The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-06-19, Page 10PAGE TEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE If, urcbflrws St. Helens UCW The St. Helens United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Charles McDonald , Lucknow on June 11th with twenty-two ladies present. Mrs. Frank McQuillin opened the meeting and Mrs. McDonald resided at the organ for hymn 399. The Lord's Prayer in unison was followed by roll call, a verse with the word father in it. Miss Isabel Miller read the scripture lesson from Luke 15. Mrs. Tom Todd had the 'medita- tion followed .by a reading by ' Mrs. Frank McQuillin, Hymn 401 was sung and Mrs. Gordon MacPherson read , "Crowd- ed Ways of Life". Mrs. Lorne Woods gave a reading and cond- ucted a contest. Mrs. Gordon MacPherson .gave; a report on the conference attended' recently. Mrs. B. F. Green gave some information on Mis- sions and sharing. Hymn 493 was followed by prayer by' Mrs. Frank MMQuillin. Mrs. Gordon. MacPherson was in charge of the business. There will be no meeting, in July and the August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Don Cameron. Mrs. James Hummel was pres- ented with a. parting gift by Mrs. Don Cameron. Mrs. Hummel thanked the ladies and said how much she had enjoyed her'associa- don with St., Helens. A sale of plants was held. Mrs. Chas. McDonald acted as auction- eer for the lively and profitable sale. Lunch was served by Mrs. Chester Nicholson and Mrs. Lorne Woods. Whitechurch UCW WHITECHURCH NEWS The U.C. W. held their meet— ing Tuesday, June 11 at the home of Mrs. Elwood Groskorth, coder ich. The meeting opened with singing of a hymn followed by prayer in unison. Mrs. Millan Moore read the hymn, The church is wherever God's people are prais- ing. Mrs. Elmer King gave the meditation and prayer on the scripture read by Mrs. Russel Chapman. Mrs. Garnet Farrier led in prayer. A poem - "Believe, in Yourself" was read by Mrs: Archie Watt. The roll call was answered by 14 with a current event clipping re the changing Status of Women. Mrs. Albert Coultes gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Millan Moore extended a vote of thanks to the hostess Mrs. Groskorth and closed the meeting with prayer. All then enjoyed the Birthday Tea. Trinity U.C.W. Trinity' United, Church Women held their annual Grandmother's meeting in, the Church basement on Thursday afternoon, June 13 with an attendance of 22 mem- bers and 16' guests. The meeting opened with the president Mrs. Charles Wilkins welcoming all the guests. Mrs. Allan`Ritchie read the scripture. .Mrs. Donald Hackett gave a reading on "Revenge".. - Mrs. Jim Hunter led in prayer fol- lowed by all repeating the Lord's prayer. Mary Anne Alton sang two number's, "Little Old Lady" and "Gathering Flowers for the Master's Bouquet". The roll call was answered with a family heirloom: The ladies were asked to bring their donations for the bale. Several prizes were given, .for the grand- ma with the most grandsons, Mrs. Wm. John Irwin won first 'prize; for the grandma with the most granddaughters, Mrs. Tom Hack- ett. The oldest grandma present, Mrs. W. O. Hunter and the youngest grandma present, Mrs. Reg Broome... Two skits were presented one showing .a poor way t� visit an older person, and the other showing a thoughtful and better Way tovisit some one who is not able to be out too much. Both were amusing, but also thought-provoking. Parts were played by Mrs. Doug Cam- eron, Mrs. Ken Alton, Mrs. D. A Hackett and Mrs. Chester Hack- ett. Mrs. Ken Alton gave the Trinity Tattler. A gift was presented to our minister's wife,. Mrs. Hummel, to remind her of us all when she goes to her new home. The 4-H exhibit was displayed, and comnientatort , Darlene Hack- ett and Joan Hackett spoke on stor- age. " Mrs, Ralph. Cameron, on behalf of all the grandmothers present , thanked the ladies for the nice afternoon. Hymn 249 was sung and Mrs. Hummel closed the meeting -with prayer. A. lovely lunch was served by the committee CALICO SCHOOLHOUSE HIGHWAY 21, 1 MILE NORTH OF KINTAIL Crafts An'tiques JUNE HOURS: FRIDAY - MONDAY 12 NOON - 6 P.M. KINLOSS UNITED CHURCH Centennial Services Sunday, June 23rd 11 a.m.. and 7:30 p.m. GUEST MINISTERS REV. MARTIN RULE AND REV. LESLIE MOT T SMORGASBORD LUNCHEON AT NOON CHURCH HISTORIES AND CENTENNIAL PLATES AVAILABLE , Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 JUNE 23rd 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship St. Peters Anglican Church - Lucknow 100#h Anniversary Sunday, June 30th, 1974 LUCKNOW UNITED , CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister JUNE 23rd 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning. Worship Farewell Sermon POINT' TO PONDER Our task in life is to be faithful to God's call to love and service. DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Orrie Gingrich, Pastor ' SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J, W. Van Stempvoort Pastor Services: ,- 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service (Dutch, lst Sunday of the month) Chalmers C.O.C. WHITECHURCH NEWS On Sunday Chalmer's C. O. C. held their June meeting in the Sunday School room during church service. The call to worship was given by Rhonda Gibson. The C.O.C. hymn was sung. Donald de Boer read the scripture. Prayer was given by Billie Gib- son. The minutes were read by the secretary Clara Milligan, • who also called the roll, which was answered by one of the 10 commandments. The offering was received by Gregory Gibson and the offering prayer given by David Ross. Mrs.. Simpson gave the Senior story - Singing in the Rain. The Junior story Who is afraid was given by Mrs. Archie Purdon. Themeeting closed by -all re- peating the Lord's Prayer. A vis- itor present was Wanda Ireland. SERVICES 11 .a.m. Mattins Guest preacher, The Right Rev. D. B. T. Ragg; Bishop of Huron 8 p.m. Evensong Guest preacher, The Rev. J. King, Rector of Kincardine RESIDENTS OF THE AREA AND VISITORS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND THESE CENTENNIAL SERVICES' Anglican A.C.W. KINLOUGH NEWS The Anglican Church Women held their June meeting at the church with Mrs. George Graham hostess. The ladies gathered. early and quilted a quilt during the afternoon. • The president Mrs. Gertrude Walsh presided and the meeting opened with the hymn "The love of Christ Constraineth" . Mrs. Del- bert Hedley read the scripture from St: Johns Gospel. This was followed with prayers in uni- son. Mrs. Midford Wall read the correspondence, which included an invitation from. Kinloss. United Church to attend their Centennial services on Sunday, June 23rd. The word for the roll call was "Mercy". Mrs. Wall also read from the. Diocesan News letter which stated that 1000 lbs, was sent to Keewatin in bales last year and it gave the needs of St. Monica house for this year. She concluded with the poem. "Man as a light". Mrs. David Haldenby gave a reading "Nothing quite as lovely" and also conducted a Bible Quiz. Mrs. Art Haldenby read a poem •"Life is what we make it". Mrs. Gertrude Walsh gave an interesting travel talk on a recent trip to Ottawa telling of import ant places visited, and also gave a brief account of her trip -to Holland , Michigan. She said Mr. and Mrs. Barney Cars and Miss Agnes Macgregoro Lewiston , New York visited the week endwith the Simp families..• Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allan.o Camlachie and Mr. and Mrs, McEwen and Cindy of Sarnia ed at Kintail for the week Many from here .attended Ferguson -Simpson wedding at Ashfield Presbyterian Church Saturday afternoon and the r tion which followedin the Hall in Lucknow. Think, don't Be water wise! and practise w safety every da that on both trips the tulips magnificent. Mrs. Wall on behalf of es one expressed thanks to Mrs,. Walsh and then conducted an Bible Contest and gaVe a.pra "Bless our homes" , led in th litany and gave the closing Grace was sung and delicious refreshments were served by hostess. ' Mrs. Art. Haldenby gave courteous remarks. Conven were Mrs. David Haldenbya Mrs. Midford Wall. GRENVILLE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE ( Formerly Berean Christian School) Parents — you can have a good relationship with your child If your child is rebellious and moody and causes you Worry, there is an answer. At Grenville Christian College In Brack ville, Ont., students are taught to respect and appreciate their parents.and all other -s in autharity ThiS excellent SCh601 highly rated by the Ontario ,epartment of Educationandha'S beautiful' facilities on the St .Lawrence R,ver Students are happy at this unique co ed School because the classes are Under and they find a new discipline and sense of•directlon dedicated teachers, their studies mprove almost `^ mediately The fall semester begins September 4th Four cmld can enrol now and make a brand new start The tees at Grenville Chri.stian College are ver y reasonable 52.800 tor the full school year from Grades 7 through 13 Don't m ss'th,s oPP6rlun''Y For more information, contact The Headmaster, Grenville Christian College; Box 610,,• Brockville, Ont. K6V 5V8