The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-06-26, Page 26SAGE TWENTY-SIX THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO Pineceest Manor Nursing Home A .HOME THAT CARES COMPLETELY FIRE RESISTANT AND MODERN. DISCRIMINATING, PROFESSIONAL NURSING CARE 24 'HOURS DAILY ALL REGULAR, AND SPECIAL DIETS TASTEFULLY PREPARED DINING. ROOM. AND ROOM TRAY SERVICE ACTIVITIES AND.. CRAFTS PROGRAMMES BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP MEALS WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS MAY BE ARRANGED SHUFFLEBOARD OUR HOME IS YOUR HOME.. COME, VISIT WITH US DIRECTOR OF NURSING, ADMINISTRATOR, MARY R. NEWBOLD,.R.N. GEORGE, A. NEWBOLD DRAWER 220, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 519-528-2820 Continuously a member of the Ontario Nursing Home Association since 1961 Will Live In Saskatchewan ARMSTRONG 7 CONN In.a fairytale setting of pink and white, marriage vows were exchanged by Alma Ileen, Conn of Whitechurch and. Andrew MacDon- ald (Mac) Armstrong of R. R. 2 Teeswater, on Saturday, May 18, at 4.30 .p.m. in Chalmers; Pres- byterian Church, Whitechurch. Pink daisies and mums, lighted tapers in candelabra formed the background and Rev. 'T T. J. Mc- Kinney c-Kinney of Port Hope heard the marriage vows. The bride's brother, George Conn of Sherbrooke, Quebec, was organist and Lorne Forster of R. R. 1 Lucknow , sang "The Marriage Prayer" and "The Lord's My Shep- herd". Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn of R. R. 3 Wingham. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Armstrong of R. R. 2 Teeswater. Alien in marriage by her fath- er , the bride wore a floor -length , empire -styled gown of white or- ganza with' attached train. Dais- ies adorned the bodice of the dress and also decorated the frill at the hemline.. She wore a white floppy brimmed hat and carried a bouquet .of pink Sweet -heart roses and daisies. Matron of 'honor for her sister -was Mrs. Elaine Conley of R. R. 2. Wingha m , and another sister Mrs. Muriel Hunter of London, was bridesmaid. They were dressed alike in floor -length em- pire -styled sleeveless dresses with matching elbow -length capes of white sheer polyester with pink flocked dots and trim. Pink floppy -brimmed hats completed their ensembles and they carried bouquets of pink -centred shasta daisies with pink ribbon. Norman McKinney of Barrie was groomsman and guests were usher- ed by Ian Grant of Formosa. Following the ceremony, dinner was served in the church parlor and a dance was held in the White- church Community Hall. The bride's mother , receiving the wedding guests, wore a floor - length gown of yellow flowered polyester doubleknit and a match- ing jacket with long sheer sleeves. Her corsage was bronze roses. The groom's mother chose a flour -length dress of blue poly- ester with blue Guipure lace trim around the neckline and sleeve edges. A corsage of pink roses completed her ensemble. For travelling, the bride wore a red; white and blue dress with red accessories. They will reside in Langenburg, Saskatchewan. The bride is a graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College and the groom is a graduate of the University of Guelph. " Out of town guests attended the wedding from Sherbrooke, Queb- ec; .Smith Falls, Toronto and Guelph Honoured guest was the bride's maternal grandmother, Mrs, Earl Caslick of Whitechurch. KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Guest of Teeswater visited with relatives here on Wednesday and attended 'the social evening for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guest. Mr. and Mrs. George Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Peters and Gregory of Romeo, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Fillinger and Larry of Dearborn, Michigan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert ' Nicholson.. . - Wear a government - approved LIFE, JACKET when water skiing. Have'a lookout man in your tow -boat, Letter To The Editor Lucknow Sentinel, Luc know , Ont. "Fieri Potest" . "It can be done". The Craft Festival to be held in Ripley August 2nd and 3rd at the Ripley High School and Huron Township -Hall will be an outstanding show with Crafters from across Ontario participating. With one hundred booth spaces sold; and dozens more waiting a chance to participate , one real- izes the popbilarity of Craft Shows. There ,will be no doubt left in anyone's mind as to the value of such shows to the buyer , the - viewer and the craftsman himself,, when these two days of festivities are celebrated in Ripley for the first time. Ripley, only five miles from resort area along Lake Huron and 'the Hub of Huron Township, has become known as the friendly village through its Fairs and gatherings such as the. annyal Beef Barbeque. . This Craft Festival is being"pres• ented by the Lucknow Craft Festiv- al registered organization and features many of the same crafts- men as it did,in Lucknow for three years;% for many of the Craft- ers have co-operated and are more than willing to stage the show in Ripley. Meals will be available, as will snacks and all types of goodies, New this year will be China painting , Painting on glass, Bruce County Tartan, as well as the, reg- ulars, of Quilting, rug hooking, leather craft, painting, caning, pottery to name just a few. ' Billeting of Crafters and visitors is being looked after by'the will- ing workers who have joined the. Craft Festival Comrnittee. Demonstrations will take place continually as will the great new ideas which will be put into ef- fect for the first time. Ripley's Believe it or not Festiv- al of Arts and Crafts, Antiques and Uniques is yours to enjoy. Signer, Lucknow Craft Festival, (registered organization). wEDNESDAY, JUNE.' OLD BOYS' REUNION Charcoal, 20 lbs. 10 lbs. -------- Barbecue Lighter Fluid Baseballs Baseball Gloves Baseball Bats Lawn Chairs( plastic) Lawn Chairs (web) Lawn Chairs (cloth) __t --- ___:-__ Men's Summer Plaid Jackets- -_______ Men's • Summer Plaid Sports Coat-_-_..._-.:iZ� 1 • lucknow District Coi Phone 528-3024 RIPLEY HURON NEWS GRADE 5-6 .On Wednesday, June 19 we are going on a pond and river study for our Science project for the fair. ' On Thursday, June 20, we are having a party. KINDERGARTEN Our trip to the African Safari _ was_very_interesting.,_._.W.e_saw a— lot of lions and elephant' and a giraffe. We saw a lot of other animals too but the ones best of all were the monk They were so funny, We ride around the park Ina train. We hope we tang sometime. GRADE I, °2 We are happy to have J Forster back with us again his second visit to the W The kindergarten, Glad and two classes togk a trig day to the African -Lion There we saw many wild come right up to our bus, wards, we-went-to_a_Pet.+ where we could seetheta mals and pet many of th ELECT JOHN LONEY Progressive ConseFYatiYe in Bruce • Home -owners now paying more than 8% in mortgage interest rates will be allowed to deduct up to $1000.00 from their personal income tax. • To encourage and protect the savings of small investors, a Stanfield government will index Canada Savings Bonds to ensure that inflation does not reduce the value of their savings. • A Stanfield government will fulfil its long standing promise to .remove the Liberal sales tax on clothing and, footwear. We hive solid programs to help Canada. and cana, Bruce Federal P. C. Assoc'