The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-07-03, Page 14P. 0 r 0 IftU40"AN "ON' Mrs. Dlck McIntyre of Goderich visited' her cousin, Mrs. Cecil Blake on Monday, July 1. M. and Mrs. Bill Naylor, Sarn- ia spent the week end with Mr - and . Mrs . Bill. Park. Doug Park re - TME LnUCI(:NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUty,,,, lurned with them 1hrom hospital on 'Monda.y o- BENNO_ ......._.... BOOM. - in London Others who visited at .. Guests on Sunday with Mr. and the Park home were Mr. and Mrs.. Mrs. Kenneth Bowden, Debbie and John Brassle., garnia , also Mr. and Bill were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Joyce Tot Pla , r Mrs, David Com ton, Lasa and and two children from Watford. y o a n d P Lori from Lucan. Other callers were Mr. , and Mrs. Mrs. E. Yundt from Stratford Lee Bowden, Troy -.and Trevor visited her sister Mrs. H. Eedy from Goderich and .her parents Q Mr • and Mrs: Fred,Larsen from Starts Jul 2 9 U -M t0 12 • b they Mr and y 111111 OTICE WHERE T0VOTE., TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH Polling DivisionNo, 129 (Rural) (West Wawanosh No..1): 'Comprising Lots 13 to 20 inclu§ive, Concessions 1; Lots 13 to 20 inclusive', Concessions 2 and 3; 4 and 5, 6 and 7, west- half Lot 13 to 15 inclusive, Con. 6 and 7. Polling Station at Freeman Olson, Dungannon. Polling Division No. 130 (Rural) (West Wawanosh N6_2): Comprising Lots '21 to 27 .inclusive; Concessions 1, 2 & 3; Lots 23 to 27 inclusive Concession 4 and 5,; Pt. Lots 26 and 27 Concession6 also Village of Auburn in West Wa- wanosh. Polling Station at Auburn Library. Polling Division No. 131 (Rural) (West. Wawanosh No.., 3): Comprising. Lots 13 to 27, Concession 8 and 9;, Part 'lots 21 and 22, Concession 4 and 5; Lots 15 to, 27 on Con-. cession 6 and 7. Polling Station at West Wawanosh Township Hall. Polling ' Division No. 132 (Rural) (West Wawanosh No. 4):', Comprising .Lots 13 to 27 'inclusive; Concessions 10 and 11, 12 and 13, 14; Village of. Lucknow not included. .bourg. Street. Polling Station at St. Heien's Library. -------------------------------------------- TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIE'LD Polling Division No. 2 (Rural) ,(Ashfield. No. 1): Comprising Concession 1, Lots 7 ` to 12, inclusive E.D: Concession 2, Lots 6 to 12 E.D.; Concessions '%! 4 and 5, Lots 4 to 12, inclusive E.D.; Concession 6, Lots .9 to 12, inclusive E.D..; Concession '7, lots 10 to 12, inclusive E.D. Polling' Station at Residence of Mrs. W. A. Stewart, Dungannon. Polling Division No. 3 (Rural) Ashfield ' No. 2:• Comprising Concession 6, Lots 1 W.D. to 8, inclusive E. D. ;Concession 7, Lot 1 W.D. to 9, inclusive E.D.; Con- cessions. on cessions.8, 9, Lots 1 W.D. to 12, also Concession '10, Lots. 1 to 12 inclusive E.D. Polling Station at Ashfield Township Hall. Polling Division No. 4 (Rural) (Ashfield No. 3): Comprising Concessions 11, 12,, 13, 14 inclusive E.D.u, also' Concessions 12, 13, 14, Lots 1; 2; 3 .W.D, Polling Station at Zion Orange Hall. Polling Divisionp No..S (Rural) (Ashfield No. 4): Comprising Concession 1, from side lines. 6 and 7, E.D. to Lakeshore Road and Concession 2 from Lot 5 E.D. to Lakeshore Road and Concession 3 and 4, from side line 3 and 4 E.D. to Lakeshore, Road and Concession 5, from Lot % E:D. to Lot 3, W.D. inclusive, and Lot 6'S., Town Plot N Town Plot inclusive Port Albert Village. Polling Station at Residence of Mrs. Roy Petrie, RR 3, Goderich. Polling Division No. 6 (Rural) (Ashfield No. 5): Comprising Concessions 6, 7, 8 and 9, Lot 2 W.D., to Lakeshore Road and 5th Concession, Lot 4 W.D. to Lake- shore Road and Lots 5 to 24, inclusive Lake Range, also Concession 10 and 11, Lots 1 to 9 W.D. Polling Station at Residence of Mrs. Dennis Dalton, RR 3, God= . erich. Polling Division No. •7 (Rural) (Ashfield No. 6): Comprising W.D. Concessions 10 to 14 inclusive, Lots 10 to Lakeshore, Road inclusive, Lake Range, Lots 25 to 45 inclusive, also Concessions 12, 13, 14, Lots 4 tog W.D. Polling Station at Residence of Mrs. Henry MacKenzie R 3, Luck - now. --------------- --- --- -. ON JULY 5, RE-ELECT: MCK1-NL.EY.,. ROBERT E. (PUBLISHED BY HURO - MIDDLESEX P.C. ASSOC.) 0 Chatham , also a ao Mrs. Wm. Larsen and two little girls. 'AT' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Spry from Niagara Falls, N, Y, came Friday to spend a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Ivers and attend the Luckrlow Reunion, Jamie Bere registered on Sunday for two weeks at Rainbow Valley Ranch in the Caledon area. This camp is owned by Finlay Shackleton ,. formerly from the 9th concession of Ashfield and who retired, some time ago from teach- ing. Jamie was accompanied by, his mother, Mrs... Mary Bere , Earl McNee from Belmore and Mrs. Walter. Scott from Belgrave. Mr.. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick of Agincourt have been visiting at Benmiller , . Goderich. and Dun- gannon and .attending the Lucknow Reunion 'during this past week end. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Wilbur and Bradley from Willowdale are spending several days at their sum- mer home in Dunganiaon. Miss Ethel Case from Toronto accompanied. by Miss. Margaret Disher, , Mrs: Arthur Elilott•and + Miss Clara .Sproul from Goderich, called on several former Dungan- non neighbours,and friends on Thursday afternoon., We are sorry that Donald Cur - ran has been hospitalized .with bronchial pneumonia and will be several days yet in Goderich Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs., Paul Henderson, be Heather, Jennifer, ,and Jill from Mississauga spent the week end' . with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Alton a and in Lucknow with Mrs. Garnet Henderson and attended the Re- union.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eedy°and Laurel from Strathroy were home with Mrs. H. J. L., Eedy and Thornton for a few days, Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Gardner•froin Stratford spent the week end with the,latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eedy. GRADUATION AT bROOKSIDE Teachers.and pupils are enjoy- ing the freedom of school let-. out! There have been many activ ities preceding the closing of thool with dinners and presentations among the teachers. Brookside graduation dinner and program was held Tuesday, June. 25, to honour the Grade 89s. Ad Guest speaker was Mr. Ralph Smith, from Goderich, an area superintendent ,who directed many pertinent questions at the students. Mo Valedictorian was Patricia Petrie. Many awards were given and will be reported from the school. Loc- al" Women's Institute award for proficiency was presented to Dav- id Simpson with a corresponding award presented to David Durnin. Mrs. Graham McNee,. 1st vice president of Dungannon W.I. and Mr. Bill Black made these two presentations. Mrs. Joyce Caesar presented the Memorial Paul _ Caesar award in English to Karen Reurink and Wayne MacDonald. ,Among the many other awards was one to Ray Robson for Sports. Change of correspondent: Mrs. Mary Bere , 529-7915, will accent your phone calls for,the summer months on Sunday evenings or on Monday forenoons. (Same as pre- viously for Olive •M. Blake, and tha nks) . If THE PLAY HOUSE AT THE BALL PARK °I, 1 Hous eLeaa'up' Softba'll starts Saturday, July. 6 10 a.m. to '1.2 noon at the Ball Park ALL BOYS AND GIRLS UNDER 12 ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE Adult Swim m ingL.essons gin y a Monday, Jul 8 at 7 & t the Luck'now'Swimming Pool CLASSES MONDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY 7- s P.M. -------------------- REGISTER AT THE. POOL SPECIAL SWIM CLASSES At Lessons Jul &. August $10 her and Tad (Pre. School) GO NO CHARGE 10:30 -11:30 SATURDAY Bronze Swim Class (ompetitive Swim Team- ALL AGE GROUPS PLEASE .REGISTER AT THE LUCKNOW S.Wl"'NG OFFICE: 2 - S P.M. .a:`. PUBLIC- SWIMMING SEASON'S TICKETS Children $5 _ Teen $8 Adults - $10 F.amilY $15. r IftU40"AN "ON' Mrs. Dlck McIntyre of Goderich visited' her cousin, Mrs. Cecil Blake on Monday, July 1. M. and Mrs. Bill Naylor, Sarn- ia spent the week end with Mr - and . Mrs . Bill. Park. Doug Park re - TME LnUCI(:NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUty,,,, lurned with them 1hrom hospital on 'Monda.y o- BENNO_ ......._.... BOOM. - in London Others who visited at .. Guests on Sunday with Mr. and the Park home were Mr. and Mrs.. Mrs. Kenneth Bowden, Debbie and John Brassle., garnia , also Mr. and Bill were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Joyce Tot Pla , r Mrs, David Com ton, Lasa and and two children from Watford. y o a n d P Lori from Lucan. Other callers were Mr. , and Mrs. Mrs. E. Yundt from Stratford Lee Bowden, Troy -.and Trevor visited her sister Mrs. H. Eedy from Goderich and .her parents Q Mr • and Mrs: Fred,Larsen from Starts Jul 2 9 U -M t0 12 • b they Mr and y 111111 OTICE WHERE T0VOTE., TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH Polling DivisionNo, 129 (Rural) (West Wawanosh No..1): 'Comprising Lots 13 to 20 inclu§ive, Concessions 1; Lots 13 to 20 inclusive', Concessions 2 and 3; 4 and 5, 6 and 7, west- half Lot 13 to 15 inclusive, Con. 6 and 7. Polling Station at Freeman Olson, Dungannon. Polling Division No. 130 (Rural) (West Wawanosh N6_2): Comprising Lots '21 to 27 .inclusive; Concessions 1, 2 & 3; Lots 23 to 27 inclusive Concession 4 and 5,; Pt. Lots 26 and 27 Concession6 also Village of Auburn in West Wa- wanosh. Polling Station at Auburn Library. Polling Division No. 131 (Rural) (West. Wawanosh No.., 3): Comprising. Lots 13 to 27, Concession 8 and 9;, Part 'lots 21 and 22, Concession 4 and 5; Lots 15 to, 27 on Con-. cession 6 and 7. Polling Station at West Wawanosh Township Hall. Polling ' Division No. 132 (Rural) (West Wawanosh No. 4):', Comprising .Lots 13 to 27 'inclusive; Concessions 10 and 11, 12 and 13, 14; Village of. Lucknow not included. .bourg. Street. Polling Station at St. Heien's Library. -------------------------------------------- TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIE'LD Polling Division No. 2 (Rural) ,(Ashfield. No. 1): Comprising Concession 1, Lots 7 ` to 12, inclusive E.D: Concession 2, Lots 6 to 12 E.D.; Concessions '%! 4 and 5, Lots 4 to 12, inclusive E.D.; Concession 6, Lots .9 to 12, inclusive E.D..; Concession '7, lots 10 to 12, inclusive E.D. Polling' Station at Residence of Mrs. W. A. Stewart, Dungannon. Polling Division No. 3 (Rural) Ashfield ' No. 2:• Comprising Concession 6, Lots 1 W.D. to 8, inclusive E. D. ;Concession 7, Lot 1 W.D. to 9, inclusive E.D.; Con- cessions. on cessions.8, 9, Lots 1 W.D. to 12, also Concession '10, Lots. 1 to 12 inclusive E.D. Polling Station at Ashfield Township Hall. Polling Division No. 4 (Rural) (Ashfield No. 3): Comprising Concessions 11, 12,, 13, 14 inclusive E.D.u, also' Concessions 12, 13, 14, Lots 1; 2; 3 .W.D, Polling Station at Zion Orange Hall. Polling Divisionp No..S (Rural) (Ashfield No. 4): Comprising Concession 1, from side lines. 6 and 7, E.D. to Lakeshore Road and Concession 2 from Lot 5 E.D. to Lakeshore Road and Concession 3 and 4, from side line 3 and 4 E.D. to Lakeshore, Road and Concession 5, from Lot % E:D. to Lot 3, W.D. inclusive, and Lot 6'S., Town Plot N Town Plot inclusive Port Albert Village. Polling Station at Residence of Mrs. Roy Petrie, RR 3, Goderich. Polling Division No. 6 (Rural) (Ashfield No. 5): Comprising Concessions 6, 7, 8 and 9, Lot 2 W.D., to Lakeshore Road and 5th Concession, Lot 4 W.D. to Lake- shore Road and Lots 5 to 24, inclusive Lake Range, also Concession 10 and 11, Lots 1 to 9 W.D. Polling Station at Residence of Mrs. Dennis Dalton, RR 3, God= . erich. Polling Division No. •7 (Rural) (Ashfield No. 6): Comprising W.D. Concessions 10 to 14 inclusive, Lots 10 to Lakeshore, Road inclusive, Lake Range, Lots 25 to 45 inclusive, also Concessions 12, 13, 14, Lots 4 tog W.D. Polling Station at Residence of Mrs. Henry MacKenzie R 3, Luck - now. --------------- --- --- -. ON JULY 5, RE-ELECT: MCK1-NL.EY.,. ROBERT E. (PUBLISHED BY HURO - MIDDLESEX P.C. ASSOC.) 0 Chatham , also a ao Mrs. Wm. Larsen and two little girls. 'AT' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Spry from Niagara Falls, N, Y, came Friday to spend a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Ivers and attend the Luckrlow Reunion, Jamie Bere registered on Sunday for two weeks at Rainbow Valley Ranch in the Caledon area. This camp is owned by Finlay Shackleton ,. formerly from the 9th concession of Ashfield and who retired, some time ago from teach- ing. Jamie was accompanied by, his mother, Mrs... Mary Bere , Earl McNee from Belmore and Mrs. Walter. Scott from Belgrave. Mr.. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick of Agincourt have been visiting at Benmiller , . Goderich. and Dun- gannon and .attending the Lucknow Reunion 'during this past week end. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Wilbur and Bradley from Willowdale are spending several days at their sum- mer home in Dunganiaon. Miss Ethel Case from Toronto accompanied. by Miss. Margaret Disher, , Mrs: Arthur Elilott•and + Miss Clara .Sproul from Goderich, called on several former Dungan- non neighbours,and friends on Thursday afternoon., We are sorry that Donald Cur - ran has been hospitalized .with bronchial pneumonia and will be several days yet in Goderich Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs., Paul Henderson, be Heather, Jennifer, ,and Jill from Mississauga spent the week end' . with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Alton a and in Lucknow with Mrs. Garnet Henderson and attended the Re- union.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eedy°and Laurel from Strathroy were home with Mrs. H. J. L., Eedy and Thornton for a few days, Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Gardner•froin Stratford spent the week end with the,latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eedy. GRADUATION AT bROOKSIDE Teachers.and pupils are enjoy- ing the freedom of school let-. out! There have been many activ ities preceding the closing of thool with dinners and presentations among the teachers. Brookside graduation dinner and program was held Tuesday, June. 25, to honour the Grade 89s. Ad Guest speaker was Mr. Ralph Smith, from Goderich, an area superintendent ,who directed many pertinent questions at the students. Mo Valedictorian was Patricia Petrie. Many awards were given and will be reported from the school. Loc- al" Women's Institute award for proficiency was presented to Dav- id Simpson with a corresponding award presented to David Durnin. Mrs. Graham McNee,. 1st vice president of Dungannon W.I. and Mr. Bill Black made these two presentations. Mrs. Joyce Caesar presented the Memorial Paul _ Caesar award in English to Karen Reurink and Wayne MacDonald. ,Among the many other awards was one to Ray Robson for Sports. Change of correspondent: Mrs. Mary Bere , 529-7915, will accent your phone calls for,the summer months on Sunday evenings or on Monday forenoons. (Same as pre- viously for Olive •M. Blake, and tha nks) . If THE PLAY HOUSE AT THE BALL PARK °I, 1 Hous eLeaa'up' Softba'll starts Saturday, July. 6 10 a.m. to '1.2 noon at the Ball Park ALL BOYS AND GIRLS UNDER 12 ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE Adult Swim m ingL.essons gin y a Monday, Jul 8 at 7 & t the Luck'now'Swimming Pool CLASSES MONDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY 7- s P.M. -------------------- REGISTER AT THE. POOL SPECIAL SWIM CLASSES At Lessons Jul &. August $10 her and Tad (Pre. School) GO NO CHARGE 10:30 -11:30 SATURDAY Bronze Swim Class (ompetitive Swim Team- ALL AGE GROUPS PLEASE .REGISTER AT THE LUCKNOW S.Wl"'NG OFFICE: 2 - S P.M. .a:`. PUBLIC- SWIMMING SEASON'S TICKETS Children $5 _ Teen $8 Adults - $10 F.amilY $15.