The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-08-07, Page 11PAY, AUGUST 7, .1974 FOR ALL, TYPE OF Welding. & Repairs FRED SCHMID Phone 529-7922 Dungannon MBERLEY THE' LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONXO IM obt. putman's sermon give Us - How Much"? in er Church on Sunday. rtz of Kitchener sang •two Ambers during the service. ertrude Lee Walden of. pent the week end at the her parents,. Mr. and Mrs, kalden and boys. • and Susan Guy of Bramp- iolidaying with their ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Tear Amberley: ian Ferguson spent the I at the home of her par- , and Mrs. Lester Fergus- on. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robert Pace of Kincardine had their 10th Wed- ding anniversary on Saturday, August 3rd. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Hamilton in the loss of their daughter who was involved in a tragic car accid- ent Saturday night near Sheppard - ton. • Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murphy spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Courtney'. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nesbitt visit- ed on Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pace. HOLYROOD • 0a' fir.. PAGE ELEVEN Visitors over the week end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Mt}-rray were Mr, and Mrs. Keith (Veronica) McCarter and family of Wallaceburg, Mr. and Mrs.. Lorne (Eleanor) Kraemer and family of Toronto, Mr. . and Mrs ..Donald (Elaine) Fisher and family of Bar- rie. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Elliott, Bruce and David returned home from a • nice holidaywith relatives. at Quebec. Visiting at the Elliott home was Mr. and Mrs, John Corbett of Barrie.. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Baker of Lon- don and formerly of concession 8 visited with Mrs. Marion Harris and Earl Harris. - The Holyrood W.I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Ellwood Elliott on Thursday evening Aug- ust 8th. The Institute ladies are to be congratulated for the lovely meals they.provided and served at the Lucknow Craft Fest.ival.on aturday, They received some very favourable comments... Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hodgins visited in the area over the week end. HURGAI ES N H SHIJR-GAIN 18% PIG STARTER NUMBER 10 MEDICATED H� A MODERN LOWER COST RATION FOR BABY .PIGS. FOR IMPORTANT REDUCTIONS IN PIG FEEDING COSTS AVAILABLE NOW FROM YOUR LOCAL SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE DEALER Anderson Flax Products, Limited Ll1CKNOW PHONE 528-2026 USTE.10 -CAR SPECIA 1974 BUICK Century sedan 2 — 1974 IMPALA 4 door hardtops 1973 BUICK Century, 2 door 1973 CHEVROLET Impala Custom, 2 door hardtop 1973 CHEVELLE, 4 door sedan 1973 FORD Custom 500, 2 door hardtop ).973 FORD Gran Torino 2 door hardtop 1972 MERCURY' Marquis, fully equipped, air conditioned 1972 FORD 4 door sedan, power steering and brakes 1972 .CHEV Impala 1972 BUICK La Sabre Custom, air conditioned 1970 CHEV Impala 4 door hardtop 1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 door hardtop 10 - 1965 - 1968 Models 1972 CHEV stationwagon • 1968 RAMBLER stationwagon 1971 CHEV, 1,, ton pick up 1971 CHEV, 1 ton cab and chassis 1971 FORD -a/ ton pickups 2 - 1970 CHEF 50 series cab and chassis •and 14' vans A. number of vans from 1970.- 1972. Some V8's, some. 6 cylinder, some CHEVS, and some FORDS ikowsowyyse~,~0~0. soNe Brussels Motors BP ,Service Station Phone 887-6173 KINGSBRIDGE Mrs. Fred Crawford is a patient in the Alexandra and Marine Hos- pital, Goderich after being in a car accident on Highway 21 near Sheppardton on Saturday evening, when four teenagers lost their liv- es. Our sincere sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Bayne McLennan, whose 16 year old daughter Sheryl was killed in the accident, also to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton, who lost their daughter Donalda in the accident, and Mrs. Jessie Stevenson of Lucknow in the loss of her daughter. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Frayne who were married at St. Joseph's Church here on Satur- day.. The reception followed at • the Goderich Memorial Arena. Mrs. Earl Drennan has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. ^and Mrs. Joe Courtney and family spent Sunday in Port Elgin. Father John Vannas of Holland said Mass on 'Sunday evening to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jack VanOsch and family's arrival in Canada. The music was under the direction of Antone VanRossum, also of Holland. A family gather- ing followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill VanOsch. Lisette VanDiepenbeek, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van- Diepenbeek, returned ,home from the Wingham and District Hospital where she had been a patient for over a week. • Mr. and Mrs. Doug Frayne of Brantford spent the week end with Mrs. Gilbert Frayne-and attended the wedding of his nephew, lion Frayne. Michael VanOsch of Waterloo is holidaying this week with his cousin Brent VanOsch. Award For Work In Agriculture N. F. U. NEWS Walter Miller, Vice President of the National Farmers Union, re- ceived an award on Monday, July 29th from Dean Switzer of the Ontario Agricultural College for his outstanding contribution to Agriculture on a Provincial and National level and on campus. Walter is a beef farmer in Tara in Bruce County. He served 3 years in the Air Force and has taken a keen interest in public affairs. In 1952 he•helped form the Ontario Farmers Union and served as Vice President and Dir- ector or Organization for several years. He was President when the Ontario joined the National Farm- ers Union in 1969. Walter has served as Vice President of the N.F.U. since that time. Several times he has spoken on campus to the students. O.A.C. is celebrating its 100th Birthday this year , and Dean Switzer said 100 of these awards would be given out. In replying Walter, said that any effort has been a collective one with many people taking part. The Farmers Union has been an agitating force where some things have been accomplished, although we don't get the credit for it. The Region 3 (Ontario) Annual meeting was held at the new Ar- boretum Centre , O.A .C. in Guelph on July 29 and 30. Those attending from Local 335 were John/and Rita Howard, Marie Mil- tenburg , Bev McNay, Lorne Luth - errand John and Grace Austin.• i kit