The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-24, Page 15mespO JULY 24, 1974 Marr ed AtTrinityUnited Church breath and lily Of the valley. Mrs. Marie Webster of R. R. I .Londesboro., sister of the groom, STOPS UPS runn- nmwq was matron of honour. She, wore Action a floor -length gown ofblue nylon crystalette. The emVire waist CLEARS stuffy heads. Me&cafion and sleeves were trimmed with H I was jarnieson.Ribey of R. R., 6 the Stampede, .Goderich. Grade VIII Mary Eadie, daugh-' The.. tout group spent two days. ter f Mr and Mr I ^rn,* 17nAia dainty blue and, white daisies. She carried a bouquet of pink and DRIES watery eyes at Banff and 'from there on to Victoria B.C. and bac . k home white carnations and wore small blue roses in her hair. d TREWARTHA BLAKE Photo by N..Hy e gown of, green sheer floral des' ign through Canada. son of Mr. and Ws. John D. Mac- finity United Church, Ashfield Bridesmaids were Miss Sharon ,N,,�� for -$I Blake and Miss Heather Blake, .214 ID67 ge by her fath- Given in marriage er the bride wore a floor -length both sisters of. the bride of R. R. q Grade VI Susan Goessel.. daugh-. Luc know .. Their dresses and flow,,- Aa, Aft, Aa, limb, W -V and of yellow,sheer floral design an ers were the'sam'e as themaid ter of Mrs. Ralph Goessel, Kincar- setting for the marriage of of honour's. corsage of greentintedcarnations. Prior to her marriage the bride Douglas Trewartha of R.!R. 4 Elmer Umbach -sleeves of 'embroidered ch4ntilly Clinton, brother of the groom. was groomsman.c Ushers were Ron Menary,of- I.D.A. D•iseoontPharm! y , Grade IV Billy Dupuis, son of icknow and Frederick Ross lace and appliqued flowers, which also enhanced her floor— ume'a multi -coloured ling costume' 'R. R. 7 Ludkn9w, uncle of the Mr. and Mrs., Syl, Dupuis of ,Kin - oartha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Trewarth4 of R. R. 4 Clin- bride and Brian. Trewartha of floral dress. ng T a three week wedding Following Martin Hefidriks; -a relative shower at the home ofthe groom's sister, R. R. 4 Clinton, brother of the roo m Music Western Trip R headpiece and she carried a ca.s- bouqu'et of, white carnations,., g Mrs.,,Gleh Webster, and a corn - ' I . They are pupils of Mrs. M. .The groom and his attendants Cade red sweetheart roses, baby's are residing at 510 Chester Street, were attired in' white jackets with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McDon- Grade, II Theory Deborough t the double ring ceremony. black trim., black trousers and ald of'Lucknow returned home Tranter, daughter of I*. and Mrs, School. red, carnation boutonniere. Saturday night after a 22 day bus Bill Tranter. of Ripley; Marilyn Once In Organist was Mrs., Ken A lion. tour which took them. through Murray, daughter. of, Mr' and Mrs.' Soloist was. Miss Mary Ann, Alton, Michig• Indiana,, Illinois, Wis- Leo Murray of Holyriood;.Robbie who sang ".0 Day of Gladness", consin,tinnes.ota, South Dakota,, Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Cecil "Wedding Hymn", and "We've Wyoming and into Montana where Sutton'of R. R. 3 Ripley. All re - Only Just' Begun"., they toured Yellowstone Park and ceived honours. A dinner followed at'Brookside saw Old Faithful, then up into. school Master of ceremonies Alberta to Calgary for 'a day at Piano results are as follows was jarnieson.Ribey of R. R., 6 the Stampede, .Goderich. Grade VIII Mary Eadie, daugh-' The.. tout group spent two days. ter f Mr and Mr I ^rn,* 17nAia REPRINT r 0 F19 10 REU H ION ,PICTURES AND HISTORY A WEALTH OF HISTORICAL INFORMATION $1000 Mail Orders Accepted 'At Same Price FOR SALE Al THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL PHONE. 528-2822 9 T;ie bride s mother received :the guests wearing a floor -length at Banff and 'from there on to Victoria B.C. and bac . k home of Holyrood and Kenneth MacKay, d TREWARTHA BLAKE Photo by N..Hy e gown of, green sheer floral des' ign through Canada. son of Mr. and Ws. John D. Mac- finity United Church, Ashfield and corsage. of yellow carnations. She . was.assisted by the.'groom's 'groom's Kay of Ripley have passed.' Inship, decorated with candel ge by her fath- Given in marriage er the bride wore a floor -length mother wearing A, floor length gown Grade VI Susan Goessel.. daugh-. t.; ferns and wild'orchids, was gown. of white polyester satin, and of yellow,sheer floral design an ployed with Ontario Hydro ter of Mrs. Ralph Goessel, Kincar- setting for the marriage of empire style with -bodice and corsage of greentintedcarnations. Prior to her marriage the bride dine received honours. let hne Blake, daughter ofwas and Mrs. Keith Blake of R. R. -sleeves of 'embroidered ch4ntilly The bride chose for her travel- honoured at three showers - a surprise shower, held by neigh- , Grade IV Billy Dupuis, son of icknow and Frederick Ross lace and appliqued flowers, which also enhanced her floor— ume'a multi -coloured ling costume' bout girls at the .home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs., Syl, Dupuis of ,Kin - oartha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Trewarth4 of R. R. 4 Clin- length veil: Orchids formed her floral dress. ng T a three week wedding Following Martin Hefidriks; -a relative shower at the home ofthe groom's sister, cardine, honours. q. headpiece and she carried a ca.s- bouqu'et of, white carnations,., trip to the West Coast,, the couple Mrs.,,Gleh Webster, and a corn - ' I . They are pupils of Mrs. M. v,. James E. Humme'l offjoiat - Cade red sweetheart roses, baby's are residing at 510 Chester Street, mu nity'sh6wer at Brookside Garnble,*. Ripley. t the double ring ceremony. London, where the groom is em- School. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Once In 'eo ` 0 pportunhy A Lifetime. AEU NIaN SOUVENIR REPRINT r 0 F19 10 REU H ION ,PICTURES AND HISTORY A WEALTH OF HISTORICAL INFORMATION $1000 Mail Orders Accepted 'At Same Price FOR SALE Al THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL PHONE. 528-2822 9