The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-06-19, Page 21; , PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The LUCKNOW SENTINEL • NTAR10 • LUCKNOW, O "The Sepoy Town" — On the Huron -Bruce Boundary • ♦, Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 — Published Wednesday • • • • •. •i • •i•N••••r••••a'!.®••.••.•.••••.••.®.'s.®♦ Member of the. C.C.N.A. and O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $8.00 a year ' in advance $2 extra to U.S.A. and Foreign Donald C. Thompson, Publisher Reunion Reflections ■• I .am planning to return home for the reunion and am looking forward to a real good week end!! Thanks for the. invitation. Sincerely, Elaine (McNay) Harvey, Peterborough • Ivlr. Bob Finlay, Lucknow, Ontario. Dear 'Sir , Enclosed please find money for tickets for your Lucknow Reunion draw coming soon. These tickets came to us through the .Lucknow Sentinel for which we send our thanks, and a wish that your reunion will be a very happy and profitable time ■ YorkiGracluate for all who can and will be pres- ent. • Sincerely, 'Mrs. Robert Figures, Sault Ste. Marie. Dear .Sir, Thanks for my invitation to the Reunion the last part of June. The program you have planned is wonderful and I hope to attend one clay anyway and probably meet some of my High School ' friends. Enjoy reading the Sentin- el each week. Yours sincerely,. Mrs. Margaret Mc - Bride, Zurich. Thanks for the tickets. Hope I'M lucky, FIND A CAMP6ROYN0 QUICKLY ANYWHERE IN CANADA with the new Scope/sNheelerj CANADIAN CAMPGROUND GUIDE scoPe/wheeieu CANADIAN * Lists private & Government parks coast to coast by city. * Convenient maps pinpoint "locator" cities under which all campgrounds within a deter- mined radius are listed. * Listings give details hi complete words, directions ' to camp- ground from "locator" city, number of sites, type & sewer hookups, season the camp- ground is open and the mailing address for privately. owned campgrounds. only $2.00 // 1074 CAMPGROUND GUIDE Published in Canada by "Scope" Canada's National Camping and Recreational. Vehicle Magazine. Here is a sample listing. PORT COLBORNE, ONTARIO CG SHERKSTON BEACHES, 5 m, E on Hwy 3 then 1 mi S on Regional Rd 98 Sites 5000 (E-600, -W-550, S-450), Dump, LP gas, Flush Wets, . Showers. Laundry, Store. Snack•bar, Restaurant, Rec hall. Mini -golf, Tennis, Swim , Swim (natural). Boating, Fishing. Apr I -Nov 1 Mail Box 50 Sherkston ON FOR SALE AT THE LUCKNOW SENTINE If you wish to have a copy of the Canadian Camp- ground Guide mailed to you, send your name and address, -plus $2.25, to The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 38, Lucknow, Ontario. SUSAN ELIZABETH JOHNSTON Susan Elizabeth' Johnston, daugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. Ronald John- ston of St. Catharines, and grand- daughter of Mrs. Eimer Johnston and the fate Elmer Johnston of Lucknow , graduated, with an hon- ours degree in history at York Un- iversity, Downsview , Ontario. Thanks for the tickets. Hope to be in Lucknow for the Reunion. Jean and George Grabove Sarnia • O O Good luck in all your activities for the reunion-coming,soon. Thanks to you and the other Workers for sending us an invita- tion and also the tickets. I'm enclosing payment for the 2 tick-, ets so please drop our entries in the draw. We're planning to be to Luck - now for at least some of the week end and are looking forward to it. Yours truly, Mrs. Wilmer Nichol- son, ichol-son, Holstein. O O • • Hi! I hope to get up for the reunion but a lot depends on my health. Wishing you every success in your -undertaking as I know what it entails. 1 well remember how both Mac and I worked hard at the last one and it took weeks to get back to normal. We felt it was worth it as we had a lot of fun while it lasted. Sincerely, Mrs. Min MacLennan , London, Ontario. • • 0 Dear Don, Please suspend my subscription to the Sentinel as of June 30 , 1974. We will be leaving Ghana shortly. after that date and returning to Canada in mid-August. On our return I will notify you so that our subscription can be renewed. We regret that it will be impos- sible for us to attend the reunion. I'm sure it will be a great success. Yours sincerely, Dan Rose, Accra , Ghana , West Africa. WEDNESDAY • JUICE I9 CANADA WEEK PROCLAMATION To honour Canada, our land created by the fusion of two founding cultures; enriched by the contribution of many Other cultures, fatherland of all Canadians; To honour this country, home of over 22,000,000 people, proud of their heritage and the freedom they enjoy; To honour this land of peace and prosperity, this promised land of untold resources; To honour this country which is ours, of which we all are proud, I hereby proclaim the week of June 25, to July :1 "CANADA WEEK". THUS I INVITE THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF LUCKNOW TO CELEBRATE IT BY STRIVING TO KNOW OUR COUNTRY BETTER, BY FLYING OUR FLAG AND. DISPLAYING OUR SYMBOLS. GEORGE W. JOYNT, REEVE OF LUCKNOW Dear Don: I am enclosing a cheque for another year's subscription to the Sentinel. We're sorry that we will be un- able to attend the reunion but wish you every success. . Would you please forward mon- ey and ticket stubs to Bob Finlay, thanks so much. Jean McGrath, Winnipeg. * To Lucknow Reunion Committee. Many thanks for the invitation to attend the reunion in Lucknow on the latter days of June and July first and if . nothing unfor - seen happens my wife and I hope to take in at least two days of your celebrations.. Am enclosing two ticket stubs along with a small donation towards the great event. Wishing you every success. Sincerely, John T. Mc Keith , Hazenrnore , Sask. Find enclosed money for tick and a donation to the reunion a hoping you have fair wind and weather. Bye for now, Ed MacKenzie, Toronto. a' e Don Thompson, Chairman Invitation Committee Lucknow Reunion. Dear Don: Many thanks for your lettersn garding the coming reunion, We have been looking forwai to coming as I am sure it will a fun week end. From looldng at the program there,has beena great deal of time and effortpo into it by the committee. We are enclosing a donation wards the expenses of the Week end along with our best es for a "roaring" success, Sincerely, Cecil and Anne 1 erts, Haliburton, HURON -MIDDLESEX FEDERAL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOC. FUND RAISING DINNER PINERIDGE CHALET TUESDAY, JUNE 25 6:30 FOR 7. Guest Speaker: Sean O'Sullirar• M. P. FOR HAMILTON- WENTWORTH RIDING - YOUNGEST MEMBER IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS TICKETS; $15 EACH REFRESHMENTS Tickets available from Municipality Chairman