reflection Faye, a purebred Holstein owned by Mah- deen Farms, Ripley, Ontario and bred by Grey County Horne, Markdale , Ontario has received from the 'Holstein -Friesian Assoc- iation of Canada a New;Gold Seal lifetime production award for her 13 lactation totals of 178,832 lbs. milk containing 6 ,262 lbs. butter fat testing 3.50%. She reached, this new mark with her 17 -year- old record of 7 ,319 lbs. milk con- taining 285 lbs. butterfat testing 3.8970 in 238 days. Faye was - nominated A11 -Canadian aged cow in 1964. She has 1 Excellent son and 1 Very, Good daughter. Faye who is classified Excellent for type and has received 1 star under the star brood cow program offered by the Holstein Association is sired by the well known Roe - land Reflection Sovereign who himself is classified Excellent for type and designated Superior Type. Her darn is Grey Honie Fond Dora "who is classified Good Plus. She has 1 Excellent daugh- ter. Top Standing JIM DORE Pte Jim Dore, a native of the Purple Grove area , has been chos- en as one of the top ten men with the highest score on 9 m . m . Pist- ols in the 1974 Military Police Weapon competition. Jim has been employed at Na- tional Defence Headquarters in Ottawa for the past 8 months. ..,,,,,li IIInllllullllllllllltll omilllhlllllllulummulnimiu lulul mmommuuuuuunirn iplr friIlNlliUltlirliilitltllttiilllt11p10111111r1111t81NIIttt11tI11HNN111111tINIHNIIiflrtlt11r1111irrllrllUllrlrtltllllullr1111111I11111 Former Neighbours WasSuccessfulvery ��smen Graduate Nurse SHEILA, M. WIGHTMAN Sheila M. Wightman, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin H. Wightman, Niagara, Falls, Ontar- io and granddaughter of Mrs. Earl Wightman, Lucknow , and the late Mr. Earl Wightman, has graduated from York Regional School of Nursing, Toronto. Sheila has accepted a position in Pediatrics at Scarborough Cen- tenary Hospital, Scarborough, Ontario. Student Minister At Whitechurch WHITECHURCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Kay, Graham and. Wendy of Kamloops, British Colunibua moved into the manse on Friday. Mr. Kay is this fall entering the ministry at Knox College, Toronto. Assisting them, to move in was his brother Ken Kay of Guelph accompanied here by his children Lori and Brad - ley . Rev. J. Elder of Guelph had charge of the services at Langside and Chalmers Churches. Ile intro- duced Mr. Beverly Kay who is to be the student preacher and be in charge of the services on Septem- ber 1. We extend a welcome from the village to Mr. and Mrs. Kay and family. The United Church congregation will meet for service in their church September 1 with service in charge of Mr Larry King, stud- ent preacher. Honoured By Forest's Intermediate Ball Alan excellent record , Lucknow and District Kins• :mediate gall Tourna - d bn Saturday and'. Sun - lust 17 and 18. The first hers won the Champion - )11 and $100 prize mon - tor s Intermediate Club insolation Round , re - he consolation Trophy n prize money. weather prevailed for both days and the spectators were favoured with plenty of exciting ball. Eight teams competed for the championship. Saturday's scores were as fol- lows: Lucknow 7 Nile 2; Mount Forest 7, Atwood 0; Holmesville 3, Shakespeare 2; Chepstow 6, Walton 1; Mount Forest 6 , Luck - now 0; Atwood 4, Nile 1; Chep- stow 4, Holrnesville 1; Walton 11, Shakespeare 8. On Sunday , the two final championship games were played. Atwood and Walton started the action in the consolation round, with Walton clobbering Atwood 16-4, In the final game and the Championship, Mount Forest out- scored Chepstow 6-1. In the three games Mount Forest played, they allowed only one run to be scored against them. Lucknow's Inter- rnedi ate Club was eliminated after two games. A great deal of interest and en- thusiasm was shown towards the tournament and it is hoped that • another will be held next year. Teams have shown interest in attending again next year. A dance was held on Saturday night in the arena and the winner of the prize draw for half a pig was Dave Haldenby of Holyrood. . Co-chairmen of the event were Herb Barger and Evans Helm. Russel and Margaret (Rae) Alton of Goderich were honoured -recent- ly when former neighbours and 'friends of the Ashfield community gathered at their home:for a social time. During the evening Herb Wilk- ins read an address and Russel Ir- vin made the presentation of a lawn set. Mr. and Mrs. Alton moved from Ashfield to their new home in Goderich on July•lst. •