The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-24, Page 3NESDA 24, 1 i Kroft Uqa DREZINGS ITALIAN — 1.000 ISLAND 8 C FI.Oz.4 Boase KRAFT CH FEZ \ 1. Z W ..97'. Jar FANCY QUALITY — HEINZ TOMATO" Ju I C E 48 p FI. Oz, C ' Tin COOKED IN TOMATO SAUCE BRi�Fu« SPAGNETTI ...1.9 14' C F1. Oz. Tin FEATURE! — EVAPORATED 16 -Oz. Tin BROKEN - FOR.SALADS 411k 28c D1- JEANS FEATURE! =ASSORTED VARIETIES 12 F1. Oz. Jar SHRIMP b C ( glh� ' pC .ROSE. RELISHES. 41 /4 -Oz FEATURE! — SUNSPUN BRANDTin 11 -Oz. Jar 6• C. reamer SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE FEATURE! - SPLENDOR 2 -Lb. Bag MACARONI.or c WHIP Spaghetti 516 F.. oz. C BEST BUYI 25 to Package Jar 7, -A Fo' D'.od Storage BAGS,'65. W ESTON FEATURE! — RED & WHITE 16 -Oz. Jar. SQUARE Boys C 12 to pankaga PEANUT utter,89C REGULAR OR MINT — 50 ML Tube ' CREST T 59C, wrvvwrwwvvwwwvwwvwv VWVTVV wwvVYvvwwv R-ED and_STOREWHITE PH -ONE 528-3001 �IlyyllyllyulyullWllyllyu &.IW2s—, 111u51., o 1 uJlu.1,..4..Ju.J•.J,...I...b.J.. •.L...h. d, d. ./...,...•..1 ... .b •J....L..J.••.L..J...J...Jen.l,•.L.J..Ja.Ip.J..JluJluJb.Jm�il� OL,JW11Y�111u11UYIW1�11/{I1411WIIIWIWI�IIUI4N�WI�WI�W1�4�411141�411� "I was so glad to see that the • Drennan played and sang several f l It Hackett Reunion numbers. Reunion was so success u . . makes it all worth while that fthat Held Sunday At Elise and Heather Lindsay did, work and pa the hard Scottish dancing. Ray Hackett goes into these affairs ahead ofsang Bill'Grogan's Goat. time, and the.dedicated people Ashfield'Park Everyone then went outdoors for' �spual in Sudbury where Mrs. Gordon Brooks,. Ruth and undetgo surgery. Kathy attended the marriage of Mr• and Mrs. • Paul Fisher at Grace. es Anderson of Lucknow United Church, Dunnville on ome from Univ- July '20th. • Mrs. Fisher was the ospital, London, where former Mary Jane Teeft, daugh- apatient for•almost two •ter.of Mr, and Mrs. Roy A. Wm, (Eileen) Cummings Sound , Harvey Hall and slanis and Jillian and ltowshi of East Detroit , nwere reunion visitors umother Mrs, J. H. Hall ow, oul of Lucknow is spend - nth with his aunt and f, and Mrs. G. W. Be naimo, B. � Bill went fain and will return •f"l atteiided the Nixon hRdae 12th co, July 21st concession Ash- tic grounds, Teeft. Mary Jane's mother was the former Jean Culbert of Luck- now. Mrs. Wellington Webster and 'Jim WebsterofAmberley are leav• ing Saturday by bus for Saskatche-' wan and Alberta for a three week holiday, where they will visit with her sister Mrs. Stanley Mac- Kay in Edmonton, who she hasn't seen fpr'thirty years and'a sister in Saskatchewan ,Mrs. Mich- ael Krowchuk, who visited here five years ago. They will also visit other relatives and friends. Cecil Webster is spending the holidays in Akron, Ohio, with Mr. and Mrs. Atlee -Wise where he is working at the Village Drive Through. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Myers, Janet. and Gordon of Ottawa , Mr, and Mrs. Dave Vroullette of Kingston and Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- Gregor of.Copetown visited with Mrs. Neil J. MacKenzie, Luck - now, over the week end and attended the MacKenzie reunion on Saturday, July 20th. YBIRTHS. HALDENBY - to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Haldenby of R. R, 1 Holy - rood, nee Sandra Humphrey, on Thursday, July 18th, in Wingham and,District Hospital, a daughter. Mc NEE - to Mr. and Mrs. Eric McNee of R, R. 6 Goderich on Sunday, July 21st, 1974 in Wing - ham and District Hospital, a sora. memory of Mrs.. Pharis Mathers. gals 10-12, Heather Hackett; who make such affairs "really The. annual Hackett Reunion games and races, while some sat and Mrs, Ted McCullough g o, 0hiofwere recent Scott Coll er of Oran eville-and Y g move", Thanks Don - we really like to was held at Ashfield Park on Sun- day, July 14th, with dinner at and visited. Supper was served at PP 5 o'clock and good-byes were g Y vis- nth his aunt Mrs. Clarence Chris Coll er_of Meaford have _ Y been holiday in with their rand- . Y g keep up with news through the Sentinel, 12.30. During the afternoon a ,said for another year. uclmow,. g parents Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Col- Best wishes to all." . total of,63 registered: ' money, Anna Mae Hunter. . lyer, Lucknow. .The election•of.officcrs for 1975.- Following a bountiful dinner the SPORTS. RESULTS Morrison of Little Current, er; Secretary, Doris Johnston; Harvey„and Sheila Hall, m president Chester Hackett welco- Pre school, Scott Hackett, Ma - linlsland, formerly of Greg and Ian,—Hackett•. Paul and East Detroit. ed everyone present. • The minut” es were read and adopted. A donna Bradley;girls 6-9, Jennifer ,isapatient in St. Jos- • James.Culbert, Mr. and . o „ o minute of silence was held in Drennan, Brenda Hackett; boys 6-g Kevin Hackett Paul Hackett �spual in Sudbury where Mrs. Gordon Brooks,. Ruth and undetgo surgery. Kathy attended the marriage of Mr• and Mrs. • Paul Fisher at Grace. es Anderson of Lucknow United Church, Dunnville on ome from Univ- July '20th. • Mrs. Fisher was the ospital, London, where former Mary Jane Teeft, daugh- apatient for•almost two •ter.of Mr, and Mrs. Roy A. Wm, (Eileen) Cummings Sound , Harvey Hall and slanis and Jillian and ltowshi of East Detroit , nwere reunion visitors umother Mrs, J. H. Hall ow, oul of Lucknow is spend - nth with his aunt and f, and Mrs. G. W. Be naimo, B. � Bill went fain and will return •f"l atteiided the Nixon hRdae 12th co, July 21st concession Ash- tic grounds, Teeft. Mary Jane's mother was the former Jean Culbert of Luck- now. Mrs. Wellington Webster and 'Jim WebsterofAmberley are leav• ing Saturday by bus for Saskatche-' wan and Alberta for a three week holiday, where they will visit with her sister Mrs. Stanley Mac- Kay in Edmonton, who she hasn't seen fpr'thirty years and'a sister in Saskatchewan ,Mrs. Mich- ael Krowchuk, who visited here five years ago. They will also visit other relatives and friends. Cecil Webster is spending the holidays in Akron, Ohio, with Mr. and Mrs. Atlee -Wise where he is working at the Village Drive Through. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Myers, Janet. and Gordon of Ottawa , Mr, and Mrs. Dave Vroullette of Kingston and Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- Gregor of.Copetown visited with Mrs. Neil J. MacKenzie, Luck - now, over the week end and attended the MacKenzie reunion on Saturday, July 20th. YBIRTHS. HALDENBY - to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Haldenby of R. R, 1 Holy - rood, nee Sandra Humphrey, on Thursday, July 18th, in Wingham and,District Hospital, a daughter. Mc NEE - to Mr. and Mrs. Eric McNee of R, R. 6 Goderich on Sunday, July 21st, 1974 in Wing - ham and District Hospital, a sora. memory of Mrs.. Pharis Mathers. gals 10-12, Heather Hackett; The following prizes were won. Michelle Bradley and Lori Hackett, .Lucky plate , Elise Lindsay; Oldest tied;. boys 10-12, Greg Hackett, Ian man, Tom Hackett.Sr.; Oldest Hackett; girls 13 and over, Movita Woman, Mrs. Elhiott Johnston; lkadley, Joan Hackett; boys 13 and , Youngest mei»ber, Madonna Brad- over; Jamie Hackett, ley; Person with most colors showing, Ida Taylor; Personwith Paul Zinn; girls kick the slipper, most grandchildren present, Tom Heather Hackett, Julie Johnston; boys kick the slipper, Greg Hack- ett, Jamie and Ian Hackett' tied; money, Anna Mae Hunter. . Ladids kick the slipper, Doris .The election•of.officcrs for 1975.- Johnston, Beryl Hunter; girls 76 followed: President, Bill bunt- wheelbarrow race, Lori and Heath- er; Secretary, Doris Johnston; er Hackett, Movita and Michelle Lunch committee, Ella and Alex ' Bradley; boys wheelbarrow race , Hackett, Marge and Ron Greg and Ian,—Hackett•. Paul and Treleaven; Sports committee,'. Shaun Drennan; girls three-legged Lorraine and Mel Stewart, Betty race, Brenda Hackett and Jenni- and Jack Ackert. Ida Taylor fer Drennan, Lori and Heather moved a vote of thanks to the re- Vackett; boys three-legged race, tiring committees. Jamie and Greg Hackett, Paul and It was moved and seconded that Shaun Drennan; couples cardboard the picnic be held the second Suri- relay, Anna Mae Hunter and Greg Jay in July next year. A short Hackett team won; balloon relay, Program followed with a reading Mel Stewart's team, Anna We by Helen Hackett, Whols a Good Hunter's team; peanut scramble Sport. Paul, Shaun and Jennifer followed for girls and boys; E M