Wingham Times, 1890-01-31, Page 5t, .
or Low'
I,ynah tells eaatoryr tbbotttt!adog he
Vis! ' p, ^v►d ringl,s., of the YAW- nee . wn in, ,ilait:ago,'which gttavit far
gam pap Wo keg was returnit►g from toward eying that t brute -can reason,
Luahknow, last, wesk, ilia team got of Ile hada ine .St. Bernard whit* was lit
than road frohiii souse cause and got good retrxo?ur, and on Sundays would
.sltuek in whett'is kpowu as Qureie'astakehi111 about ,lhlilf a bl6ck from ills
crfi' and upset the wagon anms mesh, ( banes on Indiana avenue and -let hills
ettl'c its a few of the bottles, .naakie parry xllepapersliolnohepurchased, front
rather tilled ^ upshalt..,.--Mr George the itewsb > s:. One morning it was rain -
r g ing, ell's id he spoke to the dog
T'holnsola� w^aa steel to tort"neo out just girt ht" s' to a child, and toldhim
`busatlees last week and retuned ou i that he aide `t �v'a about walking over
aaa°atur b y and is away again this week ; to the corner, s" he might as well take
Godertch to attend the Qounty ; the nickel and gc .anci get the paper. l:ie
' ouncil,—There waS a meeting of wrapped a nickel
up in a piece of paper
the parents and guardians held at 1 andgave it to tilt dog, which burned!,
,lir Goo TIto.xtsou's Tten diay ni`gilt, j ately wont to the .'corner and waited for
19th lust, to.) decide What should be the boy, Billy ,vxtclled hilt and sties
dene•' 'about reorgnizing a k:?,anday
School in the neighborhood. It wai
decided to canvas the section for .the
that he got the paPer all right, and was
so pleased that the 'teat Sunday he re-
peated the exporimeut, andthonext .Sun,
day did the sante thing.
use of the eithool. It seems Bad that The. following Sunday he overslept
doors should lee dosed in a civilized himself and was awakened by a scratch -
country against the spread of the I ing at his window Getting up he saw
Gospoi,—Miss 13 Thomson is in •Sea- that his dog bad come out of the back
fel this Week atteudilLe the Sabbiath yard into. a little passagewi y between
til Cenvention.
Grip is still going his rounds.—A.
sleigh load went to Lateknow on. Fri•
da pnight to celebrate Burns' ,Anni—
versary.—Several were initiated into enough, it cane around to the window
.Mount Pleasant Grange, -No. 92. and scratched. The next Sunday and
lately.-4-Jlrs, Epplott, of Bowman- tiro next were tried, and the dog was
vi110, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. always on tine. Now, whether the dog
Wm. Walker, --Mime Angeline ,john l:uew whole Sunday camp or was aware'
''stow, of Ant berley, 18. ; calling upon a I of the fact by the newsboys being more
slumber of her friends. ale-, A. ' vociferous o.a tiles° days isnot known,
Clattlpbell, of Marquette, Micliigan, 1 but he was thoroughly tested and would
lliiscotne to spent'`a few weeks at his not. come .to the window except Su11-
oid Monte, -21r. "Win. Rutson, of dathat it wlly thinks oul l be a hardthe clo or any on
G.ohavin, (tile famous rabbit hunter) 'to say that he didn't,—Helena (Mont.)
'laving a merry time 'with hie Independent. 0 .
his bedroom and a neighboring house
and was endeavoring ta wake hien up,
Knowing 'it was `Sunday, he gate the
'clog a nickel and told' him to. go and get
the paper, which he,did. Billy was
Awake next Sunday, but concluded to
see what his dog would do, and, sure
friends.—Mr. Walter Treleaven,, of
Lueknow, gave us another sermon on Transplanting Evergreens. '
Sunday. nlorniag Mfile Methodist During the Month of August I wit -
,The average atteudanee of the
4ge Hill school for the past year
was 64.55 and . notwithstanding this
Marge average the five pupils who were that could bo wished for,. being warm
'sent up for Eetrance 'passed success- and moist,, and the soil was in the sante
fully.—La grippe has had many of condition. The pines bad been growing
the pupils of this section . for its close together in rows and were from•
victims, so many that nothing but four to five feet high. As they were not
vacant seats met the eves of the as bushy as could be wished, we thought
anxious Orange if ill teacher during best to prune thenr in well,and. after the
the last s it. ---11r, .John Spotton has transplanting n man was, sent with
sold hi Ct l.n fartn to • Kr. Atchison .shears to clip. them closely.. This he did,
nessed the transplanting of several hun-
dred Austrian and Scotch pines, "writes
Joseph Meehan in Garden and Forest.
The result was the loss of nearly the.
whole lot, and it was such, a surprise to
me that I think the facts in regard to it
worth recording. The weather was all
Laird for $2,500 —Mr. 'Chas. Irwin
is busy getting material for a . brick
1louse which is to be erected next
TurniQeY!i'.y::: a u•r
Tha late fall of snow . has done a
little to set teams and sawlogs in
motion and matte time appear•a little
more lively. --Sickness still • prevails,
"la grippe beirtg a •visitor to, almost
every family.—Niles Seraph Blackwell
s me from Algoma, where she has
Tof"en caching since last spring:—;Yliss
Ella C nyn, who has been very ill
for 80 weeks past, is le to
p , .ab be
around again.—Kincardine Reporter;
Mr S Anderson, of Turnberry, town-
ship, has been visiting at Mr James
Steele's, Lyndale farm. • .
The Literary Society here has been
re -organized with the following staff
of officers: President, V. Vannorinan;
"Viae President, Jas Bono ; Secretary,
JasSte.wart; Treasurer, M. Brandon;
Managing Couinlittee : W. Porterfield,
J, Geddes, J. A. Hingston, B Porter-
field, Sate Irvine, M. ,Irvine,: M. H.
Harrison, n A;ndorson, L. Godfrey,
taut' J. D. Nicol.. The meetings will
1 be held ou'Wedhesday night of each
,Lower Wingiiaara.
cutting off alt the latest growth, taking
from six to ten inches fro nthe branches.
Out of 800 planta all were so trimmed.
except some half dozen,. Which were pur-
posely left unpruned to.see which would;
do the' better. , At that time •Jt con fident-
T;y''eltpeeted that the pruned. trees' would-
show the benefit of the wort:. however,
they soon began to turn brown„ and in
the end every onedied,, while every one
of the few left unpruned are alive today.
As soon as it was observed how Abd;
matter was going to end another row
was set out, unpruned, and allthe plants
in it are thriving today. No doubt the
severe pruning was the cause of this
failure. All the younger es active foli-
age had been cut away, leaving only that
which was past its usefulnesaand which
was about ready to drop off., The trees
'were, in fact, in just the same condition
that a deciduous tree would have been,if
stripped of all its leaves in: the middle of
summer. It was a costly but a valuable
lesson, and one worth putting on record:
as a warning to others.
Mrs. George I'lli.pi�en has returned
Wroxeter, where she has been
.: vt ziing,.friends for a couple'of w'telf:s..
.w-,1Ire Evans and sister, Miss L'z' t.
Townsend, of 'Waterloo, are visiting '
their many friends inand around
Winghatn at present. •
The 0,1?.R. Telegraph npencd
` the following new offices daring' the
past year: In Ontario, —Brampton,
Cardwell Junction,, Cooks Mills, lion,
ulg.C<"a'iSiiuo[Y,u61, Gleuco, Meadow.
1Ltult Breigea, P.}rtsmullth,
Peesco+t, P.1rt Culdlveil, Tit bury (for
TilduryCentre), Th am ford, Thorn.
dale, A, iudsor, 'Are I ford; in Qeel tee —
(lrand Mere, St, Lire Joe.; in New
Betinswiek;.—lilac's .River, l redericton
'fofretofl, portlau:'t; St. Johns, Salinotl
Itivt�r, St. 2w trtins,' Sackvi)h; in Nova
Scotia— tlrnllrrist,. Ilalit,txaiu Brit.
itsh Oolonibta--- Ilat Springs; in N,
. Territe+ry, Aersinaboia, Ohurch
Bridges, Salt, 1 `oats. This colnll,toy
h tf now enlists i11 neat ly every town
in he 'Doliiu n, .vitil the on
through line from the Atlantic to the.
Nettie,. and its wires run direetly into
the (dices of the leading Cable c rn~;-
rolesiit also connects with ail lines irr
• 4:: •,. e1,+ 4att•ts,
flut Ire Will Re Confined. .
A New Brunswick man has been found'
guilty of inurde"r while insane, but the
Canadians won't -turn hien loJse to kill
somebody else. • he will be shut up just
as tightly as if his heart was level, and
given the remainder of his life to"tltiuk
it over" and get t:eady to die. 'Our cli-
mate is different, you know.—Detroit
Free Press.
'R+txaifl , r"aasat&
lr. L�'illitlara Lent Carpenter gives ho
Df tfttre an account of a tamepunts wltioh
wee exhibited in Montana. Mr. '(tach,
the owner, of the pulpa, had cjevoted
eighteen months to the training of the
in.dmal, ?Poore et thea training were
given one evening at the store of the
The beast not having been fed for
twenty-four hours, its master trailed
pieces of raw meat over her nose and
mouth, wlhicll the puma did not attempt
to eat until elle wpr(l was given, as to a
dog. Occasional attempts ,were made.
but a twist of the ear by Mr, Wittich
waaenough to control her.
When meat was placed a few yairds,
away, the plum?, fetched .it by word of
command, and permitted the meat to:
be taken from her mouth by her niaster,
who fondled her as he would a oat.
A very fine dog, a cross between'a
pure setter and' a pure St, Bernard,. t
years old, named Bruce, is on inti-
mate and even affectionate tern's with
the puma, who allowed him to 'femove
meat placed upon her jaws, and to oat
it, On one occasion the, puma, who is
often allowed to range, the house, the
dog and Mr. Wittich slept together in
the satire bed, and : the master was wak-
ened by the puma attacking some. one
;mho came to rouse him in the early
Wl>,en the puma; is tied up, the, dog.
goes to sleep alongside her, and. kisses
her, and the puma responds with a
short, sharp bark of greeting; The.
puma follows her plaster through the
streets, of the town, but has torn to
pieces' several, strange dogs when.unac-
conapauiedeby her friend Bruce. •'
Mr. Wittich believes that this is• the
only -puma known to be in captivity and
comparatively tames. In training her
be has chiefly used the whip, •Her
memory is; short, and three- weeks' In-
termission of tile," performance uecesst-
rdatkSn ..,,,...^.�• ;?tti a training *mc't. troubte.
Scuttling a Ship.
Inquiring .Boy—Pa, tvitat do sailors
mean by Scuttling a ship?
Pa .(worried over family expenses)—
xpenses)-T1tey mean, my son, that they put a•big
hole in it like the 'one- which Bridget's
nc9,ttle has made in that last ton of coal.
-New York Weekly. ,
:reeding the Chickens Uy Clockwork.
Fred Leach, of .Ansonia, bas.some fine
poultry, and 'he believes in feeding them
as regularly as he 'eats his. sen meals.
Ile is unable to be at home at niglit be-
fore 'the chickens go to roost, and in
order that they may be fed without fail
he has rigged up au apparatus which
works like acharm, The usual quantity
of corn is .placed in a tin, can, which is
suspended from a string and weighted.
An alarfll clock in the outer coop.releases
the string at a certain hour, the can
terns bottom side up and the Corn is
scattered. There are foot coops and
-each has its can,,all Working atthe sanne
titno.--New IThAn Palladium,
• very 1f Igfd.'
"Been having trouble?" asked ono
,traveling luau of another.
"Girl gone back on you?°
"No. but her father hes."
"Dismissed you in a summary manner.
"No, In a 'wintry manner,e-410-
bfilflit Traveler..
The rtignlar meeting' of.the Presby,
tory of 'Huron • was held. in the Presby
t.lrisn Church, Seaforti, On Tuesday,
the '91st itastant'. 'Mr.. Acheson, of
Kipper, was Pleated Moderator for the
ensuing six months. The report of
the committee on t14e State of Religion
was presented by Mr. .Musgrove,
recommending that a conference . on
the state of religion be • held' at an
evening srdtarunt of the Presbytery, at
its next nieetinga, at which eert,ein
defined r'eonnnendation of the As-
sembly's committee' be made the sub-
ject of cirnferenee, and that said rtetote-
reendations he spoken to by Dr. -Urea,
and i1!l essrs Ramsay; Simpson . • end
Renders'lu, The next. 'Meeting. will
'UP held on the :second° Tnosday' of
Delmore Cheese a>:d butter Co. -
The undersigned hereby give public notice, that.
wader provisions of Letters Patent,. a Special Qeneral
meeting of tate Belmoto Cheese and Butter Coenpany
will behold In the Temperance flall, Bolmore, on
Wedoesday,.l2tb February, I;SNO,• at 1 o'elopk p. m.,
for the purpose • electing Directors for the current
year, and tra toting 'such other bush's the In-,
tweets of 81 Uompany may require
12ETER rarntiFE, Director.
nuoni LOWERY,Director.
ii In re; January 30th, 189.0.
(\ tiFttS iVILL DE. Rl8cEivED nv THE UNDER -
signed asaibnod etthe Estate 01 ThoO*, Plunk-
ett tar the purchase ot'the East half Lot number 41
iu the inn cc ncession • of the. Township of East
Wawano,li in the County of Huron, corttainingone
hundred acres, more or less.
Thepropertyisabout 2 miles from the Town of
Win,rham, SO acres cleared, well watered by wells
and flowing spring,•es,Jall wheat, 18 acres seed-
ltllnes on them en}ises,
ed down, with excellent
For ternrs.,nd pestle erre,, apply to
Solinitor or Estate: Assign°.
7'bere ise so r sale by said assignee a good self
Uindor helauq' ,g, to the said estate.
Wmnghaw, stlJen„1590,
J-,3eph i; Willgllarn, Ont.
J. A. YI it aTen, .
1'3l0u0t Forest.
J, W.: SiiVTT,.
Deposita Received and. Interest
I,.rnney Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
On lona or short time, en endorsed notes
or u.,llat,•ta) security. Sale notes 'loughs
,at w frim vniuntaon. Money remitted to a'l
hurts tit Cana da. at reasonable chat'ges.
Speeie,l Attention. Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
Agents ?a C=anada- '1'he IlZet•ohats` Bans:
of Canasi.a.
circ to.. -1 rotn 9 a. in. to 6 p. err.
..._ __. Arent.
Farm. for Sale.
nd Mint J:av D It
Therefore they have decided to
eaayninad e Clothing,
Hats Capst and Q31133 Farniing ,
'Boots, Shoes, Overshoes and Rubbers.
Also a Splendid' Assortment of •
--AT— -
rete ,w 1.velbo•.,trers fol 5ale111e Harm. be41r+east
half 1.t,t :r.; tion rii', Tat •tieas, tu}ato11,(t l SO sere•.
rn t' er re+. T ru •are .et•en Aares in fall wheat
,,tt 1 G9 a. 1o., ,1 clearest 1s seeded ttown. On the
urn Milo+ 1 , Zoo 1 8 -arae barn and 15 log house, NM
sod Ams,r o,chard, 'th^•farm is splendidly lo•
te,-+dr+t,r,ly throe miler from the flourishing
f r,f camt"or further part#r•ulars, al.ptg
1.D.ti.n MI'TCH'ELL, near the tam, 'a tog.
r . 4 fifties, or to the proprietor.
:VM MITC11F.t.1.
Goodts, Cass Co., la ortll baton.,
Our friends will "miller a great favor upon us by .settling their Notes
and: Accounts duh',I,e the month of December.
MOA , ET.,
Cream Cans,,
Sap Buckets
and Milk Pans,
And f v ythi g. a:410. 'lig ::l is . !Jai.
RethgV,51, ai P�rp1y dcra•
test- `'.€�tt..
ns b6?'V s ! JS9 n*ayster
Fresh, and gotten . up in ..Every tyle.
The most eomt,p1Nte.stuck in the county. Pure Creams a speoiratty. Cut •
and see 'tetae.
ELL'S •BIT M REZ F �ot17fRAtra,�rtw