The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-06-12, Page 161.: ,i . 4.1 • PAGE SIXTEEN .... This Week In Ripley _ .i . • , • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAy, juNE g 1 • 1/4 r • --s BY AB WYLDS The Ripley Boy Scouts, with leader .13011 Fludder, had a week end campout in the Millarton area of Kincardine Township from last Friday evening through to Sunday morning. They used Lloyd Wylds° 7 truck for transportation of tents and other necessary material. On the outing were Greg Rouse, Brad- ley Devitt, Billy Cameron, Sandy And Jamie Liddle, Wayne McLean, Bradley and Larry Nixon, Doug Peterbaugh and lan MacKay. Home to Ripley,for the week ` end from the Kingsville area in Southern Ontario was Ross Willetts Ross, who went back on Sunday afternoon, is working not far from the famous Jack Miner Wild Goose, Sanctuary at Kingsville. * • • 0, On Friday, June 7, Mrs. ?am Cornelius of Sarnia , the former Pam Farrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Farrell of Reid's Corners, graduated with honours from the University of Western Ontario in London with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. • •Pam took her R.N. at Victoria • Hospital. She was one of four girls from Ripley in a class of 143 there.. She was a member of the class of 31 students in Grade 13 in 1968-69 at the Ripley District High School. Along with her from here at Vic were Carolyn MacLeod, Brenda Humphrey and Sandra Mac - Charles - all successful nurses EARN 1101 0 FOR 5 YEARS Receive Interest Quarterly Mortgage Investment (Minimum Investment $2,000) OR EARN 10°Of • FOR 1 TO 5 YEARS GUARANTEED TRUST CO. CERTIFICATES Receive Interest or Compound (Minimum Investment $500) ALSO VARIOUS TAX SAVINGS INVESTMENTS TO SUIT YOUR 'NEEDS INFORMATION •WITHOUT OBLIGATION , INVESTMENT CONSULTANT .43CSSIINSWAMIZIMMIC9C4 Bert • Freeman PHONE 392-6938 TEESWATER low. Pam is now with the Victor- ian Order of Nurses in Sarnia. The leading student in .that 1968-69 Grade 13 class at the Rip- ley District High School was Ron- nie J. Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson of Amber - ley. Ron, •who has his B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Waterloo, arrived in Ottawa June 2nd from the British Isles and then made a hurried trip home:to visit with• his parents and family. • at Amberley and also to visit in Lucknow with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Murchy. On, Monday of this week Ron start- ed in his new position in the Sate- llite Control Division of Telesrat Canada in Ottawa. This will in- volve attending conventions where papers are presented on this out- standing Canadian, project. • * 0 0 * * ' • On Monday, June 3, the bees in the upper part of the brick home of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Cook in Ripley produced a swarm. This was the first one of the sea - sop reported. Once the home.of the late S. T. Jackson, early. Ripley banker, it ha- g had -bees in the upper wall for many years and when they fly high as in this case they do not bother people below their line of flight. 0 0 0 * • Mrs. Kathleen Muharphiud, the former .Kathleen Howard, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howard who lived in Ripley in 1963-64, has graduated from Ottawa University as adoctor of medicine, CUM laude. Dr. Kath- leen Muhammucl will serve a one year term as an intern doctOr in the Ottawa General Hospital. Her sister, Rhoda How.ard, who is 'also a graduate of McGill,, is now serving in Ghana, Africa and recently she met Dan Rose of Lochalsh who is also working in Ghana and they discussed niutual acquaintances in this area. Rhoda was always a leading student. Here she averaged 95 percent over all in her Grade Eleven. The next year this writer understands that she averaged about 92 per- cent in Grade 12 at Niagara Falis Collegiate. While in Ripley, her fattier was the teacher of French in the Ripley District High School. 0 •0 0 0 0 Mrs. William Arnold was the only representative of the Ripley Agricultural Society at the annual Spring District meeting held this year in Durham._ 0 0 0 • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wardell, Helen', Chris, Florence and Henry visited with their daughter NIL and Mrs, Michael Ashton and family at Bright and also with their oldest daughter Mr. and Mrs. Tom Howie and Faith in Kitch- ener. Then Miss Lois Wardell of. Bright spent a recent week end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wardell on con- cession 4 in Huron Township. 00 0 o John Gamble sends along a re port that the Nouse League for young girl's softball, similar to :he first successful one operated last summer, will be organized at a meeting after school on Thurs- day afternoon on June 20. There are 44 girls between the ages of 10 and 13 years who will be play- ing each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon during the summer. The four teams will be the Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green Shirts. A number of themothers have al- ready volunteered their services. * * ELECT JOHN LONEY Progressive Conservative • in Bruce The meeting of Group One of St. Andrews U.C. W. was held on Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Bert Irwin in Ripley. Convener Mrs. Margaret Gemmell had the meeting open with the singing of a hymn. The Lord's prayer was repeated follow- ing ,the Bible Study by Mrs. Lot Culbert. A report on Stewardship was then given and Mrs. Eileen Bruce Federal P.C, Carter presented a reiading, Mrs. Donald Blue was the er of the discussion periodar panel members were Ivlis:J Needham, Mrs. Morley Sco Mrs: Wally Pollock and Its. Francis Boyle. Mrs. Wanda Gawley clos first section of the meeting prayer. CONTINUED ON PAGE1 AVAILABLE NOW FROM YOUR LOCAL SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE DEALER. Anderson Flax Products, Limited